Once a Mistress

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Once a Mistress Page 14

by Debra Mullins

  He must have been staring, because she reached out to trail her fingers down his chest, over his navel, and beyond. “What about you?”

  His control broke when her fingers grazed his straining erection. “Diana…”

  “Yes?” She watched him with half-closed eyes, wonder and sensuality curving her lips, as she touched him with unsubtle curiosity.

  “God’s teeth,” he hissed. “You’re making this impossible.”

  She popped open the buttons of his breeches one at a time. He raised an eyebrow at her deftness, and she giggled. “I wore breeches for two days, remember?”

  “I do.” He helped her peel them from his body. “I cursed them many a time.”

  As he tossed the garment to the floor, she looked down and gasped. He grinned at her expression, and she blushed. Silently, he took her hand and guided it to him.

  Her face took on a speculative expression as she began to caress him. Her inexperienced touch aroused him more than the most practiced courtesan, and nearly brought him to climax. He managed to hold back. Taking her hand, he placed it on his shoulder, out of harm’s way. He took her mouth in an open-mouthed kiss that left them both breathless.

  Her whimper of satisfaction dissolved into a moan as he slipped his hand between her legs. She arched against him, her fingers digging into the muscles of his shoulders. Groaning with the knowledge that she was indeed ready for him, he tumbled her on to her back, never breaking the contact. Lifting her hips, he entered her with one smooth motion. She made a small sound of pain as the proof of her virginity gave way. He paused, savoring that first, desperately sought, contact. After a moment she moved her hips. He groaned and closed his eyes. She felt so good. He pulled her legs tightly around his waist and set an easy rhythm, reveling in the feel of her warm acceptance.

  “Alex,” Diana whispered, her head falling back. She said his name again and again, a litany of passion. Each time he heard it, he wanted to drive her higher, make the climax better. He opened his eyes, saw her beautiful breasts inches from his face. He hadn’t kissed them, he realized. There hadn’t been time. He dipped his head down and caught one pebbled nipple in his mouth, sucking strongly.

  “Oh God,” Diana gasped.

  She convulsed around him, shuddering, calling his name. He was right behind her, her own release triggering his, falling over the edge in a powerful rush of pleasure.

  They clung, drained, limbs heavy, with the realization that everything they had ever known, had just changed forever.

  Chapter Twelve

  Besosa loomed on the horizon, barely a shadow in the afternoon sun. Alex smiled with satisfaction from the quarterdeck. Home.

  A familiar laugh made him turn his head. Down in the waist Diana attempted to handle strong hemp ropes used for the sails. A lad with barely enough facial hair to shave showed her how to tie the various knots used to rig the ship. Each time she fumbled, she laughed, the light-hearted sound carrying across the deck like music. The lad watched her with a look of bedazzlement. Alex was sure that if he checked his own mirror, he would see a similar expression.

  He smiled and stretched, turning his face up to the afternoon sun. He was as content as a cat sleeping before a fire, and had felt so ever since he had awakened early that morning. He was starting to believe that he had indeed been resurrected.

  Until he met Diana, he had not realized how submerged he had become in revenge. It was good to know he could still experience the softer feelings, that he was not becoming El Moreno as he had feared.

  That he had a future beyond Marcus’s death.

  He leaned back against the rail and watched Diana. A second smile curved his lips. She had obviously not been exaggerating when she indicated that she loved life at sea. He only wondered what she would think when she discovered that she was to live the conventional life of a countess, and not the adventurous life of a pirate’s mistress.

  He had made love to her last night with the full knowledge that they would wed. Now that he had made the decision, he could see the logic in it. Diana was of good family, yet she wasn’t a dull, meek miss as was common for her age. She was definitely an unusual woman, passionate and loyal. With Diana as his countess, he knew his life would never be boring.

  “Well now. Ye’re lookin’ pleased wi’ yerself.”

  Alex grinned at Birk as the physician lingered on the ladder leading up to the deck. “I am.”

