Line of Fire

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Line of Fire Page 12

by Jo Davis

  He was at a crossroads, and while he hated the uncertainty that he hadn’t chosen the right profession, he was immensely grateful he was questioning his choice now rather than twenty years from now, when it was too late.

  Truly questioning, and considering his options.

  Because of Shea’s support.

  It was like a burden lifted from his shoulders. He hadn’t felt this free in over three years.

  For the first time, he felt as though it was okay to say, Maybe I took a wrong turn. Got off at the wrong exit.

  It was all right to live, even though Donny hadn’t. Maybe that was the most startling revelation of all.

  Without paying attention to where he was going, he found himself at the burned-out hull of the office building they’d worked the other day. The one where Eve had nearly fallen through the roof.

  An arson job.

  Who would want to do that to an abandoned building, and why? Bored teenagers? Or someone with a darker motive?

  A puzzle. And he loved puzzles. The prospect of being able to solve an arson crime excited him like nothing had in ages. Regular crimes, like burglaries and drug running? Forget that shit. Those were crimes that had to be solved on a human level. But arson? The clues were science, pure and simple. The arson investigator’s job was to present the evidence and let the detectives handle the arrest.

  Tommy parked, noting that another vehicle, a nondescript Ford sedan, was parked nearby. Until he knew for sure the other person had business here—like you do, idiot?—he’d have to be cautious.

  He got out of his truck and walked toward the shell of the building, a chill going down his spine. Some sick fucker had torched the place on purpose, and his partner had nearly been killed. He’d dearly love to find out who, and corner the asshole some dark night.

  Ducking the yellow tape, he walked as close as he dared, studying the places where the fire seemed to have done more damage than in others. Some spots inside the shell were blackened and charred, others almost untouched.

  “The tape is there for a reason.”

  Tommy jumped and spun to face a dark-haired man who appeared to be at least ten years older than himself. He wasn’t quite as tall as Tommy, but his body was fit and compact. His expression was curious rather than unfriendly, and Tommy gave him a smile, walking over to meet him.

  “I know, sorry. Tommy Skyler, Sugarland Fire Department,” he said, sticking out his hand. “My station worked this call, and my partner almost fell through the roof.”

  With that information, the man’s countenance completely changed from wary to open. He clasped Tommy’s hand and whistled. “You guys got a live one, all right. Is he okay?”

  “She, and yes, thanks.” He let go of the other man’s hand and gestured toward the building. “I’ve recently become interested in this end of things. You know, after the fire engines have gone home. I think it would be cool to help catch the perpetrator rather than just cleaning up his mess.”

  The guy laughed. “You’re kidding, right? A couple of the men I work with would give their eyeteeth to be firefighters. One made the high score on the written test but couldn’t pass the physical agility. I don’t know why you’d give up the excitement of being a fireman for a boring career in investigations.” The new speculation in his eyes, however, belied his words.

  “The grass is always greener, I suppose.”

  He smiled. “I guess so. Oh, I’m Mark McAllister, by the way.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. McAllister.”

  “Just Mark. So is this just a passing curiosity, or are you truly interested in finding out about the Arson team?”

  “I’m really interested. I’d like to find out more, see if I even have what it takes to make the move.”

  “You know it’s not lateral, right? AI is a whole different ball game.”

  “I figured as much. I’d still like to check it out.”

  Mark considered him for a moment, then removed his wallet and extracted a business card. “Tell you what. Why don’t you come by my office whenever you get a chance and we’ll talk? I can go over some of the nitty-gritty with you if you want.”

  “You’d do that?” Tommy took the card he offered, and a thrill of excitement went through him.

  “Sure, why not? If one of our boys on the front lines is itching to get into the Fire Prevention Division, I say everyone wins. Come on by. Just call first to make sure I’ll be there.”

  “Cool. I appreciate it.”

  McAllister turned and started for his car, and Tommy got the distinct impression he was being given a hint to leave. He couldn’t blame the guy, really, for not wanting someone here messing up the crime scene or possibly getting hurt.

