Hunted (Love like Yours Series Book 3)

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Hunted (Love like Yours Series Book 3) Page 11

by Nicole S. Goodin

“What?” He asked, clearly intrigued.

  “Nothing.” I replied, my head lulling to the side so I could face him. “Just, this was amazing.”

  He squeezed my hand.

  “Seriously. Thank you for kidnapping me and making me come.”

  He chuckled and looked at me before swinging his gaze back to the road.

  “I’d hardly call taking my girlfriend away for the weekend, kidnapping.”

  His casual use of the word knocked me for six.

  Girlfriend huh?

  I grinned and said nothing.

  He peeked at me from the corner of his eye again. “What?”

  I shook my head in amusement. “Your girlfriend now am I?”

  “Fucking bet your ass you are.”

  I held back a laugh. “You think I might like to be asked?” I replied in a fake pissy tone.

  “You wanna be asked?” He raised his bows in question.

  “I might.”


  He slowed the car, pulled over and stopped behind a strip of trees. He twisted in his seat and leaned back against the car door.

  Sitting there, his hair tousled, his white t-shirt clinging to his muscles, I knew without a doubt that he was better looking than any male model I’d ever seen. I might have been bias, since he was an amazing man, but if his personality made him more attractive, not less, then good for him. He’d earned his smoking hot status.

  His caramel eyes were watching me intently as I eye fucked the hell out of him.

  “Well?” I finally asked when he didn’t say a word.

  “What were you thinking just now?” He asked curiously.

  “How hot you are.” I answered without hesitation.

  No point beating around the bush.

  He grinned and I fought off the urge to jump him.

  “So you gonna ask me or what?” I demanded.

  “I am.”

  I waved my hand in front of myself. “Have at it.”

  He smirked, but looked into my eyes with so much intensity I had to beat back a shudder.

  “You want to be my girl Skippy?” He asked in a soft, vulnerable tone. This was why he didn’t ask questions, because deep down he was scared of the answers.

  I felt like a teenage girl who’d just been asked to prom by the cutest boy in school. I don’t know what the hell was happening to me, but I liked it.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Hell yes I do.”

  His whole face lit up in triumph before his eyes darkened and roamed lazily over my body.

  “You want to live out that little fantasy of yours?” He tilted his head in the direction of the back seat.

  I glanced around our surroundings; we were completely isolated from the road by the thick bank of trees.

  “Hell yes I do.” I repeated, my skin already prickling in anticipation.

  “Get in the back.”

  He was bossy, arrogant even. But I loved it. He pulled it off and made it work for him in a way that had me wanting more and more and more.

  Arrogance wasn’t supposed to be sexy, but damn if that man didn’t set me on fire.

  I scrambled into the back and waited for his instructions.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  I tugged my dress up and over my head and he let out a growl from deep in his throat – I wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

  “Jesus Christ.” He muttered before swinging his door open and stalking toward the back of the car.

  He pulled the back of his shirt and slid it over his head. My mouth watered at the sight of his toned torso.

  He caught my gaze and held it as he undid his belt, slowly and purposefully. He unzipped his jeans, and dropped them to the ground.

  I moistened my lips in anticipation– I wasn’t the only one who’d gone commando.

  He opened the car door, butt naked, and slid in next to me.

  “Great minds think alike.” He growled as he pulled me into his lap so I was straddling him.

  I immediately started to grind myself against him. I was totally shameless in my desire for him, I wanted him, and I didn’t see the point in being coy about it.

  My eyes darted side to side, checking we were still alone.

  “Forget it Quinn, it’s just you and me.”

  He grasped my face in his hands and pulled me in for a deep kiss. My insides coiled tight with anticipation.

  “You’re so wet baby; I can feel you on my legs.”

  He wasn’t wrong. The car, the fantasy, him, the thought of getting caught all had me needing him like my next breath.

  “I want you.”

  “Take me.” He growled as he shifted slightly to line himself up and push inside me.

  Condoms were long gone, I’d had the contraception shot, and we’d both gotten a check to make sure we were clean – there were no barriers between us now.

  I groaned as he filled me completely, he was so hard.

  “Oh god.” I moaned.

  “This fulfilling that fantasy baby?” He ground out as he thrust up hard and fast.

  “You. Have. No. Idea.” I panted between bolts of pleasure.

  Sex in the back of a Mustang... check.

  “It’s strange to have not known someone for very long, but to miss them as if you have known them for a thousand life times.”

  - T.B. LaBerge

  23. Colt

  “I’ve been away for the weekend sorry, one more stop and I’ll be there.”

  Away for the weekend…

  The one stop he had to make would be to drop off Quinn no doubt.

  I felt like smacking my head against my desk at the thought of the two of them away for the weekend.

  I shouldn’t have even asked.

  I needed a hand with the accounts and storing the new shipment I’d had arrive on Friday night, but now I was wishing I’d just struggled through it on my own. The last thing I needed was to see Harrison’s face after he’d spent the entire weekend with her.

