A Flash of Water

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A Flash of Water Page 23

by Chan Ling Yap

  She went to the window and leaned out to look into the garden below. She wondered if Suet Ping would report what happened to Mistress Rohani. She shrugged her shoulders. After all, she did only what she had been told, which was to explain to Suet Ping about love and how to attract the young master. If Suet Ping couldn’t understand what she was saying, it was only logical that she should demonstrate. She reached up and touched her own lips, trailing her fingers down to her breasts. She chuckled. “Such fuss over nothing,” she mused.


  Suet Ping ran out of the room and bumped into Ah Tai, sending her stumbling backwards. The pile of neatly folded clean laundry flew from Ah Tai’s arms and landed in an untidy heap on the floor. Ah Tai caught hold of a chair and narrowly prevented her own fall.

  “Dew nei...!” Ah Tai stopped. She clammed her mouth shut to stop the profanities that escaped from her mouth. She saw Suet Ping’s tear-stained face. “What happened?” she asked.

  Suet Ping looked over her shoulder; her eyes were wide with shock. She shook her head and ran. Ah Tai went after her. “Stop! Stop!” she yelled. Suet Ping was too fast for her. Breathing hard, Ah Tai stopped and doubled over to hold her middle. She heard a door close. She turned and saw Aishah come out of Suet Ping’s room. Ah Tai’s eyes narrowed. She saw Aishah smile like a cat that had had a fish dinner. What did that woman do to make her young mistress so frightened? she wondered. She retraced her steps until she reached the pile of clothes on the floor. She picked them up, one by one and refolded them, asking herself all the while what could have happened in that room. Nothing good, she concluded. From what she had heard from Ah Kew, Aishah was just pure evil. What could one expect? she thought. A girl with such a background. Only big Mistress could fall for her stories.

  With her arms full of clothes, she made her way to the linen cupboard that stood outside Rohani’s room. She opened the cupboard door and began putting away the clothes. She took her time. Mistress Rohani’s door was ajar and she could hear faint voices from within. She recognised the voices. She could not understand fully all that was said because it was in Malay. She edged closer to the door. Suddenly she spied Ah Sum, the undermaid. She waved her over with a finger to her lip. She pointed to the room. Ah Sum tiptoed closer. “Listen,” Ah Tai whispered in Ah Sum’s ear.

  “Maybe I can talk to the young master instead. The young mistress didn’t understand what I was trying to say to her.”

  A long silence followed. Ah Sum leaned closer to the door with Ah Tai behind her.

  “Was Mistress Suet Ping upset when you talked to her?”

  “Yes and she ran away.”

  “Would you not be embarrassed telling such things to young master?”

  “No. Of course not. It is just a natural thing that people do. I am sure he would be more receptive. Once he knows, he could teach mistress Suet Ping himself.”

  “I am not sure.”

  “It will be all right. I promise. Leave it to me.”

  “I don’t think it is a good idea. No! Really, it is in fact a bad idea.”

  “It would be fine. I would just explain things.”

  “Let me think about it. Don’t say anything to him until I have time to think about it. I will let you know.”

  Ah Tai and Ah Sum moved quickly away and hurried down the stairs. Once safely ensconced in the kitchen, Ah Sum gave a brief report of what was said in the room.

  “I have to go out for a moment,” said Ah Tai. “Make a start with dinner. I will lay out all the vegetables and meat that have to be sliced. I will come back in an hour. Remember, not a word about this to anyone, not even to your sister. Understand? I will see that you are rewarded.”

  Chapter 35

  IT WAS LATE AFTERNOON before Ah Sook could find time to visit Ah Chu and her family. It had been a long while since he paid them a visit. The last time was when he came with Miss Shao Peng. She had wanted to find out about the relationship between her father, Ngao, and the women in Ah Chu’s household. He remembered that day clearly. The town had been inundated with water that gushed and overflowed from the River Klang and Miss Shao Peng had been distraught. He stood for a moment and then rapped on the door. It opened. Swee Yoke came out with a little boy. “Ah Sook,” she cried in surprise.

