His Family

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His Family Page 3

by Sheila Kell

  As always, Mary and Henry Jones waited on the doorstep. Finding the right couple to trust to live in the house year-round had been a challenge. When an old friend of his said he was selling his home and didn’t know what to do about his live-in housekeeper and handyman, Blake had hired them on the spot after hearing great things about the couple over the years. While in their early sixties, the two still got around like spring chickens. Blake had given them free reign to hire more help anytime the family was in residence or a big job needed to be done, but they rarely did it. He figured they didn’t want to feel they couldn’t do the job.

  When it did become too taxing on their bodies and minds, he’d retire them and move them to the guest cottage to live out their remaining years if they chose. With several children living around the world, he had no idea if they’d accept the offer or if they’d visit their children and grandchildren. Heck, they could have great-grandchildren by then.

  After exiting the vehicle, he stretched his arms up and leaned back, his muscles thanking him for the relief of the travel-weary strain. He may still work out when he was able, and ate right, but his body wasn’t twenty years old any longer. He sometimes had a hard time remembering that.

  Walking around to the trunk to retrieve the luggage, he inhaled the fresh air and the sweet scent of the many azalea bushes lining the front yard. There were a host of other smell-good plants, but he had no idea what they were called and didn’t even try to figure them out or ask.

  Funny, he never noticed how polluted the air was in D.C. until he came back here to visit. Out of sight, out of mind.

  Elizabeth joined him. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  He stopped in the act of retrieving the luggage and turned to her. His chest tightened, her beauty taking his breath away. Wearing her hair down for a change, with it hanging straight and dropping a few inches below her shoulders, she looked so much younger than her forty-seven years. With her hazel eyes looking at him with joy, his heart swelled with love. Lifting a hand, he settled it behind her head just above the nape of her neck.

  He had to taste her sweet lips. It had been a long day of travel since their direct flight had been canceled. They’d eventually found one, but had to make a connection in Atlanta.

  As if sensing what was about to happen, Elizabeth pulled back hesitantly and with a right to do so. He’d never kissed her publicly before. They’d never let the proverbial cat out of the bag on their relationship. But that damn cat was getting kicked to the curb after this weekend.

  Sensing her confusion, he smiled and winked at her. She scrunched up her face a moment as if trying to determine his game. In the end, she smiled back and relaxed into his hold.

  The closer he got to her lips, the greater his anticipation. In truth, he wanted to grab her and carry her to the room and have his way with her, but he settled for a tender kiss that didn’t even come close to satisfying his craving for her.

  Elizabeth didn’t have the same resolve as he did to keep it light. She kissed him again, her lips soft and warm over his, and her tongue licking the seam of his lips, seeking entrance.

  How could he—a healthy, red-blooded man—deny her this?

  With his hand, he adjusted the angle of her head and joined her in the embrace. Opening his mouth, his tongue darted out to slip past her open wet lips. Their tongues met and danced with an erotic movement that sent blood rushing to his groin.

  Unable to resist the temptation that was Elizabeth, the kiss turned hungry, and when he passed the point of a semierection, he knew he had to quit because he didn’t want to greet the hired help with a raging hard-on. They’d speculate enough over what his bringing her here meant.

  Breaking apart from the love of his life was harder than he’d thought. But with an iron will, he did it. Seeing her cheeks flushed red with desire made him want to kiss her all over again.

  “We, um—” He cleared his throat from the raspiness that had invaded his voice. “We’d best stop now or we’ll end up giving a show to Mr. and Mrs. Jones, and I’m not sure their hearts are up for it.” He grinned, his heart expanding at her laughter.

  They unloaded and each rolled a bag. Craving her touch, he reached out and did something else he hadn’t done before in public—he held her hand. It felt liberating to finally have their relationship out in the open.

  He could only hope she didn’t shut the door on them permanently after he told her everything.

  It had to happen tonight or he’d not rest the entire trip.

  “THAT was an incredible dinner.” Standing on the porch beside Blake, Elizabeth held a hand to her flat stomach. “Mary is an amazing cook. I’m surprised no one has stolen her from you.”

  Blake flashed what had been called his one-thousand-watt smile and winked. “I’m one hell of a boss.”

  Laughing, Elizabeth’s face brightened, reminding him of sunshine. “I have to wonder.” She tapped a finger to her chin and grinned mischievously. “You’re an absentee boss… so is it you as the boss or you not being present they enjoy most?”

  “Ha ha ha,” he said jovially, loving her joking nature. He placed his finger over his heart and pleaded, “How can someone not love me?”

  She burst out laughing. “You’re right. And I do love you.”

  Would she still say that when she learned he’d once tossed aside his vows? “I love you, too.”

  When she turned to him, his heart almost seized at the seriousness of her expression. Had he asked his question out loud?

  “Will you tell me about your children again?” she asked softly. “I’ll admit that I’m nervous meeting them and I don’t want to get them all mixed up. There seems to be so many with wives, a husband, and children in the mix.”

  He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. “They’ll love you and not only because I do, but because you are an amazing and lovable woman.” He prayed they did because he’d hate to see a break in his household. He wouldn’t give her up or stop being in his children’s lives.

