The Witches of BlackBrook

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by Tish Thawer

  The Witches of BlackBrook


  Tish Thawer

  * * * * *

  The Witches of BlackBrook

  Published by Amber Leaf Publishing

  Copyright 2015 by Tish Thawer

  All rights reserved

  Cover design by Regina Wamba of Mae I Design and Photography

  Edited by Laura Bruzan

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any use of name brands herein is done so under the Fair Use Act.

  Licensing Note: This Kindle eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only, and may not be resold or given away to other people. Thank you for respecting the author's work. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by fines and federal imprisonment.

  Praise for Scent of a White Rose

  “Thawer managed what I thought was an impossible feat. She was able to put yet another new spin on the age old vampire tale.” ~ The Bookshelf Sophisticate

  “...everything about Scent of a White Rose was such a fresh new concept when it came to vampires, actually it was just a whole new concept in general for the paranormal genre! This is a read any paranormal lover should read!” ~ YA-Aholic

  “Scent of a White Rose is not the plain Jane girl meets vampire and falls in love story...I will tell you that you should add this book to your TBR list.” ~ The Book Nympho

  “Tish Thawer crafts a seductive vampire tale with her eloquent writing style and keen sense of romance that simply entrances.” ~ Romancing the Darkside

  Praise for Aradia Awakens

  “Tish Thawer is one of those authors whose works are marked by something incredibly special. With each book she writes, I am awed by the magickal elements in each novel.” ~ Author Rae Hachton

  “The author skillfully weaves a tale so intense that you can't help but want more.” ~ The Cover and Everything in Between

  “Once more, I was overwhelmed by the creativity and imagination that comes from this author...” ~ Proserpine Craving Books

  “Ireally, really like the world of Ovialell. The world is unique, complex, and full of all sorts of paranormal species. There are werewolves, vampires, amazons, Goddesses, there are so many interesting elements to the world.”~ The Book Savvy Babe

  Praise for Raven’s Breath

  “ ...this was an addicting, thrill ride of a read which kept me turning pages and cursing real life that kept interrupting me... A new take on a tale that is literally as old as time, I would challenge anyone to predict the ending. Brilliant!” ~ NerdGirl

  “The plot is wonderful. The characters are amazing and fun. Tish Thawer's Raven's Breath is unique story. Meet the only female Grim Reaper...There are so many thing that I love about this book but my favorite is the twist at the end.” ~ GoodReads Reviewer

  “...I now rate this story as one of my all-time faves. Raven is the first female Grim Reaper. One would think that would make for a dark, sinister story line. Well, it does, but not in the way you'd think. Ms. Thawer also breathes humor, light, and romance into this Sci-Fi novel. I love Raven's character, with her spunkiness, gumption, and self-deprecating humor. The scenes are lushly drawn, and the other characters grab your interest and add so much to an already wonderful story. If you've never read Sci-Fi before, read this as your first. If you love a great plot, read this. If you haven't finished it by Sunday evening, call in sick to work Monday morning. You'll be glad you did. I am so looking forward to reading the next in this series!” ~ Amazon Reviewer

  Also by Tish Thawer

  The Rose Trilogy

  Scent of a White Rose - Book 1

  Roses & Thorns - Book 1.5

  Blood of a Red Rose - Book 2

  Death of a Black Rose - Book 3

  The Ovialell Series

  Aradia Awakens - Book 1

  Prophecy's Child - Companion

  The Rise of Rae - Companion

  Shay and the Box of Nye - Companion

  Behind the Veil - Omnibus

  The Women of Purgatory

  Raven’s Breath - Book 1


  Christmas Lites II

  Losing It: A Collection of V-Cards

  Fairy Tale Confessions


  To all who inspire me with your art, your words, your loyalty, and support.

  Thank you.

  To my family, by blood or by spirit, you are my constant source of inspiration.

  I love you.

  “We are the granddaughters of the witches you weren’t able to burn.”

  –– Unknown








  Flames licked the hem of her dress as she worked to free her hands from the ropes. Somber faces, etched with malice or fear, looked on as she squirmed against the stake. She refused to close her eyes or scream. She wouldn’t give them that. No. She would prove to be as defiant and wild as they deemed her while dragging her from her home.

  Kara and Kenna stood hidden at the back of the crowd, silently pleading for her to use magic to escape. She wanted to, oh how she wanted to, just to see these purists running for the hills. But, staring into her sister’s eyes as her legs started to burn, she knew she had to do whatever it took to keep them safe.

  She closed her eyes, the chant beginning simple as always, words from the Goddess flowing into her mind. “Come to me, death that be, flames surrounds, peace abounds; flesh to earth, spirit to soar, transport our souls, alive forever more.”