  “I come to see your mother,” he said without the customary exchange of greetings. His face was grave.

  “Come, this way.” Without a further word, Swee Yoke led the way into the parlour. His solemn face told her that it was not a social call. Ah Chu was with her two adopted daughters Hui and Huan. She rose immediately and went to him with a big smile. She greeted him effusively. She was, however, apprehensive. She owed Ah Sook. Without his help, she would probably not have received such a generous settlement from Master Siew Loong. She had expected that a day would come when she would be asked to pay her dues. She often wondered when it would be.

  “I have to speak to you privately,” Ah Sook said.

  Ah Chu knew from his voice and manner that the day had arrived. She waved the women away and sat down. Ah Sook took the adjacent chair. He bent his head close to hers and spoke softly. Every now and then, he would pause to take a big breath. Ah Chu’s eyes darted towards where her two adopted daughters stood. Her first thought was that it would have to be one of them, not Swee Yoke, her own child.

  From a distance, the three women, Swee Yoke, Hui and Huan, looked on with knitted brows and anxious eyes. They huddled together in search of comfort from each other. They wondered at what was being discussed and if they were to be involved.

  “After this I have one other small request. It will not be a big problem for you and I will let you know the details later. Once completed, I will not come to you for any more favours.” Ah Sook bowed solemnly to underline his words.

  She nodded. “Tell me what to do,” she replied with yet another furtive glance at the three women.


  When Ah Sook came back late that evening to the Ong household, Ah Tai was waiting for him. She told him what she had heard outside Rohani’s room. She told him of her suspicion about Aishah and how Aishah must have done something to frighten Suet Ping.

  “Where is Master Siew Loong?”

  “Master Siew Loong is back. He is upstairs.”

  “Watch Aishah like a hawk. She might be young in age but up here,” Ah Sook pointed to his temple, “is a can of worms. I do not understand big Mistress’s trust in her. I cannot believe that she would entrust her with such a task as that which you described. Letting Aishah teach our young Mistress Suet Ping the art of seduction! How could it be?”

  “Big Mistress is a very kind and unsuspecting person. She trusts everyone. I have spoken to Mistress Suet Ping. She won’t tell me what happened. The poor child blames herself for what happened. She turns red with shame and cries whenever I broach the subject; she has now locked herself in her room. I had to make up another room for Master Siew Loong. He is there now.”

  “And where is Aishah?”

  Ah Tai turned red. “I don’t know,” she said.

  “You had better find her.”


  Siew Loong threw his shirt aside and strode to the window. Of late he had taken to wearing a shirt, such as that worn by his brother-in-law Jack. He found it more comfortable than his Mandarin collared tunic, especially when he had to deal with his English associates. He blended in better and was more at ease when he dressed like them.

  He placed his elbows on the window sill and leaned out. Outside in the garden, all was quiet except for the soft rustling of leaves stirred up by the breeze. They whirled and dispersed and regrouped. He didn’t mind having to sleep in a separate room from Suet Ping, if that was what she wished. He wondered what brought it about because he had taken care not to encroach on her private space. He was tired of his mother’s attempts to coax information from him. He did not want to admit to her that he had not consummated the marriage. It was not because he didn’t know how; he was just not ready for it with Suet Ping
. He did not love her in that way. He closed his eyes and an image of her sweet innocent face and buttoned-up pyjamas came to mind. He knew, however, that sooner or later he would have to perform his duty.

  He stretched out his arms and rolled his shoulders to release the tension in his neck and back. He knew his mother was anxious for a grandchild. She probably thought he needed a lesson in love. He grinned. He couldn’t really confess that he was more than able in that quarter. When he was a young boy, he had trailed some of his father’s workmen to their brothels and opium dens. He did not join them. That would not be right. His father would have found out and he would get the workmen into trouble. Nevertheless, he had lost his innocence long ago.

  The door opened. He turned sharply around. Aishah stepped in and gently closed the door. She walked towards him, hips swaying, her lips slightly parted and her eyes fixed on him.

