The Guild Chronicles Books 1-3

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The Guild Chronicles Books 1-3 Page 59

by J M Bannon

  The anxiety left her replaced by nausea. The sight of Saint Yves and his cult members brought back terrifying memories of that night they ruthlessly murdered Angelica.

  "How can we meet them, they…"

  "Rose, you are here as an agent of the Crown, and her Majesty’s government has seen fit to let that matter go; those men will not be brought before a court. That must be put aside, packed up in one of your fancy bags and left it in the carriage. Our goal is to gain help with that contraption; we need to be observant officers of the law and watch for any evidence as to who is answerable for the massacres. That's it, if you can't do it, remain in the car," Williamson's delivery reminded Rose that she still struggled to subordinate her emotions to the logic of detecting.

  "Everyone has a reason or a season," She spoke out loud.

  "What?" asked Dolly confused by her muttering.

  "Nothing, something another advisor passed on to me."

  "Well here is some more sage advice, bite your fucking tongue if you're battling with the reason or the season, Rosie," said Dolly with a grin and a squeeze of her hand.

  "Good morning Detective, Good morning Sister Rose," said Guild Master Saint Yves as Dolly and Rose descended from the carriage.

  “It’s Constable Caldwell," Rose corrected Saint Yves.

  "We are here as part of an official inquiry and have a series of questions to ask you and your Guild," declared Detective Williamson in a formal tone. "Absolutement, if we were not amenable, you would not have been let in through the front gate! Guild Masters Crocus and Hume are waiting for us inside," said Saint Yves. The other Necronists that greeted them dispersed. Saint Yves lead the way up the steps, they entered the temple. As they crossed the large foyer past an ornate fountain from which water gently flowed, their footsteps echoed in the solemn, heavy atmosphere. They paused before a set of massive doors inset with vignettes and other markings. They reminded Rose of her own bronze doors with their sigils of warding. As he pushed open the doors Saint Yves spoke before they entered. "I wish to acknowledge our previous contretemps and assure you, I harbor no ill will and am prepared to be as helpful to you and your government as I can be."

  Rose's blood boiled.

  "That can be said for us also, Guild Master," replied Dolly looking at Rose.

  Option two, bite tongue! She thought.

  They entered a spacious sitting room, empty but for the High Guild Master Crocus and another who sat by the fireside. Rose recognized Crocus, etchings of his face had been in the newspapers for decades; he was reported to be the preeminent medium in the world.

  "High Guild Master, may I present Detective Inspector Fredrick Adolphus Williamson and Constable Rose Caldwell. This is the High Guild Master Sebastian Crocus and Guild Master Hume of the White Wyrding," finished Saint Yves. He then took a chair to the right of Crocus.

  Crocus never got up. "Please, have a seat. Let me commence by saying, I want to use this encounter to establish that the Necronist Order is of benefit to Her Majesty. Detective, we are not death cultists or worshippers of the dead; we are scientists, leaders in metaphysic sciences. What we offer goes beyond politics, religion or business. Share with us what was so urgent that it came through French diplomatic channels; the Necronist's leadership only aspire to serve." Crocus offered his open palm as a signal for the Detective or Rose to speak.

  Rose sat quietly observing. She and Dolly had been brought to the inner apartments of the Eternal Circle; the seven Guild Masters were the most influential and potent men in Metaphysics. Rose had seen Saint-Yves and knew he was adept at offensive metaphysics and projection. Crocus was purportedly the master of prophecy and premonition and finally, there was Hume. He was the quiet one, working behind the scenes, but Preston had shared with Rose, that it was Hume who developed the metaphysical process rumored to keep his fellow Guild Masters and Napoleon younger than their years.

  Dolly took the lead. They had planned out their approach on the flight over from America, once they knew they had an audience with the Guild. "Thank you for your time. It is to your point that we have come. We do need your expertise. Last year, there was an event on the Zeus Colonial, a passenger airship traveling from Boston to Paris. All souls onboard were lost, a ghastly incident," Dolly opened.

  "We know of that calamity," agreed Crocus.

