Alpha Colony Untamed Hunger

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Alpha Colony Untamed Hunger Page 8

by Aubrey Ross

  “As well as your actual transformation, we’ll include interviews detailing what you’ve gone through and the secrets DOMA is so determined to keep.”

  “No one will believe us. DOMA will claim the file was manipulated or make it disappear before anyone sees it.”

  “That’s why it’s so important that this go viral. We post it beyond the government’s filters and pray that public curiosity will do the rest.”

  “And how will we accomplish that?”

  “That’s not our part of the mission. My grandfather has friends in high places. They’ve protected him for years. Why do you think he’s still around when so many of his colleagues have mysteriously disappeared?”

  “So we just turn on surveillance and fuck like bunnies until I transform?”

  He laughed, his eyes twinkling merrily. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

  Chapter Seven

  “I’m bored!” Izak sat in a dismal cave high in the mountains, head resting against the roughhewn wall. Amara had brought him food and allowed him to fuck her at least once for the past three days, but even her visits failed to break up the monotony.

  “You’re still alive, which is miraculous with Dyauna on your trail.” Amara stood near the mouth of the cave, hands on her hips. It would be weeks yet before she was certain if she carried his cubs, which was the only reason he kept mounting her. She barely stirred his interest enough to harden his cock. Even so, at the moment, she was all that stood between him and the leopards. He wasn’t a coward by any means, but he knew a futile fight when he saw one.

  “I can’t hide forever. Sooner or later I’ll have to take a stand and --”

  “And be ripped apart by the leopards? They might prefer a solitary life, but they hunt together. And right now, sweet cheeks, you’re their prey.”

  “I have to do something or I’ll go insane.” He pushed to his feet and tossed his hair out of his eyes. “Bring me someone to entertain me, or better yet lure someone up here and I’ll let you play with them too.”

  “You’re disgusting.” Her voice lacked any real conviction.

  “Am I?” He crossed to her with two long strides and grasped her by the throat. “I’ve seen the cruelty in your eyes. You didn’t seek me out as a last resort. You’re just as depraved as I am.”

  “I won’t hurt another cat,” she insisted and she sounded like she meant every word. “But I admit I’ve wondered what it would feel like to indulge some of my more interesting fantasies.”

  His cock hardened as he gazed into her eyes. Here was the true Amara, the twisted fuck he’d glimpsed but not yet met. “You could find us a puppy.”

  “Not too young or he’d be of no use to me.”

  “We can compromise.”

  Her nipples hardened and the scent of her arousal rose as he drew her deeper into the cave. “It will be so dangerous,” she purred, unmistakably excited by the thought. “Cats can’t just stroll into dog territory without being confronted.”

  “So don’t get caught.” He twisted her nipple with his free hand, watching lust ignite in her gaze.

  “It will take time and planning if I’m going to snatch a dog without leaving a trail.”

  “You’re good at this sort of thing.” He moved his hand to her other breast and found her nipple tightly beaded, ready for his punishing squeeze. “It’s easier to be patient if I know there’s something worth waiting for.”

  “I could disguise myself as a guard. They all look the same with their uniforms on.”

  He released her neck so he could work both her nipples at once. The harder he pinched the better she liked it. “Where will you get the gear?”

  “Like I said, it will take planning.”

  “Then get on your knees. You think better with my cock in your mouth.”

  * * *

  Sasha clutched the blanket beneath her and arched into each of Grayson’s deep thrusts. After a few frustrating minutes on the narrow bed, he’d torn the bedding off and tossed it to the floor. She understood his haste, feeling just as eager, just as impatient for the demanding fullness of his cock deep inside her.

  He knelt behind her and filled her with one demanding thrust. Then he grasped her hips and pounded into her, hurling her toward another orgasm. With little to do but fuck, they’d explored the clinic for the past four days. They initiated each room and every available surface. He bent her over counters and sat her on ledges. They licked each other in the shower and utilized both beds.

