Deadly Mistake (Deadly Series Book 5)

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Deadly Mistake (Deadly Series Book 5) Page 2

by K. L. Humphreys

“Oh, for goodness sake. He bought me a cupcake that was all. It’s not as though he asked me out.” I sit at my desk and I hope that will be the end of the questions but of course it isn’t.

  “What do you mean he didn’t ask you out? What’s wrong with him?” Asher demands coming around to the front of my desk. He looks pissed, “He’s a moron, stay the hell away from him. That’s just weird, there’s something wrong with him.”

  “Ash, come on the guy just met me.” He’s blowing things way out of proportion. It’s just a damn cupcake.

  “No, Asher is right. Who in their right mind doesn’t ask you out but buys you a cupcake?” Connor shakes his head, disgust evident on his face. “What did you say his name is?”

  Oh, dear Lord, this is going too far. “I didn’t. Now if you don’t mind, I have work to be doing.” I start looking through the papers on my desk. Some of them need filing away and others are invoices I need to send.

  “Hail…” Asher starts to say and I don’t care what he has to say, I’m a big girl and I can look after myself.

  “Enough, everyone get back to work. Hailey, can you send those invoices first.” I nod, grateful that Nathan’s sent them all away. “Hailey, are you okay?”

  I look up at him surprised, “Yeah I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?”

  He’s about to say something but the sound of his cell ringing stops him short, he looks down at the caller ID and smiles. It’s Soph. She’s the only one person who can put that smile on his face. I look up at the clock, it’s only eleven am, God this day is dragging.

  “Fancymeeting you here.” Tingles race up my spine and butterflies enter my stomach. He’s back!

  “Are you stalking me?” It’s his third day in a row of being at this coffee shop at this time of the day.

  “What would you do if I were?” He’s so cocky and so full of himself.

  “You do realize that stalking is a criminal offence?” I watch as his eyes light up with humor. “Don’t you have a job to do?”

  “Not today I don’t. So, I’ve wanted to ask you a question.” I wave my hand for him to continue, “Will you go out on a date with me?”

  I smile, “I’d love too.”

  “Tonight? I’ll pick you up?” His smile is lighting up his whole face and I return it, I haven’t been on a date before and I have no idea what to wear. “We’re going to Giovanni’s.”

  I plaster on a fake smile, I’ve never heard of it. “Can’t wait.” He turns and leaves and I realize that he never even ordered.

  “Hailey, that man is irresistible and has been waiting here for an hour just to see you.” Jake tells me, he’s such a gossip but he looks so happy for me. “Oh, now sugar, why the long face? The man is hot, not as hot as my Asher but damn near close. Why the frown?”

  “He’s taking me to Giovanni’s.” Jake lets out a gasp, his hand covering his mouth. “Is it that bad?”

  “Oh, my poor deprived child.” I give him a dirty look, who the hell is he calling a child? We’re about the same age. “Giovanni’s is the nicest, fanciest restaurant in the Big Apple.”

  Shit, “What am I supposed to wear?” He looks at me as if he’s seeing me for the first time. “What?” I’m getting defensive, I don’t like this side of Jake.

  “Girl. We are going on a shopping spree, I don’t care what you have to do. You need to finish work early!” He’s so excited whereas now I feel faint. I’m the type of girl that loves pizza and junk food. I’d be happy with a home cooked meal; I don’t feel comfortable in fancy restaurants. “Trust me Hailey.”

  “Okay, I’ll talk to Nathan when I go in.” I didn’t want any of the guys to know that Eric asked me out, they all think he’s weird because he never asked me out the first time we met. I think it’s sweet that he waited, especially after the ass he was when we did meet.

  Walking across the street to work, I think of the ways that I could try and get out of it. I’m not looking forward to it, I like Eric, he’s nice and sweet and I feel bad that I’m dreading it while he looked excited. I hear voices as I open the door and I see Henri and Claude, they hire the guys when they’re in town. Henri is Hollywood’s leading man, he’s hot as hell and so down to earth. Claude is his manager and extremely quiet. “Ah, there she is. The woman of my dreams.” Henri says, his smile ever so present, “How are you Hailey?”

