It Takes Three to Fly [Sweet Serenity 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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It Takes Three to Fly [Sweet Serenity 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Mia Ashlinn

After being friends for most of their life, she knew it would devastate them to lose each other. But it would tear Katie-Anne apart, too. She’d come to rely on them since she’d started hanging out with them only a few years ago, and one of the things she loved best was the camaraderie between the men. They were fucking adorable whenever they got together. But not lately.

  Ethan growled, “Stop calling me that.”

  “You’re the one who made an ass of himself by hitting on Josie Martin with the lamest pickup line ever,” Sam replied with a condescending smile that someone should slap right off his cocky face. “I can’t help that.”

  Pinning Ethan with her gaze, Katie-Anne arched her eyebrow. “Are you and Brett still after Josie?”

  Shrugging, a sad light invaded his glittering green eyes, the trademark twinkle dying out swiftly. “I would do her. I mean, seriously. Most men would because she is playing hard to get. And God knows the woman is hot. But, if you’re asking, would I settle down with her. I honestly don’t know, but I doubt it. It isn’t like Brett and I plan to share a woman for the rest of our lives.” He frowned. “Besides, I’m not willing to lose him just yet, and I know that fighting over a chick would do that.”

  Um, duh. The three men had been sharing women for most of their teenage and adult years. To her knowledge, the only sex they had was when they shared. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. Brett and Ethan were friends with benefits. Whenever they didn’t have girlfriends to share, they had each other. So, by technicality, Ethan and Brett did have sex outside of ménages, only with each other and no one else.

  It amused her to no end that the three men would date a woman but not sleep with them alone. Shit, they were as bad as she was. None of them would date someone for more than a few dates before calling it off. We’re seriously fucked up. No, we’re commitmentphobes.

  Katie-Anne nodded in understanding, heaving a sympathetic sigh. “I get that. I can’t imagine the three of you without each other. You are like me, Jaycee, and Shannon—just with dicks and big heads.”

  Turning his eyes away, Sam ignored her blatant needling and said sadly, “I don’t have to worry about a woman coming between the three of us. I’m dating Brooklyn, and they don’t particularly like her.”

  Katie-Anne had seen Sam with Brooklyn, and she didn’t like them together either. She loved him, and she adored Brooklyn, but they did not work together. It was obvious to her—and anyone else with eyes—that there was no love or spark between the couple. And they definitely had no chemistry. They might as well be friends, but she wasn’t about to say that.

  She’d learned long ago to keep her nose out of these men’s relationships with each other and anyone else. They didn’t get mad at her, but they did push her away for a short time before crawling back to her and apologizing for their defensive ways.

  She found it rather ironic that they hated for her to get into their business yet they didn’t give her the same courtesy. They constantly got in her business. Whenever they thought they were helping her, they would do or say anything to ease her along.

  Frankly, she was rather shocked that they hadn’t stepped in between her, Shane, and Landon. Other than flirting with her in front of the two men to make them jealous, they hadn’t shared her secrets with Shane or Landon. Not that she believed that would go on forever.

  She figured it was inevitable. If they believed that she had a shot with the two men, Brett, Ethan, and Sam would do whatever it took to get her in their arms. We have a twisted ass relationship but damn I love it—almost as much as I love having them around.

  “What has you thinking so hard?” Brett inquired, strolling in the room with his cocky attitude draped around him. Now why couldn’t I fall for someone like him or, hell, Sam or Ethan? Because that would be a complete disaster. She might love them to death, but they were more than she would be willing to handle. Besides, she had a feeling that they weren’t likely to share any woman—and she wasn’t thinking about it for the same reasons they were.

  Katie-Anne plastered a fake smile on her face. “Oh nothing,” she murmured. “I just wanted to stop by and have a milkshake with my drinking buddy.”

  “Uh-oh,” Ethan said as he came up behind her. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her back over to the couch she despised and eased her down then dropped into the open seat beside her. He threw his thick, muscular arm around her and frowned. “What is wrong with our girl?”

