A SEAL's Strength (Military Match Book 2)

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A SEAL's Strength (Military Match Book 2) Page 11

by JM Stewart

  When his scent curled around her, she instinctively knew he stood right behind her, but she couldn’t move. She barely remembered the in and out of breathing. How could a simple weekend bring her back to this place, where she needed him so damn much?

  He stroked a finger along her shoulder, his touch so light he set off a shower of goose bumps that shivered all the way down her spine. “I want to see you again.”

  Steph closed her eyes. Swallowed past the lump stuck in her throat. God, he’d had to tell her that. Did she want to see him again? In a heartbeat. If only to feel half of what she did when she was with him. Free. Accepted. Adored. But she’d be little more than a rebound to him. Eventually this would end. He’d walked away from her once already. Would she have the strength to watch him do it again?

  She shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  He reached around her, took the glass from her fingers and set it on the counter. Then he took her hand, tugging her behind him as he made his way through the kitchen and around the corner. Once out of sight of the sliding glass doors, he turned to her and pressed her back against a wall. He didn’t give her time to form a coherent response or even to think of one, but settled his mouth on hers.

  His lips tangled with hers, his tongue flicking along her bottom lip, asking the ancient question. Helpless to do anything else, she opened for him, and he plunged in on a quiet groan that rumbled through his chest. Her hands slid around his rib cage and up his back, her body soaking in his unbelievable warmth, and he leaned into her, rocking his hips into hers.

  In seconds he had her a shivering, hot pool of need, the ache between her thighs so keen she wanted to weep. Such was her need for him. It always had been. He knew exactly what she liked, what she needed, and God help her, her body responded.

  The only man in eleven years with the capacity to make her forget herself, Alec included. Alec had been safe.

  Gabe didn’t give her time to approve or deny his assault—not that she could—but nibbled his way across her lips to her jaw. “I’ve been trying to resist you, Steph, but I can’t. Tell me you don’t want me the way I want you and I’ll leave this here. But I think you want the same thing I do, and I don’t see any reason why we can’t indulge for a while.”

  She ought to remove the temptation right here and push him away, go back outside and find Lauren and Mandy. But his mouth skimmed her neck and along the exposed skin of her shoulder with the lightness of butterfly wings. She couldn’t think much past the desperate need to hear him describe his desires. “And what is it you want?”

  His hands claimed a hold on her ass, pulling her tight against him. “This.”

  A quiet gasp escaped her. No way could she mistake his meaning. His erection had to be straining the zipper on his jeans, because it settled, thick and hard, against her stomach. A little shift of fabric and he could be inside her, easing the ache he’d created.

  “I want to bury myself inside of you. I want these sweet thighs wrapped around my hips, and God, Steph, I want to hear you moan my name. As often I can.” His big, warm hands caressed the front of her thighs as his tongue slid up the side of her neck. “But you know what I really want, sweetheart?”

  His warm palm cupped her mound and his deft fingers found her clit through her dress, pressing with the exact right amount of pressure. Pleasure erupted through her, and her whole body lit up. A quiet moan left her, and her knees wobbled.

  “I want to taste you. I want to bury my mouth in your cunt and feel you come all over my tongue. Oh, I remember the way you taste. So sweet and musky.” He let out an agonized groan. “The way your hands would fist in my hair and pull me in. You’d ride my mouth. God, that’s bliss.”

  On some plane of existence, she knew he was taunting her. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d heard him use the word “cunt.” Gabe might be a SEAL and a little rough around the edges, but he was polite. Always.

  Never mind that Trent’s whole family—along with fifty other people—sat just outside. Anyone could come in here and find them. Still, the husky rumble of Gabe’s voice against her skin proved a stronger lure. Sensation conspired against her, and her thighs spread of their own accord. Her hand joined his, pressing his fingers deeper into her. A wave of luscious heat slid through her, loosening her joints. Perspiration prickled along her skin. Her hips rocked in time with his motions, sending pleasure flooding her veins. In no time at all, he had her body riding that fine, sweet edge.

