Bamboo Battleground

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Bamboo Battleground Page 20

by Don Bendell

  Bobby asked, “What kind?”

  He said, “Dress blues, too.”

  Bo asked, “What rank were you wearing?”

  He said, “Brigadier general.”

  Bo said, “Holy cow, sir!”

  Boo said, “Please, I am a civilian. Call me Boo. Do not say sir, and since I know you two are happily married newlyweds, if you don’t mind, I will call you Bobby and Bo.”

  Bobby said, “Of course, sir. Sorry, I mean Boo. I remember you now.”

  Bobby looked at Bo and said, “Remember when I pointed out the general who was also wearing a DSC, a Legion of Merit with two Oak Leaf clusters, two Silver Stars, and seven Purple Hearts?”

  Bo said, “Oh my gosh. That was you.”

  Bobby said, “I heard all about you from Boom, General Perry, my dad, and others. You were one of the most decorated men in Vietnam.”

  Boo chuckled, saying, “Christmas trees are decorated. I was just allowed to take credit for the actions of lots of great teammates and indigenous people.”

  Bo said, “Why did you act like you did not know him when he sat down, if you came here to meet with him?”

  Bobby said, “I didn’t come here to meet him.”

  Bo said, “Then who did you bring us here to meet?”

  Bobby said, “I didn’t know.”

  Boo chuckled. “He called the HIR in and knows you two are top priority in all intel and tactical circles. He knew that if there was any cavalry around, they would be here on a night there was a fight and would know what you two looked like. You know this is like going to the Super Bowl twice a week for these people. He figured, if not, someone would hook up with you two at the hotel. He also figured if there was no cavalry here, this would still be the safest place in town for you two to be tonight.”

  Bo smiled, saying, “Because the Thai mafia would not stand for anybody trying to attack us here, including the Alpha-Quebecs.”

  Bobby said, “Exactly.”

  Bo said to Boo, “How did you know he was thinking all of that?”

  Bobby interrupted, “Because he spent thirty years in Special Forces and knows how to think outside the box. What are we facing, Boo?”

  “Stay behinds.”

  “Stay behinds?” Bo said.

  Boo went on, “Muhammad Yahyaa and three of his bodyguards got on a plane today at 1630 for Singapore. He’ll get an adjoining flight to somewhere from there. We got word to people in Singapore who will hopefully get there and find out where he goes. He left behind two bodyguards who are hardcore Mideasterm-trained Alpha-Quebecs. The ones who attacked you were part of some disenfranchised locals who were training under Muhammad. He is a younger version of Ayman al-Zawahiri. He probably put a hit out on you two before he boogied. They all want his approval badly. Their mommies didn’t suckle them enough, I guess.”

  For some reason this line really struck Bo as funny and started her giggling like crazy. Maybe it was just because she was feeling relief knowing they were not alone in this. Boo and Bobby both just watched her laugh and grinned.

  Later, Bobby and Bo were both naked and lay on their bed looking out at the moonlight rippling off the expansive sea. Each had their weapons right by the bed, but Boo had reinforced what Bobby had said. Chances are they would not get attacked at their hotel, but somewhere on the street, in their car, or off away from the public eye.

  Bo laid her head on Bobby’s massive pectoral muscle. Even though they had enemies outside that room plotting ways to kill them, Bo felt like she could not have felt safer than she did when lying in the arms of her hero, her boss, her partner, her lover, her best friend, her husband . . . Bobby Samuels.

  He looked at her looking out the window at the still ocean and saw a tear roll down and drop on her pillow. He kissed her forehead lightly and wiped a new tear away.

  “What’s wrong, darling?”

  She said, “Nothing’s wrong. They are happy tears.”

  “Happy tears,” he said, surprised. “How can you be happy now, honey? We are in a hornet’s nest.”

  “Because I’m with you.”

  He smiled and kissed her.

  Then he said, “We are still in a lot of danger.”

  “Not when I am with you,” she replied. “I never am in danger. You will always handle it.”