  Birk chuckled and took the last few rungs with ease. “At least there willna be a mutiny because o’ yer foul humor. I can lay ma fears tae rest.”

  Alex said nothing, his attention caught by the way the sun played on Diana’s hair. She looked up and caught him watching her. A slow, sweet smile spread across her lips. Alex felt his body react immediately.

  Birk noticed his preoccupation and laughed. “She’s a fine woman, ma friend. I’m pleased for ye.” He ruffled his shaggy hair with both hands and turned his face into the wind. “Aye, I slept fair well wi’out yer rummlin and whummlin on ma floor. Now that thon lassie kens yer secrets, perhaps ye’ll keep her awake o’ nights.”

  “She knows nothing.”

  “What?” Birk stared at him. “Are ye daft, man? Ye canna take a woman like that tae yer bed and still keep secrets from her. She’ll skin ye alive when she finds out what ye’ve hidden, as sure as I’m standin’ here.”

  Alex grew solemn. “It’s for her own good. I’ll tell her, Birk. Just not until this masquerade is done.”

  “Bloody hell.” Birk rubbed a hand over his face. “She winna ken it’s for her own good, Alex. She’ll think ye dinna trust her.” He shuddered. “Women always think that.”

  “It has to be this way.” Alex watched Diana enchant Mr. James with her smile as the men broke open a barrel of rum. “Thank God Marcus doesn’t associate El Moreno with the Earl of Rothstone. It has kept my mother safe. And ignorance will serve to protect Diana as well. God forbid Marcus should get his hands on her again…but if he does, then the less she knows, the better. It could save her life, Birk.”

  “Ye’re playin’ wi’ fire, man.”

  “I swear I will tell her the whole of it once Marcus is in Morgan’s hands. Until then I will leave her on Besosa so she will be safe. I will tend to Marcus, and when I return I will explain everything.” He grinned at Birk. “I hope you have suitable clothing to wear to my wedding, my friend.”

  “So ye’ve come tae yer senses at last! It took ye long enough.” Birk clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Will ye be married in Port Royal?”

  “I rather fancy wedding Diana at home, on Besosa.”

  “Hmmm.” Birk scratched his chin. “And were ye thinkin’ tae invite Rosana as well?”

  “Blast it all. I forgot about her.” Alex frowned, considering the unpleasant notion of his hot-tempered Spanish mistress meeting up with his fiery bride-to-be. “I will deal with Rosana. Until then, you will be keeping Diana out of sight.”

  “A wise move, Alex.”

  “Stay with her, Birk. I’ll secure a room at the tavern.”

  “Yer no bringin’ her tae stay wi’ yer mother?”

  “Oh, I am indeed. However, I believe I should speak to her first.” He smiled. “Besides, my mother should be prepared for Diana.”

  “If I had a bottle, I would salute yer clear thinkin’, man.”

  “Clear thinking my arse, Birk. I would survive to see my wedding night is all.”

  The two men burst into laughter.

  Diana dipped the cloth in the basin of water and dabbed at her neck and upper chest. It had been so hot up on deck, and she had been sitting in the Caribbean sun for too long. She closed her eyes, enjoying the relief the cool water brought to her over-warm skin. Lifting her hair aside, she dipped the cloth in the basin again and ran it along the back of her neck.

  Strong masculine fingers covered both of hers on the cloth and closed over her shoulder to steady her. She let out a soft gasp, then relaxed as lips she knew well brushed her nape. She released the cloth to him and d
ropped her hand to her side as he continued to smooth it over her shoulder, his mouth following the damp trail of the cloth.

  “Alex,” she whispered, as he placed nibbling kisses along her collarbone.

  “It had better not be anyone else,” he murmured.

  She inhaled sharply as familiar stirrings awakened in her body, bringing memories of the pleasures discovered the night before. “What are you doing?”

  “You know what I’m doing.” His breath swept over her throat as he nuzzled her neck.

  She did know. She leaned back against him, very conscious of the bed only a few feet away. He dropped the cloth and slid his hand around her waist.