  She bit her lower lip hard to keep the moans pent up in her throat from leaving her mouth.

  Just as suddenly as he started, Gabe removed his hand and stepped back, leaving her teetering on the edge of an orgasm. Breathless and shaking, she opened her heavy-lidded eyes and met his gaze.

  “We want the same things, baby. Someone to find our feet with. I want more time with you. I’m not quite done with you yet.” He brushed his thumb along her lower lip, then followed the path with his mouth. “You want someone you can trust, and despite everything, I hope you know you can trust me.”

  Steph swallowed to wet her parched throat, but she couldn’t force her tongue to work and nodded instead. That part she couldn’t deny. She did trust him. Just not with her heart.

  “I don’t see why we can’t enjoy each other for a while. When it no longer suits either of our needs, it ends. Think about it.” He brushed another barely there kiss across her mouth, then released her and disappeared around the corner, his quiet footsteps fading away from her.

  Steph sagged back against the wall and closed her eyes, gulping in breaths in an attempt to cool down. No way in hell could she could go back outside looking the way she did. No doubt she looked wanton and half fucked, because she sure as hell felt that way. She doubted her knees would hold her up anyway.

  God, he’d had to go and lay that on the table. How the hell did she turn him down when she couldn’t deny she wanted him?

  * * *

  Steph curled her fingers around the deck’s wooden railing and nudged Lauren, standing on her right, with an elbow. “Nice view down there.”

  The party had begun to wind down. Most of the guests had already left, save for a few stragglers. She, Mandy, and Lauren were watching the action down in the yard, as Gabe, Trent, Mike, and Marcus packed up the tables and chairs. Watching Gabe’s biceps flex wasn’t doing her determination to keep her distance from him any good.

  Lauren blushed.

  “Yes. Yes, it is.” Mandy, on her left, let out an Oscar-worthy sigh, then glanced at Steph. “Saw you dancing with Gabe earlier. You two looked pretty cozy.”

  Steph’s face burned. There was no getting anything past these two. She waved a hand in dismissal. “It was just a dance.”

  Mandy snorted. “Yeah, and I’m not standing here watching Marcus’s fine ass flex in those delicious jeans.”

  Lauren giggled. “And Trent was just a fling.”

  Steph sighed and relented. “I’ll admit he made me an…indecent proposal, if you will.” Desperate to steer this conversation anywhere else, Steph laid a hand on Mandy’s arm. “You don’t have to fall in love with the guy to enjoy all those muscles, you know.”

  Mandy let out a heavy sigh. “I’m not even on his radar.”

  Steph nodded at the yard. “So make him notice.”

  Mandy stared for a moment, as if lost in thought, then glanced at Steph. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll take my chances if you will.”

  Lauren looked over at her, her expression somber. “I didn’t regret my time with Trent.”

  Steph pushed away from the railing and shook her head. “That’s my cue to go.”

  Mandy cocked a brow. “What’s the matter—you aren’t chicken, are you?”

  The taunt in Mandy’s tone had Steph biting back a smile. No way in hell could she resist, and Mandy knew it.

  She folded her arms and arched a brow. “You first.”

  Truth was, she had no intention of taking Gabe up on his offer. She w
as just trying to give Mandy a little push in the right direction. Help her to find her courage. With two older brothers and a mother who insisted girls could do anything boys could, Mandy normally wasn’t afraid of anything. Marcus, however, made her tuck tail and run.

  Mandy’s mouth dropped open. She darted a glance at the yard. “In front of everybody?”

  “You aren’t chicken, are you?” Steph quirked a brow. When Mandy just stared, Steph let out a quiet laugh and jabbed a finger in her direction. “You started that.”

  Mandy drew her shoulders back and marched past them. Chin jutting at a determined angle, she stormed down the deck stairs and across the yard to where the men were cleaning up the last set of table and chairs. She stopped behind Marcus and tapped him on the shoulder. Gabe, Mike, and Trent halted in their task, looking up as Marcus turned in her direction.

  “Holy crap.” Steph covered her mouth, giggling behind her fingers. “She’s actually doing it.”