  Chapter One


  Present Day

  She pulled the fur of her hood around her face as the wind whipped against her skin. New York was her home and had been for the entire twenty-five years of this particular lifetime, so you’d think she’d be used to the harsh winters by now. Freezing my face off? Not sure I’ll ever get used to that, Trin thought.

  With a hand-held shovel she approached her car, hidden from sight under a glittering blanket of white, and sighed. Four minutes in and she was wishing she could use her magic or that she could at least hail a cab. Unfortunately, until she found her other sister, her small pool of magic wasn’t going to be sending her anywhere fast. And as for the taxi, BlackBrook was a small northern town in upstate New York, one that practically shut down once a snowstorm hit. Trin kicked the drift firmly set against her tire, cussing at the fact she was probably one of only a handful of people who had to go to work on this frigid day.

  Five minutes later, with barely any progress made, Trin spotted a police car creeping down her icy street. Stepping around the hood of her Volvo, she waved her arms in the symbolic “Come help me” gesture.

  “Morning.” The handsome officer smiled. “Need a lift?”

  The idea of putting her life in someone else’s hands in these conditions was terrifying, but there was no denying she wouldn’t make it to work on time if she continued to dig out her own ride. “Yes, please. BlackBrook Wellness Center if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all. Hop in.”

  Trin climbed into the front seat of the squad car, depositing her wet shovel onto the floor between her feet.

  “Thank you so much.”

  “It’s no problem, I’m here to serve.” He glanced in her direction, a small smile playing at the cor
ner of his lips. “I’m Officer Hardy.”

  Officer Hardy, or Jason she’d found out from the girls at work, was the newest transplant to BlackBrook, accompanied only by his cousin, Caris, a kindergarten teacher at the local private school who Trin had yet to meet. Apparently, though, they shared bright hazel eyes, and from what Trin had been told, kind hearts, the pair of them.

  “It’s nice to meet you. How are you and your cousin enjoying BlackBrook?”

  “It’s great, thank you.”

  Trin rubbed her gloved hands in front of the heater vents. “Are you both used to working in this kind of weather?” Trin asked.

  “Yes, but Caris has a snow-day today and I suspect she’ll spend most of it asleep––Or not.”

  Trin looked up to see an unfamiliar Jeep parked outside the Wellness Center and quickly made the connection. Jason parked next to his cousin’s ride, exited the car, and followed Trin into the building.

  The interior of the local spa was calming and serene with smooth mahogany and sea-colored glass throughout. Soft instrumentals played non-stop, and fragrant oils permeated the air. Trin bid Officer Hardy a good day, then waved at Mia, the receptionist, on her way to the back room. Lifting the latch on her assigned locker, Trin deposited her belongings then returned to the front desk, anxious to retrieve the file for her first client of the day.

  Caris Hardy, New Member

  Occupation: Teacher

  Preferred Pressure: Medium to Deep

  Problem Areas: Upper back, lower back, shoulder blades, and neck.

  Trin laughed internally. Caris may not be sleeping on her day off yet, but after a relaxing massage, a little R&R was definitely in her near future.

  “Caris?” Trin whispered as she peeked into the waiting area.

  Caris Hardy looked more like a college student than a teacher. She was nestled into one of the comfy leather chairs next to the fireplace with her auburn hair piled high, wearing sweatpants, boots, and a flannel button-down under her long winter coat. Upon hearing her name, she opened her bright eyes and smiled kindly.

  “Good morning, Ms. Hardy. Are you ready for your massage?” Trin asked.

  “Oh, you have no idea.” Caris beamed.

  Trin led her new client down the hall, turning towards the furthest room at the end. “Here we are.” Trin gestured with a wave of her hand then followed Caris inside. “So, what are we doing today? Full-body, or are there specific problem areas you’d like me to focus on?”

  “If we could focus on the upper body, that would be great. As you’ll see, I hold a lot of tension in my neck and shoulder blades.”

  “Of course, no problem. Please undress to your comfort level and we’ll start face-down. I’ll give you a few minutes,” Trin explained.

  “Okay, thanks.”

  Trin shut the door, giving Ms. Hardy the allotted two minutes to get settled, then knocked quietly and reentered. “All set?”

  “Yes, come on in.”

  Trin dimmed the lights, checked the bed-warmer, set Caris’s file onto the cabinet counter, and turned to face the table. Her practiced ritual of lowering and refolding the sheets and blankets down her client’s back was interrupted with another internal giggle. The petite Ms. Hardy was covered in tattoos.

  Trin wasn’t one to judge, having tattoos herself, but the dichotomy of what this person did versus who she really was, had her amused. Trin found herself truly interested in getting to know more about this woman.

  “Your tattoos are beautiful,” Trin said as she adjusted the bolster.

  “Thank you,” came Caris’s quick reply.

  Trin dispensed her homemade lotion into her hands and reached for Caris’s shoulders.

  “Ouch!” Trin exclaimed, pulling back her hand.

