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by Daniel Kurtz-Phelan

  197–198 vied for position Westad, Decisive, 149; “we take it away from them” JM to Hellman, 18 November 1945, JM Papers 36, HSTL; “disregard of truth” Tuchman, Stilwell, 514.

  198 political factors FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1424.

  198 “We all want peace” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1424; “exorbitant” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 340; formula for success Taylor, Generalissimo, 100.

  198 “means of educating” Ronald Keith, The Diplomacy of Zhou Enlai, 31; public calls for a peaceful solution New York Times 26 May 1946.

  198 pleasant spring day JM to Hellman, 24 May 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL; seemed within reach GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 23 May 1946, Marshall Mission Records 20, NARA; improved attitudes in the field FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 893.

  199 Marshall set into a tirade Beal, Marshall, 58.

  199 thought about halting Tanner, Battle, 166; “a truce” Tanner, Battle, 170; changed his mind Taylor, Generalissimo, 352; “protection of God” Tanner, Battle, 171; “shows no regard” Qin, Chronicles, Vol. 6.1, 2702.

  200 Zhou had requested permission Westad, Decisive, 41; Mao even instructed Tanner, Battle, 159; Americans immediately noticed Robertson to GCM, 1 June 1946, GCM Papers 123/35.

  200 relinquish momentum Levine, “A New Look,” 367.

  200 “middle of a fight” Papers Vol. 5, 571.

  200 stated desire for peace Madame CKS to GCM, 24 May 1946, Marshall Mission Records 5, NARA; “It is best if the mediation” Tanner, Battle, 171.

  200–201 Communication between him and Marshall FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 993; “continued advances” GCM to Soong, 29 May 1946, Marshall Mission Records 5, NARA; “integrity of my position” Papers Vol. 5, 577.

  201 take another plane GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 3 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA; give up Wehrle in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 19; Marshall did not say JM to Hellman, 31 May 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL; “such a conflict” GCM Memorial Day remarks, 30 May 1946, GCM Papers 123/17, GCMRL.

  201 “turning point in history” GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 30 May 1946, Marshall Mission Records 20, NARA; talk all day GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 3 June, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA; as a friend Papers Vol. 5, 573; “total war” GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 30 May 1946, Marshall Mission Records 20, NARA; “bright side,” “gloomy side” Papers Vol. 5, 573.

  202 “aggressive action,” “foolishly idealistic” GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 3 June, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA.

  202 “The boss man is beginning to get the idea” JM to Hellman, 3 June 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL.

  202 “other U.S. circles” JM to Hellman, 3 June 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL.

  202 “My endurance” CKS diary, 31 May 1946, Hoover.

  202–203 “force a truce” Jeans, Marshall Mission, 253; Chiang anxious Taylor, Generalissimo, 353; right foot Marshall interviews, 607; shaved head Beal, Marshall, 81.

  203 Chiang had made his decision Tanner, Battle, 188; recognized the prudence CKS diary, 20 April 1946, Hoover, and Taylor, Generalissimo, 354; a Soviet response Summary of telegrams, 29 November 1946, Naval Aide Files 22/3, HST Papers, HSTL; position of strength Tanner, Battle, 188.

  203 “temporary advantage” GCM to AW, 1 June 1946, GCM Papers 124/31, GCMRL; “crushing blow” Tanner, Battle, 179; “killed and wounded” Tanner, Battle, 180; “voluntary” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 975.

  203 “not to fail” Tanner, Battle, 188.

  203 Chaing rejected it CKS diary, 5 June 1946, Hoover.

  204 Chiang drafting order CKS diary, 6 June 1946, Hoover.

  204 letter for Marshall CKS to GCM, 6 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 2, NARA.

  204 “final effort at doing business” Papers Vol. 5, 578.

  10. Umpire on a Battlefield

  205 last chance GCM to Patterson, 19 June 1946, GCM Papers 123/30, GCMRL; “China’s destiny” Jeans, Marshall Mission, 253; “little breather” JM to Hellman, 7 June 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL.

  205 “an opportunity to demonstrate in good faith” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 982.

  205 “the persistence” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 983; “no opportunity for the realization of peace” New York Times 7 June 1946; “amicable atmosphere” GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 6 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA.

  206 Marshall was ready GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 6 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA.

  206 box of candy GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 10 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA; half a million troops New York Times 8 June 1946.

  206 “Marshall’s efforts to mediate” Zhang in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 225; winking support Tanner, Battle, 153; Mao resolved not to be fooled He, “Most respected,” 147.

  207 “relaxing tensions” Niu, From Yan’an, 282; “We cannot again harbor illusions” Tanner, Battle, 168.

  207 hinder pursuit Lew, Third Chinese, 42; keep Harbin Chang, Mao, 306.