  "My branch at Scotland Yard was solicited by the Government of the United States of America to examine an identical incident in a frontier town where over fifty people lost their lives in a similar way. This incident occurred a few weeks ago," Dolly paused looking to Saint-Yves then went on talking, "I need to bring up a delicate subject. All the bodies resembled the victims of the murderer Angelica Du Haiti, but this was done en mass and quickly. Local U.S. law enforcement found an instrument that Constable Caldwell believes caused these spirits to be stripped from their bodies. We are here to discuss if you possess the ability to return the souls to their hosts and to aid us to locate the origin and operators of the apparatus.

  "Do you have this machine with you?" asked Crocus.

  "It is on our ship," responded Dolly.

  "Guild Masters, I know that this device bears the living spirits of the inhabitants of Harpsichord. I was able to vision the event when the device detonated, it swallowed all life instantly. I want to emphasize my personal concern… let me rephrase that, I would ask you to assist in ensuring that these souls are safely sent to the hereafter,” said Rose.

  "Rose, both the Crown and the U.S. government seek to restore those people," challenged Dolly.

  Rose was silent, she looked at Dolly then spoke to the Necronists. "The uninitiated believe the Djinn can go back into the bottle after it has been released. I am concerned that any undertaking to return them to a human host could create more strife and horror than releasing them to an afterlife. You know as well as I that an artificial stasis of the soul is a dreadful existence," said Rose.

  Crocus sat up, "Detective, your deputy is correct. One of our central theorems is that spiritual energy is extraordinary, separate, rare and thus not transmutable. Like the naturalists and physicists, we believe the substance of matter is energy, but the energy in this table,” crocus rapped his knuckles on the side table, “even the underlying energy that makes up my flesh is a common, let us say unintelligent energy. The soul is not the same energy. We all can stop and quiet our minds to the point where you recognize an individual essence, separate from our body and the thoughts that rush around in our heads. We know it is a struggle to place it physically within the body. Is the spirit in your head or your heart?” said Crocus as he rose. He strolled over to a water pitcher, on a table by the door. He poured a glass for himself then continued, "The good Sister has walked on the margins of the truth, she has projected and had out-of-body experiences. She has seen that there are those who can take the soul of another and as such, she knows life energy is not easily transferrable.”

  "I do know of one situation, where a soul has been taken from a mortal form then sent to a vessel, followed by placing it to another mortal form," said Rose.

  All eyes were on Rose, the interest in her last statement was palpable. Hume was particularly intrigued, "When has such a phenomenon happened?"

  "Preston Gilchrist has been holding two souls in his mortal form for several months now," offered Rose. Hume leaned forward to look at his two brothers of the Guild. Dolly jumped in, "So, this large group of Americans trapped inside the Crystal, could they be returned to their bodies?" asked Dolly.

  "What do you mean, Crystal?" asked Hume.

  "The object we collected from the crime scene is a complex device, like something you would see in a mechanist workshop, it has an arcane element, however, a large crystal. That is what you would call it, correct Rose?" stated Dolly.

  Rose saw the confusion on Hume face, "We have it on good authority, that the device uses Thanatalic Mystaficatos, a rare alchemical element, few outside the Necronist and Alchemy Guilds would have knowledge of its properties," Rose watc
hed for reactions; she had learned from Dolly to look for tells, a sign that more information was available.

  "It is my understanding Guild Master, that we are the sole user of that mixture. I can confirm that our supply is accounted for, but can the Alchemists account for all they make?" Hume reported to Crocus, he then turned to Dolly and spoke, "I would need to see this device to understand what it is capable of and how it could work."

  "Well, that's the sticky part gentleman, after our last encounter, I am not inclined to pass over this evidence, since it is in my care from the US government. I would propose that you join us on the ship for an initial review to understand its origins and determine if we can help those trapped inside," directed Detective Williamson. He then got up. "Gentlemen, thank you for your time, Constable Caldwell and I will be at the airship and shall be departing early tomorrow morning. We can find our own way out." finished Williamson.