  “Oh my god, what was that?” Caris lifted her head.

  “I’m not sure. There usually isn’t any static build-up in the rooms, but boy, that was one heck of a shock. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Must be my electric personality,” Caris joked.

  Trin laughed nervously and rubbed her hands together once more. “I’d buy that.”

  Caris lowered her head back into the cradle and Trin began again, this time with no surprises.

  Much to Trin’s dismay, the hour flew by. She and Caris had talked more about her tattoos, her move and new job in BlackBrook, and of course, her cousin who turned out to be single.

  Trin handed Ms. Hardy a glass of water as she walked out of the room.

  “Thanks, again, Trin. This was heaven. I will definitely be back to see you soon.”

  “I’d love that. Also, remember to drink lots of water, and a warm bath with some Epson salt wouldn’t be a bad idea either.”

  “You got it,” Caris replied.

  Trin gave a final wave as Caris left the building, then went to clear and turn the room. After refreshing the sheets and resetting the table, she took an extra minute to glance at Ms. Hardy’s file. There wasn’t much information beyond the basics: address, occupation, emergency contact, etc. Trin returned the file to the cabinet behind the front desk and glanced at her watch.

  “Mia, I’m gonna take my break now. I’ll be back in a few.”

  The blonde receptionist nodded her head and continued talking into her headpiece.

  Trin entered the locker room and grabbed her cell phone from her purse, holding down the number two.

  “Kit, I think I’ve found her!”

  Chapter Two

  “I’m telling you, I think it’s her. I’ll fill you in when I get home.” Trin huffed. “Actually, will you be able to pick me up? I caught a ride to work this morning and now I’m stranded.” Trin pouted. “Okay, great. Thanks. See ya later.”

  Trin returned her cell to her locker and closed the door. She had four more clients today and was looking forward to the tips from each one. Tonight would require a celebration, so she’d have Kit stop on their way home and buy some wine.

  Trin greeted her next client and went through her practiced motions, losing herself over the next hour-and-a-half to the memories of a time when all three sisters had still been a family.



  “Karina, Kara, Kenna, gather ‘round.”

  The girls tucked their dark red locks under the hood of their woolen cloaks and took their positions at their mother’s side. This was the first time they all three would be participating in an Esbat together, with little Kenna just turning six.

  “All right, Kara, take this censer in your hand. Kenna, you hold the bowl of water. Karina, you’ll cast the circle, then make the callings with your wand.”

  Karina nodded and removed her wand from the pocket of her cloak, then stepped to the easternmost point of their circle and began. “I cast this circle, once around, all within, magic bound. Protected from harm and sealed this night, through the Goddess’ energy the charm’s alight.”

  Kenna reached out to the stump where all their tools precisely lay and added a pinch of salt to the bowl of water like she’d seen her mother do time and time again. Then, pacing the circle, she followed Karina’s steps, sprinkling the contents as she went. “I cast this circle, twice around, all within, magic bound. Cleansed with water, strengthened with earth, sealed this night with Spirit’s mirth.” Kenna returned the bowl to the altar and received a reassuring nod from her mother as she stood again in her place.

  Next, Kara lit the sage and cedar within the censer and lifted the feather from its position on the left side of the altar, then encircled the space. “I cast this circle, thrice around, all within, magic bound. Inspired by air and sealed this night, protected from harm by Spirit’s might.” Kara returned the burner and feather to the altar, her protection set in place.

  Karina moved back to the easternmost point, ready to make the callings. “Spirits of Air, hear my call. Protect this rite from one and all.” The pentacle she drew in the air glowed yellow in response.

  Turning south she repeated the process. “S
pirits of Fire, hear my call. Protect this rite from one and all.” The pentacle glowed red like the flames of a fire. She glanced at her mama and received an encouraging smile.

  Turning west she continued. “Spirits of Water, hear my call. Protect this rite from one and all.” This was her favorite. The bright blue pentacle sparked and danced from the end of her wand.

  Turning north she completed the callings. “Spirits of Earth, hear my call. Protect this rite from one and all.” The final pentacle shown bright green like the lush forest in which they stood.

  “Well done, girls, simple and exactly enough.” Their mother then anointed two candles, one silver and one gold, placing each into a homemade wooden holder lined with lavender snips. “Lord and Lady, we invoke thee. Join us now for this sacred rite, protecting us with your love and might. Guide us now, in all we do, blessing our path, forged straight and true. Hail and welcome.” Flames burst to life, bathing their circle with an ethereal glow. “Girls, please come forward and deposit a single strand of your hair into the cauldron.”

  Karina, Kara, and Kenna each did so in turn, receiving their mother’s kiss upon completion.

  “Goddess of love, Goddess of light, bless my girls on this full moon’s night. Spark their powers from deep within, let their journey as witches begin.”


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