  207–208 Yet losing Harbin Levine, Anvil, 130; Nationalist lines stretched thinner and thinner Sheng, Battling, 141; “If we fight now” Liu, Partnership, 291; a film about Napoleon’s defeat Tanner, Battle, 197.

  208 Chiang was maneuvering to confine CCP troops Lew, Third Chinese, 40.

  208 “While our delegates are negotiating” Sheng, Battling, 142.

  208 madhouse Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 142; hot and sticky summer JM to Hellman, 7 June 1946 and 10 June 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL; “all other groups” Melby, Mandate, 164.

  208 Hoping Stuart might be able to persuade FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1023.

  209 recommendation of both Chiang John Leighton Stuart, Fifty Years in China, 163; and Henry Luce Herzstein in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 133; “Jesus Loves Me” Stuart, Fifty Years, 17; China’s Harvard Topping, Journey, 19; He had championed Yu-Ming Shaw, An American Missionary in China, 104; “proving a credit to their training” Stuart, Fifty Years, 155; “man most opposed” Papers Vol. 5, 634.

  209 “I have had long experience” New York Times 17 June 1946; eighteen years FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1046; “easily be destroyed” Melby, Mandate, 161; Pennsylvania coal mine FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1046; smooth skinned Beal, Marshall, 72; polite JM to Hellman, 4 February 1947, JM Papers 36, HSTL; “ruthless elimination” Analysis of KMT, AW Papers 87/6, Hoover; loyalty to Chiang Boorman, Biographical Dictionary, Vol. 1, 206.

  209 Soviet diplomats lambasted U.S. aggression Papers Vol. 5, 600, and Beal, Marshall, 84; “Chinese reactionaries” New York Times 8 June 1946; “imperialistic elements” New York Times 10 June 1946.

  210 “just as I had brought the two sides” GCM to Carter, 10 June 1946, GCM Papers 122/9, GCMRL; “to arouse United States opposition” Papers Vol. 5, 590.

  210 railway lines History of the Executive Headquarters, Alvan Gillem Papers, MHI; attacks so aggressive New York Times 14 June 1946; “impertinent actions” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1024; routes between Manchuria FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 867.

  210 “reasonable pause” Papers Vol. 5, 590; “definite proposals” GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 10 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA.

  211 sabotage of railways GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 12 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA; progress on their own FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1004.

  211 more grueling, “war days” GCM to Eisenhower, 11 June 1946, GCM Papers 122/32, GCMRL; “hell of a problem” Papers Vol. 5, 586.

  211 Katherine dysentery and letter Papers Vol. 5, 589.

  211 rain, steam bath JM to Hellman, 17 June 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL; While Marshall and Zhou JHC to Byroade, JHC Papers 1/1, GCMRL; “race for time” JHC to Betty Caughey, 17 June 1946, JHC Papers 2/9, GCMRL.

  211–212 on edge JHC to Betty Caughey, 17 June 1946, JHC Papers 2/9, GCMRL; “Under the present rule” Papers Vol. 5, 583; “for a long time” GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 10 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA; notebook A memoir from one of Zhou’s aides later said that the notebook had included information about CCP secret agents, and that while Zhou had feared Marshall would pass the information to the Nationalists, there was no evidence he ever had. See Yu, OSS, 254; “trusted Marshall” Time 17 June 1946.

/>   212 Chiang thought CKS diary, 14 June 1946, Hoover; “Marshall’s attitude” CKS diary, 15 June 1946, Hoover; Marshall knew immediately Beal, Marshall, 84.

  212 “We have reached an impasse” Papers Vol. 5, 599; said as much to Chiang FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1043.

  213 dismissed Communist proposals Beal, Marshall, 81; Zhou reported, message to his cadres He in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 195.

  213 Caughey started sending warnings JHC to Betty Caughey, 18 June 1946, JHC Papers 2/9, GCMRL.

  213 “destroy China” GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 21 May 1946, Marshall Mission Records 20, NARA.

  213 “loss of China” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 878; war would begin GCM to Carter, 16 June 1946, White House Confidential File 38/1, HST Papers, HSTL.

  214 “a walking nightmare” JM to Hellman, 21 June 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL.

  214 Marshall-Yu FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1105.

  214 Marshall-Stuart FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1108–1109.

  214 “impossible” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1088.

  214–215 “final effort” GCM to Patterson, 19 June 1946, GCM Papers 123/30, GCMRL; Chiang had spent three hours CKS diary, 20 June 1946, Hoover.

  215 “chance of success” GCM to HST, 20 June 1946, Secretary’s Files 160/10, HST Papers, HSTL.

  215 Marshall-Zhou FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1129–1131.

  215 “last effort” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1129; “walking through a cloud” JM to Hellman, 24 June 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL.

  216 Marshall had come to accept GCM-Yu meeting notes, 14 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA.

  216 inability of each side to understand FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1129–1131.

