Notorious King

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by Hilary Storm

  Notorious King

  By Hilary Storm & Kinsley Michaels

  Copyright © 2018 Hilary Storm

  Kindle Edition

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under U.S Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design: Designs by Dana

  Printed in the United States of America


  To my favorite King in the world. Love ya, Lindsey!

  Table of Contents


  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Note from the Author

  Chapter One


  My body shivers while the sound of muffled music throbs through my mind and vibrates the small space I just woke up in. Everything is pitch black.

  I rotate my wrists trying to break the binding that won’t budge behind my back. Even my ankles are roped together so tight that I’ve lost feeling in my toes. My heels are gone; I guess being barefoot is the one thing I should be thankful for.

  Flashes of the blind date that left me in this predicament strobe through the forefront of my thoughts. His obnoxious comments sent me out the restaurant’s back door and that’s the last bit of light I remember. His name was Brock.

  Even though I should be ballistic, I don’t seem to have the energy to panic anymore as my memory begins to fade in and out once again.

  My eyes are covered and soaked from the wetness of my own tears and whatever they’ve used to blind me and no matter how hard I try, I can’t twist or turn enough to get it off. I finally allow my body to relax against the restraints and wait for my fate. What other choice do I have?

  The rumble of the road beneath me shifts as the sound of rocks crunching under the tires take over my attention before the car comes to a stop. The cold rain coats my back as soon as the trunk opens and I make the mistake of inhaling at the shock of it.

  “She’s awake.” A pair of rough hands yank me from the tiny space before I’m tossed over a shoulder, still bound up with no possible way to fight. I can hear at least two sets of footsteps walking behind us and until they each make a sound I only assumed they’re men. The thought of what the three of them plan to do terrifies me, even though I’m forcing myself to remain silent when everything inside me wants to scream in hysterics.

  As soon as the door opens, we’re greeted with an angry female voice. “Put her with the rest of them.” Her accent is heavy and before I get a chance to try to burn the details into memory, a sound that I’ll never forget ricochet’s straight to my core.

  Screaming. Blood curdling screams echo around me and force me to the realization that I’m not alone and this isn’t a simple kidnapping. Behind the deafening shrieks of the nightmare that has become my reality, I can hear crying. Even though I’m trying to count how many different cries there are as we pass, I lose count somewhere after nine.

  This is much larger than any scenario my mind had allowed before he carried me into the building.

  My body begins to shut down as the shock absorbs my emotions. The sound of metal clicking before he tosses me to the floor on my back makes me think I’m in some sort of jail cell. My body hurts, but I refrain from crying out when I land.

  “I can’t wait to get my turn with you.” His breath hits my cheek and nausea sends my stomach into a twisting fit as everything overwhelms me. I’m not sure if I inhale with a gasp because of his words, or if it was another girl nearby, but I hear it.

  He uses a tight grip on my hair to lift me to my knees. “Stay on your fucking knees. This is where I’ll start you if you’re good.” He makes a promise as if I’d enjoy it. As if I should be honored to be in this exact position at his feet.

  I can’t even see him, but the sound of his voice disgusts me. Repulses me beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. I can almost feel my body garnering enough will-power to fight all of this, but choose to go the other direction and shut everything down when he slides a finger down my chest.

  Everything goes silent as my mind slips into my safe place. He must sense my departure, because the loud slamming of the door clanking closed is the next thing that gets my attention. “Get her ready. They’ll be here in an hour and I want this one in the lineup.”

  I shift on my knees and try to ignore the rough concrete scraping my skin. Soft whimpers to each side of me remind me again that I’m not alone in my torture at the same time they give me hope that I can overcome this. I still can’t see a thing, but that doesn’t stop me from turning in each direction while I take in every single sound and detail.

  “How long have you been here.” I speak to my right after I decide that girl is closer.

  “We have a talker in cell twenty-nine.” The deep voice scares me even though it wasn’t close enough to be in the same cell as me.

  “Is that right?” The female moves closer as she talks. “Bear told me she’s his favorite. Should’ve known she’d be my shit starter. He likes the ones that fight.” I listen as the latch on my cell opens and she walks closer. Her heels hit the concrete with each step she takes.

  Her long nails scratch my scalp as she grips my hair so she can shift my head to her liking. “Nice profile. Good tits. Skin is flawless. You’ll bring in a fuck ton of money. Hell… you just became my favorite too.” I cross the tips of two of my fingers grasping at any chance to remain calm even though my insides are screaming while her words just solidified what I was most worried about.

  They’re going to sell me.

  They’re going to sell me after they do god knows what to me and I don’t have a single chance in hell at stopping them.

