Wildfire Creek (Redemption Mountain Historical Western Romance Book 2)

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Wildfire Creek (Redemption Mountain Historical Western Romance Book 2) Page 1

by Shirleen Davies

  Books by Shirleen Davies

  Historical Western Romance Series

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain

  Tougher than the Rest, Book One

  Faster than the Rest, Book Two

  Harder than the Rest, Book Three

  Stronger than the Rest, Book Four

  Deadlier than the Rest, Book Five

  Wilder than the Rest, Book Six

  Redemption Mountain

  Redemption’s Edge, Book One

  Wildfire Creek, Book Two

  Sunrise Ridge, Book Three, Releasing 2015

  MacLarens of Boundary Mountain

  Colin’s Quest, Book One

  Coming in 2015

  Contemporary Romance Series

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain

  Second Summer, Book One

  Hard Landing, Book Two

  One More Day, Book Three

  All Your Nights, Book Four

  Always Love You, Book Five, Releasing Winter 2015

  Sign up to learn about my New Releases:


  Wildfire Creek

  Redemption Mountain

  Historical Western Romance Series


  Book Two in the Redemption Mountain

  Historical Western Romance Series

  Copyright © 2014 by Shirleen Davies

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  For permission requests, contact the publisher.

  Avalanche Ranch Press, LLC

  PO Box 12618

  Prescott, AZ 86304

  Wildfire Creek is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used facetiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is wholly coincidental.

  Book design and conversions by Joseph Murray at 3rdplanetpublishing.com

  Cover design by The Killion Group

  ISBN: 978-1-941786-11-6

  I care about quality, so if you find something in error, please contact me via email at [email protected].


  Wildfire Creek – Book Two

  Redemption Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “A passionate story of rebuilding lives, working to find a place in the wild frontier, and building new lives in the years following the American Civil War. A rugged, heartwarming story of choices and love in the continuing saga of Redemption Mountain.”

  Luke Pelletier is settling into his new life as a rancher and occasional Pinkerton Agent, leaving his past as an ex-Confederate major and Texas Ranger far behind. He wants nothing more than to work the ranch, charm the ladies, and live a life of carefree bachelorhood.

  Ginny Sorensen has accepted her responsibility as the sole provider for herself and her younger sister. The desire to continue their journey to Oregon is crushed when the need for food and shelter keeps them in the growing frontier town of Splendor, Montana, forcing Ginny to accept work as a server in the local saloon.

  Luke has never met a woman as lovely and unspoiled as Ginny. He longs to know her, yet fears his wild ways and unsettled nature aren’t what she deserves. She’s a girl you marry, but that is nowhere in Luke’s plans.

  Complicating their tenuous friendship, a twist in circumstances forces Ginny closer to the man she most wants to avoid—the man who can destroy her dreams, and who’s captured her heart.

  Believing his bachelor status firm, Luke moves from danger to adventure, never dreaming each step he takes brings him closer to his true destiny and a life much different from what he imagines.


  This book is dedicated to my wonderful readers and fans who continue to encourage me with their amazing support. They inspire me and keep the energy flowing. Thanks so much!


  Thanks also to my editor, Kim Young, proofreader, Alicia Carmical, and all of my beta readers. Their insights and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

  As always, many thanks to my wonderful resources, including Diane Lebow, who has been a whiz at guiding my social media endeavors, my cover designer, Kim Killion, and Joseph Murray who is a whiz at formatting my books for both print and electronic versions.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  About the Author

  Other Books by Shirleen Davies

  Wildfire Creek


  Bison City, Idaho Territory, 1866

  “What do you see?” Luke Pelletier held his position as Dutch McFarlin peeked over the edge of the window, watching and listening to the conversation taking place inside.

  Dutch had been with the Pinkerton Detective Agency for well over a year, while Luke had been recruited a month before. It was supposed to be one quick job—in and out. Weeks later, Luke found himself embroiled in a string of events, which threatened to go on for months if he and his partner didn’t end it tonight.

  “The man I believe to be Flatnose and at least ten of his men,” Dutch hissed, trying to keep his voice low. They’d followed the outlaw to the remote hideout after a tip from a member of the local vigilante committee or, as they preferred to call themselves, the citizens committee.

  Flatnose and his men were suspected of robbing a series of gold transport wagons, stealing the treasure, and killing anyone who resisted. The death count stood at two confirmed. The trouble was no one had any firm proof Flatnose’s gang was behind any of the crimes—and no one could identify the man. The outlaws had been careful to hide their faces behind bandanas and hats pulled low across their foreheads. The only clue to his identity had been a slip by one of his men during a holdup. A guard swore he heard the man call their leader Flatnose.