  216 “Hanging in the hazy atmosphere” JHC to Betty Caughey, 23 June 1946, JHC Papers 2/9, GCMRL; doodling Jeans, Marshall Mission, 254; particularly ineffective FRUS 1946 Vol. 10, 185; “We are not making” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1173.

  217 Chiangs’ for dinner JHC to Betty Caughey, 23 June 1946, JHC Papers 2/9, GCMRL; “We are getting along” CKS diary, 22 June 1946, Hoover.

  217 Caughey took the call JHC to Betty Caughey, 27 June 1946, JHC Papers 2/9, GCMRL.

  217 crowd of 100,000 Qing, From Allies, 88; “Home Sweet Home” New York Times 24 June 1946; “Your Civil War” Shanghai National Peace Movement pamphlet, 22 June 1946, Alvan Gillem Papers, MHI.

  217 It ripped the signs and streamers Lutze, China’s, 49.

  217 “merciless” New York Times 24 June 1946; after midnight JHC to Betty Caughey, 27 June 1946, JHC Papers 2/9, GCMRL; members of the peace delegation New York Times 24 June 1946; Even many Nationalists expressed dismay Beal, Marshall, 93.

  217–218 indignant Beal, Marshall, 95; When he raised the incident Marshall interviews, 575.

  218 “I believe that the passage” Papers Vol. 5, 598; discounted planes Papers Vol. 5, 562; ammunition Papers Vol. 5, 566.

  218 Marshall note to Truman GCM to HST, 26 June 1946, Secretary’s Files 160/10, HST Papers, HSTL.

  219 Acheson issued a statement Acheson press conference transcript, 28 June 1946, Secretary’s Files 151/9, HST Papers, HSTL.

  219 key matters GCM to HST, 26 June 1946, Secretary’s Files 160/10, HST Papers, HSTL; Zhou reacted GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 29 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA; at a loss Papers Vol. 5, 609.

  219 heat, Cholera JM to Hellman, 24 June 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL; Chen Li-fu Beal, Marshall, 88.

  219 Marshall found the two sides “irreconcilably opposed” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1213.

  220 give up any ground FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1038; ideological divide GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 29 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA.

  220 “negotiations are drawing” Sheng, Battling, 142; “a smokescreen” Hunt, Genesis, 170; Emancipation Daily New York Times 29 June 1946.

  220 staff working late into the night Jeans, Marshall Mission, 255; “He is terrified” Qin, Chronicles, Vol. 6.1, 2947.

  220 Chiang’s office Personal visit, and Beal, Marshall, 230.

  221 benefits of flexibility Beal, Marshall, 96; “judged by the world,” “umpire on a battlefield” GCM-CKS meeting notes, 29 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA.

  221 “I can tell from his voice” CKS diary, 29 June 1946, Hoover.

  221 his side’s infractions FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1260; provoke the Nationalists Beal, Marshall, 109; “Communist military supremacy” Summary of telegrams, 21 June 1946, Naval Aide Files 22/2, HST Papers, HSTL; “tragic dilemma” Papers Vol. 5, 613.

  222 bitterness Jeans, Marshall Mission, 255; “all the concessions” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1259; “unrelenting” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1250; “undemocratic government” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1256.

  222 “Is that all” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1259.

  222 note of defeat Papers Vol. 5, 613.

  222 Marshall-Chiang GCM-CKS meeting notes, 30 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 20, NARA.

  223 “stern and straight” CKS diary, 30 June 1946, Hoover; join him for a picnic JHC to Betty Caughey, 29/30 June 1946, JHC Papers 2/9, GCMRL.

  223 “There is something beneath it all” JHC to Betty Caughey, 29 June 1946, JHC Papers 2/9, GCMRL; “If I were the Gimo” JM to Hellman, 21 June 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL.

  11. Sisyphus in China

  224 July 4 JM to Hellman, 8 July 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL.

  224 editorialists Chicago Tribune 4 July 1946; Walter Judd Chicago Tribune 6 January 1947.

  224–225 guerrilla warfare Marshall interviews, 126; toll of long occupation Marshall interviews, 140; “most honorable episodes” FRUS 1946 Vol. 10, 372.

  225 “ideals of democracy” Chicago Tribune 5 July 1946; “lost his arrogance” CKS diary, 30 June 1946, Hoover; “He has perhaps realized” CKS diary, 3 July 1946, Hoover.

  225 “chummy as a couple of college girls” Hickey to McCarthy, 17 October 1946, Frank McCarthy Papers 30/6, GCMRL; “Madame Chiang is here” KTM to GCM, JHC Papers 1/8, GCMRL; Marshall laughed, Zhou stopped JHC to Betty Caughey, 25 July 1946, JHC Papers 2/10, GCMRL.