  She had never experienced pleasure like she felt each time they touched, never imagined such staggering sensations existed. He could be incredibly gentle even while he overpowered her and commanded her, or like now, he could be uninhibited and wild.

  Each time was different, new somehow, and their bond continued to strengthen. She could send her thoughts as well as hear his now and she treasured the intimacy.

  Pleasure shot through her, sudden and powerful. She gasped, her core pulsing with an impending orgasm. “May I come, sir? Please! I can’t wait.”

  Blood coursed through her ears, escalating from a rushing current to a thunderous roar. She arched and twisted, unable to hear his response or see beyond the gathering haze. Sensations blurred and curled, fading to black only to jar her back into stark awareness.

  Pain stabbed down her spine, branching off into her arms and legs. She screamed, tossing her head and bucking beneath him.

  Don’t fight it, love. And don’t be afraid. We’ll ride this out together.

  She felt him flow into her mind more prominently than he’d ever been before. He coaxed and soothed while he guided her, helping her center her mind so her body could accept the changes.

  Changes. She was shifting!

  Focus. Your body knows what to do. Don’t let your mind get in the way.

  She fought back her chaotic thoughts and the metamorphosis accelerated. Her muscles stretched and joints popped. She screamed again but a feline roar echoed in her ears.

  Grayson’s arms wrapped around her neck, his warm body pressed along her back. She raised her head and saw her chest heaving as she panted for breath. Her coat had an ivory sheen, her chocolate brown stripes contrasting sharply with the pale hair. She’d done it. She’d actually morphed into a tiger.

  Are you all right?

  Finding their telepathic link took more concentration in her befuddled state, but she managed. I think so. Will it always hurt so badly?

  I won’t lie to you. There will always be pain, but you’ll learn how to speed the transition and minimize the discomfort. Just rest now. I’m going to get you some water.

  She was so weak remaining still was no problem. Every muscle in her body burned and her joints ached. If molecules could feel pain, she was sure hers were throbbing. This looked so effortless when he did it. Why did she feel so wretched?

  Sweetheart, your body has been torn apart and reassembled for the first time. It gets better. I promise. For a first transition, you did incredibly well.

  He set a bowl of water down near her mouth and helped support her weight as she folded her legs beneath her. Every movement felt alien and labored. She leaned forward and lowered her head.

  The water was cool against her tongue and the ringing began to fade from her ears. He stroked her neck and rubbed her bunched muscles, reassuring her as he eased the tension.

  She closed her eyes and shifted her head to his thigh, too exhausted to think, much less move.

  When the whirlwind approached the second time, she surrendered to it, allowing it to sweep her along with no resistance. The sensations were sharp and searing, but they receded much faster, making the experience far more bearable.

  She rolled onto her back, her head in his lap. “Wow. That was horrible, yet amazing.”

  He smiled, brushing the hair back from her damp face. “You are beautiful in any form.”

  “I didn’t consciously shift back. Is that normal?”

  “It might feel like the transformations are
controlling you for the next few days, but you’ll gain a better understanding with each shift. In no time at all we’ll be prowling the forest together and shifting will feel as natural as breathing.” He gathered her in his arms, blankets and all, and set her on the bed. “I’m going to check the recording and make sure we captured what we needed.”

  Understanding unfurled within her and she grabbed his hand. “We were fucking when I transformed. Oh shit, how do we release this file without revealing what triggered the shift?”

  “I’ll edit the images as tastefully as I can, but there’s no way to disguise what we were doing.”

  “It’s almost time for our evening meal. Let’s see what your grandfather thinks. I hope I didn’t screw up everything.”

  Grayson kissed her hand and urged her to lie down. “Rest. I’ll see if I can have a rough draft ready by the time he gets here.”

  She was asleep when Darman arrived, but the rumble of their voices woke her. She dressed quickly, anxious to see what the director thought of the recording.

  Darman didn’t seem surprised by the sequence of events and assured them it wouldn’t be a problem. “If anything, the sexual nature of the preshow will attract that many more viewers. Our hope is for this to go viral, so the more titillating the better.”