  His chest puffed a little, but he said, “Thanks, honey, but there is no S tattooed on my chest.”

  “That’s funny,” Bo said. “I have always seen one tattooed there, ever since I first met you.”

  He kissed her again. Bobby knew they would not be getting much sleep that night.

  Boom had given them the address, description, and directions for Muhammad’s place. While Bo slept after making love again, Bobby lay there thinking about how he could attack the two hardcore AQ fighters.

  He climbed out of bed, gulped down a bottle of water, and started putting on black night tactical clothes, Kevlar, and his weapons.

  Bobby turned to see Bo sitting up in bed. She hopped out and went to the suitcase.

  Bobby said, “Why don’t you sleep?”

  Bo said, “Because I am going with you. You have their address. I was wondering when you would go after them.”

  The window to their room was on the first floor facing the ocean, so they simply opened it and climbed out. Both were wearing night vision devices.

  Bobby whispered, “It is less than a half mile to their place. I suggest we go on foot and stay in the shadows.”

  They took off at a brisk pace, and were in an alley near the tailor shop building within ten minutes. Waiting for an opportunity, they crossed the street tactically, each covering for the other. They then made their way to the back of the building. Bo was ready to just sneak up the back stairway, but Bobby put his hand on her arm.

  He whispered, “You ever see one of those movies where someone is sneaking up the stairs and suddenly steps on the one that creaks real loud?”

  Bo said, “Yes.”

  Bobby said, “What happens to the guy who makes the step creak?”

  Bo laughed, whispering, “He always gets killed. So what do we do?”

  Bobby looked around the immediate area and saw there was a balcony on the building next door. It also had a closed business and no residence on the second floor.

  Being careful to stay out of sight of Muhammad’s windows, he pointed, saying, “Let’s go up there, then cross over.”

  “Whatever you say, honey,” Bo replied.

  The steps to the balcony next door were made out of concrete blocks, some of which had been concreted, but some were loose. Bobby whispered to Bo, warning her about moving a block with her feet. They found a crude ladder lying behind that building and Bobby carried it up with him. Once on the balcony, they easily climbed up onto the flat roof from the balcony railing. Bobby went up first, and Bo handed him the ladder, which he pulled up, then grabbed her forearm when she stood up on the railing.

  Bobby took the ladder and tested all the rungs with his hand, and then carefully lowered it to the roof of Muhammad’s building. He told Bo to hold the end, and he walked across on his hands and knees, then held it for her. Once on the roof, they crawled slowly forward on hands and knees, with Bobby testing the structure of the roof with his hand each time.

  They made it to the edge of the roof overlooking the back balcony, and peering over the edge, Bobby saw the front end of two weapons, looking to be SKSes or AK-47s.

  He leaned back, and laid Bo on the roof, cupping his hands around her ear, ever so softly. “They are waiting for us on the balcony. I just saw the ends of their barrels. Automatic weapons.”

  Bo cupped her hands around his ear and said, “What will we do?”

  Both of them had the advantage of wearing night vision goggles, so peering down at the ends of the barrels in the shadows was easy as long as they did not make noise.

  He again cupped his hands carefully and whispered, “Crawl to the edge and watch until you see the ends of the barrels, then picture where
they might be standing or sitting. Then crawl back.”

  She edged forward on her belly and saw the ends of both barrels. Being that close to an ambush that was meant for them almost took her breath away. Quietly, Bo backed away.

  Bobby took her by the arm and eased her back several feet more, so they could talk.

  He again cupped his hands around one ear and whispered, “You will empty your magazine with searching fire into the one on our right. I’ll get the one on the left. Cover both ears. After the flash-bang, roll over on your tummy and open up, and only have your right hand exposed over the edge after the flash-bang goes off. Okay?”

  “I’m ready,” she said and pulled her Glock out ready to fire. “But why not just use an HE.”

  Bobby whispered, “In case they have women or even family inside the residence. An HE can blow out a wall and kill others, plus blow us off the roof.”