  “Isn’t it early for this?” she asked, her pulse racing.

  He chuckled. “You don’t like it?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “I can see there are some ways in which you are still innocent, my sweet.” Alex turned her around to face him, a teasing grin on his face. “One can make love before the sun sets, you know.”

  She blushed. He threw back his head and laughed, then hugged her tightly. “Don’t laugh at me,” she muttered into his shirt.

  “I laugh with delight.” He kissed the top of her head. “Unfortunately, there is no time to advance your education. We have arrived at Besosa.”

  “Your home.”

  “Yes. I think you will like it here.”

  “I’m sure I will.” She nuzzled her face into his chest. “Though we will not be here for very long. You said it should only take a day or so to repair the ship.”

  “Yes.” He pulled back and looked down at her, his dark eyes solemn. “But you will have plenty of time to come to love my home as I do, Diana. You will be staying here while I go find Marcus.”

  “What?” She jerked out of his arms. “You are leaving me behind?”

  “Just until I capture Marcus.”

  “I will do no such thing!” Panic streaked through her. “I’m coming with you.”

  “I cannot allow that.” He took her shoulders in his hands, but she stepped away from his touch.

  “You cannot allow that?” Propping her hands on her hips, she glared at him even as her heart pounded with fear. “You have no right to order me about.”

  He clenched his jaw. “Oh, but I do. I am captain of this ship, and commander of all aboard…including you.”

  Her temper simmered like the fuse on a cannon. “And last night meant nothing to you?”

  “Last night has nothing to do with this. I am trying to protect you, Diana.”

  “I am not a child who needs to be hidden away while you put yourself in danger.” She tilted her chin. “If you go, then I go.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” He crossed his arms and glared at her with what she privately thought of as his ‘captain’ expression. “You asked me to help your father. Very well, I intend to do so. But I need to know that you are safe, or else I will not be able to do what must be done.”

  “I am safest with you,” she retorted.

  “Not while I am chasing Marcus. You will stay on Besosa. My decision is final.”

  Tears stung her eyes. She blinked them back. “You cannot make me stay behind, Alex. Not unless it is by force.”

  “If that is how it needs to be.” His expression remained unyielding.

  “You would make me a prisoner? After last night?”

  “Damn last night, woman! I will not risk your life!”

  “But you will risk yours.” She smiled bitterly. “I thought we had reached an understanding. I see I was wrong.”

  “Diana…” He took a step toward her, but she turned her back on him.

  “You don’t trust me, Alex. You treat me like a child.”

  “Bloody hell,” he muttered. “Diana, I care about you. I am simply trying to keep you safe.”

  She cast him a baleful look over her shoulder. “You care about me so much that you leave me to worry while you risk your own neck. If you had any respect for me, Alex, you would allow me to make the choice myself.”

  “I’m sorry.” The regret in his voice pierced her more than his toplofty commands had done. “I cannot do that. If I must bind you like a prisoner to see you safe, then so be it.”

  He turned and went to the door, then paused with his hand on the latch. “I have matters to see to ashore. Birk will be your guardian until I return.”

  “You mean my jailer,” she corrected.

  He sighed. “As you wish.” He left the cabin, closing the door very quietly behind him.

  Diana stared after him. She could not believe that the tender lover of the night before had so easily become the autocratic captain with the rising of the sun. He said he left her behind for safety’s sake. Yet she feared not for her own life but for his.

  She had experienced for herself the terror that was Marcus. She had watched the two men duel, their skills evenly matched. She had even entered the fray when Scroggins sought to stab Alex in the back. If she stayed behind, who would be there for him if such a thing happened again?

  It touched her heart that he was trying to protect her. But she had the horrible feeling that if he left her now, she would never see him alive again.

  A splash reached her ears, then the sounds of voices and laughter. A rhythmic thumping made her frown in puzzlement. Suddenly she knew. The splash…a longboat? Voices, laughter…the thumping sound had to be the rope ladder tossed over the side. They must be going ashore, she thought.