  Tommy unlocked his truck and McAllister waved. Tommy lifted a hand and got in, and it didn’t escape his notice that the other man didn’t drive away, but made a call on his cell phone. A delay tactic to make sure Tommy was gone?

  “All right, I’m outta here,” he said with a half grin.

  As he started his truck and drove away, he swore he could feel the man tracking his progress. Maybe he had some doubts about whether Tommy’s story was legit, and even now was checking him out.

  That was okay. The man’s mind would be set at ease, and with any luck, Tommy had made an inroad.

  One that might prove valuable in the long run.

  Tommy spent the rest of the day running a few errands, including packing a duffel and bringing his regulation navy pants and shirt on a hanger so he could change for work in the morning.

  It occurred to him that Shea could stay at his place instead, but maybe she felt safer on her own turf. Whatever made her more comfortable was fine by him.

  Shea was waiting when he pulled up, and he grinned at the sight of her dressed in scrubs with little cats printed all over them.

  “What?” she said as she hopped in and shut the door.

  “I guess plain, ugly green is a thing of the past,” he said, gesturing at the pattern on her uniform.

  “Not entirely. The guys don’t go for cute patterns, so they tend to stick with the puke green unless they work with kids.”

  “Ah. I stand corrected. They’re cute, anyway.” He glanced at her before pulling onto the road. “Not as cute as you, though.”

  “I’ll wear them every day, then.”

  “I prefer you out of them, actually.” His cock agreed, twitching in the confines of denim. Seemed like he was perpetually horny with this woman around. No complaints, though.

  “Is this where we talk about fantasies? Seems like I recall some hot-to-trot guy mentioning certain perversions . . .”

  “Hey, you say that like it’s a bad thing.” He huffed in mock indignation.

  “Not at all. I am curious as to what some of yours are,” she said, running a fingernail down his arm.

  He shivered, and he actually felt his nipples tighten. Shit! “Damn, baby. You’re going to make me wreck the truck.” He tapped a finger on the steering wheel. “I did start this topic, didn’t I?”

  “You most certainly did. Spill it, buddy.”

  “Okay . . . one of my top fantasies is two girls and a guy. Me being the guy, of course,” he said with a mischievous grin.

  Shea gave an unladylike snort. “Yeah, that’s so not going to happen, unless you’re willing to participate in one of mine—two guys and a girl. Guess who gets to be the girl? Moi! And the guys have to kiss.”

  “No way,” he muttered. “I mean, to each his own, but dude.”

  “Ha! I knew I could do it!”


  “Get you to say dude,” she said, laughing. “You haven’t said it in ages.”

  “That’s mean, Shea Ford.” He shot her a curious look. “So you weren’t serious? About the two guys?”

  “Well, sure I was. But I’d give up the dream for you,” she said sweetly.

  He laughed. Man, he had his balls in a vise with this woman. He couldn’t tell if she was teasing or not, but surely she was pulling
his leg. “I’d appreciate that, baby. Guess the two women thing is a bad idea, too.” He thought for a few seconds. “Okay, another one is a naked picnic on the beach.”

  “Tempting, but we’re curiously out of beach in Tennessee.”

  “There’s always the man-made one down by the Cumberland River Dam.”

  “Um, nope. Too crowded, and I don’t want to have to explain to my cop brother why he had to bail me out of jail. Next.”

  “All right. I’m going to piggyback on the last idea and tell you I’ve always wanted to have sex in a public place. Not in front of vast multitudes, but somewhere dark and mysterious. Maybe another couple is watching, and it gets them hot.” Jeez, can a guy die from his cock being strangled in his pants?

  “Oh, my.” She sounded intrigued, her voice low and husky. “Like where? There’s that getting-arrested thing . . .”

  “I’m not sure. We could go to a club in Nashville and find a dark corner to fool around in.”

  “That sounds risky on way too many levels. Cross that off.”