  The U.S. Army describes the M84 Stun Grenade like this:

  The XM84 Stun Grenade is a non-fragmentation, non-lethal “Flash and Bang” stun grenade that is intended to provide a reliable, effective non-lethal means of neutralizing & disorienting enemy personnel.

  The M84 non-lethal stun grenade is a non-lethal, low hazard, non-shrapnel producing explosive device intended to confuse, disorient or momentarily distract potential threat personnel. The device produces a temporary incapacitation to threat personnel or innocent bystanders. This device will be used by military personnel in hostage rescue situations and in the capture of criminals, terrorists or other adversaries. It provides commanders a non-lethal capability to increase the flexibility in the application of force during military operations.

  Detonating the M84 Stun Grenade in the presence of natural gas, gasoline, or other highly flammable fumes or materials may cause a serious secondary explosion or fire, resulting in death, or severe injury to friendly forces or unintended victims, as well as serious property damage. The operator must wear proper hearing protection when employing the M84. Injury to personnel could result if the grenade functions prior to being deployed.

  The M84 contains a minimal amount of explosives and, when initiated, produces illumination through oxidation (burning) of the components of the charge. Some non-toxic smoke is produced in minimal amounts. In the event the grenade functions prematurely or bounces back when tossed, the user could feel the effects of the grenade. Approved eye protection should be worn when employing the M84 to preclude possible damage to the eyes. The grenade when initiated produces an intense “bang.” The noise levels will be above 170 decibels within 5 feet of initiation. The user must wear approved single hearing protection when employing the grenade in the event of a premature functioning or bounce back when tossed. Activation of the M84 should not ignite paper or cloth. However, other hazards such as volatile fumes in the space where the grenade will detonate should be considered prior to tossing it into a closed structure.

  The US Army Military Police Corps is involved in missions that require the use of a stun hand grenade (diversionary device) to confuse, disorient, or momentarily distract a potential threat. The device will be used to apply the minimum force necessary by tactical and non-tactical forces while performing missions of hostage rescue and capture of criminals, terrorists and other adversaries. The congressionally mandated Soldier Enhancement Program (SEP), of which one purpose is to enhance the survivability items used by the US Army soldier, is the initiative to provide this increased level of protection.

  They crawled to the edge, then Bobby carefully looked over and made sure both men were still there. His man had switched hands but both were still there, waiting, watching, wanting to kill the two people who had been less than five feet away above their heads for the past ten minutes.

  Bobby gave her the signal, and they rolled over on their backs, Glocks in their right hands, and she plugged her ears with her fingers.

  Bobby plugged his left ear with his left hand and had already pulled the pin in the flash-bang, holding the spoon on the side with his fingers. He roled on his side and tossed it down on the balcony, as he quickly laid on his back and covered his right ear and closed his eyes.

  They started to hear one word in Arabic and then boom!

  Both rolled over on their stomachs and swung their right hands down over the edge of the roof pointing at where they thought the two ambushers were. They unloaded their clips almost simultaneously, and rolled back on their backs. They ejected magazines, slammed another into place, and released the slide, jacking the first hollow-point Corbon round into the chamber. And rolled back on their stomachs.

  Bobby slid to the edge and swung his right arm, shoulder, and head over, while Bo, without needing to be told, grabbed his left arm and held him. Looking through his night vision goggles, he saw both men down, unmoving, and shot full of holes.

  Bobby holstered his Glock, pulled his left arm free, and swung off the roof, dropping onto the balcony and landing on the balls of his feet. He pulled his weapon again and pointed at each man with a double-hand tactical grip on the pistol, shoulders forward to challenge recoil, high righthand grip, and left hand cradling the right with the left leg forward in a boxer’s stance.

  He eased forward, checked the pulse on each, finding none, and yelled, “Clear. Come on, quickly.”