  The good people of Bison City established the citizens committee after the killing of the two guards. It hadn’t taken them long to hire the Pinkerton Agency. Dutch arrived a couple weeks before Luke, contacting his friend when it appeared a second agent would be needed and Pinkerton had no one available to send. In truth, Luke had jumped at the chance to get away from the ranch and give his brother, Dax, and new wife, Rachel, some privacy. Besides, Luke needed time to figure out his own future.

  If they could find the proof, Luke would be on the road back to his ranch in
Montana tomorrow, ending his relationship with Allan Pinkerton and his illustrious agency, at least for the moment.

  “Damn,” Dutch murmured and dropped down, scooting behind some bushes as two men stepped onto the porch. Dutch recognized Flatnose Darvis from a game of cards at a Bison City saloon. He heard Flatnose had earned his nickname during a fight when his opponent slammed a shovel into his face. Dutch didn’t recognize the second man, who reached into a pocket, pulled out a slim cheroot and lit it, blowing the smoke out in a long stream.

  “The committee has hired someone from Pinkerton’s to find out who’s behind the robberies,” the man standing next to Flatnose said. No one knew him by his real name, Frederick Marlowe, or his connection to Flatnose. Few knew he and Darvis were equal partners, and no one, except Flatnose, knew his last name. The men called him Rick.

  “Where’d you hear that?” Flatnose asked, turning toward the man and lighting his own cigar.

  “The mayor’s daughter,” Rick answered, recalling how easy it had been to flatter the information out of the naïve young woman. “She said they believe a gang, led by a man named Flatnose, was behind the thefts.”

  Flatnose let out a string of curses before taking a deep draw from his cigar.

  “We should head back to Montana. There’s more gold to be had closer to home, without the interference of the Pinkerton men.” Rick didn’t mention Star Ranch, even though both knew that’s where he wanted to go. The property consisted of several hundred acres he and Flatnose purchased after Rick’s brief term as a lawman in the Dakota Territory. He’d learned a lot in the job and applied much of it to the robberies they pulled afterwards.

  Flatnose looked out over the thick pine forest, finished his cigar, and ground it out under his boot. “Tell the boys we’ll leave at first light.”

  Dutch moved further toward the back of the cabin, where Luke covered a second entrance. He’d heard enough to believe Flatnose and his men were who they sought, but not enough to convict them. They’d need to find the gold or have one of the men confess.

  “What now?” Luke asked as Dutch crouched next to him.

  Dutch pulled out his pocket watch. “We’ve got six hours until daylight. That’s when they plan to ride out to Montana.”

  “Not much time to get what we need.” Luke pushed his hat further back on his head. “If they’re leaving, the gold’s got to be here. We need to catch them with it before they ride out.”

  “You know, the odds are in their favor—twelve to two.” Dutch felt the need to point out the obvious since he’d been the one to get Luke involved. Luke and Dutch had served together in the Confederate Army, both ending up in the Confederate Secret Service Bureau, a covert group made up of men and women from the military as well as private citizens.

  “We’ve got four, maybe five hours before they make their move. We have two choices—ride back to Bison City to gather more men, or stay here and handle it our way.”

  “Have we ever faced odds like this before?” Luke asked.


  Luke pulled off his hat, speared his fingers through his dark auburn hair, and flashed a grin at Dutch. “Guess it’s time we did. What’s life without a little adventure?”

  “Not worth living, in my opinion.” Dutch smiled back. He checked his revolver, confirming it was loaded, then checked his second gun before picking up the Spencer repeating rifle he’d hidden a few feet away. “What’s the plan?”

  Luke positioned himself several yards away from where the gang had used a line to string their horses. All had remained saddled. The only item missing for a quick escape was the gold. He could see Dutch crouched at the corner of the rickety house, checking his guns again and stifling a yawn. It had surprised both men to see no guards posted. Luke figured Flatnose had become more arrogant as time passed and their crimes had gone undetected. He’d always believed stupidity played a key role in catching most outlaws.

  He glanced up to see Dutch’s signal, indicating movement inside. Not a minute later, several men walked out carrying saddlebags, plus small metal boxes balanced on their shoulders. They were silent as they trekked the short distance to their horses and secured their loads. Once finished, they started back inside, not once looking around, even though the early morning light made it easy to see.

  As soon as they were out of sight, Luke moved with quiet confidence toward the horses. He checked the saddlebags on one horse, found nothing, then moved to the box. Surprised it had no lock, he lifted the lid to find it filled with gold. He quickly checked one more before signaling Dutch and reclaiming his position behind a stand of bushes a few yards away.

  “Hurry up. We need to move,” Flatnose’s voice boomed through the quiet morning air. He stepped aside as several men walked past him, heading for their horses, and carrying more boxes.