  As the two walked out to the carriage Rose spoke in a hushed tone, "Dolly, did you see Saint Yves? He knows something. He kept looking at Hume."

  "Good eye, Caldwell."

  * * *

  4:30 p.m Necronist Guild House, Ile de la Cité Paris, France

  Hume was going through his journals reviewing his old notes. Most of his working papers were transferred to the monastery, putting him at a disadvantage. He was perplexed; who else could build a device like his vim vitalem cumulus. It was the first object he had created after his return from Haiti and began his work on the science of life force collection and augmentation.

  "Guild Master Hume, the Surete National are here asking for you," announced Hume's private secretary. "I am finished speaking with the English Policeman," barked Hume.

  "No, Monsieur they are French," said the secretary.

  "Now what?" he said out loud taking off his spectacles.

  Hume stood and stepped out of his office following his secretary out to the public reception courtyard to see a pair of uniformed police accompanied by a suited man. He approached. "I am Guild Master Hume. How may I be of help?"

  “Monsieur, I am Detective Roberts from the Préfecture de police de Paris. I have to ask you to accompany us. We believe your daughter Mademoiselle Lilith Hume was in an accident in the city and we need your cooperation,"

  "You're misguided, my daughter lives in Belfort."

  “Alas Monsieur she is not. We wire typed the gendamerie in Belfort to locate you. At your Chateau, they were informed by staff that neither you nor your daughter were there. Once we understood that you were Guild Master Hume, we knew to try to find you here Monsieur. It is imperative you come with us, Sir."

  Hume wondered what game the Englishman was playing with his French counterparts. It seemed strange to bring his daughter into this affair.

  "Give me one moment and I will come with you to sort this matter out," said Hume, as he went back to his office to collect his effects.

  * * *

  6:00 p.m. Necronist Guild House, Ile de la Cité Paris, France

  "I would like your permission to investigate Guild Master Hume's activities at the Monastery," said Guild Master Saint Yves.

  The private office of the Guild Master Crocus was simple, with an Egyptian motifs. Its design purposeful, to leave a visitor with knowledge of the Necronist's connection to ancient Egypt and the impression of the leader as a contemplative man.

  "What you ask is unusual, for one Guild Master to distrust and spy on another," said Sebastian Crocus.

  "Arno and I are close. We have a long history and I believe he knows more about the Detective’s inquiries than he let on. Sebastian, you and I both know the device they found sounds like the soul magnet Hume worked on upon our return from Haiti. The results are like those we experienced with the first tests."

  "Have you spoken with Arno?"

  "I went to ask him, and his secretary told me he left suddenly and didn't share where he was going."

  “Gerrard, I don't see how meddling in the work at the monastery will help the Guild," said Crocus.

  "I am shocked that you are not more concerned. If he has been collecting life energy outside of his experiments at the Monastery, he violates our covenant," challenged Saint Yves.

  Crocus looked up from his desk. Saint Yves saw he had the High Guild Master's attention and had escalated his leaders stress level with the accusation.

  "You think Hume would violate our core principles?" asked Crocus.

  This was a serious allegation, Saint Yves needed to choose his words wisely.

  "Sir, I was never in agreement to allow the White Wyrding to draw the life from an animal. As the leader of the Adepts, I see the collection of life-force as our sacred duty and burden. The circle disagreed with my belief that to do so violated the covenant. I accepted the decision of my Brothers, but I still feel it is an infraction. While I understand the work to create artificial life when successful, will strengthen our position with the Emperor, pursuing this research without checks and balances is fraught with peril. The White Witch can see the danger, and only has an inkling of what we have achieved and are capable of with our knowledge of the arcana of life,” said Saint Yves.

  "Gerard, the basis of our power is Cenaculum Mortale Rejuvination. It is Napoleon's opium, and we are his only source! Hume's sourcing of life energy from beasts does not weaken you and your sect. It strengthens the guild and makes you more powerful. Besides Gerrard, all in the Eternal Circle have enjoyed time in the chamber and are the benefactors of those who lose their lives at the blades of your Adepts,” replied Crocus.

