Not An Angel (A Poryria Vampire Novel (Book 1))

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Not An Angel (A Poryria Vampire Novel (Book 1)) Page 8

by Dawn Chartier

  “Please come.” He placed a feather light kiss on her forehead. “I know this is abrupt, but there is no other way. You must give your report without mentioning me being here. Nor the creature you saw.”

  She realized her mouth hung open so she closed it. Wait. What? Today had been one crazy event after another. Couldn’t things ever be ordinary for her? With Trace, she had the impression that nothing would be typical. “I need answers when I get there.”

  All of this was very strange.

  He nodded. “See you soon.”

  Once her breathing returned to normal, she was able to put thought into Trace’s kiss. A feeling of something entirely different formed in her heart. Guilty pain stabbed her, blood rushed from her face as remorse settled in her bones for allowing the pleasure of his touch to excite her. She hadn’t allowed herself to feel anything like this since her dead husband. How could she do this to Steve?

  Chapter 9

  Kira leaned her head against Trace’s headboard with the covers pulled up to her waist. She inhaled deeply, remembering talking with the police and refusing to go to the hospital. They finally released her to Trace’s friend. A tall white-haired man who hadn’t said but a few words the entire ride. She almost didn’t get in the car with him, but he’d reminded her Trace was waiting there for her.

  After hearing the police say Jeff could be out on bail within twenty-four hours if he had no prior arrest, but mostly because the jails were filled over capacity since the hurricane. She decided she’d probably be safer here. Honestly, a big reason for going was because she still needed to find out what he knew about the grayish-purple-not-so-human looking creature and why he knew about it? He acted as though it wasn’t a big deal. That beast thing was a huge deal in her world. It should have been in his too.

  She sunk further beneath the blankets and recalled how Trace had tended to her injuries before he left his house. His light touch had sent heat through her, his hands had been most gentle and caring, but something still twisted in her gut. Maybe it was the way he insisted he wasn’t one of them. Why would he even compare himself to that thing? What did he mean?

  Not able to sleep, she got out of bed, showered and changed into the sweat pants and t-shirt he’d loaned her earlier. Scooting further into bed, she relaxed as best she could under the circumstances.

  Even after he left, she felt safer in his home than anywhere else. She’d made the right choice for now. He’d explained how the house was secure with a top notch alarm system, which included a panic remote he’d placed in her hand. She accepted it with a nod and had set it on the nightstand. Would be her luck to fall asleep and hit the button on accident, and she’d had enough of the police for one night.

  She sighed and patted the sheets not believing she was in his bed. She glanced around the large room, noting the tall ceilings surrounded with triple-crown molding. A painting graced the ceiling with a beautiful sunset scene of blues, purples, pinks, and oranges. It reminded her of a cathedral. The thought warmed her mind. The only thing she did not care for in this room was the hidden windows, covered in heavy, almost midnight fabric. She liked windows open and airy. She smiled. Trace was definitely not the airy type.

  She remembered him dodging the conversation they were supposed to have earlier, but she partly understood he had to rush out. He would absolutely talk to her when he got back or when she woke in the morning, if she were asleep when he returned.

  Her eyes felt heavy, so she closed them. The second she did, she saw it. Chills crawled beneath her skin just thinking about the pointy-toothed and red-eyed creature. Although she didn’t truly want to know what it was, she still needed to because Trace seemed connected to it somehow. Goose bumps overtook the flesh on her arms. She prayed she’d never see anything remotely like that ever again.

  The more she thought about it, the more it bugged her that it hadn’t affected Trace. From what she could tell he hadn’t appeared frightened at all. Maybe agitated, but not scared.

  His words started to haunt her. “I’m not one of them.” Why would he say that? The words continued to repeat in her mind and refused to let go. If she were going to get any rest, she’d better bury the thoughts until he came back to talk to her.

  Pushing herself deeper into the bed, she turned her head into the pillow trying to forget everything. The hint of clean linens mixed with Trace’s musky scent surrounded her. Her stomach fluttered at the warmth building inside. A twinge of pleasure spread through her, between her thighs. Her breathing became rapid. Oh hell, his masculine scent would torture her all night. No. She wouldn’t let herself feel lustful toward him.