  “We prepared interview segments beforehand,” Grayson explained. “All I have to do is edit them in. I can have it ready by tomorrow.”

  “That’s wonderful. Sheila left the infirmary this morning, so our excuse is wearing thin.”

  “What happens now?” Sasha asked. “How do you avoid a backlash from DOMA?”

  “General Hidaka will be out for blood as soon as this hits the public. I’ll have to disappear before he realizes what we’ve done.” Darman shrugged, but Sasha didn’t buy his nonchalance. This was his life’s work, the culmination of decades of dedication.

  “That’s not an option.” She crossed her arms over her chest and widened her stance. “You’re the only ally the morphs have. It would be devastating to their cause if they lost you and your connections.”

  “She’s right.” Grayson stepped up beside her and slipped his arm around her waist. “This can’t lead back to you. We’re the ones who have to disappear.”

  Darman shook his head, conflict clear in his dark eyes. “There’s nowhere for morphs to hide outside the colonies. DNA screenings are done on a routine basis.”

  “So we won’t leave the colony,” Grayson countered. “We’ll join the rebels. Dyauna has been after me for years.”

  Sasha didn’t like the sound of that. “The rebels can have our allegiance, but Dyauna is shit out of luck!”

  The men laughed and Grayson hugged her close against his side. “Dyauna suspected you were my mate before I was ready to consider the possibility. She’s no threat to you. I promise.”

  Embarrassed by her jealous reaction, she changed the subject. “Have the leopards found Izak?”

  “Dyauna swears they’re still looking for him, but I think it’s more likely they’ve taken care of the problem and he will never be found.” Darman didn’t sound upset by the outcome.

  “Good for her.” The vehemence in her tone made the men smile. “I saw what he did to Sheila. He deserved to die.”

  Darman patted Grayson on the back. “She’s already thinking like a cat.”

  “We have to keep our plans clean and simple,” Grayson said. “I’ll finish editing the file and then deactivate everything but the workstation. When you arrive with our food tomorrow, we’ll be gone. No explanation, no drama.”

  “I’ll take care of the workstation after I retrieve the file, and then I can honestly tell Hidaka I came to lift the quarantine and you were gone.”

  “Hidaka will still be suspicious as hell,” Sasha predicted.

  “No doubt, but what he suspects and what he can prove are two different things.” A touch of amusement lightened Darman’s tone. Apparently it took more than the military to intimidate him. “If DOMA had the power to make me disappear, they would have used it a long time ago. Too many people with very deep pockets rely on my work.”

  Grayson paused, worry creasing his brow. “Are you sure you can trust your contacts? I’ll make sure there is nothing in the file that incriminates you, but this nameless distributor worries me.”

  “I trust them implicitly. There is nothing for you to worry about, but things are going to get damn uncomfortable for DOMA as soon as this story starts spreading.”

  “Then it’s settled. We’ll head out just before dawn and you take it from there.” Grayson released Sasha long enough to hug his grandfather. The affection they shared was obvious and poignant.

  Sasha offered Darman her hand, but he pulled her in for a quick hug as well. “You’re family now. Take care of this rascal for me.”

  “You can count on it.”

  After they devoured the food Darman brought them, they spent the next several hours preparing the file for public viewing. Grayson used a combination of zoomed-in framing and strategic blurring to keep the scene from being pornographic. Watching herself change over and over was nearly as amazing as having experienced it firsthand.

  She was also moved by the emotions revealed in Grayson’s expressions and gestures. He’d been exhilarated, yet terrified for her safety. And once she had fully transformed, he’d been so careful with her, so tender. His love was undeniable.

  Tears blurred her vision and emotion burned in her throat. She reached over and squeezed his hand. “Thanks for getting me through this. It was…”

  He drew her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “What sort of male would I be if I didn’t protect my mate?”