  Chapter Two


  I’ve been scrubbed and prepped for what I can only assume will be the auction that’ll take place very soon. The fluorescent lights are harsh against my sore eyes, but I work to take in every detail the burly men allow me to get in while they make the experience just as horrifying as I’d imagined it would be.

  One even jacked off while he watched me wash my hair in the shower. They’re both grotesque and it takes everything I have not to vomit against the ideas of what they’re going to do the entire time.

  But they never touch me.

  They look at me like they’d eat me alive and throw the spare pieces to the dogs… but they never actually touch me. I don’t dare challenge their self-restraint or question their motives because for now I’m still whole.

  Red lipstick is the only makeup they wipe on me with a sloppy hand. I can feel the it on my face as it dries in place and can only imagine how terrible I look with my scared to death, pale skin against the blood red. This time they place a silk blindfold over my eyes that matches the red robe they’ve slipped over my shoulders.<
br />
  I have to force my mind from running with the scenarios that could happen to me now that I’m about to be put in an entirely new situation. Right now my only focus is to stay alive and find the loophole in this fucked up mess and somehow get back to my own normal life.

  I have to escape or die trying. Any death would be better than what this place has to offer. I’ll find a way to escape tonight when they try to move me.

  Just as they finish tying my blindfold in place, I’m shoved into another room. The air shifts as goosebumps erupt and cover my skin. This place is larger, I can feel the space almost instantly hit me.

  They man handle me until I’m standing in the exact spot they want me in. Apparently every detail matters, including the angle my body is shifted and the way I hold my head. Nasty fingers under my chin force me to hold my head up even though I feel anything but confident.

  Chatter begins to fill the room and it doesn’t take me long to understand what’s happening. The same angry woman from before paces in front of me. I can hear the scared sobs of other women surrounding me and I’m dying to scream out and run like hell. Maybe the rest of them would follow and we could overtake the evil bastards in this place.

  My focus shifts when my wrists are grabbed and forced behind my back. The sound of chain echoing behind me removes any possibility of escape before I have time to think it all out. The clank of the lock and the tightness of the bite on my wrists remind me who’s in control.

  Another set of chains are dropped at my feet and the same weighted pull takes over each of my ankles before they’re pulled so tight I’m forced to stand with my legs apart. My chest is pushed out, amplifying my already full-sized chest for everyone to see. If my robe comes off, there’ll be nothing hidden from anyone in view.

  In a normal setting, I’m anything but modest. I’m proud of my body and never afraid to show it off. This is different though. I can’t imagine who’s watching or what they’ll be doing to us when this all starts.

  “First up, our three best girls for the night. Number three, twenty-nine, and fifty. Raise the curtain please.” The air shifts again and the room is filled with exhales and groans before the rumble of deep voices takes over. I can’t make any of the conversation out because there’s too many talking at once.

  My hopes that this would be a small event vanish as the realization of the danger I’m in washes over my body once again. Uncertainty swarms in my mind and I begin to feel suffocated just thinking about what I’ll be forced to do if I’m truly sold to someone here to buy a woman. I can’t imagine anyone normal would be into that sort of deal.

  “Once the bid reaches one hundred thousand dollars, each of the bidders will have the opportunity to see what’s under the robe of the woman they’re bidding on. We’ll start with number three.”

  I get lost as the number rises quickly hitting the one hundred thousand mark. Her cries hit me deep in the gut before I can imagine what she’s going through and what’s to come for me when it’s my turn.

  I’ve never experienced not having control of my own life and if I ever get the chance to claim it again, I’ll never take it for granted.

  She cries even louder just after footsteps echo behind us. My heart aches for her, but it’s even worse because I know I’m next. I do everything I can to hear what’s going on when the auctioneer calls the bidders to the stage. Wishing like hell that I could slip away and out of sight while all the attention is on her, I stand quietly. Silently waiting my own doom.

  “Take your time inspecting the goods before we begin the bidding once again. But remember, no touching until the deal is done.”

  I can feel bursts of air on the parts of my body where bare skin is uncovered. Chills slide over my skin as more footsteps pass. I can feel eyes on me. So many eyes that if I could cower away, I’m not sure which direction I’d go.

  “Take it off.” The very second her robe comes off, I feel it. I feel her dying inside and scared out of her mind. I feel her terrified cries and desperate pleas and I have to bite down on my tongue to keep from making a sound. Unfortunately, we’re all in survival mode and I know there’s nothing I can do to help her while I’m in the exact same predicament. It’s against everything I am to stay quiet, but I’m positive this isn’t the time to escape or cause a scene.