  Longing. Wanting. Needing.

  How had she allowed herself to feel anything for anyone after her husband? She couldn’t betray Steve. He’d want you to be happy. She couldn’t be happy knowing she’d allowed her baby girl to die. She should have checked on her during the night. It wasn’t your fault. Her thoughts were torn between the past and the present. Could she allow herself to open up again? What if she lost him too? No. When she loved others, they either left or died, and she would be alone once again.

  It started when her real father left her in a trash bin at a bus station when she was five days old. From then on something always happened to the people she cared for. One way or another they became systematically removed from her life.

  Could she take that chance again? She wanted to, but could she?


  Trace stood with Mike behind Dev and waited for him to finish his scotch. Why the man enjoyed drinking in public was anyone’s guess. The stench of stale beer, and who knows what else, assaulted his senses as he observed patrons through the heavy layered smoke-filled room.

  Dev tossed the rest of his drink down his throat and turned with a, “what the fuck do you want” glare. “So, you found the girl?”

  Trace sat on the bar stool next to Dev, and Mike took the opposite side. “We found her, but so did the Vry who took Mike’s knife.”

  The corner of Dev’s mouth twisted. “And you let him get away, again.”

  Mike leaned around Dev and glanced at Trace. “The bastard vanished.”

  Dev’s brows rose. “Vanished? Ah. That’s why I hadn’t detected him.”

  Trace and Mike examined Dev. The ancient one could see and understand things that no one else could and it seemed as though Dev had just found the last piece of the puzzle.

  “The Vry must be one of the originals from Scotland. One of the first. The younger ones with weaker lineage cannot vaporize like we do.” Dev shook his head. “You are going to need more help. I will send for Landon and his boys to come and hunt with you.” Dev closed his eyes as though in deep thought. “The outcome is not clear. Damn I hate when that happens.” His growl shook the alcohol bottles lined on the shelves. Not many patrons noticed through the pounding of the music.

  Trace stood and pushed the bar stool back under the counter. He didn’t like where this was going. “So, what is going to happen with the knife problem?”

  Dev glared at Mike. “The knife was lost at the police station. Mikal owes someone big for this.”

  Mike lifted his head. “What do I owe you?”

  Dev laughed. “Not me. Don’t worry, when it’s time to pay up, Detective Caine will find you.” Dev turned and slapped Mike hard on the back. “You’re going to wish you never lost your knife to the Vry in the first place.”

  Trace crossed his arms. Whatever Dev was up to, he enjoyed the hell out of teasing Mike. What is he hiding?

  Mike scowled and ordered a beer.

  Dev stood. “I’ll request Landon meet with you soon. He should not take long to arrive, a day perhaps.”

  Trace nodded. “Good. And hey, I’d like to talk to the Queen.” The sooner the better, he couldn’t wait to get home. There was still that conversation he needed to have with Kira, before all hell broke loose. “Dev?”

  “The Queen does not wish to speak with you yet. And yes. Tell the human.” Dev threw money on
the bar.

  Trace hated when Dev answered him before he asked the question. “What if…”

  “If she decides to leave, her mind can easily be erased.” Dev waved him off.

  Would she leave? And did he truly want her involved in his crazy world? He wasn’t sure, but he couldn’t picture her leaving. He had just got her where he wanted…in his bed.

  Chapter 10

  Soft light lit his bedroom, casting shadows from his antique furniture along the walls. Trace lifted his hand, held it in midair, hesitating, aching to reach out and touch a strand of her silky hair. Her breathing held even, her hand resting on his pillow. A smile tugged at his lips. His cool heart warmed, knowing this beautiful woman was meant for him. How could she not be? She made him feel alive and complete. He would do everything in his power to keep her. Her surprising strength added to complete his.

