Highland Mists: A Highland Romp

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Highland Mists: A Highland Romp Page 8

by Hildie McQueen

  Stuart lifted his hand to signal his guardsmen to a stop. “I will continue on alone.”

  The men exchanged uneasy glances before one spoke. “We cannot allow it laird.”

  He understood and as yet not accustomed to the cumbersome practice of having to be guarded, his every move noted, he let out a breath. It barely worked to restrain his annoyance. “Very well.”

  Several women tended to a large garden just outside the gates. It was quite a sight actually as it flourished, sending a fragrance of blooms and herbs into the air.

  He glanced at his first. “It would be a good practice for our women to do the same.”

  “Aye,” the man replied his eyes never leaving the garden. Stuart imagined he was not looking at the plants, but studying the women.

  A familiar figure caught his eye. In the center of a group of women was Emma. She held a basket, her other arm waving in the air as she told some sort of story. The women laughed, then stopped abruptly at noting his party’s arrival.

  Guardsmen, who advanced on horseback towards them, had also spotted them.

  Not caring what either the men advancing or his own guard did, Stuart dismounted. He hurried toward Emma as she let out a squeal, dropped her basket and raced towards him.

  In that moment all ceased to exist, but the beautiful woman who’s loosened hair flowed back as she held up her skirts and rushed to him, her beautiful face flushed, her lips curved into a bright smile.

  When they collided, she hugged him so tight, he could barely keep his balance. She shook from head to toe. “Paden. Ye came. I was beginning to think ye would not.”

  “I just found out ye were here. Calum told me last night.”

  Ignoring the guardsmen from both clans to watch unsure what to do, Paden took her chin and lifted Emma’s face. “I missed ye.”

  She smiled and finally looked past him to the guards. “Are ye being arrested?”

  “Nay. They are my guardsmen.”

  “Because ye are prisoner?”

  He laughed as she glared to the men. “I will have my father order yer release immediately.”

  “Will ye?” He lifted a brow. “And after that?”

  “Ye will live here of course. I spoke to my father and told him I will only marry ye. After explaining things....he agreed.”

  What she’d explained to her father must have been compelling. By her hesitation, her father had not agreed readily. “Why would yer father agree to a union with someone suspected of murdering his own brother?”

  Once again she looked to the guardsmen. “News arrived that yer father died. I am hopeful yer new laird is more understanding of yer situation, once ye explained.”

  “I am called Stuart McLeod now.”

  “Stuart.” There was hesitance in her voice. “I will have to get accustomed to it.”

  Her expressive eyes scanned his face and he longed to take her away, to spend endless days only with her. “I missed ye.” Finally he could hold back no longer, he took her face with both hands and kissed her soundly.

  “Ye must come inside.” She took his hand. “Please?”

  He looked up to the guards. “I am here to speak to The McNeil. Will ye let yer laird know The McLeod is here?”

  The guardsmen nodded and waited for him to mount. He lifted Emma to sit with him upon the horse.

  She leaned back against him. “Ye’re the new laird?”


  Chapter Fourteen

  The wedding night had passed without incident. Emma tried to put the entire consummation episode out of her mind. It had been the most stressful, pretending to be a virgin. She and Stuart had fought to keep from laughing as he’d tried to tear the lining to a intestine he’d filled with blood. Then there was the matter of the blood. So much of it had spilled that someone suggested perhaps a healer should be summoned.

  She snuggled under the thick bedding and waited for Stuart to join her. It was later than usual, but being his friend Dugan had come that day, she understood. Her aunt and uncle had come for the wedding and remained at his parent’s home. Dugan, who’d traveled with them, came to visit Stuart.

  Upon hearing noise at the door, Emma lifted to her elbow and peered to the doorway.

  Her husband entered and immediately began to undress. He looked to the bed and smiled. “I think Dugan may remain. He has taken a liking to Skye.”

  “Are ye sure it has nothing to do with Anna?”


  Emma laughed. “She likes him as well.”

  Still unaccustomed to him joining her in bed, shivers traveled through her when he stalked closer. His gaze intent on hers, Stuart leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

  As soon as he slid beneath the bedding he pulled her against his body. “I like that ye are without clothing.”

  “Ye tore my new chemise last night. I cannot chance losing another,” Emma replied gasping when his erection moved against the sensitive skin of her upper thigh.