  “Yes?” he asked, a brow lifted quizzically.

  “Your mother sent me,” she answered. She dropped her eyes and he could see her long thick eyelashes. His eyes followed down to her chest. She was wearing her sarong tied above her breasts and nothing else. His throat tightened. Through the thin cotton, he could see her breasts and her nipples. His eyes trailed further down to her hips and to her exposed legs for the sarong reached just below the knee. He caught his breath. He had never seen any Chinese women with bare legs, naked shoulders or breasts half exposed in public.

  “Why? What does she want?” His voice was hoarse.

  “This,” answered Aishah dropping her sarong. She stood with the cotton cloth spilled around her feet. Her breasts rose and fell with each breath. He could smell her musks. She stepped over her sarong and walked to him. Siew Loong took a step back. “Let me,” she said putting her arms around his neck and bringing her lips to his. He could feel her breasts on his bare chest. She pressed against him.

  “This is wrong,” he said pushing away even though his body said the opposite.

  “Master, Master!” shouted Ah Tai bursting into the room. She stopped. Her mouth fell open and she stood gaping for a moment in shock. Then she fell on Aishah, dragging her by her hair.

  “Dew nei loh moh!, Ham kah chan! F... your mother. May your whole family perish. What shame are you bringing to this family? You evil witch. First you upset our young mistress and now you attempt to seduce our young master!”

  By then, the commotion had brought Ah Sook and Rohani into the room. Rohani, horrified, snatched the sarong from the floor and threw it at Aishah. “Put this on! What happened?” She looked at her son and then Aishah.

  “I did as you told me. I only wanted to show Master the art of love.”

  Rohani turned bright red. Her knees felt like jelly. She went to a chair and sat down. All eyes were on her. Her ears burned with shame. She turned to her son. “I was worried about you and Suet Ping. Aishah suggested that she could speak to you so I had thought it would be in words rather than action. I hadn’t even agreed to it. Never in my mind did I expect her to seduce you.” Yet at the back of her mind, she had a niggling thought. Was she to blame, she asked herself. Could she have avoided this if she had given a definitive no to Aishah’s suggestion?

  “She has to go,” interjected Ah Sook. “I’ll take care of it.”

  Ah Tai and Ah Sook manhandled Aishah out of the room. They ignored her screams and pushed and pulled her along.

  Siew Loong waited until the noise died down. His face was cold; expressionless. “Why mother?” he asked. He picked up his shirt and left the room.

  Chapter 36

  DA WEI SWAGGERED INTO the room. He had only just come to know of this establishment. He was astonished to discover that there was still one that he had not visited. In the last few months he must have had visited dozens of them. With his reputation spreading fast in Chinatown, he was finding it exceedingly hard to find new prey. He had to turn to brothels instead. Even those were turning him away. They did not want to have his business.

  He cursed Li Ling for that, for shaming him and exposing his deeds publicly in his father’s shop. He was told that parents would lock up their daughters when he was around. Not that there were so many daughters to choose from. He sniffed indignantly with that thought. The number of women arriving from China might be on the rise, but most were much too old for his taste. New arrivals of young women were more often than not already earmarked for marriage. He couldn’t risk his father’s censure and rage.

  He thought of Li Ling and her swollen body. He could hardly bear the sight of her. She disgusted him. Bai Choo, his first wife, so cruelly forced on him by his father, was worse; she was old and a prude. At least tonight he would be rewarded. He was told that the establishment prided itself on its young girls.

  A woman emerged and beckoned him to follow her. Da Wei hesitated. She was neither young nor pretty. She smiled and murmured. “Not me. I am bringing you to the pretty one.” With that she resumed her pace and he followed her. She stopped in front of a door and pushed it open. He stepped into the room. Without a word, his guide left, closing the door behind her. He grinned when he saw the girl. Not as young as he would have liked. But there was fear in her eyes and she was trembling. He felt a rush of exhilaration, of power. Without a word, he undid his belt and walked towards her. “What is your name?” he asked.