  He inhaled and dread filled him. Wanting to bring her into his world was selfish. Taking what he wanted wouldn’t be fair to her. She’d learn about a terrible world she hadn’t ever known existed. One of evil, hate and death. One he couldn’t see her surviving in. She was too fragile. He couldn’t expose her like that. Not even to his own kind. She wouldn’t understand and he couldn’t blame her.

  He squeezed his eyes shut and swallowed the lump in his throat knowing what he had to do. Erase her memory.

  Kira moaned as his fingers slid down her delicate arm. Her sleepy eyes opened, blinked and then held his. Her scent filled his mind with erotic thoughts. God, he wanted her bad.

  “I tried waiting up.” She yawned and glanced down. Noticing the blanket had fallen to her waist, she tugged the sheets over the thin t-shirt that covered her breasts.

  He couldn’t help but follow her movement. Agitated, he ran his short nails through his hair. “I’m sorry to have wakened you, but I wanted to check to make sure...” If only he could take her in his arms and hold her the rest of the morning. The pain of not touching her hurt so bad. Fight it. You have to stay distant.

  “I’m fine.” She pulled her hair back. “I’m glad you woke me. What time is it?” She glanced around the room.

  Trace shrugged. “Close to five. Try to go back to sleep.” His hands had a mind of their own as they traced the side of her cheek. The softness of her skin made him hard. He wanted her now. Don’t do it. She deserves better.

  He heard his breath increasing and wondered if she heard it, too. Her face remained neutral as she placed her hand over his, and then brought it to her lush pink lips. Her lips brushed his knuckles.

  “I don’t recall thanking you for rescuing me once again.” She released a heavy sigh. “Trace, I don’t know what would have happened to me if you hadn’t come along. I was so scared.”

  “I believe it was you who rescued us.” He didn’t want to think about this right now. She was safe and that’s all that mattered. He plopped down next to her. “I’m sorry I had to leave you alone with the police.”

  She tilted her head. “It’s okay.” Her eyes searched his. “But why did you? What happened tonight?” She held his hand tighter, her life’s energy seeping into him. Never had he experienced such pleasure in a simple touch.

  He took a deep breath. How could he tell her without ruining this sweet connection with her? What if he never got the chance to taste her lips again? That couldn’t happen. Just one more taste, then he’d erase her memories of him, of everything she shouldn’t be aware of. Stop thinking of yourself, asshole!

  At this moment, he’d never hated being a Poryria guardian so much. No. Don’t!

  “I’ll tell you, but first…” He leaned forward and lightly touched her lips with his. Warm and soft. His chest tightened and his body ached for more. Greedy.

  Kira inched closer and wrapped her arms around his neck. A provocative moan escaped her, seducing him, begging him to take more. His will snapped. He wanted to caress her smooth skin while her body sweated under his. His hands slid underneath her t-shirt, he found her nipples hard. Clean your thoughts! She’s just been through hell.

  A gasp of surprise came from her. She smiled, and he pictured himself tasting every inch of her flesh. As though she’d read his mind, she lifted her arms inviting him to remove her shirt.

  He moaned, aching to touch her, skin-to-skin. In one swoop her shirt fell to the floor. He stared at her perfect round breasts. Her eyes widened, then slowly turned into desire, and it was all the approval he needed. He filled his hand with her soft flesh, and took the other into his mouth. She moaned. The hint of honey from soap still lingered on her skin. A delicious tease to his senses. Her back arched and another sound released from her lips. The blood rushed to his groin making his pants tight and uncomfortable. The urgent need to bury his fangs into her warm flesh seized his body and mind.

  The smell of her lust demanded he take what he longed for. Damn, he should have fed first. No. There was no way he’d mark her as his. He couldn’t. She deserved better. She deserved to know the truth. Maybe he could tell her and let her decide. If she couldn’t handle it, then he’d do what he had to do.

  As she moved closer to him, her fingers inched their way down his shirt. Every cell in Trace’s body caught fire. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”


  Kira pulled back. Passion and confusion filled his eyes; they probably mirrored her own. What had come over her? Her body throbbed, her heart raced, and her palms were sweaty. Oh how she wanted Trace, but she couldn’t. So many thoughts flew through her mind.