  Why the hell did it have to end up like this?

  I wanted Harrison to be happy, I really did. Just preferably not with Quinn.

  There was some fucked up shit going on in Harrison’s life, he thought that he was so sneaky that I wouldn’t notice that something was amiss with him, but I wasn’t as oblivious as he liked to believe. I had no idea what it was that he got up to in his spare time, but I had a bad feeling that whatever it was, was going to end up hurting Quinn.

  24. Harrison

  “How soon can I see you again?” I typed out the words on my phone.

  Her reply was almost instant, and for some reason it gave me a thrill.

  “Are you even at the end of the driveway yet?”


  I hadn’t even moved my car at all. I was still parked directly outside her front door, the same place she’d left me and as I was staring at it, it swung open.

  I opened my car door, swung my legs out, stood, and leaned back against the side of my baby.

  Quinn strolled out, her feet now bare and wandered straight over to me.

  “You miss me already?” She teased, walking straight into my waiting arms.

  I wrapped them firmly around her waist and looked down at her. She had her face tipped up towards mine and the sun was shining on her brown hair, showing the hint of red in it. She’d put less makeup on ever since I’d told her how sexy her freckles were and I could see the light smattering over her nose.

  “You’ve got to stop this.” I murmured to her, resting my forehead against hers.

  “Stop what?” She whispered.

  “Getting to me like this.”

  Her eyes sparkled.

  “I’ll stop if you do.” She told me softly.

  “Never.” I murmured before claiming her lips passionately.

  Our mouths moved together in unison until we were both breathless.

  “How soon can I see you again?” I asked her when I caught my breath.

  She released the han
dfuls of my shirt that she was grasping and looked back at me with soft eyes.

  “I could cook for you… tomorrow? Logan was talking about having a few friends over… if you’d rather go out we could do –”

  “That sounds perfect.” I interrupted, kissing her forehead.

  A night in with my girl and her friends was exactly what I needed.


  “I’m warning you now, Rome’s here. He’s got a big mouth and he’s not afraid to use it. Feel free to ignore him whenever you need to.” She insisted.

  I chuckled.

  “You know all about El and Law… Logan, Reeve and Lisa you obviously know…” She listed them off on her fingers. “Oh and Josh… just… don’t be jealous.” She told me with a smartass look on her face.

  She gave me all this information while tugging me along behind her from my truck to the front door.

  I pulled her to a stop. “Why would I be jealous?”

  “You’ll see.” She tugged on my arm again.

  I pulled her back into me. “He an ex or something?” I growled, jealously instantly overwhelming me.

  She laughed, but shook her head. “Down boy. No, just trust me, you’ll see.”

  She took a step towards the door again.


  She turned back to me. “Yeah?”

  “Calm down.”

  She giggled nervously. “I just really want y’all to get along.”

  “We will.” I reassured her. I’d get along with these people if it killed me.

  Anything to see her smile.


  Even I was surprised at how comfortable I felt. It helped that my best mate was here, but on the whole, everyone was really genuine and welcoming.

  I’d gotten the once over from Rome, and Quinn had been bang on the money about him, he knew how to run his mouth, but he also knew how to have a good laugh and he didn’t take himself too seriously – and I could appreciate that.

  I knew exactly what Quinn meant about Josh the minute I laid eyes on him. Now, I was as straight as they came, but he was one good looking guy.

  It turned out that Quinn’s offer to make dinner actually meant she would have Lawson and El do it. Apparently she couldn’t cook to save herself, something Ellerslie took great pleasure in informing me of. The two of them however, were incredible cooks, and dinner was the best thing I’d eaten in a long time.

  We’d all been hanging out in the living area for the last hour or so; I was in an armchair, with Quinn sitting half in the seat, half on my lap. Rome was telling a story and she was laughing and smiling. I wasn’t following the story in the slightest. I was too busy watching the turn of her mouth, listening to her soft giggles and feeling the vibrations of her laughter through my body.

  “You’re staring.” She murmured, tucking her face against my neck.

  “Staring at what?” I feigned confusion.

  “At me!” She hissed.

  “Rate yourself.” I whispered in her ear.

  She mocked punched my thigh. “You’re such a douche some times.” She grinned.

  “I do what I do well.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Are you having fun?” She whispered again.

  The question was ridiculous.

  “I’ve got the most beautiful woman in my arms; I’m in a room full of great people, I’ve got a full stomach and a beer in my hand. I’m having a great time.” I reassured her.

  Her eyes shone and she looked thrilled about being where she was too.

  How the hell did I get lucky enough to be here?

  My phone vibrated in my pocket and Quinn scooted over so I could pull it out of my jeans.

  “It’s fine babe.” I told her, ignoring the message.

  She settled back into my lap only for my phone to go off again two minutes later.

  “You better check it.” She announced as she slid off my lap and strolled towards the kitchen. “I need another beer.” She tilted her head at my bottle. “You good?”

  “I’m good.” I winked at her.

