Delusions of Grandeur

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Delusions of Grandeur Page 16

by Kevin J. Anderson

  As they worked, he told Jaina about his encounter with Dengar on Ziost,

  and mentioned his subsequent stops on Mos Eisley, Kuar, and Borgo Prime

  before coming to Mechis Ill. Zekk didn't give her many details, but

  hoped she could help him figure out how the other bounty hunter had

  found him.

  "Odd. Why would Dengar think you were here?"

  Jaina mused aloud.

  "I guess it's possible that he discovered the droid debris on Kuar and

  made the same assumptions I did about the CPU chips. The trail would've

  led him to Mechis III .... "Zekk shook his head. "But I

  just can't swallow that much of a coincidence.

  Dengar knew I was here."

  "You think maybe he managed to mark the Lightning Rod, assuming you'd

  eventually lead him to Boman Thul?" Jaina asked. "He might've thought

  you worked for Raynar's father. After all, you were sending messages to

  the Bomaryn fleet."

  Zekk smiled at the irony. "If Dengar was tracking me, then he followed

  me to the wrong Thul. If he'd gone to Borgo Prime instead, he might

  have caught Bornan."

  Jaina frowned at the thought. "He probably figured you were just

  stopping for messages or supplies and he didn't want you to suspect that

  he was on your trail," she guessed.

  "If there's some sort of tracer on my ship, I want to know about it,"

  Zekk said through gritted teeth. It gave him the creeps to think that

  someone could have been tracking his every movement.

  Jaina grinned. "Well, then, what are we waiting for?"

  Together, Zekk and Jaina carefully inspected the outer hull of the

  battered transport ship. Zekk couldn't imagine how many times his old

  friend Peckhum had been in tight situations with this craft.

  After the Second' Imperium's attack on the Jedi academy, when the brutal

  TIE pilot Norys had nearly destroyed the Lightning Rod, Peckhum had made

  certain the ship got a complete overhaul.

  Noting the carbon scoring, Zekk thought back on some of the skirmishes

  he himself had been through.

  Dengar had fired on him at the ice world of Ziost, and before that Boba

  Fett had fought him in the rubble field of Alderaan. It was a good

  thing that Jaina could help him check the ship over. They found

  countless patches, spot-welded armor plates, and external systems that

  had been jury-rigged so many times Zekk couldn't fathom how they managed

  to remain functional.

  As soon as Zekk spotted it, he knew what was wrong. Surrounded by a

  starburst of slag, a small object had attached itself to the Lightning

  Rod's hull. He showed it to Jaina.

  "Limpet mine," she said. "Perfect for planting a tracer."

  "So . .. that 'concussion grenade' Dengar fired at me wasn't a dud,

  after all," Zekk said, tapping it with a fingertip. "A tracer, huh?"

  He pried off the limpet mine and held it in his hand, considering what

  to do with it. Finally, a sly grin crossed his face ....

  At one of Mechis III's shipping platforms, Zekk and Jaina found a tiny

  courier pod. The high-speed drone was only large enough to carry small

  emergency-repair parts or hardcopy messages that were too sensitive to

  be transmitted with normal encoding over hyperwaves.

  Jaina gleefully assured Zekk the limpet's transmitting beacon still

  functioned properly before they sealed it inside the courier pod.

  Next, he programmed a course that would take the drone high above the

  galactic plane--far away from any inhabited star systems. The tracer's

  journey would take it on a one-way trip to nowhere, still winking its

  insidious message . . . luring Dengar to follow.

  They launched the courier pod out of the receiving bay and watched it

  dwindle to a pinprick and vanish into the vast gulf of distance.

  Zekk stared after it with a fiery satisfaction burning in his

  emerald-green eyes. "Happy hunting, Dengar," he murmured.

  Tyko Thul kept himself busy by programming armies of construction droids

  and cleanup crews to work on the damaged towers. He had reluctantly

  accepted Raynar's offer of temporary assistance, and together the two

  discussed the damage.

  "You know, those structures have needed upgrading for some time now,

  anyway," Tyko said. "Never got around to it." Somewhat disheartened, he

  called up the intricate designs for the facilities.

  Raynar studied the diagrams. Then, letting his eyes fall half closed,

  he said, "I think I might have a few modifications to suggest."

  With calm assurance, he began altering the schematics. He worked for

  nearly an hour before stopping.

  Perplexed, Tyko stared at the screen. "I don't

  understand. Why should I want to make these changes?"

  Raynar shrugged. "By combining those two operations, you can run the

  systems in parallel. If one assembly line breaks down, you have the

  capacity to speed up production on the first line, make your repairs to

  the second one, and still meet delivery schedules."

  "Yes!" Tyko crowed. "I see it now. It's nothing short of brilliant!"