  “Hey Henri, I’m good thank you. I would ask how you’re doing but if The Prime is anything to go by I’d say you’re doing amazing!” The Prime Magazine has done a feature on Henri and his new love interest Julie Michaels. She is the lead singer of Acreage, they’re my favorite band at the moment and I even have a girl crush on Julie.

  “What can I say, I’m one hell of a lucky guy!” His brown eyes twinkle as his smile lights up his whole face. “Anyway, we’ve got to go, we’re shooting in Madison Square Garden in an hour. Nathan, we’ll conference call later and sort out the rest of the details.”

  I watch their retreating backs, wishing I was at Madison Square Gardens watching them shoot their new movie. “You okay Hailey? You looked kind of worried as you came in.” Shit, I should have realized that Nathan would have been watching me.

  “Um, can I talk to you about something?” I look around the office to make sure that no one else is within hearing distance, I don’t want the guys to know. At least not until I know if things with Eric are going to be more than one date.

  “Sure, what’s up?” His eyebrows knit together, they only do that when he’s worried.

  “So, um, any chance I can leave early? I have a date.” I don’t look at him as I sit in my chair, I hope he doesn’t ask who. I don’t want him to say something about Eric.

  “Why do you sound like you’re being stood up against the firing squad?” He folds his arms over his chest as he leans against my desk, he’s looking so much like the badass he truly is.

  “I don’t know, he’s taking me to Giovanni’s. Jake says it’s fancy and I don’t do fancy.” I hate when people flaunt their money, some of us barely manage to make ends meet. Our parents left us money when they died but we couldn’t use any of it. It all went on bills and stuff so I got a job straight out of high school to help Maddie with the bills.

  “It’s pretentious food, but it’s nice. Look Hails, I know that you hate people spending money on you but this is a date, go and have fun.” He gives me a wink and I’m grateful to him because even though he’s my boss, he cares about me and acts as though he’s my brother.

  “Okay, I’ll try, so can I leave early?” I don’t know whether I want him to say yes or no at this stage, I’m still trying to decide if I should go.

  “Of course, if you’d file these documents then you can go.” He points to the documents pertaining information about Henri. He winks at me before going back into his office.

  Picking up the documents, I don’t look through them, it’s private and confidential. I’ve never once looked at a client’s file; I love my job too much to do that. I make my way into my office, it’s a small space that’s made even smaller by all the filing cabinets inside. A knock at the door has me turning towards it to find Connor standing there, his face unreadable.

  “Do you need something?” I smile as I put away Henri’s file and lock the cabinet afterward.

  “Hailey, are you sure about this?”

  I look at him in confusion, “About what?”

  He sighs as though he’s disappointed in me and I honestly have no idea what he’s talking about. “I was in the coffee shop Hails, I know it’s the jackass that asked you out. So, I’ll ask again, are you sure about this?”

  He knows about Eric, great. “I don’t know, but I like him and I want to see where this could lead.”

  “Hailey, there’s something about him. I don’t know what it is, he screams asshole. Just be careful okay?” He seems to be worried about me and I like that, we’re kind of a big family here. It’s something I've never had, I only have Maddie.

  “I will, I promise. I've got to go. See you to
morrow?” he nods, and I walk towards him and give him a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks Con.”

  “Hails, I know I come across as an asshole but I think of you as my sister. Remember that; if you ever need anything I'm here ok?”

  “Yeah Con, I know that. I don't think you're an asshole, and thank you. You’re one of the nicest guys I've ever met. You're sweet and kind.” His face heats as I talk, “But don't worry; secrets safe with me. To everyone else you can be the asshole Connor, to me you’re one of the greatest men I know.”

  “Fuck you for trying to make me cry. Remember that I’m here if you need anything.” He's got a big smile on his face I know he’s joking because he doesn't cry. “Have fun tonight Hails.” He leans down and gives me a kiss on my cheek.

  “Thanks Con, see you tomorrow.” I wave to him as I leave the office. Dread fills me as I step out onto the street, I don’t like shopping, I actually despise it. Usually I’ll go into one shop and get whatever I want or send my sister in to get it for me. I have a feeling that shopping with Jake is going to be everything I hate.