  Urgency seized her. She had to find Alex. She had to convince him to take her with him. Flinging open the door, she hurried to catch him.

  The tiny island sat like a jewel in the crown of the Caribbean. Blue-shadowed mountains rose above green hills. White sandy beaches reflected the melon-colored hues of the setting sun. The water near the shore was so clear that a man could see straight to the bottom. Besosa. Home.

  Alex inhaled the familiar scents of sea and hibiscus as the two crewmen steered the longboat toward the sandy shore. The entire population of Besosa’s only village cheered and called to him as he got out of the boat and helped the men drag the it through the shallow surf and up onto the beach. It was always thus when El Moreno came back to the island, he thought with fondness. He was their hero, their provider. He supplemented their livelihoods with the spoils of his travels.

  He smiled broadly and waved to the people gathered along the beach. They responded with a deafening cheer, and a rush of pleasure surged through him. These were his people, men and women who had lived under the protection of the Rawnsleys since his father had first purchased the island some thirty years ago.

  Alex had been born on Besosa and had spent his boyhood racing with William along the beaches and exploring the lush jungle of the island. Each boy in turn had been sent off to England at the age of seven for a formal education. William had learned of estates and tenants, and Alex had discovered the sea. He had rarely come back to the island after that, first joining His Majesty’s navy and then sailing the world aboard his own ship.

  He had only returned home after Marcus had murdered William.

  The people of Besosa had no idea that El Moreno and the new Earl of Rothstone were the same man. It had been so long since anyone had seen him that no one recognized him as the sun-browned youth who had terrorized the village with his boyish pranks.

  Many believed El Moreno to be a black sheep relative of the Rawnsleys, a cousin or some such relation. Others thought that El Moreno was enamored of la patrona, their lady, the Countess of Rothstone. The rumors flew and grew more outrageous every time he dropped anchor and went up to the great house to pay his respects.

  Alex raised his eyes to the stately manor on the hill. Though the distance was great, he thought he saw someone watching him from one of the windows. She knew he was home, he thought with a smile. She always knew.

  A feminine shout made him jerk his head around. He had just enough time to catch the voluptuous young woman as she threw herself into his arms.

do, you have returned to me at last.” Her husky voice imbued the Spanish word for ‘darling’ with sensual promise. Ebony hair fell like hot silk over his hands clenched at her waist. Soft, rounded breasts pressed against his chest.

  “Rosana.” At a loss, Alex looked down into the hot brown eyes of the woman who had long been his lover.

  She gave him a slow smile that once would have warmed his blood. Slyly, she insinuated one slender thigh between his legs. “So you remember me, Moreno.”

  He shifted so that she no longer pressed against his loins. “How could I forget?”

  She frowned at his retreat and sinuously slid her arms around his neck. “To a man like you, I am just a woman.” Her ruby lips pursed in a provocative pout.

  “Never ‘just’ a woman, Rosana.” With his hands on her waist, he managed to put a few inches between them. “I need to speak to you. Soon.”

  “Of course, querido.” She eyed him like a starving woman at a feast. “Rosana is always here when you want her.” Suddenly she pulled his head down to hers and kissed him intimately.

  The crowd roared and men laughed even as Alex tried to free himself from her embrace. They had been lovers for months, and she knew exactly what to do to arouse him. Yet he felt nothing.

  He broke the kiss finally and saw the confusion flicker across her face. “We have to talk,” he insisted. “Meet me at the tavern in an hour.”

  “I will be there.” She trailed a finger across his lips before sauntering away. Alex watched her, then shook his head, glad he had left Diana aboard ship. All hell would have broken loose if she had witnessed Rosana’s antics.

  From the deck of the Vengeance, Diana watched the couple embrace. Shaking from shock, she could not seem to take her eyes from the lovers. And lovers they were. Even she, in her relative innocence, recognized it.

  McBride saw to the lowering of the boat that would take them to the island. Hearing the commotion, he cast a glance ashore and grinned. “It would seem Rosana hasn’t forgotten the captain,” he said to Birk.


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