Finding Kyler (The Kennedy Boys #1)

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Finding Kyler (The Kennedy Boys #1) Page 18

by Siobhan Davis

  “Enough.” He bites a large chunk out of his chicken wrap.

  “I think she means well.”

  He surveys the land spread out below us. The kids look like toddlers on dirt bikes from up here. “I know, but she has no right to say any of that stuff to you. Or to dictate what I should and shouldn’t do with my life. It’s not her decision to make.”

  I take a sip of water. “It’s not that different from what you said earlier, and she wasn’t saying it to you. I don’t understand why you’re so mad.”

  He faces me head-on, and there’s a thunderous look on his face. “I’m sick of people trying to manipulate my life! I thought you understood that.”

  I touch his jean-clad knee. “I do, but this is different. She isn’t out to hurt you; she cares about you.” Perhaps it’s not my place to defend May, and God knows her words hurt me, but this track means so much to Ky. I don’t want him to lose that over me. “Her intervention is coming from the right place, for the right reasons, even if it is a little misguided. Don’t fall out with her over this.”

  The storm fades in his eyes. “I know, but she can’t say those things to you. And she’s got enough on her plate; she shouldn’t be worrying about me.”

  All the cryptic little clues line up perfectly in my brain. “This place is in financial trouble, isn’t it? That’s what you were talking to your dad about that day in his study.”

  He scrunches up his wrapper, fisting it in his hand. “Yeah. It’s going to close unless they get an injection of cash. I didn’t know they were in trouble until recently, and now that bastard won’t help. It’s punishment for forcing his hand on our allowance.”

  I pull my knees up to my chest as I twist around to face him. “What do you mean?”

  He shoots me a sly grin. “Mom is strict with our allowance, but Dad knows I know about his affair, so he’s been slipping all of us more on the side.” His grin fades. “But he refused to help Rick and May out because he’s trying to reassert his authority. Well, he can fuck off now if he thinks I’m backing down.” Determination and spitefulness infiltrates his words.

  Tiny hairs lift on my arms. “What are you planning?”

  “He’s going to fund this track, or I’ll tell Mom everything.”

  I gasp. “You can’t blackmail your father!”

  “Why the hell not?” He pins me with an incredulous look.

  “Because it’s wrong. Your mother should know—I agree on that point—but your father is the one who has to come clean. You can’t use this situation to your advantage. If you do, you’re no better than he is.”

  His eyes darken and this time it’s not with lust. “It wouldn’t be solely to my advantage! Take a look around! See all those kids down there”—he jabs his finger in the direction of the track—“what are they going to do without this place? There isn’t any other facility that provides this type of opportunity for them. The only other track in the vicinity closed down a few years ago due to …” He visibly pales as he scrapes his hands through his hair. “Well, it’s gone, and this is the only place around. Most of those kids come from low-income families who could never afford to indulge their kid’s interest in this sport. It’s an expensive hobby. Part of the reason why Rick and May have run into so much trouble is because they heavily subside the kids program. This isn’t just about me.”

  His impassioned speech speaks volumes, but he’s missing my point. “I understand that, and I’d hate to see this place close, but that doesn’t detract from the situation. You cannot blackmail your father into doing this. You can never come back from that! What kind of relationship will you have with him in future if you do that?”

  He stands up, flexing his hands into fists at his side. “I want nothing to do with that lying, cheating slime ball, so that’s not a concern. If things work out like I’ve planned, then I won’t need his name or his money.” He extends his hand to help me up. “Scouts have expressed interest in me. Once I go pro, I’m walking away, and I’m not coming back.” He pins me with a laser-sharp look. “Not for anyone.”

  He storms down the hill, not even glancing behind his shoulder to see if I’m following. I keep a reasonable distance, trailing quietly behind him.

  Rick tries to talk to Kyler at the warehouse, but he brushes him off and powers up his motorbike. I climb on behind him even though I’d rather be anywhere but here. His back is rigidly stiff underneath me the entire journey back home.