  Everyone else was still listening to Rome telling some over exaggerated and probably mainly fiction tale that had them all howling with laughter.

  I slid my phone from my pocket and froze when I read the words on my screen.

  “You were lucky kid. You won’t be so lucky next time. Don’t come knocking. M.B”


  My eyes darted to the doorway Quinn had just disappeared through, my heart racing a mile a minute, the reality of my fucked up life crashing down on me.

  I had this inexplicable urge to go and protect her. It was irrational – Max was warning me to stay away, not that he was coming for me, but still, I needed her safe.

  My protectiveness surprised me. I had two brothers growing up, but both of them could take care of themselves if the need arose, which it rarely did in the small town we grew up in outside Boston. I’d had girlfriends, but it turned out I was a pretty average boyfriend, certainly no knight in shining armor. So I’d never experienced these urges before.

  My brain clicked into gear and I made the decision to get out of here. Max wasn’t coming for me, at least not yet, but I needed to get back to work on this. I’d let myself become so wrapped up and distracted by Quinn that I’d forgotten about the most important thing.

  Ending him.

  Keeping her safe.

  I had things that needed taking care of… starting now.

  25. Quinn

  I gestured at El to follow after me – I needed to pick her brain.

  She followed me down the hall and into Logan’s office.

  “What’s up?” She asked.

  I sat down in an armchair and she did the same.

  “Did you think that was weird?” I asked her. “Him just up and leaving like that?”

  She tilted her head to the side. “He had to go help Colt right?”

  “That’s what he said.” I replied as I fiddled with a framed football photo of Logan and Lawson from high school.

  “You think he’s lying?”

  I met her eyes. “I’m not sure what to think. His whole demeanor changed and he just took off.”

  “Maybe it was a big problem?” She offered. “Or maybe it’s just the dynamic between him and Colt that made him tense up?”

  “Maybe.” I mumbled, still caught up in my head about it.

  “You’ve got nothing to worry about Q.” El told me, seeing exactly where my thoughts were going. “He loves you.”

  I waved off her comment. “I know he cares about me, I just can’t help feeling like there’s something I’m missing… something big.”

  “Then ask him.”

  I crossed my legs. “Just like that?”

  “Why not?” She shrugged. “Life’s too short to be feeling insecure about something that’s probably nothing.”

  She’s not wrong.

  “Ask him.” She insisted again.

  I nodded. “You’re right.”

  “Usually am.” She teased.

  I rolled my eyes in response.

  “Anyway… can we get back to the fact that he’s completely in love with you. What kind of voodoo magic did you pull this past weekend?” She teased, twirling a lock of curly hair around her finger.

  “Don’t! You’ll jinx it.” I blushed.

  “You’re crazy, it’s obvious he –”

  “La, la, la.” I covered my ears as I got up and walked out of the door and back down the hallway.

  I wasn’t ready to hear that she thought Harrison was in love with me. That discussion could lead to me confessing that I was in love with him too.


  I put down the dish that I was drying. “You know what? I’m gonna go ask him right now.”

  El frowned. “Are you sure it’s the best t–”

  “I just need to do it now.” I interrupted, already knowing that she was going to try and talk me out of it, but not wanting to hear a word of it. I knew she was worried
Colt would be there, and she was probably right, but I would just have to do my best to avoid him.

  “Your funeral.” She muttered under her breath.

  Ignoring her, I grabbed my keys off the bench.

  “I’ll be back!” I hollered into the living room. I waved off the chorus of yelled replies as I headed for my car.

  The lights flashed as I hit the unlock button, lighting up the dark drive.

  Just ask him.

  I’d go to the bar, he’d be there… and we’d talk. Simple.

  It’ll all be fine.

  Now I just needed to believe that.


  “Dammmn girl!” Tank wolf whistled at me as I weaved my way to the front of the cue at the club. He lifted the rope for me to slip through. “Haven’t seen your fine ass around here lately.”

  “It’s a long story.” I told him with a grimace.

  He nodded in understanding. “Heard the boss man got burned.” He led me through the front door. “You come back for a crack at this?” He gestured to his body and I laughed loudly.

  “You’re such a pig.” I tossed back over my shoulder as I headed up the stairs.

  “You like it.” He yelled back.

  “Yeah yeah…thanks Tank.” I called with a smile at his retreating frame.

  Every single time I’d come through that door I’d had to endure his relentless flirting. We’d got to the point now where we had a good banter going. It was totally harmless.

  I passed the V.I.P area where the music was absolutely cranking. I waved to Mel, one of the waitresses and she gestured for me to head out back.

  I’d been back here a lot when I was dating Colt, and truthfully, I felt a little guilty coming back here now. If it weren’t for the fact that I needed to see Harrison, there’s no way in hell I’d even be setting foot in this club.

  It was a shame really; it was the hottest club in town.

  I knocked on the door to the main office and heard a muffled reply.

  “Come in.”

  I pushed the door open, took two steps and then instantly wished I’d never come.

  Colt was in there – alone.

  Oh shit.


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