  Iwas right, Jake killed me. After four hours of shopping and countless times of trying on dresses and heels I finally managed to find a dress that I liked, one that wasn’t too revealing or expensive. Jake is so excited for me to be going on this date, he thinks this is the best thing to ever happen, like something out of a fairytale. He’s living vicariously through me; I’ve been told I have to give him daily updates.

  “Come on Hailey, I’m dying to see what you look like in that fabulous dress.” I shake my head at Jake’s voice and continue to straighten my hair. Butterflies are going crazy in my stomach, I’m excited, nervous, and scared all at the same time. “Come on girl, hurry up.” He sounds giddy and I love having him around, his happiness is infectious.

  “I’m coming!” I tell him as I shut off my hair straightener.

  “Fingers crossed you will be later.” His laughter filters through the bathroom door and even though it was crude, it was funny and his laughter makes me smile.

  I open the door and step into my bedroom, “What am I going to do with you?” I tell him, his eyes are wide and his mouth forms an O shape as he takes in my appearance. “Do I look okay?”

  “Girl, you look amazing! You are so getting laid tonight.” I roll my eyes at him, “In all seriousness though Hails, you look like a million bucks and Eric isn’t going to know what hit him.”

  I blush at his compliment, at least I know that I won’t look out of place at this fancy restaurant. “Thank you, Jake, I couldn’t have done this without you.” I really do mean that, over the past few months he’s become a great friend not only that, he’s kept me calm today.

  “You’re my friend Hails,” A knock on the door has me panicking, God, I’m not ready for this. “I’ll get it, everything is going to be okay, it’s just a date and if you need to bail just text me.” He’s right, it’s just a date. One that is easy to leave if I hate it.

  “She’ll be out in a second,” I hear Jake say, “Hailey is special; therefore she deserves the best and to be treated as such.” His voice has taken a darker tone, he reminds me of the guys from work. I love him even more for thinking I’m special.

  I hear Eric’s deep voice but not the words he’s saying, I step out of my bedroom and my mouth goes dry at the sight of him. He’s in a tailored suit, one that fits him perfectly, showing off every muscle. As soon as he sees me he steps toward me. “You look amazing.” He hands me the bouquet that I somehow missed him holding.

  “I’ll take those, you two go and have fun.” Jake tells us and I smile, he doesn’t even know where the vase is, but I have no doubt that he’ll find it.

  I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him, “You’re special yourself. You’re one of a kind and I’m so grateful to have you.” He wraps me up and kisses the top of my head.

  “Are you ready?” Eric’s rough voice cuts through our moment.

  “Yep, I’m ready.” I smile at Jake as I leave the house, the happiest I’ve been in a while.

  Chapter Two


  Three Months later

  “Itold you not to wear that fucking skirt. What the hell is wrong with you? Do you enjoy pissing me off?” Eric’s anger is about to boil over yet again, I’m paralyzed with fear. Things started off so well between us, he was sweet and caring and it didn’t take long for me to have feelings for him. Weeks went by and we saw each other almost every single day, we had a bond that I thought was unbreakable. The first time he hit me was a slap, I spilled a glass of wine and it flowed onto a work document. He apologized profusely and I forgave him, he didn’t hit me again for about a week.

  My legs feel as though they’re glued to the floor but my whole body is shaking as he comes towards me. He grabs hold of my wrists his fingers digging into my skin, he’s holding on so tightly that there’s no way I’m not going to be bruised. “Hailey, why do you do this to me?”

  Why did I wear this skirt? I’m so fucking stupid, “I’m so sorry, I meant to throw it out but I forgot. I won’t wear it again, I promise.” I plead with him, he’s hurting me right now.

  “Fucking right, you will,” He releases my wrists and he grabs the hem of my skirt and pulls, so hard that it rips. With the already large slit and now it ripped even farther, there is no way I can wear this now. “Get that fucking thing off before I burn it while you’re still wearing it.” What am I supposed to wear? I’m so stupid, I should have seen it coming. Pain blasts in my temple as my head is thrown backwards, I should have seen the punch coming. “I told you to get it off.”