  Two weeks ago she would have insisted she didn’t need a man to protect her. But two weeks ago she’d been human, blindly following orders. She’d never thought of herself as complacent and gullible, yet that’s exactly how she felt looking back now.

  He powered down the workstation and pivoted in his chair, aligning their knees. “Life is going to be hard. Conditions in the rebel camp are pretty damn primitive.”

  “I’ve been in the military most of my life. I think I can handle it.”

  “Most of them don’t bother with clothes.” Challenge gleamed in his eyes, yet she detected a mischievous twinkle as well.

  She stood and pushed her chair aside. “I’m not ashamed of my body.” With deliberate slowness, she pulled her top off and let it fall to the floor. “Modesty is a human expectation and I am a felidae-morph.” She wiggled out of her pants and stood before him naked.

  Heat washed over Grayson as he looked at his mate. She was perfect, sleek and leanly muscled, yet soft and rounded as a female was meant to be. Her spirit pleased and aroused him. He stood as well, shedding his suddenly cumbersome clothing.

  Her gaze was just as bold as his, moving over his naked bodywith leisurely appreciation. She licked her lips and approached him, desire making her dark eyes shine.

  She put her hands on his shoulders and leaned in close, her lips nearly touching his. “I know you listed a tube of lubricant along with the other things we requested. Was it included with the bundle we received yesterday?”

  Lust curled through his body and burst in his groin, expanding his cock and tensing his muscles. “I didn’t realize you saw the list.”

  “Why did you want the lube?” One of her hands trailed down his chest, her fingernails lightly scraping.

  “I wanted to keep our options open.”

  “So why haven’t we used it?”

  “We were recording every move we made, and we were both worried about your impending transformation. I didn’t want to add to your stress.”

  “Are we being recorded now?”

  “I took all systems offline and you know it.” He pushed his fingers into her hair and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Do you want to try something new?”

  “Go get the lube, and I’ll tell you exactly what I want.”

  Rather than bringing the lubricant to h
er, he took her by the hand and led her into his bedroom. He retrieved the tube from the drawer where he’d stashed it and tossed it on the bed.

  He drew her back into his arms and said, “There it is. Now what would you like to do with it?”

  “I want to take you in my mouth and make you really hard.”

  The hunger in her gaze and her interest in the lubricant had already accomplished her first goal, but he wasn’t about to argue. “And then?”

  “I want you on top of me, kissing me deeply while you move strong and steady in my pussy.”

  He pressed his aching cock against her belly, half afraid this detailed description would rob him of the control needed to fulfill all her desires.

  “Then before you come, I want you to pull out and catch your breath. I’ll turn over and get on my hands and knees the way we both like it best.” She paused to lick her lips. When she spoke again her tone was hushed and passion-roughened. “I want you to fuck my ass. I want the burning fullness and the overwhelming heat. I want to surrender everything. I want to be completely joined with and submitted to my mate.”

  He took a fistful of her hair and carefully drew her head back, gazing deep into her eyes. “I want to claim you completely, to taste you and fill you in every way possible. I’m humbled by your gift, and I’ll treasure you always.”

  Her lips parted beneath his, her mouth soft and welcoming as his tongue slid into her warmth. He kissed her deeply and opened his mind, allowing her to feel the full depths of his devotion. Her mind opened in response and he sensed her trust and tenderness, her strength and passion.

  Their hands wandered freely, touching and enjoying. He never tired of her smooth skin or the way his body reacted to the silken texture. Her breasts felt warm and weighty in his hand, the nipples teasing his palm as he caressed her.

  Before he could explore her nipples more fully, she separated their mouths and slipped to her knees. She cupped his balls with one hand and used the other to guide his cock to her waiting mouth. Velvet heat surrounded him and pleasure radiated out like rays off the sun.

  Her lips were firm yet soft against his shaft. He rocked his hips, sliding in and out, lost in the blissful heat of her willing mouth. For a long time she remained passive, letting him slowly fuck her mouth. He caressed her face and rolled her nipples, savoring the smoldering sensations, determined to make it last.


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