  This time, he planned to tell her about his first marriage. She’d never asked about his or he about hers, but he had to tell her and assure her that he would always be true to her. Yes, he’d have to tell her the entire dirty truth. Something he’d kept locked away since the day he was forced to propose to Camilla Rose.

  Putting his hand behind her back, he gently pushed her forward. “Come on. I’ve got a great place for us to watch the sunset.” But he’d tell her before it got dark, so he could see her true emotions on the subject of his past and their future.

  She hesitated then she moved forward. “And you’ll tell me about them?”

  With a firm nod, he continued urging her forward. “I’ll tell you all about them.”

  Seemingly satisfied, she smiled and picked up her step around the patio. Taking three steps down, they landed on a narrow, pebbled path lined with rose bushes of many shades, and continued walking, single file, with Elizabeth in front of Blake. The crunching sound of their steps on the rocks sounded as they made their way to the end of the path and a small sitting area that held several white Adirondack chairs in a circle around a large, round, low to the ground coffee table in a brushed-bronze frame.

  Over the fragrance of the roses, the scent of recently cut grass still filled the air and Blake relaxed as the welcome smell filled his nostrils. There was something about fresh cut grass that rejuvenated him. Henry knew that when Blake visited, he sometimes enjoyed riding the powerful mower around the lawn, gathering his thoughts and clearing his mind all at the same time. Knowing he’d accomplished something constructive while he’d done just that—and seen the fruits of that labor—made sitting there on the piece of lawn equipment worthwhile in his mind. This time, however, Henry had cut the grass in anticipation of Blake and Elizabeth’s visit.

  Curious, he wondered if the handyman knew he wanted to impress Elizabeth. Although when she became his wife, this estate would not belong to them. It’d been Camilla’s dowry when they’d wed s
o long ago. He’d had no idea they still did that crap in modern days, but rich people could sometimes do weird things. He’d only kept it at this point so the entire family would have a retreat whenever they wanted. In the end, the estate would go to Emily. Their only daughter.

  That had been one of the agreements he’d made on Camilla’s death bed. The other had been wrong of her to ask, but he’d agreed. He’d kept the one not to remarry while the kids were old enough to call someone else Mom. The thought of depriving the children a mother figure had nearly killed him, but he hadn’t found anyone he’d wanted to marry—until now.

  Thinking of that made him realize, tonight he would come clean. So he’d worked to set the stage nicely. Mary would bring out a tray of refreshments after they settled in their chairs. Then she’d disappear.

  Elizabeth looked back over her shoulder and slowed her pace. “I feel it trying to cool down already.”

  Although it was August, the weather had cooled enough one could sit outside without sweating to death.

  With it being late evening, the blood-sucking mosquitoes could pose a problem before long. Thankfully, Henry had set out and lit citronella candles on the center table and a few small side tables to help with that problem.

  Blake guided her to a chair that faced away from the house with a view of the lush expanse of green lawn before them. A perfect line of sight to watch the sun descend and change the sky to night.

  “This is wonderful, Blake.”

  After sitting in a chair beside her, he smiled. “It’s a great place to end the day.”

  “Are you going to tell me about your children? The way you keep putting it off is making me worry. Do you think they won’t like me?”

  “There is no doubt in my mind that they’ll love you.”

  “Good. Then tell me. I remember their names. I think.”

  Damn, she was a persistent thing. “I am going to tell you, but I must tell you the story of my first marriage so you will understand about Trent.”

  “Trent?” She scrunched up her face, then shook her head. “I don’t remember his name.”

  He reached over and threaded his fingers through hers on the arm of her chair. “That’s because I haven’t said anything about him. Just do me a favor and listen before you judge.”

  Nervousness laced her voice when she spoke. “Blake, what’s going on? You don’t have to tell me about your first marriage. That’s in the past.”

  Tightening his grip on her hand, he pulled his lips into a grim line. “But you understanding my past is critical.”

  Her brows dipped. “But why?”

  “Just listen, okay?” he pleaded softly.

  She visibly swallowed. “I’ll listen, but you’re scaring me, Blake.”

  “There’s nothing to be scared of.” He tilted his head. “That’s not true. It’s scary for me, because I need for you to know things are different with us.”

  TREMBLING INSIDE, ELIZABETH allowed Blake to continue holding her hand while he spoke. She didn’t understand why he wanted to talk about his first marriage. Lord knew she didn’t want to talk about hers. They didn’t matter to the now and the future. Unless he was going to tell her he was still married, she didn’t care.

  Yet talking of his marriage visibly bothered him, so she’d listen and hope no secret came out that had her wanting to run for the hills. Although there were no hills around here, just a bunch of magnolia trees.

  “I was a senator’s son with promise. I’d interned at the White House while in college. I went to Ole Miss and met Camilla, a local girl who I kept running into at social functions.” He raised his eyebrows. “Elite social functions.” Shrugging, he continued, “We hit it off nicely and started dating. I thought she cared for me, but I learned—too late—” he said bitterly, “that she cared for her future and that alone.”