  Once he parks, I slide off the bike and walk into the house without a backward glance.

  I’m pissy as all hell as I throw myself down on my bed. A couple of hours later, my anger starts to dissipate. It’s one thing knowing your father is having an affair, but it’s another matter entirely seeing it with your own eyes. Add in the fact that it’s a double betrayal for Alex, and it’s probably reopening painful wounds for Ky, too, and I can understand how he is so worked up. Plus, there’s this whole uncertainty over “us” and today was only a tiny glimpse of what lies in store should we decide to take things further.

  I know I’m confused as hell, so I can only assume Ky is too.

  Perhaps I was too harsh earlier. I should’ve been more sympathetic.

  I hate leaving things like this between us, and I’ve an hour until my shift starts, so there’s enough time to try to mend things. I knock on Ky’s bedroom door but there’s no answer. Popping my head into the gym, I frown when I find it empty, too. I wander throughout the house, looking for him. A bout of girlish giggling pricks my ears as I venture outside, and an ominous sense of foreboding sweeps over me.

  Stepping onto the patio, I stop dead in my tracks, refusing to believe my eyes. Ky is lying back on a lounge chair looking like the cat that got the cream. Addison is straddling his lap, grinding her hips into his as she leans down to whisper in his ear. Ky smooths a path up and down her spine, his fingers caressing her skin in light strokes. He spies me watching, and a smirk spreads slowly over his mouth. Addison tips her head back and stares at me. A conniving expression creeps over her face as she moves her hand down, in the gap between her and Ky, to cup his junk.

  A dart of pain spears me through the heart as nausea travels up my throat. I think I’m going to vomit. Keeping a blank expression on my face, I turn around and scurry back into the house, as Addison’s loud peals of laughter follow me in a taunting manner.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  My heart is still pumping wildly when I reach the safety of my room. I sit on the edge of my bed, cradling my head in my hands. All manner of confusing thoughts and emotions jumble my mind. My chest heaves visibly as pain slices a clear line through my heart. There has only been one other occasion where I’ve felt as gullible as I do in this moment.

  How could he share intimacy with me last night and then crawl all over another girl the very next day? I feel so cheap, so used. And unbelievably foolish. Old nightmares resurrect to haunt me, and I clutch my stomach, as the usual bout of self-loathing batters me on all sides. Not for the first time in my life, I wish I could rewind time and stop myself from making such an awful mistake.

  I don’t know what game Kyler is playing, but I’m damned if he’s going to use me for some nefarious aim.

  As I get ready for work, I curse myself for my naïveté. Ky had no intention of starting anything with me. I was an itch he felt the need to scratch, and I was an idiot to buy into it, to believe it might be going somewhere. I slam my palm against my forehead in frustration.

  He played me, and I fell right into his trap.

  Well, I won’t fall for it a second time. This thing between us is over. Period. And it’s clearly for the best. I don’t understand why he got so worked up at the track, but that’s neither here nor there now.

  It’s as well I discovered this now before my heart was even more invested.

  I grab my bag and yank open the door, almost falling head first into Ky’s arms. �
��Get out of my way,” I snarl, pushing at him.

  “No.” He batters his forearms. “Not until you let me explain.”

  He starts pushing into the room and I step back. What the actual fuck?! “Explain?” I yell. “Your body language gave me all the explanation I need!” I’m incensed beyond all reason, and something snaps inside me. I raise my clenched hand and punch him in the face. Hard. I put every ounce of my hurt and humiliation into the blow, and it pleases me no end when he staggers back, clutching his jaw. He looks shocked as he stares at me, but then the shock gives way to laughter. He’s doubled over, clutching his stomach, and an angry red flush steals over my cheeks. How dare he make fun of me! The urge to hit him a second time is strong, but I’m so done with this. “Screw you. You deserve that cow. I hope you’re both miserable as sin together. Now, get out of my room, get out of my face, and stay the hell out of my life.” I roar that last part for extra emphasis.