  “Nothing,” she mumbled, refusing to look at him or anyone else in the room. Instead, she studied the only personal thing in sight—a picture of the three men on vacation with their arms around each other. “Nothing at all.”

  “Liar,” Brett accused bluntly.

  She usually loved how he didn’t let her get away with denials or any other negative bullshit but not now, not at this very moment. She didn’t need or want that. Then why the hell did I come here in the first place?

  “Fine, I’ll tell you,” Katie-Anne acquiesced as she met Brett’s nearly black eyes, “if Sam will make me one of his famous milkshakes.”

  Getting up, Sam headed for the kitchen. “I can do that,” he called out over his shoulder before lowering his voice and mumbling, “Goodness knows I keep enough ice cream and chocolate sauce on hand for you,” as he disappeared through the swinging door.

  She couldn’t hold back an amused smile. It meant a lot that these three men kept a few things around the house especially for her. Since she used to stay with them on occasion when they lived in New York, they always made sure she had the basic things she loved wherever they stayed. It was terribly sweet of them.

  Brett sat down in one of the lavish accent chairs next to the couch. “So...” he said, trailing off deliberately.

  “Oh, come on, Brett,” Ethan grumbled, keeping a watchful eye on her. “This is about Shane or Landon. Or it is about Shane and Landon. Take your pick.”

  Lifting her middle finger, Katie-Anne flipped Ethan off then growled at him.

  “Aw, how cute,” Ethan teased with a condescending grin. “Our favorite Chihuahua has come to visit.”

  Shifting to the side, she shook Ethan’s arm off her shoulders and moved into an Indian-style sitting position. “You are such an asshole.”

  “And you love me,” Ethan quipped. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t put up with my shit.”

  He was right. She wouldn’t. The gorgeous blond-haired, green-eyed man was a pain in the ever-loving ass, but she loved him just the same. And it had nothing to do with his looks—even though he truly was delicious. Most people compared him to a lead singer in one of those popular ‘90’s boy bands. With his high cheekbones, strong jaw, and prominent nose, he was flat-out pretty. Not that he considered that a compliment.

  Hell, half the men in town had nicknamed Ethan pretty boy which infuriated him, even though he would never admit it to them. Only she, Brett, and Sam had a clue how much it bothered him that no one took him seriously. They all saw him as an attractive man with no depth and no brains. I know how that feels.

  “I guess you’re right,” she conceded with a half-smile. “I do kind of like you.”

  “But she likes me more,” Sam interjected as he returned from the kitchen, holding two milkshakes in his big hands. He smiled crookedly, pulling her attention to his handsome face. This man was a lot like Ethan in the sex appeal department. However, no one gave him hell for it like they did Ethan.

  Sam was taller than Ethan, standing at over six feet. He was a bit more muscular, too. But the thing that always drew people’s eyes was his shaggy hair. The brown-colored, wavy strands fell over his forehead and often covered his gorgeous blue eyes. With his outgoing personality, his boyish good looks fit him flawlessly.

  Crossing the room, Sam handed her a huge milkshake before taking a seat in the accent chair opposite of Brett’s.

  The cold glass he handed her caught her off guard, and she lost her grip for just a second before she got it back under control. Turning the cup up, she gulped down way too much of the thick, chilled
drink. Brain freeze.

  “You’re going to get brain freeze,” Brett told her, obviously thinking the same thing she had. “Slow down, sweetheart.”

  The overly-protective hunk of a man always did this. He took care of her like an older brother with a toddler for a sister. It was amusing to her—and anyone else—that the badass man was a big ole teddy bear when it came to those he loved. And he never hid the fact that he loved her and the other two men in the room.

  Tipping her drink back down, she sat the glass on the side table and saluted him. “Yes sir.”

  “Don’t be a smart ass,” Brett clipped out.

  “Why not?” she asked. “It is what people expect of me.”

  “Maybe,” Brett agreed, “but most people don’t know you the way we do because you won’t let them.”

  “Jaycee and Shannon know me,” she argued, her defensive answer sounding half-assed at best. Her best friends did know her. Of course, they did. They just didn’t know everything.

