Horrible Harry and the Missing Diamond

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Horrible Harry and the Missing Diamond Page 3

by Suzy Kline

  Harry grabbed my shirt and pulled me aside. “Doug, that diamond was under the teacher’s nose all this time. In her desk! That’s what Grandma always tells me when I’m looking for something. She says, It’s probably right under your nose.” Then he added, “Only, I would say, right under your schnozzola.”

  And that’s when I looked down and noticed what I was holding in my hand. “Holy moly!” I exclaimed. Harry had just told me where to find my talent!

  The Talent Show

  As soon as we got to the classroom, Miss Mackle greeted us. “Song Lee told me you were in the nurse’s office with her. Hurry up boys, we’re about ready to start our talent show!”

  Our class sat down on the floor. The other third grade class came in and sat down on the desks that were pushed to the wall behind us. One by one, kids performed their talent show acts. ZuZu’s clarinet solo was very short. Mary’s cooking lesson was long.

  Ida twirled and leaped gracefully on her toes to classical music.

  Dexter sang Elvis’s song “Hound Dog” while he danced around the room, strumming his guitar.

  Sidney only dropped two oranges in his clown juggling act.

  When it was my turn, I took my writing journal with me to the front of the room. I was excited that Mr. Cardini was standing in the doorway.

  “I had a hard time thinking of my talent,” I said. “And then I looked under my nose and saw my journal. I usually have it with me. My favorite thing to do is write. I’ve written twenty-nine stories so far. Most of them were inspired by things that happen in Room 3B. This one is called ‘Harold and the Quadruple Revenge.’”

  Everyone was pin quiet while I read my story. That’s a good sign, I thought. They even laughed at the funny parts.

  “. . . and so Martha never tattled on Harold again. They shook hands and remained friends.”

  “I love happy endings!” Mary blurted out.

  The audience clapped, and Miss Mackle waved her arms in the air. Mr. Cardini called out, “Bravissimo!”

  I felt so good, I gave my journal a kiss!

  Two hours later, we were down to the finale: Harry and Song Lee’s act.

  Harry walked up to the stage area with a large garbage bag. He pushed two desks together in front of him, then motioned for Song Lee to come up. She did, but she stood a little behind Harry.

  “As you know,” he said, “our teacher, Miss Mackle, lost one diamond from her engagement ring. We all have been looking for it. Especially me. I’m a detective.” He took a moment to adjust his Sherlock Holmes hat before he continued. “A detective usually has an assistant. I have a great one: Song Lee Park.” When everyone clapped, Song Lee looked down at her shoes. I don’t think she wanted to see forty-five faces staring at her.

  “A detective looks for clues,” Harry continued. “Sometimes they’re good ones, and sometimes they’re duds. They don’t lead you anywhere. I’m going to show you four possible clues in the Case of the Missing Diamond.”

  Harry started pulling out items from his bag.

  “Round pieces of masking tape from the trash can, exhibit A,” he said, sticking a few onto the desktop.

  Lots of kids leaned forward for a better look.

  “A doughnut box from the Teachers’ Room, exhibit B.”

  “Two wadded-up brown paper towels, exhibit C.”

  All the while, Song Lee kept her hands behind her back.

  “And . . .” Harry held up a finger. “This is exhibit D.” He dropped a handful of empty chocolate wrappers on the desktop.

  Miss Mackle raised her eyebrows.

  I was glad Harry didn’t tell where he found the wrappers. No one needed to know that Miss Mackle had a secret drawer in her desk just for chocolate!

  Then Harry made a gesture toward Song Lee. “Ta-dah!”

  Very slowly, Song Lee brought her hands around to the front and showed what she was holding

  It was her origami box.

  Everyone oohed and ahhed!

  “Miss Mackle,” Harry said. “Would you please come here and open this up.”

  Everyone leaned forward.

  “I can’t wait to see what’s inside!” Sidney blurted out.

  The lnside Story

  Everyone watched Miss Mackle lift the paper lid off Song Lee’s origami box.

  Suddenly the teacher’s eyes bulged.

  “My diamond!” she exclaimed.

  Everyone burst into cheers.

  “Where in the world did you find it, Harry?” Miss Mackle asked.

  “In a sweet place,” he said, holding up an empty chocolate square wrapper.

  “Exhibit D!” a few kids called out. Everyone stood up and clapped.

  Mary pushed her way to the front. “But exactly where did you find that chocolate wrapper?” she demanded.

  Harry started putting the items back into his garbage bag. “Mare, a good detective never reveals his sources. He has to protect people’s privacy.” Then he grinned at the teacher.

  Miss Mackle’s face turned pink. Now she knew that Harry knew about her secret drawer!

  Ida and Mary rushed over to Song Lee. The three girls made a huddle and bounced up and down.

  Miss Mackle got happy tears in her eyes. “Thank you, Harry! You should open up your own detective agency. May I keep this beautiful box for a little while?”

  Song Lee called out, “It’s yours, Miss Mackle!”

  As soon as the other third grade class left Room 3B, Miss Mackle went back to her desk. “Harry, can I see you for a moment?” she said.

  Harry slung the garbage bag onto his back then zipped over to see her.

  They exchanged a few words, and Miss Mackle gave Harry a hug.

  I followed Harry to the garbage can. He dumped the black bag inside, then jumped on top of it. “Great job, Sherlock!” I said.

  Harry made two V for victory signs with his fingers. “It was my best case ever! I think your quadruple revenge story was your best, too.”

  “Well, thanks for helping me find my talent.” I held up my journal.

  Harry suddenly stopped jumping and looked down at his shirt. “My great-grandpa’s necklace! It’s not there. I think I just stomped it to smithereens.”

  Harry immediately leaped out and started rooting for it in the garbage can.

  “Maybe you’re still wearing it?” I suggested.

  Harry reached inside his T-shirt and pulled out the magnifying glass, still in one piece. “Phew, it was there all along. Right under my . . .”

  “Schnozzola!” we both said. After we laughed, I had to ask, “So what did Miss Mackle say to you?”

  “She thanked me and gave me a reward. I promised her I wouldn’t go into her desk again.”

  “What was the reward?” I whispered.

  “I’m sharing it with you, Dougo.” Harry handed me one of his two foil-wrapped chocolate squares.

  “Ahhh . . . we finally get to taste one,” I whispered.

  “At last!” Harry said, flashing a toothy smile.




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