Sad Love

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Sad Love Page 11

by Mj Fields

  “You alright baby?” Lucas asked as he walked out and saw Tessa leaning against the railing on the deck.

  “Yes,” she smiled. “I’m just going to miss home.”

  He looked at her, “Is that where you want to be?”

  “Only if you come with me,” she smiled.

  He looked relieved.

  “Sometimes I feel like you’re making all the changes here Tessa, and it kind of makes me feel like an ass.”

  “Well I think that it’s called growing up, you know me making changes, and you only sometimes feeling like an ass,” she laughed.

  He smiled, “I guess we’ve both changed. Do you know it has been almost seven months since we’ve broken up, that’s a record for me.”

  “Well me too,” she smiled. “However, you forgot about the little thing in February. So in all actuality it’s four months. Still a record. Wait until we can say this in forty years.”

  He swallowed hard, and she noticed.

  What was that about? she wondered as she walked into the house. She started dinner, and he walked in.

  “Everything alright? You came in awfully quickly,” he kissed the back of her head.

  “Maybe you should ask yourself that question,” she laughed.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know: I mention forty years and you gulp and look like you’re going to get sick,” she laughed it off.

  “I was celebrating seven months, and you said forty years, it just kind of took me by surprise,” he hugged her.

  “Well, I guess we should just take it one day at a time then, wouldn’t want you to freak out. Hey-- why don’t you go switch the laundry for me, please?” she kissed his cheek.

  She went into the bathroom and tried to calm herself down. She washed her face and brushed her teeth. Not a big deal, get over it. Tessa looked in the mirror making sure she didn’t look like she felt inside, but she did. It hurt, she loved him enough for a lifetime and he …well she wasn’t sure.

  He changed the laundry and knew he had upset her, but forty years was a long time. He promised her forever and he knew that’s what he wanted down deep, but the words were far scarier to him now. But why?

  He walked into the kitchen his food was on a plate.

  “Hey I’m not hungry right now, I’m going for a run,” she yelled and he heard the front door shut.

  Shit, he thought. He threw his shoes on and ran to catch her.

  “Do you mind if I join you?” he asked catching up to her.

  He looked at her face, and she was crying. “Don’t… please baby, I meant nothing by it.”

  “What are you talking about? I just miss my family,” she sprinting ahead of him.

  “Stop Tessa,” he yelled.

  “Not right now Lucas, I’ll see you at home,” she ran hard and fast away from him.

  He went back to the house, reluctantly.

  She was gone for an hour. When she came back she looked happier.

  “That felt good,” she said when he opened the door waiting for her.

  “Tessa,” he said softly.

  “Lucas don’t. It’s no big deal, we’re young, and if we work until forever great-- if not well… that will have to be okay, too,” she smiled. “I need a shower,” she said, throwing off her shoes and running upstairs past him. She couldn’t look at him right now, she thought she was alright but not when he looked at her like he had. He walked in the bathroom, and watched her through the glass door.

  “What are you waiting for? Get in,” she said in her fake happy voice.

  He got in his clothes, “I’m sorry I’m an idiot, and Tessa I know it upset you, please forgive me? I do want forever with you.”

  “Okay, forgiven,” she said. “You do know your clothes are on, right?”


  They went down and ate dinner. She was quiet, and he felt like crap. She smiled at him and he looked down.

  “It’s okay Lucas; please don’t get weird on me. I’d like to move on from this. If we don’t, it gets ugly. I can’t do ugly again, ever. Hey, I found a place about two miles away that gives singing lessons.”


  “I thought I might take lessons,” she smiled.

  “Okay but I don’t think you need them,” he complimented her.

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve sung,” she said softly.

  “I guess you are right. Damn that must be my fault, too,” he stood and walked away.

  Tessa walked into the living room and he was staring at the floor.