  Bobby holstered his gun, moved out on the balcony below the edge of the roof and caught Bo as she dropped from the roof. They both pulled their Glocks again, and she covered him while he checked the pockets on the two men. Dogs were barking all over, lights were coming on in houses, and they went in the door and went through the residence as quickly as they could.

  They worked fast like two investigators could, and started grabbing papers that Bobby slammed into a backpack there. They ran through the place as fast as they could and soon heard sirens approaching.

  Soon they saw Koh Samui police outside on the street, flashlights in hand, searching around for whoever caused the explosion and gun shots. They, so far, had not pin-pointed the building. After searching the front of the building and the street for a good ten minutes, the three officers moved toward the back of the building. Bobby and Bo, having gone down through the tailor’s shop, simply opened the door and went out into the street, Bobby wearing the backpack. They dashed across the street undetected, save for one old woman down a block who saw them from her window and thought they were probably police.

  Still wearing their night vision devices, they fast walked and jogged toward their hotel.

  Moving into the shadows of the line of palm trees around the parking lot, they noticed two men at their Jeep. One was underneath.

  Bobby whispered, “Let us try to do this without noise, so we do not attract more local yokels and Barney Fifes.”

  They moved forward, weaving through the cars with stealth. Out over the ocean lightning flashed in the distance and thunder rumbled. Bobby and Bo made the last few steps in a dash. He rammed into the man standing with the power of an NFL linebacker on a blitz slamming into the Jeep. At the same time, Bo ran up and saw the man under the vehicle was on his back, apparently wiring a bomb under their car. She stomped down full power on his groin, and he raised up quickly bashing his face on the transfer case and knocking himself out cold.

  Bo grabbed his shins and dragged him out from under the car. His body was a limp rag.

  Bobby hit his suspect in the side of his head with an elbow smash and felt it strike home right under the man’s ear. He went down like a sack of potatoes.

  Both Bobby and Bo grabbed the pair and placed handcuffs on them. They were both Thai Muslims. Bo found their homemade bomb under the car and it was obvious it had to be hooked up to the car battery to detonate. The man had just started.

  Bobby pulled out his cell phone and called Boo. Ten minutes later, Boo showed up in an older BMW. He jumped out and Bobby and Bo immediately tossed the two men, now gagged, in the back of the BMW, while Bobby briefed Boo on what they did.

  The thunderstorm was much closer, and the normally mild su
rf was making a lot more noise. They could also hear the flapping of the edges of the large beach umbrellas right behind the resort on many tables.

  Boo said, “Dawn is coming soon. We’ll talk later. I need to get out of here. I’ll take care of these two. Get back to your room and get some sleep. I’ll call when we get a line on where Muhammad flew to. He must have used an alias, and he was not spotted by any of my fellow consultants.”

  They made it to the room undetected and slipped in through the window. Bobby and Bo hopped in a shower together, and then crawled into bed, falling asleep with their arms around each other, listening to the sounds of the storm outside.

  They wondered what was going on with the rest of the suspects.



  Sen. James Weatherford wondered what major world event might be going on. He was summoned to the White House by the president. Secret Service agents were there to whisk him through security.

  Marine One was warming up on the South Lawn of the White House, and he wondered if he was going on it with the president. With an escort of Secret Service agents around him, Sen. James Weatherford was too arrogant to think anything other than he had really arrived. There was some kind of international crisis going on, and he was being brought in, he figured. He was very excited.

  The vice president came out to meet him just outside the Oval Office. A small crowd of VIP visitors stood at the base of the steps to the veranda at the back of the White House, behind a barrier. To their right front was the Oval Office, with several large windows facing them and a double-framed door, full of glass panes where the president could walk out onto the step overlooking the Rose Garden. When the president was inside, there were usually two or three Secret Service agents just outside the door keeping an eye on the crowd behind the White House.

  On that side of the back of the White House toward the Rose Garden was another roped-off area which contained a dozen or so news media personnel and their cameras. These people assembled in the back of the White House were only there when the president was flying in or out on Marine One. These visitors now waved at Senator Weatherford and the vice president.


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