  Sensing his upset, she offered, “Blake, you don’t have to do this.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Yes, I do. There’s something important in here, and I want you to know the why.”

  Not understanding but nodding, she smiled as best she could, considering she worried about what he planned to reveal.

  “Camilla and I didn’t love each other. Not in the way married people should. Oh, in the beginning she may have loved me like that, or maybe it was just the idea of what I’d become. Anyhow, right out of college, she told me she was pregnant. I was stupid enough and took her word for it. We rushed and got married. Turns out,” he spat, “she wasn’t pregnant.” His voice turned hard as he continued. “She just wanted to ride my coat tails. As a senator’s son, I had a lot of promise in her eyes and her mother had raised her to be a socialite—to marry well. Knowing her mom and the viper she was, it’s possible Camilla targeted me.” He shrugged a shoulder. “But I didn’t know for sure nor did I ask.”

  Her heart broke for him. To be lied to and treated as such. All because of who he was. She prayed he didn’t think that of her. Oh no, was that why he was telling her? Was he testing her? Before she could put something from her thoughts into words, he continued.

  “When we’d married, I’d been ecstatic about being a father. I spoiled her and we made plans. Big plans. Once I found out she’d lied, our marriage took a turn for the worse. She knew I couldn’t divorce if I wanted my political career to be without any dirty secrets. My father had agreed to that and recommended I try to work it out. That’s when I realized he was in a loveless marriage himself. I’d never noticed it before, but it was then I saw they didn’t touch or look at each other unless it was for a career purpose. I didn’t want that for myself, so I vowed I’d love her no matter that she’d lied.”

  Being daring, Elizabeth stood and went to Blake, smiling before she slid onto his lap. He put his arms around her and hugged her tightly. When she leaned her face down to his, he greedily attacked her mouth.

  After kissing her breathless, he broke off and touched a finger to her cheek, sliding it down and sending a delicious shiver traveling through her.

  He dropped his hand and settled it on her thigh. Looking out over the landscape, he grimaced. “Instead of going straight into a political career, I joined the marines. It, of course, didn’t go over well. We had Jesse and Devon. When she had the twins, I called it quits and tried to follow the path my family had created for me. I won a senate seat, and we’d developed an easy camaraderie between us. It wasn’t love, but it worked. Then I caught her cheating. It was like I’d been gut shot. I’d worked so hard to live this life, and she hadn’t cared enough. She’d always coerced me into things for the betterment of my career. What she did could have destroyed it.”

  Running her fingers through his hair, she sighed. “Oh, Blake. That’s terrible. You deserved better.”

  “Believe it not, she tossed me out and threatened divorce and telling everyone I’d cheated all over the place. At that point, I hadn’t cared about my career. I’d been elected, getting reelected was much easier since I had a good record. Then she did the unthinkable; she threatened to keep the kids from me. I was devastated.

  “I moved into the little townhouse I had in D.C. instead of just staying there when I was in town. I didn’t know what to do. I tried to get her to let me move back into our home. Try to work things out, but she was in love with the man she’d been cheating on me with. Or so she said.”

  How could anyone be so cruel to this wonderful man? And to try to keep him from his children. What a bitch. Of course, she wouldn’t say that to him, or his children, whom she guessed didn’t know this about their mother. Thank God Blake was such an honorable man.

  “Here’s where things take a turn. Over the course of the years, I’d developed an attraction to my assistant. I hadn’t acted on it because it wouldn’t have been right, but after that betrayal and threat, and the possible loss of everything I held dear, I found myself in her arms.”

  Elizabeth couldn’t contain her gasp.

  “Lily was sweet and everything Camilla wasn’t. We had a brief, very brief, affair
while Camilla did her ranting and raving. Lily was the one who convinced me that I had to work things out with my wife, for the kids’ sake. So, I did. I got dirty and discredited the man Camilla planned to take up house with so that she wouldn’t have her socialite status like she had with me.”

  He shook his head. “It was wrong, but it got me my children back, so I won’t feel bad about it. I didn’t lie, only allowed the truth of his true business dealings to come to light.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that, Blake. Especially if she planned to make that man your children’s stepfather. He needed to be removed from the picture if he was dirty.”

  “Yeah, well, imagine my surprise when not even a week later, Lily came to me and told me she was pregnant. She thought I should know but also that she’d keep it quiet because she didn’t want to hurt my career. No one would ever know she carried my child, to include the child.

  “I didn’t know how I felt about that, but she was adamant that if I didn’t agree, she’d disappear. So we compromised, and she moved into a cottage on the estate, much to my wife’s spitting and fighting. Not long afterward, Roger McKenzie came from Lily’s past and they got married.”

  She wanted to say “Oh, Blake” again, but felt she should be saying something else. Yet she also needed to process this. He cheated on his wife—while they were separated—and had an illegitimate child he wouldn’t acknowledge. How did she feel about it all?

  He broke his vows no matter what happened. If things got rough with them, would he fall into another woman’s arms? How could she trust him? Internally, she sighed. She just had to trust him. She couldn’t imagine him ever being in the same position, because she wouldn’t cheat on him or kick him out, and she couldn’t refuse to let him see his children. They were grown men and a woman.


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