  “Oh, wait. I know. There’s this young couple who moved next door to my parents, and my dad says they’re always going at it like bunnies by their pool. And my folks are going out of town for a few days next week.”

  He let the statement hang and glanced over to see her staring at him, eyes wide, lips parted. She looked equal parts shocked and titillated.

  “Would you really want to?”

  “Honey, I’m a guy. The evidence doesn’t lie. What about you?”

  Her gaze strayed to his lap and back to his face. “I—I don’t know! It sounds so—so naughty! And, wow, I’ve never—”

  “Me neither,” he said, hoping to put her at ease. He’d really blown her mind. “Like I said, they’re only fantasies. If you don’t want to, no worries. I’d never do anything to make you uncomfortable.”

  The reminder seemed to settle her somewhat. “I appreciate that. But I never said I didn’t want to.”

  Oh, man! Yep, she was going to kill him. But what a way to go.

  “Cool. Whatever you want, baby, all you have to do is ask. If you’re pleased, I’ll be pleased. That’s the way it works.”

  “You’re something else, you know that?” She took his free hand as he turned onto her street, rubbing at the calluses on his palm. “I don’t know why I ever thought you needed to grow up.”

  He winced. “Sheesh, put it right out there, why don’t ya?”

  “That wasn’t very graceful, was it? What I’m trying to say is that I’m glad I’m finally getting to know the real you,” she said softly. “And I like what I see. A lot.”

  A strange new feeling wound around his heart like a vine, hugging it close. “I’m glad, because I’ve liked what I’ve seen all along.”

  “I gave you such a hard time the night we met, and since then. I’m sorry.”

  He parked the truck and turned to face her, cupping her chin. “No regrets. Let’s concentrate on here and now.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  She leaned into him, sending his senses tumbling with a kiss. Gentle as a feather, her lips nibbled his. An affirmation of their growing bond. Her breasts pressed against his chest, soft and warm. Her scent shot a jolt of need straight to his balls and squeezed.

  “Let’s take this inside,” she said, pulling away.

  “Good idea.” He grabbed his uniform hanging behind his seat and the duffel in the truck bed. Once inside her apartment, he laid his stuff on the couch and pulled her close. “Hungry? I should’ve asked if you wanted to stop and pick up something.”

  “I thought we’d heat up some of your casserole later. Right now, I’m starving for something else.”

  “What might that be?”

  One small hand skimmed down his chest and belly, pausing at the snap of his jeans. “You’re not that innocent. I think you can guess.”

  His pulse sped up as she unsnapped his jeans, eased down the zipper. Before meeting Shea, if any of the guys had asked him if he thought being seduced by a woman in kitty-cat nurses’ scrubs was sexy, he would’ve laughed.

  As she hooked her fingers in the waistband and pulled down his jeans along with his boxer briefs, and hit her knees in front of him, he had to admit she could’ve been wearing a clown suit and it wouldn’t matter. Having her mouth on him was all that did.

  His erection pointed straight to his goal, already red and leaking because of their discussion on the way over. Reaching out, he caressed the silky curls on her head but managed to stop himself from following his first instinct, which was to yank her head forward and fuck her mouth until he exploded.

  He didn’t, though it wasn’t easy. When she flicked her tongue over the wet tip, however, he was glad he’d refrained. There was a certain heady freedom in surrender, and that concept was new to him. Watching her explore at will was the most erotic thing he’d ever seen.

  She suckled the head, tasting, fingers testing the weight of his heavy balls. Manipulating them with gentle pressure. He sucked in a harsh breath and widened his stance as much as the jeans around his ankles would allow, letting her have him.

  He was pretty proud of his control, until he watched the length of his cock slowly disappear, enveloped by her wet heat.

  “Oh, God,” he rasped, hips bucking forward. “Hell, yes. Suck me.”

  Grasping the base of his shaft, she increased the suction to long pulls. Taking him deep, sliding out. Again and again, tongue stroking the ridge underneath. Her free hand explored behind his balls, rubbing his perineum, an erogenous zone he’d never experienced before.