  Raynar blinked in bemusement and blushed at the praise. "I wonder if

  there's such a thing as a merchant Jedi," he mumbled.

  Jaina, taking a break from her repairs to the Lightning Rod, turned back

  to her work on the assassin droid IG-88, while Em Teedee hovered

  overhead like a practice remote. "This is most interesting," he said.

  After repairing a few scrambled circuits, the modified translating droid

  now functioned like a new machine. Dangling diagnostic leads hung down,

  connecting the translating droid to IG-88's main memory core.

  Tenel Ka, Jacen, and Raynar crowded around Jaina, watching the

  additional alterations with interest.

  Jaina glanced over at Raynar. "You're sure your uncle's going to let us

  do this?"

  "He will," Raynar answered. "In return for his cooperation, I promised

  not to reveal his 'little hoax' to my mother. My message to her will

  just say that we rescued Uncle Tyko and he's unharmed."

  The young man smiled.

  Scrutinizing the inner mechanisms of the once-lethal droid, Jaina

  nodded. "All right. When I'm finished here, we'll be able to turn

  IG-88 loose to continue the search for your father."

  "It is a good idea," Tenel Ka said. "This droid was built to track down

  people who do not wish to be found. We could not ask for a better


  "Yeah," Jacen said, "and we've got the perfect job for him."

  Em Teedee piped up. "I've tapped directly into IG-88's memory area

  reserved for storing information about current bounty assignments."

  "And you input all of the data about my father?"

  Raynar prodded.

  "Just as you requested, Master Raynar," Em Teedee said.

  "Everything from the file. IG-88 knows all about Boman Thul's business

  affiliations, old friends, favorite haunts, familial connections--"

  "Thanks, Em Teedee," Raynar broke in. "There's not another bounty

  hunter in the galaxy who knows as much about my father as IG-88 does


  "He will be a fine seeker--relentless," Tenel Ka said, clapping a hand

  on Raynar's back. Her rustic warrior appearance made an interesting

  contrast with the gleaming mechanized facility populated by droids. But

  Tenel Ka seemed perfectly at ease. She

  was who she was, regardless of her location, and she never let

  circumstances diminish her self-confidence.

  "Are we finished, then, Em Teedee?" Jaina said.

  "Yes, indeed, Mistress Jaina," the little droid answered brightly.

  "IG-88 is now wholly dedicated to finding Bornan Thul and keeping him

  safe." He paused to consider. "In theory, at least, IG-88's superior

  design and capabilities make him more likely to succeed than the

  numerous other bounty hunters attempting to find Raynar's father. Why,

  perhaps with my additional assistance--" Jaina disconnected the leads

  from the translating droid and let the silvery oval float free. "He

  probably doesn't want your company, Em Teedee.

  You'd only distract him."

  "I'm certain you're right, Mistress Jaina," the droid said wistfully.

  "It isn't my primary function, after all. Though at the moment, I'm not

  certain just what my primary function is."

  "We need you, Em Teedee," Jaina said.

  "Thank you, Mistress Jaina," the little droid replied. "I do miss

  Master Lowbacca though. I certainly hope he's all right."

  "So do we, Em Teedee," Jaina said, struggling against worry as thoughts

  of her Wookiee friend came again to the front of her mind.

  "This is a fact," Tenel Ka agreed.

  Zekk and the young Jedi Knights accompanied IG-88 to the upper launch

  platform to see him off on his quest. Raynar looked at the dark-haired

  young man, remembering how Zekk--the Shadow Academy's darkest

  Knight--had used the Force to huff him into the river mud.

  Although it had taken Raynar a long time to recover his pride, he

  realized now that Zekk had in effect saved his life by doing so,

  humiliating him in front of the other dark Jedi attackers to dissuade

  them from killing Raynar outright with their burning red lightsabers.

  And now the assassin droid had also been precluded from taking fatal

  actions. "I'm glad IG-88

  can't kill anymore," Raynar said.

  "Not even aliens," Tenel Ka affirmed.

  Jacen tapped the droid on one arm. "Hey, hear that?" he said.

  "Try not to think of yourself as an assassin droid anymore."

  "He can still cause plenty of damage, though," Jaina said.

  "Especially if it looks as if they're going to be dangerous to your


  Uncle Tyko hurried up, wringing his hands and looking flustered.

  "Sorry I'm late," he said. "So much to do. I solve one problem and it

  leads to two others. But I'll get this place running smoothly sooner or


  He stopped as the looming assassin droid rotated

  its cylindrical head. The blinking red sensors showed no sign of

  recognition, no memory of its past. Without a word, the droid swiveled

  its body core and clomped toward a needlelike ship that was identical in

  design to the IG-2000, the droid's original craft. Because the durable

  assassin droid had no need for life-support systems or acceleration

  dampers, the vessel had an incredible bank of engines and superior power


  "Please find my father, IG-88," Raynar said.

