Outbreaks: Zombies Zombies Zombies

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Outbreaks: Zombies Zombies Zombies Page 7

by T. L. Frost

  “Give it some power!” Shouted Jim and he heard the engine roar into life, pulling the boat from shore.

  One final, determined zombie was trying to crawl into the boat and Jim thrust the point of the boat hook into its mouth, pushing hard and feeling it fall backwards, its hand grabbing the hook as it fell. Jim let it go. The boathouse was filled with zombies now, milling around, clawing at each other, some falling down the ramp as others crushed in behind. Jim raised his hand, shielding his eyes as the light above shone out to sea and breathed a deep sigh of relief.


  Part Three: TRANSPORT


  The professor pressed the accelerator, moving forward slowly. He didn’t want to go slowly, he wanted to go fast, very fast, but even the extra deep treads he had on were struggling to find enough grip on the slippery, moving surface. Looking down he could see the wheels spinning, the powerful engine turning all four wheels rapidly, sending a shower of blood up high behind the truck as they sought solid ground. Eventually one of them caught some traction, much to the relief of himself and his passengers. Checking the view in the mirrors he could see the road through the city centre down which they had just driven. Broken, writhing bodies piled together, smashed by the truck’s wheels, pools of blood and gore everywhere. As more and more zombies came rushing out of the side streets the professor pressed the accelerator again, pulling away, leaving wide, blood-red tyre tracks behind. Yes, he thought, I much prefer driving fast.

  Chapter 1

  Merrick was a lecturer, or had been. After a successful career in engineering, owning and building up his own business, he had sold the company and retired in his early forties. He had kept himself busy after that, buying an unused water pumping building on the outskirts of the city and converting it into a luxury home. Three floors with a rooftop terrace, a double garage, its own land and an adjoining building which he had turned into his dream workshop. Engineering had been more than a job to him, it had been a passion. He loved all things mechanical and was always working on several projects, including a new business venture on the other side of the city – a garage specialising in rare and unusual vehicle restorations. Apart from that he had also taken a part time job at the local university, teaching mechanics and engineering, a job he loved.

  As he sat on the rooftop terrace of his home, sipping a strong morning coffee, Merrick looked around enjoying the view. A few of his neighbours’ homes could be seen, their large gardens green and well looked after, leading onto fields of rapeseed, the bright yellow flowers on the plants swaying in the gentle morning breeze. He had always enjoyed the view, finding it peaceful and relaxing.

  “Professor?” Came the voice behind him.

  Merrick turned, seeing George, one of his employees from the garage standing at the top of the spiral staircase leading to the rooftop. George was one of the few people as passionate about all things mechanical as himself, specialising in motor vehicles. He was about ten years older, the grey hair and glasses giving him a wizened, schoolteacher look, unlike the fit, lean Merrick. He would have suited the nickname ‘Professor’ more, Merrick thought.

  “Morning George.” He said “Everyone awake?”

  “Yes boss, don’t think anyone is sleeping well right now.” Replied George.

  Merrick smiled and nodded. He had slept just fine, seeing no point in worrying about things. At the beginning of the outbreak George was already staying in a spare room, his wife having left him several years ago after their divorce, and he often spent his spare time helping Merrick in his workshop. A woman called Bridget had joined them the day after, Merrick spotting her from his rooftop as she fled from the city. She had been running blindly, terrified. They could not get a word out of her for most of that day but finally they pieced her story together, she had been living with her partner and teenage son, both ill with the flu when people started dying and ‘turning’. She had barely escaped alive, trying to find help when the emergency services were over run in the last few hours. Trying her friends and neighbours had shown how bad things were, nobody was able to help and people were dying all around. When she had returned home she had seen her son at his window, his face a mask of horror as he looked out at her with pale eyes. He had smashed through the window of the first floor, landing badly, breaking both legs but still he came on, trying to reach her. She had moved back terrified and that was when she heard the screams all around, her son joining in and then, from inside her home, the thing that had once been her partner screamed, crashing against the closed door, wood splintering and breaking, his face at the opening as he stared out at her. Bridget had turned and ran.

  A few days later they had been in the garden of a nearby house, clearing a small vegetable patch of anything edible when the son of the owner had come out, fear in his eyes. His name was Daniel.

  “Where are your parents Dan?” Merrick had asked.

  “Mum is away, dad is in the garage…” Said Daniel, looking towards the garage at the side of the house.

  A large banging sounded, the shutter door at the front of the garage bending outwards slightly. They all turned to look.

  “Is he…?” Started Merrick.

  Daniel interrupted him, tears brimming in his eyes.

  “He had the flu, I thought he had died, I didn’t know what to do…”

  “You put him in the garage Dan?” Asked Merrick.

  Daniel nodded “Then I heard him moving, I thought he was dead.” Daniel took a deep breath and calmed himself a little “Maybe we should see if he is ok?”

  A scream burst out from inside the garage, loud and filled with hate.

  “No Dan.” Said Merrick “You were right he was dead. I think you’d better come with us.”