  His laughter withers and dies. He shoots me a terse nod. “Fine. Message understood.”

  I slump against the wall as he walks away, willing my pounding pulse to settle down.

  I’m grumpy as hell at work, and everyone notices. I try to snap out of it, but I can’t get the image of Addison grinding on Kyler’s lap out of my head. It’s the worst form of self-inflicted torture, but short of bleaching my brain, I don’t know what else to do. I’m messing up orders left and right, so when David calls me into his office, I figure I’m about to get my marching orders. It’s no more than I deserve.

  David tells me to take a seat as he plants his butt on the edge of the desk. Concerned eyes meet mine. “Do you want to tell me what’s the matter?”

  “Nothing’s the matter,” I lie, sitting up straighter in my chair. I’m not going to air my personal laundry to the boss man.

  “Boy trouble?” He astutely guesses, cocking his head to the side as he skims my face for clues.

  “I’d rather not talk about it. I should get back.” I move to stand, but he shakes his head, keeping me grounded in the seat.

  “It’s not that busy tonight. You can take off if you like.” He pushes off the desk, looming over me.

  “I’d prefer to keep working, and I promise no more mistakes.”

  He bends down, his face coming very close to mine. “I’m a good listener, and I’m here for you anytime you need to talk.” He pats my cheek, and I flinch back at the inappropriateness of the gesture.

  Sensing my discomfort, he immediately steps back, and I jump to my feet. “Uh, thanks. But I’m fine.”

  “Very well.” He folds his arms across his chest. “You can go back to work.”

  I’m shaking my head when I return to the floor. “What did he want?” Rose asks.

  “He was fishing for info. He wanted to know what was up with me.”

  “I wouldn’t mind knowing the answer to that question either,” Rose murmurs.

  I sigh. “I’ll tell you after our shift ends.”

  “Okay. Theo and I are heading to a party later. Do you want to come?”

  “I’m not sure I’d be the best company.”

  She lightly touches my elbow. “And that’s exactly why you should come. It’ll help distract you.”

  “Maybe. I’ll think about it.”

  I collect orders from a couple of tables and add them into the system. When I turn around, I find a pair of captivating blue eyes watching my every move. Brad is leaning over the counter, flippantly tossing a menu between his fingers. “Hi, Faye,” he says pleasantly.

  “Hi, Brad. What can I get you?” I remove my notepad, holding my pen aloft.

  “Nothing, thanks.”

  I pin him with an inquisitive look. “What are you doing here then?”

  He runs a hand through his blond hair. “I wanted to ask you something.” I purse my lips, pinning him with a suspicious look. “Don’t make it easy or anything,” he murmurs with a smile.

  “What is it, Brad?”

  “Chase is throwing a party tonight, and I wanted to know if you’d go with me.”

  My brow puckers. “Why?”

  His lips curve up at the corners. “Why does any guy ask a girl out?”

  My face drops at his sheer nerve. His eyes widen and he reaches out for me. I step back from the counter. “No! Not that. Jeez.” He rubs his chin. “That came out wrong. I’m not like that.”

  “That’s not what I’ve heard.”

  His features lock down instantly, and he pushes off the stool. “You shouldn’t believe everything you hear.” Pain flashes in his eyes, and I’m instantly chastised.

  “What did you mean if you weren’t talking about hooking up?”

  “I’d like to get to know you. You seem different to the girls in this town … hope I guessed right?”

  I stare him down as I ponder his words, trying to gauge if he’s sincere or playing some angle.

  “Okay, I stand corrected. Forget it.” He walks toward the exit as I call out to him. Ignoring me, he yanks the door open, almost lifting it from the hinges, and steps outside.

  “Go after him,” Rose urges, giving me a gentle nudge in the back. “I’ll cover for you.”