  Other than Landon and her close friend, Rafaello Speranza, she was careful to only let people see what they wanted to see. It was much easier that way. She didn’t have to worry about what anyone thought or said since they didn’t know the real her. If they didn’t know who she was deep inside, it wouldn’t hurt so much when they rejected her. And, inevitably, they would reject her. She had no illusions about that.

  But Landon didn’t count in the judgmental masses because he was different. He had this ability to see the real her. Through every façade, through every artifice, he knew who she was. No matter what she did or said, he slipped beneath her defenses and found the woman in her soul. He might not know the lurid details of her abusive past or her double-life, but he knew her down to the very core.

  Rafe, on the other hand, knew every dirty, little secret—past and present—she had. Under normal circumstance, he wouldn’t have had a snowball’s chance in Hell of pilfering secrets out of her, but his own horrendous past had forged an instantaneous connection between them. Opening up to each other, they’d both shared a side of themselves that no one else saw, which had bonded them together in a most unusual way.

  Sam sent her a skeptical look. Cocking his head to the side, he said, “Babe, Jaycee and Shannon know most of you. I know that you want to tell them everything, but you are too scared to do it. One day you are going to have to put it all on the line and tell them. They’ll love you all the more for it. Surely, you can see that.”

  Unfortunately, it wasn’t an issue of fear—not anymore. She wasn’t too scared to tell them. Honestly, she wished she were. It would be so much easier that way. However, the years of keeping secrets and hiding herself were too much for her, just as they would be for Jaycee and Shannon. She just couldn’t stand to tell them. She couldn’t bear the thought of hurting them that way. God knew that she would rather eat a nasty old beet than to be the person who caused them to shed a single tear. And that was saying something, considering how much she hated beets.

  Silently, she shook her head.

  “Those two are not idiots, Katie-Anne,” Brett informed her. “They know something is up. They have to.”

  “Yeah,” Ethan agreed. “Everyone knows something isn’t right, especially your men, your friends, and your family. They are just too nice to push you for it.”

  My men. My husbands. No, they’re not my husbands. The annulment papers had voided that reality.

  Unexpected tears filled her eyes, and she blinked several times to dislodge them as best she could before Brett, Ethan, or Sam saw them. “They are not my men,” she snapped as soon as she’d hidden the tears in her eyes. “Not now, not ever.”

  “You are so full of shit,” Brett replied. “They are yours. Inside your generous, loving heart, they have always been yours. And they will always be yours.”

  Closing her eyes, she shook her head, jerking it from side to side. “No.”

  “Yes,” Ethan said as he cuddled her close to him, the warmth of his side warming her suddenly cold body. “If you told them the truth, they would be yours. The only thing keeping you apart is Shane and his bonehead ideas about you. If he knew the real woman living and breathing inside of you—the woman we know and love—he would run you down a wedding aisle and make you his in a heartbeat.”

  I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Shane had rejected her—heart, body, and soul. What made them think he would stick around if he knew her? He hadn’t even stuck around the morning after they’d married and made love for the first time. No, we didn’t make love. We fucked, and that was that. Now she was alone, and she had to get over it. Just like she had to get over him and Landon. Like that is going to happen.

  “No, Ethan. He wouldn’t,” she said, staring into his deep eyes. “Trust me, I know. He wouldn’t love me, and he wouldn’t want me. I don’t think he would even trust me. It’s better this way.”

  Sam slammed his glass cup down on the table, amazingly without shattering it. The noise of glass colliding with glass was loud, but they all ignored it. The emotions swirling around them like a vortex were too much to focus on anything else. “Damn it, Katie-Anne. You need to tell them. They deserve to know the truth. Everyone does. I’m sick of watching you all suffer because of the lies and the secrets.”

  “No one is suffering,” she snapped back. Are they? Am I really hurting the people I love most? Really?

  “Yes, they are,” Sam informed her, unintentionally answering her silent questions. “The men love you. They fucking love you—despite everything. You believe that they won’t care if they know the”—he paused to make a rude air quote gesture—“real you. Well, you know what? Shane and Landon care for the bitchy persona you flash around. What the hell makes you think they won’t love who you really are? Tell me. I want to know because I am sick and fucking tired of hiding all this garbage for you when it’s useless and pointless.”