  “Lucas, I never said it was your fault. Wow, this is a tough day,” She sat on the floor in front of him. “I’m sure it’s me being ultra sensitive. I hope you can understand that. I’m trying to be honest, not hurtful.”

  “And I’m living my dream, and you’re giving up everything,” he looked away.

  “I chose this Lucas, I chose us. You couldn’t pressure me into anything, trust me. I love you,” She smiled. “I do miss singing; you wouldn’t have known that Lucas, I didn’t even know.”

  He took a deep breath looked down, “Sorry.”

  “Shut up. Lucas when your bottom lip sticks out that far, I really want to bite it,” he looked at her and smiled. “You are so easy,” she sat on his lap.

  “You don’t have to do this to make me happy,” he said as she took off her shirt.

  “I’m doing this because I want you,” she lifted his off, “Now shut up and do me.”

  He took her breast in his mouth, and she moaned. She pulled away from him and stood up. She took off her shorts, he grabbed her behind the knees, and she started to fall he put his other arm behind her back and laid her on the floor. He took off his pants and knelt above her head and lowered himself over her kissing down her stomach, she took him in her mouth, and they pleasured each other. Her body was on fire, and he stopped and stood up. He pulled her up and turned her around, so her back was against his chest he pushed her into the dining room. He bent her over the table, grabbed her hips. She arched her back and looked over her shoulder at him. He was rubbing her and nostrils flaring as he grabbed hold of himself rubbing her wet pussy with his erection. He thrust into her as she yelled out; he loved to hear her cry out in pleasure. His hand gently ran down her back and he grabbed her ass hard as she moaned, and he pulled out. He reached his hand in front of her and rubbed her, as he continued to grab her butt.

  “Baby,” he moaned “Your ass looks fine.”

  “Lucas no,” she said quietly knowing exactly what his dirty little mind was thinking.

  “Please baby. Just try” he asked as he slowly rubbed her.

  She moaned, “Lucas not now, please.”

  “I’m going to change your mind about this,” he slammed into her until she exploded.

  Legs wobbling she stood and pushed him away. She took his hand, lay down, pulled him down and pushed her breast together.

  “Do me here,” she said and his eyes flickered.

  With each thrust, she licked the tip and he watched, his eyes were on fire. She pulled at her nipples, and he groaned.

  “Damn baby, this is nice. Don’t stop doing that,” he groaned, his jaw clenched, he tipped his head back, and she let him finish in her mouth. “Very nice, baby.”

  He lay on his back and pulled her into him.

  “You like to watch, Lucas?”

  “I guess I do,” he smiled as he played with her hair. “I’ll change your mind about the other someday.”

  “I don’t think so,” she laughed.


  The alarm went off at four forty five in the morning. Tessa was already in the shower, and he jumped in.

  “Ready for work?” She smiled at him.

  “Ready for you first,” he kissed her, pushing her into the shower wall.


  She went to the kitchen and made him breakfast. He ate and grabbed his bag. She handed him his lunch.

  “No, thank you-- I want you to bring me lunch,” he gave her a

  “Oh, okay.”

  “Why, did you have other plans? Cause if you had something to do I’m alright with that.”

  “No, I don’t I would love to come,” she hugged him. “I’m going to miss you today.”

  “I’ll see you at noon,” he kissed her neck. “Are you going back to bed?”

  "Yes," she laughed, “Sorry.”


  Tessa cleaned and did laundry she put dinner in the Crockpot and then decided to go for a run. She ran by the theatre that she saw the voice lesson flyer. She walked inside.

  “Hi I was wondering about the voice lessons, I saw a sign the other day and am interested,” she smiled.

  “I believe we are filled until September, let me check,” the receptionist smiled and walked to the office.

  She opened the door, and a tall man in his late twenties with tattoos on his arms walked out.

  “Can you sing?” he asked nodding to her.

  “I think I can, but would love lessons.”

  “Let’s hear something.”

  She blushed, “It’s been awhile, I don’t know...”