  It felt so damned fantastic, her mouth and hands working him, devouring him, driving him crazy, that he actually whimpered. The wonderful heavy, tightening sensation began in his spine, wrapped around to his groin.

  “Oh, baby, shit! I think I’m gonna . . . gonna—”

  He was robbed of speech as she deep-throated him, every inch of his cock being sucked and massaged mercilessly. He was along for the ride now, didn’t even try to hold back. His entire body clenched and he shouted, pumping his release down her pretty throat.

  “Yes! Fuck, yes!” He shuddered several times, dazed, letting her bring him down easy. Finally she let him go, and he was sorry it was over. “Jesus, that was incredible. Thank you.”

  She dabbed at the corner of her mouth and smiled up at him. “You’re welcome. I’ve been wanting to do you for a long time, if you must know the truth.”

  He took her arm and helped her up, then gave her a thorough kiss. “God, I can taste us mingled together. That’s totally hot.”

  “I agree. Anytime you want an encore, I’m your woman.”

  He traced her lips with his thumb, reading her reaction carefully to his next words. “Are you my woman? Are we together?”

  “I think it’s safe to say we are, yes,” she said quietly. But her good mood seemed intact, which he took as a good sign. “I’m not sure where this is going, but I know that much. I don’t sleep around, and if I do choose to sleep with a man I care about, I don’t date other men.”

  “I never thought you would, but it’s awesome to hear you say it aloud.” He could’ve jumped for joy, but decided he’d better not. “I feel the same way, so you don’t have to worry about me catting around. I wasn’t raised that way.”

  “Oh? What about your threesome fantasy?” Her tone was only half-teasing.

  “Nothing but fun dirty talk, baby,” he assured her. “I am a bit of an exhibitionist, though, so I’m still holding out for putting on a show for my parents’ lusty neighbors.”

  “The idea has possibilities. But do me a favor and don’t use the words parents and lust in the same sentence.”

  “Eww. Sorry.” He looked down at himself and chuckled. “Crap, I’m still exposed here. You must’ve melted my brains along with my bones.”

  After he made himself decent, she hugged him tight. He felt her smile against his chest. “Too melted to go another round later?”

  He tigh
tened his hold, kissed the top of her head. “No way. Tonight, lady, you’d better be ready. I plan on making love to you all night long.”

  “Ooh, promises, promises.”

  “You bet. Sooner rather than later if you keep wiggling against me like that.”

  “A long dry spell, was it?”

  “Ever since I met you, it has been. I haven’t wanted anyone else, and it’s been damned lonely,” he said honestly.

  She leaned back and touched his face. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m not lonely anymore.”

  “Me, neither.”

  He led her to the couch and pulled her down with him, holding her snug at his side. She laid her head on his chest, arm around him in what was fast becoming his favorite position. The ensuing silence was a rare, perfect slice of life, too huge for him to process.

  He simply sat and imagined the vines around his heart reaching out to curl around hers, too. Good and beautiful, like water filling cracks in dry, parched earth.

  After several more minutes, he stirred and rubbed her arm. “Want me to heat some of our leftovers?”

  “In a little bit. I want to sit like this a while longer.”

  His stomach growled. “If you’re going to make me burn all this fuel, you have to feed me.”

  Twisting in his arms, she rested her chin in the center of his chest and gazed at him with big brown puppy dog eyes, poking out her bottom lip. “Please?”

  He barked a laugh and kissed the end of her nose. “That’s dirty pool.”

  “It’s ingrained into the female DNA and is an evil form of mind control used to arouse and befuddle the male, bending him to the lady’s wishes.”

  “Well, it works. Damn, what have I gotten myself into?”

  “Poor baby.” She traced his lips with a delicate finger.

  Content to be the object of her sympathy, he sank into the pillows, enjoying her touches. She explored his mouth, his brow. He groaned in pleasure when she sank her hands into his hair, massaging his scalp.

  She paused. “How’s your head since the scaffold accident? I’m ashamed I haven’t thought to ask before.”


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