  It doesn’t take long for the winning bid to max out at just over four hundred thousand dollars. My heart begins to race even more knowing I’m next, but it gets worse when I hear her chains fall to the ground.

  “Lick the bottom of my fucking shoe, you whore.” I assume the man who won her can now take over because I listen to her being forced to the ground when she doesn’t obey. The chanting of the crowd encourages her owner to play longer and give them a show.

  “Fuck her here.” The loudest voices seem to all want the same thing. I cringe when he begins to do just that. My stomach jolts when her sobs become muffled, yet somehow louder. She’s in hell.

  The thought of death has to be something she’s thinking about. Death would be better than living through the nightmare we’re all in for.

  I squeeze my eyes closed and begin to pray because in this moment… that’s all I can do.

  Chapter Three


  The auction continues and with blurred sounds in my mind I lose my place in reality. I let the present fade and force myself to remember a beautiful time in my past.

  I was just a girl. My grandmother and I were walking in a field of wild flowers. Butterflies flutter around while I chase them, never actually catching one. I remember laughing and when I turned to look at my grandma, she had tears in her eyes.

  “Grandma, what’s wrong.” I rush to her and wait for her answer only getting a closer look at the look in her eyes.

  “Nothing, my darling. You’re so beautiful, never let anyone tell you otherwise. Always remember you’re a princess and you deserve to be cherished.”

  Her words echo in my mind along with the roar of the crowd as the words “Now we move to number twenty-nine” come out of the speaker. I slip back to my own mind and begin to pray this ends soon, allowing my own adrenaline to deafen me to the bids taking over the room.

  It’s only a few minutes later and my own robe is slipped over my shoulders and left to hang on my wrists behind my back. My entire body naked and on display for all the monsters to see. You deserve to be cherished.

  I try to remind myself of my own worth, failing miserably as the singe of bad breath slaps me in the face. “I can almost feel her tight pussy choking my cock.”

  Cologne and smoke. Liquor and body odor. Rank and filth. I can’t tell which smell is more prominent as the cool air pierces every inch of my body. Their eyes scraping me like a knife as they move over my body.

  “One million dollars.” A deep voice roars over the others and it’s only a short wait before another bid is announced.

  “One point five.”

  “Two.” The same roar repeats and the insanity of the auction begins to break me apart one bid at a time. Who would pay millions for a woman they’ve never looked into the eyes of.

  If my naked body is worth men fighting over like this, I’m terrified to think what the winner will do with me once this is over. I’ll always have a debt to repay in someone’s eyes and that’s not something I’m ready to have hanging over my head.

  “Two point five.”

  “Five million dollars.” My own thoughts are interrupted when the word five is practically growled through the room. The voice exudes power in every way. There’s not a doubt in a single mind in this room that this man wants to own me. My body begins to tremble when no one else counters with a higher amount.

  It only takes a few seconds for the bidding to be called final. “Number twenty-nine sold for five million dollars to Mr. Anonymous. And just like that, I’m now someone else’s property. Mr. Anonymous owns me and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.

  I feel rough fingers sliding my robe up my arms before a fist
gathers the material at the front. Panic begins to set in with him this close as the memories of what happened to the last girl still echo against the walls.

  “I’m not for sale. You can’t own me.” My own voice seems insignificant in the loud crowd trying to do what it takes to get off in this freak show.

  I feel his breath against my face before he whispers. “Did anyone here touch you?” A slight shake of my head tells him my answer. Thank god I can say no to this question, I’m not too sure my answer would be the same if I had been here any longer. I guess timing was my only savior in this nightmare.

  The chants begin and I’m certain my luck is over. “Please let me see you before you make me do this.” I pull against the chains still holding my wrists and plea to the man who now thinks he has the power to own me.

  “Drop her chains.” His demand aimed at someone behind me. The very second they hit the floor I try to reach for my blindfold. His grip on both wrists stops me before I can. “Don’t. They can’t see your face. Keep it hidden until I get you out of here.” He loosens his tight hold on me quickly, sliding his thumbs over the underside of my arm in a tiny circular motion.

  His words… his touch. They both somehow begin to calm me in this cold, hard nightmare where I should be screaming for my life. Begging to be released and freed from any man who thinks he can buy me. But for some reason, that’s not how he makes me feel.

  I’m not sure if my body and mind have just given up at this point or if my gut instincts are right about him. Either way, I’d much rather take my chances fighting off one man than an entire room of people out to ruin me.

  Chapter Four


  “They expect me to fuck you before we leave.” My heart sinks as the weight of what he’s saying sends me deeper into the living hell I’ve been thrown in. “Tell me your middle name?” He’s still talking against my ear.


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