  225 did not know Leahy to HST, 26 July 1946, Naval Aide Files 22/2, HST Papers, HSTL, and New York Times 1 July 1946; “General Marshall worked incessantly” Washington Post 1 July 1946.

  226 he was not surprised when news of clashes GCM to Acheson, 5 July 1946, AW Papers 82/23, Hoover; rumors that ex-Nazis South China Morning Post 2 July 1946.

  226 “Each side accuses” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1317; “defensive annihilation” ­Gillem journal notes, 14 November 1946, Alvan Gillem Papers, MHI; He was unsure FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1275; “both sides” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1306; ­Chiang’s promise not to strike first Papers Vol. 5, 615.

  226 “I am so closely engaged” Papers Vol. 5, 615; The State Department explained that FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1296.

  226 a moment for him to stand aside FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1283.

  226 “lap of the Gods” Papers Vol. 5, 618.

  226–227 “American imperialism is far more dangerous” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1313; “Philippine pattern” CCP Central Committee Manifesto, 7 July 1946, JM Papers 1, HSTL.

  227 To Chiang CKS diary, 9 July 1946, Hoover; make Marshall see the right path CKS diary, 16 July 1946, Hoover; the Nationalists were taking every opportunity Westad, Decisive, 45; “As if the Soviets played” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1294.

  227 In the field, Chinese truce team members FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1355; In Shanghai, American troops were instructed Chicago Tribune 5 July 1946.

  227 military was devising contingency plans Leahy to HST, 26 July 1946, Naval Aide Files 22/2, HST Papers, HSTL; joint chiefs were compiling a report Schnabel, Joint Chiefs, 50; American-China Policy Association Washington Post 26 July 1946; Kennan Draft of Information Policy on Relations with Russia, 22 July 1946, Dean Acheson Papers 27/4, HSTL.

  228 Copies of the major magazines JM to Hellman, 3 February 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL; “great threat to the United States” Papers Vol. 5, 617.

  228 “manpower available to such a combination” Millis, Forrestal Diaries, 108; “road of appeasement” Millis, Forrestal Diaries, 141.

  228 “period of w
ithdrawal” Millis, Forrestal Diaries, 174.

  229 thought Marshall too intent Millis, Forrestal Diaries, 188; “very much like ourselves” Millis, Forrestal Diaries, 176; “an invitation to some other power” Millis, Forrestal Diaries, 190.

  229 other official visitors GCM to Chamberlin, 6 July 1946, GCM Papers 17/21; “every VIP” Caraway to Carr, 1 February 1946, Paul Caraway Papers, MHI; “after dark entertainment” Gillem to Handy, 12 August 1946, Alvan Gillem Papers, MHI; “I am ashamed” JHC to Betty Caughey, 8 September 1946, JHC Papers 2/10, GCMRL; Republican sweep Beal, Marshall, 116.

  229 another round of rumors FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1277, and Jeans, Marshall Mission, 255.

  229–230 all over the papers Washington Post 5 May 1946; how pleased he would be by the appointment Papers Vol. 5, 461; a special trip to Brooks Brothers AW to Caraway, 24 October 1946, Paul Caraway Papers, MHI; “General Marshall” AW to McClure, 12 April 1946, AW Papers 82/18, Hoover.

  230 the rumors were unhelpful GCM to Acheson, 5 July 1946, AW Papers 82/23, Hoover; mid-September Papers Vol. 5, 628.

  230 “no record” Shepley to HST, 26 February 1946, GCM Papers 124/28, GCMRL; inflame Communist AW to GCM, 29 May 1946, GCM Papers 124, GCMRL; embolden Nationalist hard-liners Papers Vol. 5, 572.

  230 “I am increasingly convinced” AW to Luce, 2 July 1946, AW Papers 82/14, Hoover; “serious failure” AW to McClure, 12 April 1946, AW Papers 82/18, Hoover.

  230 letter to Acheson GCM to Acheson, 5 July 1946, AW Papers 82/23, Hoover.

  231 “Christ-like” Topping, Journey, 19; Chiang’s personal secretary GCM to HST, 22 July 1946, Secretary’s Files 160/10, HST Papers, HSTL; Zhou’s young aides Beal, Marshall, 216; “patriotic purpose” Stuart, Fifty Years, 120; “Christian faith” Shaw, American, 140; “talk to the Generalissimo” Melby, Mandate, 166; “devious as any Chinese” May, Truman, 13.

  231 allowed that Wedemeyer Papers Vol. 5, 572; “possible insinuations” Papers Vol. 5, 628; “I do not need his assurances” Papers Vol. 5, 628.

  231 Wedemeyer had long claimed AW to JHC, 1 May 1946, JHC Papers 1/9, GCMRL, and AW to McClure, 1 July 1946, AW Papers 82/18, Hoover; he wrote Marshall AW to GCM, 12 July 1946, GCM Papers 124, GCMRL.


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