  “Do you want lessons or not? Let’s hear something,” he started to turn around.

  “Well tell me what to sing then, I’m kind of on the spot here.” Tessa had kind of snapped at him and hadn’t meant to.

  He looked at her amused, “Joplin.”

  She sang a few lines, and he looked down, “I can do better.”

  “We will see, call in two weeks, we can figure something out then,” he walked in the back.

  She took a card on her way out.


  His phone chimed:

  -Hey hot stuff, where are you?...LT

  He looked down to the street and saw her he smiled and whistled, she looked up and waved and walked inside.

  Lucas grabbed her by the waist and kissed her.

  “You look very happy.”

  “I am… I get to see you,” he kissed her again.

  “I brought lunch,” she held up the small cooler.

  He slide his finger between her belly and waist band,


  She laughed and noticed a bunch of guys walking towards them and pulled away.

  “Tessa,” Ryan smiled.

  “Hello Ryan,” she blushed.

  “See you in thirty minutes, Lucas,” Ryan walked away.

  “He’s very bossy,” Lucas grabbed her and pulled her upstairs to an empty room and locked the door.

  He ran his hands up her skirt and noticed she wasn’t wearing any panties.

  “Nice baby,” he scooped her up and laid her on the wooden floor.

  When he finished his main course Tessa sat on his lap and smiled,

  “Can I feed you while we do it?” she asked.

  He smiled and shook his head yes. He didn’t eat much, but they both enjoyed themselves a great deal.

  His phone chimed

  -We are on our way up…Ryan

  “Shit,” Lucas threw his pants on.

  Tessa laughed and got dressed. He reached in the cooler and grabbed the rest of the sandwich and shoved it in his mouth. He laughed when he saw her panties in the cooler and held them out for her to step into them and then quickly unlocked the door.

  Her eyes were wide

  “What’s wrong?”

  “They’re very cold.”

  His eyes lit up, as he smiled.

  “You like that huh?” he pulled her into him and kissed her.

  “No,” she whispered as he rubbed her back.

  “You are so full of shit,” he laughed.

  Ryan cleared his throat, and the other guys smirked. Tessa looked down, and her face was red.

  “I can walk myself out,” she pulled away from him “Goodbye, Mr. Brooks.”

  Lucas watched from the window as she got in the Jeep she looked up and he waved. She smiled and waved back.

  “How was lunch,” one of the guys asked.

  “Perfect,” Lucas smiled at Ryan.

  Ryan shook his head knowingly.


  Tessa called Jade when she got home,

  “How are you three doing?”

  “Good, and how are you?” Jade asked.

  “I just had lunch with Lucas and was thinking maybe you should take Ryan lunch tomorrow, and I could watch baby Luke, we could spend the afternoon together.”

  “Sounds great, I’m getting a little stir crazy,” Jade laughed.


  Lucas was exhausted when he got home. Tessa brought him dinner and told him about the theatre, and that Jade and Lukie would be coming so Jade could take Ryan lunch.

  “None for me tomorrow?”

  “I’m sure we can make up for it.”


  Over the next few weeks, their routine didn’t change much. They both worked and loved on each other often. They attended graduation and many parties. Molly’s shower was in a week, and the big fair was coming up. Kendall had asked Tessa to help out at the booster club’s stand. She agreed, and Lucas was fine with it.

  Tessa got out of bed and decided to go for a run, she ran past theater and into the nearby park. She was listening to her iPod as she turned a corner and ran into someone and fell flat on her butt. She stood up.

  “I’m so sorry” as she brushed herself off.

  She looked at the shirtless man and noticed the sleeves of tattoos.

  He smirked, “Maybe you should take running lessons as well.”

  She looked up at him and noticed the man from the theatre. He was tall and lean, his body was very defined.

  “No, thank you,” she said annoyed and started to run.

  He caught up to her, “Tessa, right?”

  “Yes,” she continued to run.