  Too curious to see exactly how far her headstrong best friend would take their taunt, Steph couldn’t stop watching. Sure enough, Mandy peered up at Marcus, who stood a good head and shoulders above her, then gripped his face in her palms, lifted onto her toes, and sealed her mouth over his. The kiss was little more than a lingering peck, and she did an immediate about-face, but she’d done it.

  As Mandy hightailed it toward the deck, the guys all turned to watch her go. A full-on grin spread across Trent’s face. Gabe tipped his head back and laughed. Marcus rolled his eyes, but one corner of his mouth quirked upward.

  Mandy trotted up the deck stairs, eyes wide and round, face as white as an Easter lily.

  “Oh my freaking God. I cannot believe I just did that.” Mandy let out an insane little giggle as she strode past, heading for the sliding glass doors leading into the house. “Your turn.”

  She yanked the sliding glass door open and disappeared inside the house moments later. Steph and Lauren broke into a fit of giggles. Lauren snorted, then giggled some more before finally turning and following Mandy into the house. Steph watched her go for a moment. That challenge had been of the high school variety for sure, but damned if she could be sorry for it. Not for the first time tonight, she felt free and unfettered, too caught up in the camaraderie to think about Gabe’s proposal.

  Of course, Mandy’s little challenge meant she had to go through with her end of the bargain. She had to agree to Gabe’s proposal. The thought had the butterflies starting in her stomach. A fling with Gabe wouldn’t exactly be a hardship, and she damn well knew it. But could she do it and not lose her heart in the process?

  * * *

  Ten minutes later, after saying a quick good-bye to the girls, Steph made her way out to her car, parked on the street in front of the house. She climbed inside, setting her purse on the passenger seat, put the key in the ignition, and turned it. A soft click sounded through the interior, but the car didn’t roar to life the way it was supposed to.

  She cursed under her breath. Her piece-of-shit Ford. She’d had her Mustang for five years now. It had run great when she’d test-driven it, but she’d had nothing but trouble with it since.

  “Come on, you piece of crap. Just get me home.” She turned the key again. The same click sounded, and again the engine failed to start. The dashboard lights dimmed, the battery warning light blazing bright red.

  Damn it.

  She heaved a sigh and dropped her head back against the seat. Clearly she’d have to hitch a ride from Mandy or Lauren.

  Someone tapped on her window. Steph started, jerking her gaze toward the sound. Gabe stood beside the car, brows furrowed. She cracked the door.

  Gabe rested his forearm on the roof, leaning down to catch her gaze. “Having trouble?”

  “My piece of crap won’t start.” She waved a hand at the steering wheel, her face burning. Of all the damn things to happen.

  He smiled, polite and amused. “I noticed. Try it again. I want to listen.”

  She turned the key. The click sounded and again the engine didn’t even attempt to turn over.

  Gabe pushed away from the car. “Sounds like the starter’s okay. Been acting funny?”

  She nodded and peered up at him. “The headlights and dash lights are dim, and the power windows won’t come down. The check engine light came on a couple days ago, and I had to get a neighbor to jump me tonight before I came over.”

  He made a sound at the back of his throat. “Pop the hood.”

  As she bent to pull the lever, Gabe rounded the front fender and strode up the driveway, disappearing into the house. He returned thirty seconds later with Marcus. The security lights on the garage popped on and the door came up. Trent moved out of the space, a flashlight in hand.

  Barely a minute later, Mandy and Lauren joined the fray. Steph climbed from the car, her face ablaze as she joined them at the edge of the driveway. She’d always prided herself on making her own way in the world. Now she had six people—six!—surrounding her car. All because the damn thing wouldn’t start. It had her fidgeting in her sandals.

  As she came to stand beside the girls, Lauren nudged her, nodding in the direction of the men. “Speaking of nice views…”

  All three men leaned over Steph’s engine, clearly in a world of their own as they discussed her problem. Now, three hot guys bending over an engine ought to be the thrill of a lifetime. Each man kept himself in excellent shape. Bulging biceps and tight jeans-clad rear ends abounded.

