Scarred (Unlikely Heroes Book 5)

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Scarred (Unlikely Heroes Book 5) Page 32

by Leslie Georgeson

Emily’s gaze darted up to his. “Want me to get that?”

  She headed for the front door before he could answer.

  The sliding glass door to the backyard slid open at that moment. Cole strode into the house with his new dog, Dude, the brindle Pitbull Sebastian had found tied up out front of the clinic several weeks ago. The dog’s owner—that punk Jimmy who’d killed Scar—had been arrested again and wouldn’t be getting out of jail for a long time, if ever. Carol had evaluated the dog and told Sebastian the animal was a good candidate for rehoming. Sebastian had adopted the dog and given him to Cole for his thirteenth birthday. Boy and dog had developed an instant bond.

  “Guess what, Dad?” Cole bounded into the room.


  Their identical gazes met. It was the first time Cole had called him that. The boy was warming up to him now. They’d spent a lot of time playing video games together and doing other father-son activities over the past few weeks. They were bonding. Sebastian truly enjoyed being with his son.


  Sebastian’s chest tightened. “What?”

  “Dude is learning how to ride the skateboard. He loves it.”

  Sebastian chuckled. “That’s awesome. How is he coming on his obedience training? I don’t want him jumping up on people when they get here.”

  Cole plopped down onto the couch. Dude followed the boy, sitting on the floor at his feet.

  Sebastian heard voices from the entryway as Emily spoke to whoever had arrived.

  “He knows ‘sit’ really well now.” Cole’s voice brought Sebastian’s attention back to him. “And he’s getting better at ‘stay.’ I’m teaching him ‘beg’ and ‘lie down’ and he’s picking them up pretty fast.” Cole eyed him expectantly, awaiting his approval. “He won’t jump up on anyone. I promise.”

  Sebastian nodded. “That’s good. You’re doing a great job with him. It sounds like someone is already here. Are you ready to meet them?”

  Cole rose from the couch, his gaze on Sebastian’s. His lips twitched. “Yeah. Are you?”

  No. I’m scared shitless her dad won’t like me.

  Cole slugged Sebastian’s arm. “Come on, Dad. They’ll like you. Everyone likes you. You’re just…likeable.”

  He was?

  Sebastian cleared his throat. “Okay then. Let’s go see who’s here.”

  Slowly they made their way toward the front door.

  A tall, dark-haired man and a pretty blonde woman stood in the entryway, talking to Emily. When the man’s intense dark gaze met Sebastian’s, scrutinizing, Sebastian had no doubt he was looking at Emily’s father. He swallowed hard and stepped up behind Emily. Cole hung back, watching from a distance while Emily introduced them.

  “Dad, Jennie, this is Sebastian and his son Cole. Sebastian, this my dad, Max, and my stepmom, Jennie…”

  “Nice to meet you.” Jennie smiled warmly and shook Sebastian’s hand, but before Emily’s father could speak, another couple filled the doorway.

  “Hello,” the man said, gently ushering his wife before him. “We’ve come bearing food.”

  Emily chuckled. “Come in guys.” She motioned them inside. Her father and Jennie stepped back, making room for the new couple in the entryway.

  The newcomers were also a handsome couple, the man big and muscular, the woman small and slender, also blonde, though her hair was more strawberry blonde while Jennie’s was more platinum blonde.

  “Sebastian, this is Zach Sullivan and his wife, Meghan. Zach is the sheriff in Sandpoint. They live across the lake from my dad and Jennie,” Emily introduced.

  Sebastian nodded. He shook Zach’s hand.

  “Boys!” Karen’s voice rang across the front yard. “Take that ball out back before you lose it in the street.”

  Sebastian peeked around the group and caught a glimpse of Craig and Karen coming across the yard, Karen steering two small boys—her adoptive son Damon and Nick’s son Kyle—toward the back of the house with a soccer ball. Craig stepped into the house, pausing to shake hands with Sheriff Sullivan and Jennie’s father. He obviously knew them both.

  The group moved farther inside, entering the living room area. Emily ushered the women into the kitchen where they set down the bowls of food items they’d brought. The men stood in the living room, chatting.

  Sebastian and Cole remained in the entryway, waiting as Nick and his wife, April, whom Sebastian had met once briefly, came up the walk with their daughter Brianna, a pretty, dark-haired thirteen-year-old.

  Cole spied Brianna and his face turned red as a ripe cherry. Sebastian bit back a laugh. He nudged Cole on the arm. “Go introduce yourself.”

  Cole stuttered, “Yeah, r-right. Look at her! She’s hot.”