  Stuart lifted her face. “Ye are the best thing to happen to me? Not being Laird, tis being yer husband.”

  Pressing her lips to his throat, Emma licked in a circular motion, excited when his breathing hitched.

  “Mmmm,” he groaned sliding both palms down her back and cupping her bottom. “Ye are perfect.”

  “Come, roll over,” Stuart guided Emma to her stomach and then to her hands and knees. “I want to show ye something new.”

  She glanced over her shoulder, unsure of what he was to do. At the same time her body hummed with anticipation.

  The first press of his lips to the center of her back took her by surprise. Emma’s eyes closed when he continued trailing kisses down her spine until stopping just above the mounds of her bottom. He then massaged the orbs while licking and suckling at them.

  Her eyes flew wide when his tongue trailed down the center until reaching her core. His tongue explored her and his fingers circled her throbbing nub until she could barely take anymore.

  Unable to keep from it, she rocked backward and he drove in. Emma cried out at the unfamiliar way he took her. It was both wonderful and overwhelming.

  Her legs trembled and she was sure to collapse as he slid in and out of her in a steady rhythm.

  Stuart took her by the hips and began to pick up the pace, his body moving in perfect time with hers. “Take all of me.” He pushed in deeper, filling her so that Emma’s breath caught.

  “Yes,” she finally replied. “Oh.”

  Just when she was on the brink of release, he pulled out and rolled Emma to her back. Unable to catch her breath, she was limber allowing him to pull her legs over his shoulders.

  “What...what are ye doing?”

  His grinned. “Showing ye something new.”

  “Ooooh,” she lost the ability to think or continue to speak when once again he entered her body. Emma lost every once of control. It was as if he took her completely and there was nothing she wanted more. If he stopped now, she would surely die.

  Stuart began moving, his length sliding in and out as Emma could only writhe and clench the bedding. She called out his name, mumbled yes and oh until she made little sense.

  When he began to spill, she tightened around his erection, milking his release with so much pressure, he cried out.

  They continued locked together both continuing to climb but not falling over the much-needed precipice. Emma could not keep from mewling needing to find release, but at the same time fearing it.

  She looked to Stuart. “I, I have to let go...”

  Seeming to understand, he licked a finger and stroked her bud. Emma screamed as she fell apart and then everything went dark.

  When she finally opened her eyes, Stuart had lowered her legs and now held her against him.

  “What happened?”

  He kissed her soundly. “Ye fainted.”

  “I do not faint,” Emma replied enjoying the contentment that came from being completely and utterly sated.

fell asleep then?” He kissed her again. “Or perhaps bumped yer head.”

  “It was utterly wonderful,” she replied. “What did ye feel?”

  “Mmm.” His sleepy reply made her smile.

  “I am serious Stuart.”

  Her reply was a soft snore.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Emma stood outside allowing the sun to warm her face. Finally spring came and with it sunshine.

  When Rhona exited the back door and hurried to her, Emma’s stomach tightened. “What happens?”

  Her friend waved her worries away. “Tis nothing bad. I wanted to show ye something.” Rhona took Emma’s arm and pulled her a short distance away to the other side of the keep.

  “Look,” Rhona said in a conspiratorial whisper. “Tis Anna and Dugan.”

  Indeed just below them Anna and Dugan sat next to each other looking toward a small pond. Dugan reached for Anna’s hand and lifted it to his lips, while the young woman looked up to him with what could only be described as awe.

  “There will be another wedding soon,” Emma exclaimed with a wide smile. “I cannot believe how many changes have occurred since the day I went to Moriag.”

  Rhona sighed. “I am so happy for ye and for Anna.”

  “What of ye?” Emma reached for Rhona’s hand. “Why did Calum leave?”

  Despite the attempt at a nonchalant shrug, it was easy to see Rhona was sad at Calum’s decision. “He didna feel strongly enough for me. I would rather he be honest than to remain here.”

  “True.” Emma squeezed Rhona’s hand. “Ye will find true love soon, I feel it in my bones.”

  When Rhona laughed the couple below turned. Emma tugged Rhona and they ran back where they’d not be seen. Of course the two below probably noticed them despite the hasty retreat.