  “It’s enough to make a girl drool.” Steph shook her head. “If I weren’t so damned embarrassed.”

  Lauren looped an arm around her shoulders. “Don’t be embarrassed, sweetie. It happens to the best of us.”

  “In fact”—Mandy leaned toward her, hooking an arm around Steph from her other side—“I’m actually rather grateful your car took a crap in front of my parents’ house.”

  “Most definitely.” Lauren shot her a sideways grin. “You’re getting a special batch of cookies for this.”

  Down in the street, Trent shined the flashlight into the engine compartment and reached in, fiddled with something, then leaned his elbows on the edge and looked over at the other two men. “Belt looks okay.”

  Gabe nodded his agreement. “I’ll check the solenoid and relay just to be sure, but I’m guessing it’s the alternator.”

  Marcus nodded. “Agreed. I’ll call PJ in the morning, see if he can hook us up with the part. For now I’ll call Glen and have him tow it to the shop. We can have this fixed for her in an hour.”

  Steph had finally heard enough. She was a lot of things, but helpless wasn’t one of them.

  “Um, thanks for the offer, guys, but I can take care of this one on my own.” She glanced at Trent. “If it’s okay with your parents, the car will have to stay here overnight. I’ll call a tow truck in the morning.”

  Marcus straightened out of the engine compartment and smiled. “It’s no problem. We’ve got the tools at the shop. Save you a bunch on labor and the tow truck. Glen owes us a favor anyway.”

  Gabe shook his head and straightened. “No need. Have Glen tow it to my place. I’ve got the tools, and I can swing by O’Reilly’s for the part. I can take care of it this weekend. Char would love to help me work on this.”

  Steph shook her head and stepped toward the car. “Really, guys. I don’t want to be any more trouble than I already am.”

  Marcus, however, already had his phone out. “Hey, Glen. I need to call in that favor…”

  Gabe made his way in her direction. He came to a stop in front of her and hooked his thumbs in his pockets. “It’s no trouble, Steph. I’ve done it for Molly’s Escort. I want to make sure Glen has the car. Then I’ll take you home.”

  Steph closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. She’d officially lost control of her life. Gabe taking her home would force her to accept his proposal. After all, Mandy had held up her end of the bargain.

  She dropped her hand and opened her eyes, the weight of the world suddenly
pressing down on her. “You don’t have to do this.”

  He smiled. Not just a polite curve of lips, either, but soft and warm and rendering her defenseless in the time it took her to draw a breath. “Nope, I don’t, but that’s what friends do, right?”

  For a moment she could only stare at him. No way was she getting out of this with her heart intact. She could put up all the boundaries in the world. Gabe would just push past all of them. He always had. Deep down he really was a nice guy. Six foot six inches of sexy teddy bear.

  Wasn’t that what she’d wanted when she’d signed up with that damn dating service in the first place?

  Marcus punched a button on his phone, stepping toward Gabe. “Glen says he can be here in twenty.”

  * * *

  Back at her apartment an hour and a half later, Gabe insisted on walking her to her door. God forbid he be like every other man she’d dated and drop her off in the parking lot, so she could get inside without plastering her body to his.

  While she pulled out her keys and unlocked her door, he stood quiet and polite behind her, hands tucked in his pockets. After pushing her door open, she finally forced herself to face him. He stared down at her, his expression impassive and hard to read.

  So she smiled, because it was all she had the strength to do. “Thank you.”

  He pulled a hand from his pocket and thumbed her chin. “I’ll bring your car back when I have it done tomorrow.”

  “I could just have Lauren bring me over to get it.” At least if Lauren brought her to him, she’d have an excuse not to stay.

  Gabe nodded. “Might be best, come to think of it. Just remembered that it’s my turn with the girls this weekend.”

  She arched a brow. She was stalling, which meant she ought to keep her mouth shut and go inside, but damned if she could resist asking. “The girls?”

  He nodded. “Every other weekend I take Molly’s three girls to give her a break and give her and Leo a chance to be alone for a while. So if I come to you, I’ll be lugging four very hyper little girls with me.”


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