  “I–I–I don’t know.” The words slipped from her lips without conscious thought. And she realized that her words were the brutal truth. She didn’t know. She’d spent so long living in her fantasy world, cocooned in all the lies, that she’d lost sight of her own reality. The truth and untruths had twisted and mangled until she didn’t know who or what was real.

  She had always claimed that it was for her own protection. It was self-preservation. But that wasn’t it. She was just a pussy.

  Sam was right. Even though her friends and family didn’t know everything about her, the most important people in her life had loved her anyway. They’d supported her and taken care of her, even when they hadn’t approved of the things she said or did. They’d loved her inner bitch anyway. God, I’ve gotten myself in way over my head. And I don’t know how to get out without drowning.

  “Personally, I think it’s easier for you to not say anything,” Brett said with a careless shrug. Staring off into space, he frowned. “Why would you? I mean after all these years, there isn’t a point. Is there? If you tell them, you’ll lose them anyway. Won’t you? They are too vain, shallow, and cold to give you a chance to explain yourself and apologize. All those bitches and bastards would reject you and hate you and talk about you behind your back. Hell, they’d probably spit on you and dance on your grave when you die one day.”

  Katie-Anne wanted to kick Brett in the balls. His reverse psychology bullshit just pissed her the hell off. Scowling at him, she snapped, “I know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, Brett. You think you can force me to tell them by outsmarting me.”

  “No,” Brett disagreed. Leaning forward, he braced his elbows on his knees. With an arrogant grin, he winked brashly. “I can force you by pissing you off, sweetheart.”

  She scoffed. “Yeah right. At this point, the only way they are going to find out a damn thing is if someone tattles on me.” Pointedly looking at each and every one of them, she said, “That means you, Deke, Adam, or Rafe are going to have to rat me out. Are you going to do that? Are you willing to lose me to save me from myself?”

  Her sarc
astic question didn’t go over well with the men. Ethan frowned at her, his pretty boy face creasing in frustration, while Brett and Sam both gave her the evil eye. I think someone pissed in everyone’s Cheerios this morning. Probably a damn good thing that I ate a chocolate Pop Tart.

  “If it means you’re happy,” Ethan finally told her, “I think I would be willing.”

  Brett and Sam both nodded their agreement, murmuring their assents.

  Bastards. Katie-Anne knew that they would do it. They would tell, and they wouldn’t regret it for a second. Hell, she’d anticipated they would. Yet his words still caused her heart to throb in her chest—from fear of losing them, from terror of losing her two best friends, and from outright panic of losing her men.

  Like they’re mine now, she thought snidely.

  Reasonably, her common sense told her that they would all forgive her eventually, and it told her that they would love and trust her more. However, she wasn’t willing to take the chance, no matter what the outcome may be. She didn’t want to hurt anybody she cared about, and she didn’t want them to hurt her. No, she couldn’t tell them. And she wouldn’t. It wasn’t worth it.

  “Whatever,” she muttered. “I came here for support. Obviously that was stupid of me.” She shot to her feet and made a beeline for the nearest exit. “You can tell them. You can tell the whole Goddamn town. I can’t stop you, but I can leave. And I can choose to not come back.”

  “Where are you going to go?” Brett asked worriedly as he got up and trailed behind her.

  “I have to go to Jaycee’s for her birthday party,” she said without looking back, sounding so cold that she nearly shivered. Stalking down the hallway, she grabbed her purse from the table in the foyer then slipped on the shoes that she’d placed beside the door when Sam had let her in. “I just pray they were telling me the truth, and Shane and Landon aren’t there. I don’t want to deal with anymore know-it-all men and bullshit testosterone right now.”

  “Thanks for the compliment,” Ethan hollered arrogantly, his booming voice starting in the living room then straying down the hallway to where she stood. “It is always nice to be reminded how smart I am. Can you throw in some comments about my hot body?”


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