Five Star Temptation

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Five Star Temptation Page 8

by Jacquelin Thomas

Ryan vowed to tell Sage everything when the time was right. Could a relationship work between them once she knew the truth? Ryan didn’t have the answer to that, but he hoped that they would be able to work through whatever issues would arise out of his confession.

  He thought about calling Sage just so that her voice was the last thing he heard before he went to sleep, but he resisted the urge.

  Ryan felt heat radiating from his loins and shifted in his seat on the edge of the bed. He was going to have to take a cold shower tonight. It was a struggle to keep his desire for Sage under control.

  Groaning, he removed his shoes and socks. Ryan stood up and took off his clothes. He padded barefoot and nude into the bathroom.

  He emerged ten minutes later in a fluffy robe. His body still ached for Sage’s touch, but Ryan forced the thoughts out of his mind by turning his thoughts to the article he had to write.

  Ryan sat down at the desk and removed his iPad and wireless keyboard from the backpack that had clearly seen better days. He planned to purchase a new one soon, but for now, he had to keep his tablet concealed. Ryan had no way of explaining how he could afford one of those in his present condition.

  He worked until well past midnight.

  His article was going in a different direction from the way he had planned it initially. Ryan decided to go with the flow. He trusted his creative instincts and had relied on them to guide him his entire career.

  Sage floated through Ryan’s mind.

  He closed his eyes, savoring the vision of her beauty.

  Ryan picked up one of the pillows and put it to his face, muffling his groan. It was going to be a very long night.

  * * *

  Sage could not fathom how her family was going to react when they found out that she had strong feelings for Ryan.

  It did not matter what they thought, she kept telling herself. She was a grown woman, she was smart…she had thought long and hard about a potential relationship with Ryan. She had no doubts where he was concerned.

  She and Meredith had a meeting to attend at the corporate offices, so they prepared to leave.

  They ran into Ryan in the lobby area.

  Sage allowed her eyes to linger, appreciating the strong lines of his well-formed cheeks and jaw. However, it was those penetrating eyes of his that arrested her—intelligent eyes that seemed to peer through to her very soul.

  “Good morning, ladies,” he said.

  Sage and Meredith returned the greeting in unison.

  “He seems like a nice man,” Meredith commented as they headed out to the car. Sage had called and requested that the valet deliver it to the front of the hotel.

  “Ryan is very nice.”

  “You two are becoming close friends, I see.”

  Sage glanced over at Meredith. “Is there a question somewhere in there?”

  They walked out of the hotel.

  Once they were inside the car, Meredith said, “I apologize if I came off as being nosy. I actually think you two make a wonderful couple.”

  “Meredith, you seem to know more about my life. Tell me about you. Are you seeing someone?”

  She smiled. “I have a boyfriend, and we’re actually talking about getting married. The only thing is that he is still in law school. He doesn’t want to get married until after he graduates.”

  “When will he be finished with school?”

  “In another year.”

  Sage glanced over at her cousin. “But you don’t want to wait that long?”

  “No, I don’t. Dale and I have been together since my junior year in high school. All of my friends are getting married and…well, they haven’t been with their boyfriends as long as I have been with Dale.”

  “Meredith, you’re still young. You don’t have to rush into a marriage because your friends are getting married.”

  “I know,” she said. “Sage, I feel that I’m ready to settle down. Dating is fine, but I want to come home to Dale in the evenings and wake up next to him in the mornings.”

  Sage understood exactly how Meredith felt. “I’ll be thirty in a couple of months. I feel the same way that you do…only I haven’t met the man of my dreams yet.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She gave Meredith a sidelong glance. “What are you talking about?”

  “Ryan Manning. He has feelings for you from the way you look at him. I know that you care for him, as well.”

  “I do,” she confirmed.

  “You do know that once your relationship gets out, it will probably be all over the tabloids.”

  “I’m sure your brother will see to that,” Sage uttered. As soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted them. “Meredith, I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t have said that to you.”

  “It’s okay, Sage. I know what Harold tried to do to you all. The truth is that he still has not gotten used to the idea that Uncle Robert had a son. I think he felt betrayed in some way.”

  “That’s fine—I don’t know how I would feel in his shoes, but to attack my family… We had nothing to do with the choices Robert DePaul made. We had no idea that we were even related to the man.”

  “We acted selfishly, Sage,” Meredith stated. “We all did. I’m really sorry for my part in it. I hope that we can build a close relationship. I like you.”

  “We’re talking about boys, so I would say that we are well on our way, don’t you think?”

  Grinning, Meredith nodded.

  Chapter 11

  Although the grand opening of Le Magnifique was a week away, Ryan performed a quick inventory to make sure the restaurant kitchen had a fully stocked pantry.

  When he started his job, some of the kitchen staff seemed opposed to the idea that the Alexander family would plant a man who had been homeless in the position of manager, but he soon earned their respect when it became clear that he was knowledgeable when it came to cooking and running the restaurant.