  Merrick stood, placing his empty cup on the rooftop table, and looked in the other direction, north, towards the city. Fires were burning there with nobody to stop them, some spread, some died out, others throwing large plumes of dark smoke into the air without any sign of flame.

  “Ask Bridget to take the next watch.” Said Merrick “I’ll meet you and Dan in the workshop.”

  George nodded and left, leaving Merrick to gaze over the nearby city.

  “Hang in there Nat.” Said Merrick to himself “I’m coming.”

  Chapter 2

  Natalie Crocheck tapped quietly on the metal door at the side of her brother’s garage. There was no reply.

  “Dammit Peter you better not be asleep!” She growled quietly.

  Tapping again a little louder she scanned around. The garage was in the north of the city, surrounded by other businesses with many residential areas nearby. A perfect place for a business, lots of customers and a convenient location. She had been running the business for her brother, Merrick, for six months now. He was always busy, working on some new project or helping out on the garage floor if a particularly interesting job came in. She had watched in exasperation as his new business stumbled along with no real direction or control and had finally told him one day to put her in charge or he would have no business left before long. He had agreed and made her the manager and from then on the business had flourished. She had started by moving to the new location, easy access to motorways, a new modern building unlike the old, rundown garage Merrick had leased. Plenty of nearby trade. It had been perfect, but now as she looked around with a worried expression, she wished she had found somewhere with less people around. A scraping sound came from inside the garage and Nat let out a sigh of relief. The door opened, Peter the new apprentice standing back to let her in, his eyes wide and fearful as he checked behind her.

  “Where the hell were you?!” Said Nat.

  “I… I… was in the office, making a brew.” Peter said.

  “I told you to wait by the door.” Nat said in frustration “Do what I say next time!”

  “Sorry… yes Nat.” Replied Peter looking down at his feet.

  “Well come on then.” Nat said more gently, heading for the office “Let’s ha
ve that brew and something to eat.”

  “You found some food then?” Asked Peter suddenly interested as he followed Nat into the office.

  Natalie cleared the office desk, putting down the iron bar she had been carrying, then took off her small backpack and emptied its contents. Chocolate bars and potato crisps spilled out and Peter’s face fell a little.

  “No real food?” He asked.

  They had been living on chocolate and crisps from the garage’s vending machines for a few days.

  “Sorry but the take-away was closed, so were the supermarkets and the chip shop.” Said Natalie as she picked up a bar of chocolate.

  “Oh well.” Said Peter shrugging “Better than nothing.”

  “You could always go look yourself next time.” Said Natalie teasingly “Probably be safe for you, there’s no meat on your skinny bones, those zombies won’t be interested in you.”

  “Erm no thanks, these will be fine.” He replied as he poured them both tea and ate a chocolate bar.

  Natalie smiled and sipped her tea. Peter had rigged a blow torch up on one of the benches so that they had hot water, making himself useful but he was just a kid, having barely left school and started an apprenticeship at the garage. She teased him now and then but if she was honest, she was glad he was there. She didn’t like the idea of being on her own right now. When the outbreak had started it had spread quickly, the world suddenly becoming a more dangerous place. She had been at the garage with Peter and had decided the best thing was for them both to lock themselves in, though Peter had wanted to leave and go to his home, she had refused to let him. The last contact with another person she had had was a phone call from her brother Merrick, telling her to stay where she was, he would come and get her. She trusted her brother, they were the only family they had, if he said he would come, then he would. So she waited.

  Chapter 3

  Merrick flipped the visor of his helmet down and continued welding. The truck was almost finished, new, clean metal reinforcing it all around. Extra seats in the back surrounded by a new cage for protection. At last he stepped back, satisfied, studying the vehicle one more time before nodding.

  “That will have to do.” He said.

  “Looks strong enough Boss.” Said George beside him.

  “I hope so.” Replied Merrick “Just a pity we don’t have more time.”

  George put his hand on Merrick’s shoulder “She’ll be fine.” He said, though he didn’t sound like he believed his own words.

  It had been days since Merrick had spoken on the phone to his sister and they could all feel the time slipping away.

  “Fuel it up, would you George.” Said Merrick concentrating on the job in hand “Have it ready to go.”

  Taking off his protective welding gear, Merrick made a thorough inspection of the vehicle, looking for weak spots, but there was just not enough time to do more. He was a perfectionist, planning his work thoroughly, getting every detail just right, but this had been put together as quickly as he and George could manage, he hoped it would be up to the task.

  “Dan, load up the extra fuel containers.” Said Merrick to Dan, who had been helping.

  It kept him occupied and stopped him thinking of his parents, so Merrick had made him as busy as possible. Dan nodded and got to work.

  “George when you’ve finished that, check the…” Began Merrick.

  Screams came from outside, wild, blood chilling screams. Merrick ran for the house.

  “Finnish up getting it ready!” Said Merrick as he left.

  Running into the house, he headed for the stairs, Bridget met him halfway, coming down the stairs fast.