  The words stung Saint Yves, not because of the shock of taking a human life, or that his life had been supplemented by those he had taken. Saint Yves wondered if all his leader was concerned with was the worldly issues of power and court intrigue; it all was about how Crocus could maintain his status. Was Saint Yves’s work to hold the helm of metaphysics purely to serve Sebastian’s political agenda?

  "The collection and dispensing of that sacred energy has been our secret and our strength. Our order has these traditions for our own survival. Is it possible the White Wyrding has been collecting human life by the hundreds outside of the protocol without your knowledge?" said Saint Yves.

  Crocus stood and paced as he spoke, "None of this have I seen. I have no premonition of this discord.” Saint Yves had little faith in Crocus' portents and vision. The man had no ability to tap into the Aether, as he did, nor the Metaphysical genius of Hume.

  “What do you make of what the Witch said; could there be others that have mastered the transfer of an intact living soul?“ asked Crocus.

  “Again, It would be nice to have a discourse with Guild Master Hume on that subject but as usual he is gone,”

  “Yes, this is a problem,” mumbled Crocus.

  "High Guild Master, Hume has become distant; spending less and less time here at the Guild House and as much as he can at his dairy farm. I thought it was to lament over his wife's death. On that, I couldn't care less but if he is pursuing research unsanctioned by the Eternal Circle, or he has not been minding the store and his subordinates are performing unofficial research we must know," said Saint Yves.

  "Ah, I have had concerns of another nature regarding Hume for some time," offered Crocus, "Not that he is conducting perverse experiments but to your other thesis he has been given too much latitude at the Monastery. Look at the results, the Dairy delivers more value than the laboratory to our Guild," concluded the High Master.

  "Let me investigate. I will not take any Seers, but go on my own to review the situation. I promise to use the utmost discretion for the sake of the Guild and my friendship with Arno," offered Saint Yves.

  "Agreed, take your leave, Guild Master. If you discover anything untoward or believe any of our Brothers are part of unsanctioned activities, you are to come to me and me only, to discuss our way forward," instructed the High Guild Master.

  * * *

  6:30 p.m. Paris City Morgue

  Arno Hume had been surrounded by death his whole
life. He knew the stench of the mortuary, the grim appearance of cadavers, none of this made him afraid; it was what he might find in this one that brought the greatest fear he had ever felt. A young man with a bushy head of hair and full beard watched him enter the pathology theatre. His apron identified him as the mortician The body on the slab was covered with a blood saturated sheet.

  The police detective took a serious tone. "Guild Master Hume, an accident occurred in the late evening yesterday, a young woman was struck by a steam truck after falling in its path. Witnesses said she did not see the vehicle coming or appear to know what hit her."

  "Why do you believe this might be my daughter?"

  "The contents of her handbag, receipts and a room key from the St. George Hotel." the Detective showed him the evidence with sympathy.

  "That Hotel is near the Guild House."

  "A five block walk once you cross the bridge," affirmed the Detective.

  Lilith's father stood next to the body, looked to the Mortician and nodded to proceed.

  The Mortician glanced quickly to the Detective, then stated, "Guild Master Hume, please affirm is this is your daughter?”

  The sheet went back. Hume did not recognize the clothes but knew from the small stature and face it was the daughter he cherished. "How? I don't understand, what was she doing in Paris?" Hume asked calmly.

  "You affirm that this is your daughter?" asked the Detective again.

  "Detective, this is Lilith Hume, my daughter. I will have Seers arrive within the hour to bring her home." He turned to the Mortician, "Do not touch her. When the Seers come they will know what to do,” said Hume.

  "I am sorry, Monsieur I have an investigation to conduct, and the body is part of that investigation," said the Detective.

  "Guild Master not Monsieur, I am the leader of the White Wyrding, and personal advisor to the Emperor. Without agreement from both of you that this investigation is closed and my daughter’s body will be released, I will proceed directly to the Palace. I assure you that instead of Seers, it will be soldiers here to collect her. You decide and do it now," Hume was furious but able to speak calmly and that had a far greater effect on the two men.


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