  She ached to be held. To be touched. She didn’t feel alone while Trace held her.

  Then she thought about Steve. How could she allow someone else to touch her? Everything confused her. How can women separate their emotions, their hearts, from their bodies? She wanted to, her body wanted, but they wouldn’t release the hold they had with each other.

  “I shouldn’t have pushed you so soon.” His eyes searched hers.

  “No. It’s not that.” She closed her eyes. Steve was dead. She had to accept that. And Bre was dead too, as hard and painful as it was, it was true. Nothing could bring them back, and her body and mind was still alive. “I feel like I’m betraying them.”

  His brows arched. “Them?”

  “Steve and Bre. My heart should be with them, and it is. But, I’m finding myself…” she sighed. “Am I a terrible person for—for wanting?”

  He lifted his finger beneath her chin. “What do you want, Kira?”

  Her heart hitched. Could she open up one more time? Could she allow herself the pain of losing Trace too? Just like with the others?

  It didn’t matter. The desire to be touched still held strong. She wanted to give in.

  He moved to the edge of the bed. “Maybe we should talk before we go further.”

  “I do want…you. When you touch me… I get warm inside. The pains and aches are less each time I’m near you. Am I making sense? How could I?” She shook her head.

  Trace rested his hand on her neck. “You make perfect sense. You deserve more than the pain that has been eating you alive. Open up to me, it may help.” He tucked her hair behind her ear. “You aren’t betraying anyone. I promise.”

  Could she make her heart believe what he said? “I wish it were that simple. I’m scared I’ll forget them. I don’t want to change how I feel.”

  “Why would being with me right now change that?” Trace ran his fingers down her arm and rested his hand in hers.

  She sat silent for a moment as she absorbed his words. “I don’t know.” She played with his hand. Could she allow herself to enjoy his touch? Enjoy the pleasure she knew he would give her?

  His intense gaze held hers. “I don’t want to replace anyone. I could never do that. They will be in your heart no matter what. We don’t have to do anything if you’re not ready.”

  His words sank in and rang true. Reaching deeper into her mind, she knew now what she truly wanted. Needed. She ached for something other than pain. Trace could give her that, as she reache
d out and touched his arm, she smiled. “I’m ready.”

  The moment his lips touched hers, she allowed herself to absorb here and now. The only thing in her head was Trace and the yearning he brought out in her.

  “You sure?”

  She nodded.

  “I promise to make you feel good,” he said as his lips skimmed down her neck.

  Oh, she already felt good. Goose bumps raced every which way as his mouth traveled lower. Before she knew what was happening, his tongue swirled around her nipple and then took her entirely into his mouth. She struggled to breathe.

  He softly shifted her hips into position on the bed. He stripped his clothing, taking his time with her sweats and panties. His eyes followed her bare skin, creating tingles along their path.

  She tried taking in his masculine glory, but nerves made her close her eyes tight. She wanted to peek at him, but she’d never been intimate with the lights on before.

  He climbed on the bed, and she twitched as he settled his lean hips between her thighs. “Your body is cool.” She felt his thick manhood on her thigh; now she was nervous.

  “Your skin is burning up.” He grazed his mouth along her stomach as he descended lower. “Your sweet scent tantalizes me.” He caressed her legs with his hands. “I want to taste you.”

  She gasped and clenched her legs. “Taste me?”

  No man’s mouth had ever touched her. Steve never encouraged that kind of intimacy. Sex was sex, nothing more. She trembled as she realized she was in for a new erotic experience. The thought of his mouth on her scared and excited her at the same time. Her breathing became almost labored at the thought of his tongue on her clit. Tingles already vibrated there before he’d even begun. Then his breath brushed near her sex. Desire slashed through her, and she longed for his lips to touch her.

  His provocative growl sent sizzling shocks across her body. Her back arched to meet him halfway.

  “You sure?” he murmured.


  “I’ll stop if you want me to.” His breath teased her with each word.


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