  “There’s a woman out there, heading in this direction, they’re chasing her!” She shouted.

  Merrick listened, the screams were getting closer and he ran for the rooftop. Looking around quickly he could see a large pack of zombies heading towards the house, there was no sign of a woman and as they got closer he ducked behind the rooftop wall, listening as the zombies raced past, moans and some screams sounding close by. He waited a few minutes then risked a look over the wall. He still couldn’t see anyone so moved to the other side, he could see the zombies running in that direction, some slowing and then stopping as they gave up the chase, their prey lost. Merrick breathed out a sigh of relief. Then a loud banging came from downstairs.

  “Let me in!” Came a high pitched shriek “I know you’re in there, let me in!”

  The banging got louder and Merrick saw some of the zombies turn and look.

  “Oh hell!” He said as he ran for the stairs.

  Racing down them two at a time, he quickly passed the shocked looking Bridget. George and Dan had come back into the house, fear on their faces.

  “Help me! Let me in please!” Came the voice again, loud and clear from the other side of the door, fists banging loudly.

  “Dammit!” Said Merrick “Let her in, quickly!”

  George and Dan rushed to open the door as Merrick picked up a large tyre iron, two foot of hardened steel, and waited. The door opened and a woman spilled inside.

  “What the fuck were you waiting for?! I could have been…” She shouted.

  Merrick dropped the bar, closing his hand around the woman’s mouth and dragged her away from the door.

  “Close it!” he said to George.

  George and Dan quickly closed and locked the door, moving a heavy tool chest in front of it, then they stepped back, waiting. Merrick struggle with the woman, she was trying to get free and scream or shout, her voice muffled by Merrick’s hand.

  “Be quiet!” He whispered harshly into her ear.

  She continued to struggle and the sounds of zombies rushing past came again. They all held their breath as the screams and moans got closer, then slowly, began to recede. They waited, but all was quiet again until a bang came at one of the windows. The glass shattered but the inside was blocked by metal shuttering installed by Merrick and George at the start of the outbreak. A few zombies would not be able to break in, but if there were enough of them, weight of numbers could help them smash through. The bang came again, this time against the metal shuttering but it held solidly. The woman tried to shout again, her eyes furious as Merrick held his grip over her mouth while pinning her down. They waited. The woman struggled less but her eyes were filled with anger as Merrick listened, ignoring her. Eventually he signalled to Bridget, she nodded and went upstairs. After a few minutes she came back down.

  “All clear.” She said sounding relieved “They’ve wandered off.”

  “Keep a look out please Bridget.” Said Merrick.

  Bridget nodded, giving the new woman an inquisitive look, then went back to the rooftop.

  “I’m going to let you go now, don’t scream or shout ok?” Said Merrick quietly to the woman he was holding.

  She glared at him, her voice muffled, but finally nodded and Merrick released his grip, helping her to stand.

  “Do you have any idea who I am?!” She said furiously.

  Merrick looked at George but he was as confused by the question as Merrick.

  “She’s Chantelle.” Said Dan looking at the new arrival, then turning to Merrick “From that reality TV show.”

  “At last!” said Chantelle “Somebody with some brains!”

  “She’s famous.” Said Dan.

  “Is she?” Asked Merrick, receiving another furious glare from Chantelle.

  Chapter 4

  “You want me to what?” Asked Chantelle incredulously.

  “Keep a lookout on the rooftop.” Answered Merrick patiently “We all have a job to do.”

  “Who died and made you King?” Asked Chantelle as she looked around at the view.

  Bridget suppressed a smile as she scanned the view with some binoculars.

  “Why don’t you be the lookout? It’s going to rain.” Said Chantelle looking at the gathering clouds “My hair will get frizzy.”

  “Your hair?” Said Merrick with a sigh “Look, everybody
is pulling their weight and working hard. We can’t stay here much longer.”

  “Why not, it looks safe enough.” Replied Chantelle “If you think I’m going out there again…”

  “There’s hardly any food left, more of those zombies are spreading out from the city every day. It’s too dangerous.” Said Merrick “Eventually they will find us and get in, they almost did when you came shouting and banging on the door.”

  “Oh so I was just supposed to let them eat me so you could hide away nice and safe?” Said Chantelle with a sneer.

  “Of course not.” Answered Merrick, getting annoyed “But you need to be quiet, we have to stay out of sight of those things, you nearly had every zombie within a mile radius heading for us.”

  “Oh so I’m too noisy, well excuse me your Lordship.” Said Chantelle crossing her arms and looking away.

  Merrick gave up and went down to the workshop. Everything was ready and he called a meeting in the kitchen, leaving Chantelle as lookout on the rooftop.

  “I think it’s time to get moving.” He said seriously, scanning the faces before him “Tomorrow morning at first light I plan on heading to the garage to find my sister. After that I will be heading away from the city, maybe find somewhere quiet to wait this thing out and see what happens.”

  Everyone watched him closely, thoughts running through their heads.

  “I know we’ve been ok here so far but the trip to my garage will have to be through the city centre.”


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