  She cowered and brought both hands up protectively over her face.

  “I ask you once and now twice. What is your name?” The words spat out of his lips. He swung the belt faster and faster. It swished through the air like a rattle snake.

  “Huan,” she replied cringing even more.

  “Huan,” he said, “lie down there,” he pointed to the bed.


  Outside in the street, a woman was screaming for help. Her hair was dishevelled and her clothes were torn.

  “A man barged into my house. He assaulted me. He forced my daughter into a bedroom. I heard her scream. I banged on the door. He wouldn’t open.”

  Ah Sook signalled the men that he had gathered. They had been waiting. They formed part of the vigilante force used by the Kapitan to keep law and order. The men had been tailing Da Wei for some time. Report after report had been filed against him. Each time, they were dropped. Victims from respectable families could not bear the shame of standing witness against him. Brothel owners were reluctant to charge him; they did not wish to bring too much attention to their activities. Although brothels were legitimate businesses, it was never a good idea to invite trouble when it could be avoided. They wrote off the girls who had the misfortune to be disfigured by Da Wei. They had no obligation to pay off the victims. The police had almost given up hope until Ah Sook came to them to give them a tip.

  “Let’s get him,” they said.


  Two days after the raid, Ah Sook was back at Ah Chu’s house. Everything seemed normal and peaceful. The shutters were half shut. It was not unusual at that time of the day. The sun was shining fiercely exposing cracks in the wall and paint flaking from the wooden shutters. Patches of mould streaked grey against the white paint. Yet just a year ago, everything had been pristine. High humidity and torrential rains alternating with ferocious sunshine meant that the upkeep of the place was a constant struggle. He made up his mind. He would promise them help and they would be grateful. He would make sure that they would be well rewarded. He knocked on the door, three sharp raps, and waited.

  A couple of minutes later, he was in the sitting room waiting for Ah Chu and wondering what he would see. Street noise filtered in from the windows. He tapped his fingers; anxiety brewed in his belly as he watched dust motes danced in the sunlight. Ah Chu came in with Huan. He jumped up; his eyes went immediately to the girl. He recoiled at the bloodied eyelids and the stream of gooey liquid that oozed from their corners. Her face and lips were swollen beyond recognition; the disfigurement was heartbreaking.

  Huan walked with difficulty supported by Ah Chu. She declined to sit down. She couldn’t sit.

  His eyes slid a
way quickly from the sight of the girl who was wincing with pain and clearly in distress. He couldn’t bring himself to face Huan. “Did you get a doctor to attend to her?” he asked Ah Chu instead.

  “Yes, no bones have been broken. He had started whipping her with his belt before your men came in. She can’t sit.”

  “I am sorry.” he bowed. “Why doesn’t she rest? Please, we do not need her for what we need to discuss now.” His face remained steadfastly averted from Huan. He did not want to be reminded that he had contributed to her situation.

  Ah Chu did not reply. She waited. Her silence filled the room like an accusation. Reluctantly, he turned to face Huan. He bowed apologetically. “Thank you,” he said hoping fervently that her injuries were superficial and she would not be permanently scarred.

  Ah Chu sniffed. “Wait here. I’ll take her to he room.” Supporting Huan by the elbow, she helped her walk away.

  Ah Sook closed his eyes. He had wanted to prevent this; he had got the men to rush in straightaway. Not soon enough apparently. Da Wei must have started on Huan the instant Ah Chu left the room. Well it was done. He had to think forward and not reflect on the past. Yet images of Ngao, his boss, were forced into his mind. Ngao, to whom he owed his loyalty, would not have approved that a woman he had sought to protect from harm had been injured in such a gamble. Yet, what else could have been done? At least Li Ling would be saved and he had prevented other women from falling into harm’s way in the future.

  Within minutes Ah Chu was back. She glared at him.

  “You came for your second request,” she said. “Huan paid a heavy price. I hope it is not a request with such penalties.”


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