  Brianna’s gaze latched onto Cole. She smiled. Then she boldly crossed the threshold and paused before him. “Hi. I’m Brianna.”

  No shyness there.

  “Hi,” Cole mumbled back, lowering his gaze. “I’m, uh, Cole.” And that was all it took. Moments later the teenagers wandered away together, heading for the backyard. Dude followed, sniffing at Brianna’s legs, not wanting to be left out.

  Nick and April entered the house, joining the others.

  “Why don’t we all head around back?” Emily suggested. “Sebastian’s got the barbeque all ready and there’s tables set up in the back yard.”

  Sebastian held open the sliding glass door as everyone headed into the back yard, carrying containers of food and drinks with them. In support of Sebastian’s sobriety, Emily had asked everyone to bring only non-alcoholic beverages, though Sebastian doubted it would have mattered if someone brought a beer. He was fairly certain he would never relapse. He hadn’t had an urge to get high since he and Emily had first made love. But he appreciated everyone’s support.

  Sebastian barbequed the meat while Craig and Nick stood to the side, talking about a case they were working on. Zach and Max stood a few feet away on Sebastian’s other side and Sebastian overheard them talking about fishing. The women all gathered together, setting the food on the tables, their voices ringing across the yard, mixed with bouts of laughter, while the children played with the soccer ball, and the teenagers sat near the fence, playing on their phones.

  Sebastian felt Emily’s father’s eyes on him several times, but the man made no move to approach him. Sebastian sensed Max was checking him out, observing from a distance, before pouncing. Sebastian wanted to say something to him, but he wasn’t sure what to say that wouldn’t sound lame.

  Finally the food was ready and everyone dished up, then sat down at the tables to eat. It was a happy, contented group, and Sebastian enjoyed being a part of it. Conversation flowed easily around the tables and Sebastian soon relaxed. He’d never experienced such closeness as this, friends like this, people who were so genuine. The only thing that bothered him was that Max hadn’t spoken to him yet. He feared Emily’s father didn’t approve of him.

  As everyone was cleaning up the dinner mess, Emily noticed his mood and sidled up next to him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He shrugged. “Nothing. Why?”

  She held his gaze for a long moment. “Has my dad talked to you yet?”


  “Let’s make the announcement then. It will make him come around. I promise.”

  “Em.” He grabbed her arm. “I’m not sure if I’m ready. What if he doesn’t approve of me?”

  “He will.”

  Emily spun to face the group. “Can I have everyone’s attention please?”

  Shit. He wasn’t ready.

  Emily wrapped an arm around his waist, turning him to face everyone. “Relax. You can do this,” she whispered.

  Sebastian draped an arm across her shoulders, pulling her against his side. Yes, he could do this. With Emily by his side, he could do anything.

  “We have an announcement to make.”

  All eyes settled on Sebastian. Heat crept into his cheeks. He couldn’t recall ever being so nervous. Emily’s arm tight
ened around his waist. She smiled wide, her eyes bright with happiness.

  Sebastian let his gaze roam around the yard. Cole and Brianna still sat by the fence, playing on their phones, ignoring the adults, while Damon and Kyle lounged on the grass next to Dude, taking turns petting him. The dog lapped up the attention, rolling onto his back, content to lay there and let the children rub his belly.

  Sebastian pulled his gaze back to the adults who all waited expectantly.

  He cleared his throat, then blurted, “Emily and I are engaged.”

  Karen squealed, flying across the yard and launching herself into his arms. She hugged him tightly, then turned to hug Emily. “I’m so happy for both of you,” she gushed. “I knew you would find happiness someday, Sebastian.”

  Heat crept up his neck into his face. “Thanks.”

  Everyone formed a line behind Karen, rushing to give congratulations. Craig was the second to congratulate them, then Nick and April. Zach and Meghan came next, and finally Emily’s stepmother, Jennie. Emily’s father Max stood back, waiting until everyone else had moved on. Then he took a step forward.

  Sebastian tensed. What if Max told him he didn’t approve of him? What if he told Sebastian he wasn’t good enough for his daughter?

  Max paused in front of them. His gaze went from Emily to Sebastian. And lingered.

  Sebastian forced a smile, his heart pounding, his insides squirming with nerves.

  Max extended his hand. “I never properly introduced myself. Max Montgomery.”

  Sebastian slipped his hand in Max’s. “Sebastian Wolfe.”

  Max quirked a brow. His handshake was firm. Almost too firm. “You don’t think I know who you are? Emily’s been a fan for years. We’ve watched your movies together. When she told me she was dating you, I didn’t like it. I didn’t want my daughter around a man like you, a man with your reputation. Drugs. Alcohol. Women.”