  According to the rumor mill, he was a former restaurant owner who had fallen down on his luck and lost everything. Ryan didn’t bother to deny or confirm the rumor.

  He had spoken to Sage earlier about a friend needing a job after learning that there were some openings at the hotel. After their conversation, he called Paige and told her to come prepared for an interview.

  Ryan thought she would be perfect for the hotel nanny position. She would be able to bring Cassie to work with her as the hotel had a day-care facility for its employees.

  He left his assistant manager in charge and left to meet Paige in the lobby area.

  Ryan nodded in approval when he saw her. Paige had pulled her hair back into a neat ponytail. She wore a simple navy dress with a gold chain draped around her neck. On her feet, she wore a pair of gold-and-navy-colored strappy sandals with a three-inch heel.

  It was probably one of the few pieces of clothing she still owned. She had told Ryan that someone had stolen her suitcase while she was sleeping her first night at the shelter.

  “I’m so nervous,” Paige told Ryan.

  “Just be yourself,” he suggested. “I’m sure you’ll get the job. You’ve worked at a day care before, so you have experience with a variety of children—not to mention that you’re also a mother.

  “I’ll watch Cassie for you, so you don’t have to worry about anything.”

  “Are you sure about this?” Paige asked. “I don’t want to get you in any trouble.”

  “You’re not going to get me in any trouble,” Ryan responded. “I don’t have to go back to work for another hour. I took the afternoon off so that I could watch Cassie for you while you have your interview.” He loved children, but his ex-wife had never wanted any—another issue in their marriage that they could not overcome.

  “You are probably the nicest person I’ve ever met,
Ryan. Thank you so much for everything.”

  Ryan took Cassie out of her arms. “You’re welcome, Paige. When I was eight, my parents died in a fire. My next-door neighbors had five children of their own, but they took my brother and me in and raised us. They never once treated us as if we didn’t belong. They were good parents.”

  “Wow,” Paige murmured.

  “It wasn’t that my parents were close to them or anything, but what family I had didn’t want to take on an extra burden. I used to play with their children, and they didn’t want me getting lost in the foster care system. They adopted me.”

  “So you always pay it forward, don’t you?”

  He smiled. “I’ve been blessed, and it’s only right that I be a blessing to others. This is why we were created…well, and to praise God.”

  “You’re a Christian.”

  “I prefer to say that I am a believer,” Ryan responded. He had come to see that many who called themselves Christian did not live as the claim they often made. As he considered this, he felt a thread of guilt snake down his spine. Although he was gathering research for a story, the reality was that he had deceived all of them, including Paige.

  Ryan hoped they would all understand once the truth came out. He was just doing his job.

  * * *

  Sage waited for Ryan and his friend in her office.

  While she waited for them to arrive, Sage made a mental note to have a place for the man to clean up before the meeting in an attempt to preserve what little dignity he had left. She left her office to make the necessary arrangements but slowed her steps when Ryan stepped off the elevator with his friend.

  Sage struggled to hide her initial shock of seeing Ryan with a petite young female carrying a baby girl.

  The baby is biracial. Is the child related to Ryan in some way?

  Pushing the question to the back of her mind, Sage quickly recovered and said, “Please, have a seat.”

  Ryan made the introductions. “This is my friend Paige Baker.”

  Smiling, Sage rose to her feet and said, “It’s very nice to meet you.” She silently noted that he seemed to stress the word friend when he referred to Paige, but she could not dismiss the loving way he cradled the little girl close to his chest.

  There is definitely a connection between Paige, the baby and Ryan.

  A wave of sadness flowed through her, but she decided to ignore it. Sage didn’t fully understand why she felt the jealousy that coursed through her, but she was determined to push past her secret feelings to help Ryan and his family.

  “I told Paige about the nanny position,” Ryan stated.

  “I’m really interested in applying,” Paige interjected. “I have experience in child care. I’ve been babysitting others’ kids since I was thirteen years old. I have first-aid training and CPR certification, and I can provide references.”

  “I’m sold,” Sage said with a smile. “I’ll make a call to Joan and let her know that you are on your way up to the personnel department. She’s the hiring manager for that position.”

  “Thank you so much, Ms. Alexander. I really appreciate your help.”

  “We have a day care for the hotel staff, so this job will allow you to keep your daughter nearby while you work.”

  Paige’s eyes fill with tears. “Oh, my goodness, this just sounds too good to be true. If I get the job, I can find somewhere to live.”

  “The job also comes with a room here in the staff quarters. Working as a hotel nanny requires that you be on-site,” Sage explained as she eyed Ryan. “We can have a crib put in there if that will help.”

  He glanced over at Paige, who nodded. “I appreciate all of your help, Ms. Alexander. I promise you that I will work very hard for you if given the chance.”

  “I have a very good feeling about you, Paige.”

  Sage could feel Ryan’s eyes on her. She was careful to keep her face a blank canvas. She did not want him to have any idea how tumultuous her emotions were at this point. Sage silently chided herself for envying Ryan’s relationship with Paige—whatever it may be.