  Nine men stood with the horses, including Flatnose. Dutch signaled Luke as the last three men stepped out of the house and onto the porch.

  “Hands up, gentlemen.” Dutch leveled his pistols at the outlaws as their hands moved for their guns. “I wouldn’t try it,” he warned and glanced toward Luke, who’d drawn his weapons and pointed them toward the men standing near Flatnose.

  “Everyone stay where you are and don’t move.” Luke made his way toward the cover of a large boulder, where he’d left his rifle, keeping his eyes focused on Flatnose.

  No one moved until a laugh broke out from one of the men Dutch had covered—the same man Dutch had seen with Flatnose hours before. “You really think you can take all of us?”

  “Doesn’t matter. You and Flatnose will be the first to die.” Luke’s words slipped out as shots blasted near the house. He shifted his gaze from Flatnose long enough to see two outlaws lying motionless. It was seconds too long.

  Fifteen seconds seemed like minutes as bullets flew, men shouted, and bodies fell. Later, Luke wouldn’t be able to recall how he’d made it behind the boulder with a wound to his head, or how Dutch had taken two hits and still remained alive. When he woke, he found himself face down in the dirt, a small pool of blood under his head.

  Luke pushed to his feet, feeling nauseous and dizzy. He didn’t stop moving until he found Dutch trying to tie a kerchief around the wound to his leg with his one good arm, the other one hanging useless.

  “How many did we get?” Dutch’s jaw clenched at the pain ripping through his body.

  “I counted six, including the two on the porch.”

  “Five got away.” Dutch rested his back against the house, angry they’d let so many escape.

  “Why didn’t they stay around to finish us?”

  “You don’t remember?”

  Luke shot a disgusted look at Dutch before lowering himself to one of the porch steps and resting his head in his hands. “I don’t remember much after you shot the first ones.”

  “Not a second passed before you plugged the two closest to you, then spun and hit one more. I hit another before taking shots in my leg and arm as Flatnose and the rest of his men mounted and took off. One of their bullets must have grazed your head.”

  Luke looked toward the bodies several yards away. “Guess I’d better load them on horses and deliver them to the sheriff, along with any gold the outlaws left behind.”

  “Then what?”

  Luke leveled his gaze at Dutch. “If Pinkerton gives the okay, we follow them to Montana.”

  Chapter One

  Splendor, Montana Territory

  Two months later

  Water from the falls a mile away could be heard over the rippling creek where Luke Pelletier sat contemplating—he wasn’t quite certain about what. No one would accuse him of being an introspective sort, given to long hours of self-reflection. Immediate action had always been the force which drove him, becoming second nature during his youth in Savanah and during his time fighting for the Confederate Army against the Northern Aggressionists.

  Several weeks earlier Luke had returned to Redemption’s Edge, the ranch he and his brother
, Dax, owned. He and Dutch had followed the outlaws into Montana before losing them over the rough terrain. They didn’t have any leads. All they knew was Flatnose had a ranch somewhere in the massive territory. It didn’t take long for the citizens committee to notify Pinkerton they no longer required their services. Dutch had been reassigned to a case in Denver, while Luke rode home.

  He reached down to pluck a flower from the edge of Wildfire Creek, the place he went to relax from the never-ending activities around the ranch. He rolled the stem between his fingers before placing it in the running water to watch it drift from sight.

  Ever since Dax had married Rachel Davenport, he’d struggled. A constant state of unease plagued him, causing Luke to doubt his decision to stay in Montana. The restlessness had nothing to do with Dax and Rachel’s marriage. He’d encouraged it, been glad when Dax came to his senses and asked her to marry him. Something else troubled Luke, but he had yet to identify the cause.

  He watched as a small rock struggled to keep its spot on the edge of a short drop off into the creek. It clung to the spot as the fast moving stream pounded against it, as if telling the stone it didn’t belong there. Luke rested his arms across his bent knees and focused on the one rock, finding himself hoping it withstood the water’s onslaught. His mind drifted to the last two years and the enormous changes he and Dax had experienced since leaving their Savannah home to search for new lives away from the war’s destruction.

  He ended his final assignment for the South in a role he’d undertaken numerous times during the war—Southern spy gathering information which could be used to thwart the Union Army. He’d known they’d suspected his intentions, but the Northerners finally accepted him as a Southern boy with sympathies toward the Union cause. It had taken time to build the ruse, using family contacts and friends he and his family had developed over many years in the merchant business.

  Although based in Savannah, they’d transported and sold goods throughout the Eastern seaboard. The list of people they called friends had been long and illustrious, allowing them to enter some of the finest homes. Luke even courted the daughter of an affluent New York banker. The war had ended the courtship, as well as life as everyone knew it—especially those from the South.


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