  I take it off and Eric snatches it out of my hands and walks toward the kitchen sink. I’m still shaking and I think my eye is closing up, it’s becoming hard to see out of it. He looks through the kitchen drawers until he finds the matches. I watch as flames fill the sink as my skirt disintegrates to nothing but ashes. He turns around and starts stalking towards me, I start to move backwards, knowing that he’s still mad and if I don’t he’s going to hurt me again.

  His laugh is maniacal, and he reaches me in no time, his hand wrapping around my throat, “Next time do as I say! You push my patience to the last.” He squeezes and I’m finding it really hard to breathe, “Why do you do this?” His face is so close to mine, his breath hot against my skin.

  “I’m sorry.” I gasp and he lets me go, I rub my throat, trying to ease the pain as I sink to the floor.

  “Fuck, I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.” Tears shining in his eyes, “I’m sorry.” The tears fall down his face and he kneels in front of me. He takes my hand and pain slices through me as I look at this broken man in front of me. Tears streaming down his face as he looks at my wrist, why do I make him so angry?

  “It’s my fault, you asked me not to wear that skirt. I’m sorry.” I squeeze his hand hoping that he understands how truly sorry I am. “I’ll be better, I promise.”

  “You drive me crazy! Knowing that you work with men and they’ve been staring at you all day, fuck Hailey, it makes me so mad.” He shakes his head and sorrow hits me in my gut, “I love you so fucking much, you are mine Hailey. Mine and having you flaunt what’s mine in front of others makes me crazy!”

  “I love you too.” I lean forward and kiss him, hoping that next time things will be different.

  “I’ll be better,” Even though I’ve heard it before, his words fill me with hope, hope that we both can be better. “We’ll get through this, I can’t lose you Hailey.”

  I reach up and cup his cheek, feeling the wetness of his tears on my palm, “I know, we will get through this.” I look up at his watch, “I have to go honey, I promised Maddie that we’d have dinner together tonight.” I’m lying, I need to go home and put something on my eye, do something as it’s swollen quite a bit now. Darkness enters his eyes and fear seeps into my body.

  “I’ll give you a ride.” He seems to be his normal self and I let out a long sigh. “What’s wrong?” He acts as though nothing’
s happened, I don’t know how he can move on so quickly.

  “Um, I don’t have any pants.”

  He looks down at my bare legs and winks at me, “I’ll grab you something.” He goes into his room and I don’t have the energy to get up off the floor. “They’ll be too big, but they’ll do until you go home.” He throws a pair of his sweat pants at me and I wonder what’s changed since he went into his room, his demeanor has changed yet again. I quickly put them on, not wanting him to get mad that I’m taking too long.

  “Thank you,” I say as he reaches down and helps me up off the floor.

  “You ready now?” He’s very gruff, he’s annoyed and I have no idea what’s changed. I nod, not wanting to say anything in case it sets him off. “Come on then,” I dutifully follow him out of the house and into his car.

  The ride home is silent but he holds my hand through most of the journey and its moments like this that make me realize that yes he does have faults, faults that he needs help with resolving, but underneath the anger is a man that loves me. He pulls up outside my house and I see the light on, which means that Maddie’s home. Shit, what am I meant to tell her about my eye? I reach up touch my eye as I think about what I’m going to tell everyone.

  “Ice it, it’ll take the bruising away.” He pulls my hand away and I look at him, he looks remorseful. “I’ll see you tomorrow beautiful.” He gives me a chaste kiss and I get out of the car, steeling myself against seeing Maddie. I walk up the steps and I can hear the television on, anxious because I know she’s in the sitting room.

  Entering the house, I see the flashing of the T.V. but can’t see her, that is until I walk into the sitting room and see that she is sprawled out on the sofa. Looking around I see there’s an empty bottle of Vodka and a half empty bottle of Gin. She’s drank herself to sleep. I clean up after her, throwing away the trash and hiding the Gin, this is the third time this week that I’ve found her passed out surrounded by alcohol. I don’t know what’s going on with her lately but she’s changed so much, she’s no longer my kind, caring older sister instead she’s a raging bitch.


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