  "I’m Adam, you never called back," he said as they ran.

  “You didn’t seem interested.” She said smugly.

  He laughed, “Oh no?”

  “No, I’ll find somewhere else to go,” she ran faster.

  “Suit yourself, but I want you to know I’m very good,” he ran the other way.

  What an ass, she thought.


  Kendall and Tessa ran the booster club booth at the fair on Thursday night they laughed and had a great time talking to people she hadn’t seen over the past year. Lucas, Jade, Ryan, and Lukie joined them for dinner. There was a band playing, and she begged Lucas to dance. He shook his head yes and followed her. She looked at the band and noticed the drummer.

  “What are you looking at?” Lucas scowled.

  “I thought the drummer was the voice coach I was telling you about, must be the tattoos” she laughed.

  “They never called you?”

  “No, but I ran into him running last week, he seems like a jerk. I told him I would look elsewhere.”

  “Was he rude?” he asked, getting pissed.

  “No Lucas, he just seems full of himself and he probably isn’t any good,” she rolled her eyes.

  “Okay, but you said you missed singing, Baby,” he said looking at her as they danced.

  The drummer took the guitar and sang the next song.

  “Lucas, I really think that’s him” she glanced and laughed as they walked to the booster clubs booth.

  “I’m going to head home baby, walk me out?”

  She kissed him goodnight, and he promised to text when he got home, she promised she would only be a couple more hours.

  Tessa went back to work with Kendall and the band guy walked up to the booth.

  “Tessa, right?” he smiled.

  “Adam,” she said as she wiped off the counter. Kendall walked up, “This is my sister Kendall.”

  “Nice to meet you, can your sister sing?” he asked Kendall.

  “She’s amazing, she was the lead in the musical Avita last spring,” she said, “You should have her sing with you up there, unless you’re scared.”

  Tessa shook her head no and rolled her eyes at Kendall

; “No, that’s quite alright” she said.

  “What should she sing?” he asked Kendal ignoring Tessa.

  “Anything,” Kendall laughed.

  “We do rock, pick a few and I’ll choose, see you in five minutes,” Adam walked away.

  “Kendall, what are you thinking?” she laughed.

  “I’m thinking we need to pick a song, Tessa he looks familiar, like MTV familiar,” she laughed.

  “It’s probably the tattoos,” they both laughed.


  Tessa asked Ryan and Jade to come watch, and they sat in the bleachers.

  “Can your band play The Cranberries Zombie or Alanis Morsette You Oughtta Know?”

  “Yep,” he said and walked away.

  “Well which one?” she asked.

  Adam smirked and they started playing You Oughtta Know. She did great and smiled as she started walking off stage. Zombie started she turned to him and smiled, he gave her a challenging stare. Tessa raised her eyebrow, a challenge please she thought. Next they played Baby One More Time by Britany Spears. She sang and looked to him for approval; he pretended to yawn and rolled his eyes. Tess incorporated a few little dance moves and he smirked. She danced and sang and had a great time. He moved to the keyboard.

  “You all want one more?” he asked, and they cheered.

  He began playing a song from Avita. She smiled and sang Don’t cry for me Argentina.

  “We’re going to take a quick break” he announced and rushed her off stage. “I think I can work with you, do you play an instrument?”

  “No,” she said.

  “Okay so piano, you’ll take piano lessons starting three weeks from Monday at six pm,” he said.

  “What about voice--I can’t do six at night,” she said confused.

  “So this isn’t important to you?” he asked, but it was more like a statement.

  “Well, I have to work to pay for lessons, and I do have a social life,” she crossed her arms and scowled defensively.

  “Fine, Mondays at nine in the morning. And you’ll start with an instrument” he walked away.


  Tessa walked in the bedroom, and Lucas was sleeping. She was excited and wanted to tell him all about singing. She went under the covers and kissed around his pelvis. He rolled over. She moved to the other side of the bed, and he turned away again.


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