  I race out the door after him, wondering why I’m so concerned. Am I that shallow that I don’t want him thinking I’m as narrow-minded as the bitches in this place? I’d like to think it’s remorse, because he showed his true colors and I could tell that it was a genuine offer, yet I treated him like he deserves his cheating man-slut rep. “Brad, wait up.” He’s powering along the path in long-legged strides.

  He stops and turns around, waiting for me to catch up. “Look,” I say, when I reach him. “I’m sorry. I’m new to all this, and so far, mostly everyone who’s tried to get to know me has some agenda. But I can tell I was wrong to jump to conclusions about you.”

  His shoulders loosen a little. “I guess I can understand that. I know this town far too well.” He looks away.

  “I’m sorry for what I implied back there. Rose told me you’re not like that, and she’s the only person I trust to be on the level.” I no longer trust in anything that Ky has said, so he can take his warning and stuff it where the sun don’t shine. The only thing I can fault about Brad is his previous choice in friends and hookups, but everyone deserves a chance to turn over a new leaf.

  “Rose is cool, and she’s been a good friend. Theo too. So, how about the party? I can pick you up after work.”

  He looks hopeful, and I don’t want to be the one to wipe that from his face. “Sure, why not? I get off at eleven.”

  He smiles, and I can’t help but smile back. “I’ll see you then.”

  Rose gives me the thumbs-up when I relay the gist of our conversation.

  As the working night draws to a close, I even find myself getting a little excited. It sure beats the previous heartbroken feeling.

  I didn’t bring any suitable going-out clothes to work, but luckily, Rose has a few things in her locker belonging to her sister which fit me, and in next to no time, I’m party ready and raring to go. I really feel like letting loose tonight.

  “You look gorgeous,” Brad says, when I step outside the diner. His eyes skim respectively over my skinny jeans and red halter-top.


  Rose waggles her fingers at me as she hops on the back of Theo’s bike. “See you guys out there.”

  Brad walks me to a silver SUV and opens the passenger door for me. I’m buckling my seat belt when he hops in the driver’s side, fixing me with an anxious look. I stop what I’m doing. “What?”

  “It’s okay if you want to change your mind. I’ll understand.”

  I frown, wondering what kind of vibes I’m giving off. “Why do you think I’ve changed my mind?”

  He grips the steering wheel painfully. “I’m not exactly the most popular guy in this town. Attending with me isn�
��t going to do much to help your cred. I should’ve thought of that before I asked you.”

  “You’re having second thoughts?”

  “Hell no.” He twists around in his seat, the leather squeaking with the motion. “I want to go with you, but I don’t want to make anything more difficult for you at school. I know what Old Colonial is like.”

  “Pfft.” I dismiss his concern quickly. “I’m the last person to care about that stuff, believe me. And, besides, I’m going to Wellesley Memorial.”

  His eyes are out on stalks. “You are?”

  I eye him skeptically. “Why is that so hard to believe?”

  He smiles, shaking his head, as he twists the key and the car powers up. “It’s not, actually. It means my first impressions were spot-on. That’s great.” He flashes me a wide grin. “You’re not like other girls. You have no idea how refreshing that is.”

  He shoves the car in gear, and we glide out onto the asphalt. It feels like the right time to set some ground rules. “Don’t go getting any ideas, Brad. I’m not in the market for a boyfriend, or even a hookup, but I’ll happily take all the friends I can get.”

  “I respect that, Faye.” He keeps his gaze focused on the road. “And I’ll be a perfect gentleman. Scout’s honor. Whether you believe me or not, I could really use a friend, so I’m totally cool with that.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The high wrought iron gates open slowly to allow us to pass through. Brad drives up the winding driveway, parking in a line beside a row of flashy cars. “Who is Chase anyway?” I ask, when he opens my door. I slip my hand in his as he helps me out of the car, and his skin is warm but slightly callused, a lot like Ky’s. I remember now that Brad is into motocross too, and I wonder if he still trains at Rick and May’s track.

  “He’s on the football team with me.” A deep crease furrows his brow, but he shakes it off. “His parents are good friends with your aunt and uncle.”


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