  The assassin droid climbed into his ship and fired up the engines.

  The gathered spectators watched as the sleek vessel stabbed up into the

  atmosphere like a dagger slicing Cloth.

  Jacen turned to Raynar and clasped his shoulder.

  "Things are looking up, you know," he said. "Zekk gave us the news that

  your father is alive, and IG-88

  is on the chase."

  "And now that we've 'rescued' your Uncle Tyko," Jaina said, "we can hope

  that it's just a matter of time until your entire family is together


  Raynar swallowed hard. "My father must have a good reason for hiding. I

  just wish I knew what it was."

  Zekk nodded grimly. "He seems to think that something terrible is going

  to happen to the human race if he's caught."

  Raynar nervously straightened his Jedi robe and ran a hand over his

  spiky hair. He seemed embarrassed at his friends' efforts to encourage


  "That doesn't mean we're going to stop searching for him, does it?"

  "Not a chance," Jacen said. Then, in a moment of sadness, he added, "I

  just wish Lowie was here to help us out."

  JAINA STOOD NEXT to Zekk, desperately searching for the right words, as

  he stood on the boarding ramp of the Lightning Rod. She had to say

  something before he left.

  "I'11 see you soon, I promise," Zekk said. "But right now I'd better be

  on my way. Maybe I'll even find Bornan Thul before IG-88

  does. The least I can do is take him a message from Raynar."

  Jaina swallowed. "Remember, Zekk, we're always willing to help you--to

  talk or listen, if you need us."

  "I know, Jaina." He smiled at her, and before she knew it, she found

  herself caught up in a fierce hug, right there on the rooftop.

  She returned the hug for a long moment. Then Zekk backed into his ship,

  waving in farewell. "Maybe I'll drop in to rescue you again sometime


  "Unless I rescue you first," Jaina countered. She

  stood with stinging eyes on the rooftop as he sealed the hatch of the

  old freighter. "Don't fly through any black holes, Zekk," she said in a

  hoarse whisper.

  The Lightning Rod soared off into the sky, doubling back in a complex

  loop as Zekk showed off his flying prowess before taking the ship up

  into the atmosphere, and deep space.

  Jacen sat frustrated in the comm center of Mechis III, while Em Teedee

  hovered and bobbed in the air over his shoulder, practicing with his new


  Tenel Ka entered and stood in the doorway, her hand on her hip as she

  waited for Jacen to finish.

  With a sigh he swiveled to look at the warrior girl, and flashed her a


  "I've left three messages at Lowie's home on Kashyyyk, but I haven't

  gotten any response," he said. "Lowie should be them, or at least his

  parents, or his sister Sirra. I sure hope nothing's wrong."

  Tenel Ka's face remained expressionless.

  "Lowbacca is a good fighter and a talented Jedi. I am certain he can

  take care of himself."

  "I do hope so," Em Teedee interjected, "but there is still sufficient

  cause for concern."

  Jacen gave up his seat at the comm controls, since he knew Tenel Ka had

  been wanting to contact her parents in the Fountain Palace on Hapes. The

  warrior gift sat down and, even with only one hand, her fingers flew

  over the controls, setting up the hyperwave link.

  "I am taking the added precaution of using the royal family's encryption

  codes," she told Jacen, and waited for an answer.

  When Isolder and Teneniel Djo appeared on-screen, she told them about

  the Diversity Alliance, describing it as an antihuman conspiracy that

  masqueraded as a benevolent political movement. Her parents took Tenel

  Ka's concern seriously and agreed to put their best counterconspiracy

  opera-fives into action; they would find out whatever they could about

  the group.

Privately, Tenel Ka hoped--no, Tenel Ka knew-that her grandmother would

  intercept this message and feel compelled to investigate the Diversity


  With her own brand of ironic humor, the warrior gift asked her parents

  to convey her greetings to her father's mother--realizing that Ta'a

  Chume would probably hear her words even before the communications link

  between Hapes and Mechis III was broken.

  Her grandmother would no doubt put her best spies to work immediately.

  So much the better, Tenel Ka thought. The Diversity Alliance would find

  Ta'a Chume a formidable enemy.

  As soon as Tenel Ka had ended the transmission, an override signal

  winked on the panel. Jacen rushed forward to accept the transmission.

  "Busy day," he remarked.

  "Oh my," Em Teedee said, hovering over the panel, "according to the

  designators, that message is coming from Kashyyyk. I do hope it's

  Master Lowbacca."

  Jacen was rewarded by the on-screen images of Lowie's parents Mahraccor


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