  A silence settled across the yard as everyone paused what they were doing to listen in.

  “But I watched you tonight. I saw the way you look at Emily, the way you listen to her when she speaks, the way you touch her.” Max’s hand tightened around his.

  Sebastian swallowed hard. He couldn’t look away from Max’s hard stare.

  “And it’s clear to me that you love her.” Max released Sebastian’s hand. His gaze softened.

  “Congratulations. Thank you for making my daughter happy. I couldn’t have chosen a better man for her and I’ll be happy to call you my son-in-law.”

  The breath whooshed out of Sebastian’s lungs as relief swamped him.

  A cough came from across the yard. Craig?

  Emily grinned. She leaned into Sebastian, tightening her arm around his waist. “I told you my dad would like you.”

  Happiness spread over him, around him, like a huge bubble. Her father approved of him. He approved!

  Max chuckled. Then he clapped Sebastian on the shoulder. “Emily’s a good judge of character, and I can see that she’s chosen well.”

  Sebastian nodded. “Thank you. I promise to do my best to make her happy for as long as I live.”

  Max’s gaze grew serious again. “I’ll hold you to that.” He turned away and lifted his soda to the group in a salute. “To Sebastian and Emily.”

  “To Sebastian and Emily!” everyone echoed, raising their drinks.

  Jennie pulled Emily aside, whispering something in her ear. Emily laughed and hugged her.

  Max turned back to Sebastian. Leaning close, he whispered, “Emily doesn’t know this, but I’m a former addict myself. When Emily was abducted, I turned to alcohol as an escape. I spent two years trying to drown my pain in a bottle.” He looked away for a moment. Then his gaze came back to Sebastian’s. “If you ever have a weak moment and need someone to talk to, don’t be afraid to call me and I’ll help you through it.”

  Sebastian didn’t know what to say. He was…humbled. He stared at Max, speechless. At last, he cleared his throat. “I don’t think it will be a problem. I’ve been clean for over six years.”

  Max smiled, a genuine smile that lit up his face. “That’s great. That’s really great.” He moved away, letting his wife snag his arm.

  Emily came back to Sebastian, her eyes shining with happiness, and wrapped her arm around his waist. “I love you.”

  Sebastian squeezed her against him. “I love you, too. More than you know. Thank you, Emily.”

  She lifted a questioning brow. “For what?”

  “For loving me, for believing in me, for fixing me.” He kissed her, long and slow, not caring that everyone was there, watching. Finally Sebastian drew back, grinning down at her. She smiled back, her eyes bright with happy tears.

  His “plan” may have seemed ridiculous at first. But it had worked. Emily’s goodness had rubbed off on him. She’d saved him. Rescued him. Fixed him. She was everything he’d ever dreamed of. And for some crazy reason, she loved him. She’d given him back his soul. Helped him find his heart. Showed him how to be himself. And showed him how to love.

  It may have taken him awhile to find true happiness, but now that he had, he would hold onto it, cherish it, for the rest of his life.

  Sebastian glanced around at the group, at the faces smiling at him, at all those who had already found their own happiness.

  And now, at last, he’d finally joined the crowd.


  Thanks for reading Sebastian and Emily’s story. If you enjoyed it, please take a moment to leave me a review. Reviews are what help readers discover new authors and I appreciate each and every one. I also encourage you to share this book with your friends.

  This concludes the Unlikely Heroes series. If you haven’t already, please be sure to check out the other books in the series:

  Stolen – Book 1

  Abducted – Book 2

  Deceived – Book 3

  Stoned – Book 4

  About Leslie Georgeson

  Leslie Georgeson wrote her first book at the age of fourteen and has been weaving tales ever since. She’s an avid reader and craves edgy, unique stories about strong characters overcoming difficult struggles. She likes to make her own characters suffer through life-altering hardships, but she believes happy endings are what make all the struggles worthwhile.

  Leslie lives with her husband, daughter, two horses and a cat on a quiet county acreage in Idaho. Visit her webpage at to learn more.

  Other Titles by Leslie Georgeson


  No Son of Mine (mystery/drama)

  Stolen – Book 1 in the Unlikely Heroes romantic suspense series

  Abducted – Book 2 in the Unlikely Heroes romantic suspense series

  Deceived – Book 3 in the Unlikely Heroes romantic suspense series

  Stoned – Book 4 in the Unlikely Heroes romantic suspense series

  Scarred – Book 5 in the Unlikely Heroes romantic suspense series


  Exiled – Book 1 in the Underneath dark fantasy romance series

  Connect with Leslie Georgeson








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