  Mealtime was special that night, roasted duck was the main course and every one was in good spirits. Sitting between Stuart and his mother, Emma looked toward the main doors as a messenger entered.

  “Come forward,” Stuart motioned the young man toward them. Obviously hungry from travel, the messenger kept looking toward the food trays.

  “What message do ye bring?” Stuart asked.

  “From my Laird, The McDonnell.” The messenger proffered a crumpled wax sealed offering.

  “Sit and eat,” Stuart replied to the young man who needed no urging. He raced to a table in the back, sat and reached for bread.

  Emma’s curiosity got the best of her. “What is this about?”

  “I have not read it yet,” Stuart replied a slight curve to his lips. “Once I do, I will inform ye.”

  “What does it say?” Rhona leaned forward from her seat on the other side of her mother.

  Knowing it was best to read the missive, Stuart unrolled it and scanned the contents. “Tis an announcement that Gavin McDonnell comes to Skye. His father asks for hospitality.”

  “Gavin? Why?”

  “Perhaps he seeks a wife? Or it could be he is running from something. I have no way to know.” Stuart began to eat, not seeming to think too much on the matter.

  Emma leaned forward and caught Rhona’s eye. “He is very handsome.”

  “Is he?” Stuart replied lifting a brow.

  “Aye,” Emma affirmed with a bright smile. “Perhaps he can marry Rhona.”

  “What are ye saying?” Rhona asked assuring to keep her voice low. “Why would I marry him?”

  “No one is marrying any one,” Stuart said pushing his chair back. “Rhona come sit here.” He picked up his plate and went around the table and down to sit with the guardsmen.

  “Why did he leave?” Rhona asked sitting next to Emma?

  Lady McLeod chuckled. “He cannot take all the questioning while eating. Men are strange creatures. They can only do one thing at a time.”

  “True,” Emma said with a nod. “Simple.”

  “Quite,” Rhona agreed. “Tell me about this Gavin McDonnell.”

  Emma regaled them with the story of how Gavin had come to her uncle’s keep and competed against Stuart in archery.

  “I believe he was infatuated with a woman, but just before leaving, she was betrothed to another.”

  “Another broken heart,” Rhona said with sigh. “I do not want to be matched with a man yearning for another. I will inform Stuart.”

  “After the meal,” Lady McLeod said.

  Rhona giggled. “Aye after the meal.” She scanned the room and lowered her voice. “Mother I must tell you about Anna and Dugan...”


  Summers in the Highlands were Emma’s favorite time of year. She strolled through the new gardens at keep McLeod and smiled upon spotting her husband. “It is not always the laird strolls through a garden, yet ye do it regularly.”

  “I have to ensure my beautiful wife if safe and not taken a spill into our future supper.”

  Emma laughed. “It is hard to see where I walk at times. This huge belly can be quite cumbersome.”

  “Only a few more days wife.” He took her hand guiding her to a bench where they’d made a custom of spending time talking. “I must discuss something with Ye.”

  Emma looked past him to a flock of birds that flew overhead. “Is it serious?”

  “Somewhat.” He helped her sit. “Look at me.” When she did, he smiled. “I demand we decide on a name for the baby.”

  She laughed, as they’d debated over it daily. “His name will be Paden Stuart McLeod.”

  His eyes softened. “Once again, ye insist on the name.”

  “Yes. I fell in love with Paden and married Stuart. I wish to name my child after both brave men.”

  Stuart let out a sigh. “Very well. However it may be a girl.”

  “He’s a boy.”

  He didn’t argue, as Emma was usually right. Instead he took her hand and settled back, a smile curving his lips when she rested her head on his shoulder.

  The End

  About the Author

  Writing Highlanders who will battle for your heart...

  USA Today Bestselling author Hildie McQueen loves unusual situations and getting into interesting adventures, which is what her characters do as well. She writes romance because she is in love with love! Author of Romance in Highland historical, Western Historical and contemporary, she writes something every reader can enjoy.

  Most days she can be found in her pajamas hiding from deliverymen while drinking tea from her David Gandy coffee mug. In the afternoons she browses the Internet for semi-nude men to post on Facebook.

  Hildie's favorite past-times are romance conventions, traveling, shopping and reading.

  She resides in beautiful small town Georgia with her super-hero husband Kurt and three doggies.

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