  If he truly is that child’s father, can I handle this? she thought.

  * * *

  Sage decided that she needed a night on the town. She picked up the telephone and called Meredith.

  “Hey, girl,” Sage said when her cousin answered the telephone.

  “Do you have any plans for tonight?” she asked Meredith.

  “No, I don’t. Dale has to work on a paper, so I’ll be home tonight alone and bored. What’s up?”

  “I was thinking about going out to a movie. It’s been a while since I’ve been out to anything that isn’t business related.”

  Meredith gave a short sigh. “I know the feeling. A movie sounds really wonderful because nothing good is on television these days.”

  Sage smiled. “Great. Let’s plan to grab something to eat after work, and then we’ll catch a movie.”

  They talked for a few minutes more before hanging up.

  The image of him with that baby haunted Sage’s thoughts. She desperately wanted to know exactly what Ryan’s relationship with Paige was. She did not want to deal with any baby-mama drama.

  * * *

  Ryan was thrilled for Paige.

  All the paperwork was done, and pending the results of her background check, the job was hers.

  Cassie was sleeping in his arms. She was getting bigger and she seemed heavier, which meant she was growing. Ryan had fallen in love with the little girl and felt protective of her. Paige teased him about being Cassie’s uncle. In fact, when talking to the baby, she always referred to him as Uncle Ryan.

  He didn’t mind. His brother had two children whom Ryan adored. He still held out hope that he would one day remarry and have a family. His ex-wife had deliberately misled him into believing that they would have children. Their marriage was shaky, but once he found the birth control pills she kept hidden under the mattress it was over. They had supposedly been trying for a baby.

  The baby stirred in his arms. Smiling, he cradled her closer.

  Ryan caught sight of Sage and rushed over to speak with her. “I wanted to thank you personally for what you did for Paige.”

  “I should be thanking you,” she responded. “She comes with excellent references, I’m told.”

  “She’s been through a lot and…”

  Sage cut him off. “I’m sorry, but I have to get to a meeting. I’m looking forward to getting to know Paige.”

  Ryan was a little confused by her actions. She had always been so warm and friendly. Sage did say that she had a meeting to attend, but deep down he felt that there was something more going on.

  He recalled the look of surprise that Sage wore when she saw Paige and the baby. At that time, Ryan thought that it was because of the baby, but now another thought occurred to him: Sage was jealous.

  The idea brought a smile to his lips. She had nothing to worry about where Paige was concerned. He viewed the young woman as he would a sibling. Paige considered Ryan a big brother, as well.

  He would explain the relationship the moment he saw Sage again. He did not want that sort of misunderstanding lingering as they were building the foundation of a relationship.

  Chapter 12

  Meredith strode into the office a few minutes after Sage arrived.

  “I had a great time with you last night,” she said. “I really hope that we can do something like that on a regular basis.”

  Sage smiled at her cousin, pleased with the way their relationship was progressing. Sage discovered that she and Meredith had a lot in common. “We can do it any time you want, Meredith. I had a good time, as well.”

  They had dinner together and then went to see a movie. She and Meredith had even shared a tub of popcorn with e
xtra butter. Sage had fully enjoyed spending time with her cousin.

  Sage’s telephone rang.

  She answered on the second ring. “This is Sage Alexander.”

  “This is Ryan Manning.”

  She glanced over at Meredith. “Hey…”

  “I called you last night, but I guess you were out,” Ryan told her. “I wanted to see if we could talk.”

  “I had a girl’s night out with Meredith. Ryan, is something wrong?” Sage wanted to know.


  “What do you want to talk about?” she asked him.

  “I wanted to explain my relationship with Paige. I owe you that much. Can we meet at your place to talk at some point today?”

  “How about three o’clock?” Sage suggested.

  * * *

  She tried to maintain her focus on her tasks, but it was difficult. Sage kept trying to figure out what he would tell her.

  When the clock struck two-thirty, Sage told her assistant that she would be in her penthouse for the rest of the day.

  There was no sign of Ryan when she stepped off the elevator. Sage unlocked her door and went inside.

  Sage paced back and forth across her hardwood floor, her stomach full of nervous energy. Ryan had called earlier and asked to meet her at her penthouse. He said that he needed to explain his relationship with Paige.

  She had no idea what he was going to tell her. However, it had to be serious because he wanted to meet in private.

  He is going to tell me that he is the father of that baby.

  It was torture waiting for Ryan to arrive. Sage just wanted to get it over and done with.

  There was a loud knock on the door, which startled her.

  Sage stepped aside so that Ryan could enter. He had stopped to pick up some food for them.

  They did not talk much while they ate.

  Sage had never known Ryan to be so quiet. Every now and then Sage would catch him watching her. It was as if he were photographing her with his eyes. She could not help but wonder if this would be the last time they would be together like this.

  This was a bad sign, she thought. In the past, they had had stimulating conversations over meals.


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