The Watchers (Twisted Sisters #1)

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The Watchers (Twisted Sisters #1) Page 11

by Lacy LeRoch

  I bring my wings around to the back of my body, sighing as I lay Lacy gently on the bed.

  “I understand. Bevan, should I be worried that she’s asleep again now?”

  I lower my head and whisper to Lacy, telling her how much I love her and how much I need her. I raise my right hand and chant a protection spell over her.

  “Sleeping deep is not allowed, light as a feather is how you sleep. Traveling and sightseeing is not allowed.”

  I lean over and grab Lucy’s left hand.

  “You, my little sister, have power as well. All you need to do is think of what you want and raise this hand. Make the spell simple and clear. There’s no wrong or right. It might take you a few tries, but I have faith. You’re strong, Lucy. You just need to think of the one thing that gives you strength.” I give her left hand a shake. I repeat what she needs to do again. “Speak the words you have in your heart, make them strong and… Shiiit!” The burn that radiates through my body steals my breath. I need to take a minute to get hold of myself.

  “Sorry, they are sending the call stronger. Make sure when you say your words that you mean all of them. They must be pure. Take care, little sister. Until we meet again.”

  I bring her hand up to my mouth and kiss it softly showing her respect. I turn and think of nothing but the black smoke, nothing but hollowness. I let my body burn with the new sensation. Allowing myself to shift into the smoke.

  I am shade.

  Chapter Five

  It happened again, once again I can’t remember a Goddamn thing. This is really starting to annoy me. I’m sitting in my sister’s room, on her bed and she is sound asleep. I remember coming in here, hoping she would hold me. I couldn’t sleep, every time I closed my eyes I’d see bright emerald green eyes staring at me. To be honest, the whole day is a kind of a blur. There are huge chunks missing from my memory.

  Once dinner was over, and the dishes were done, I ran to my room as I wanted to write things down before I forgot about them. I know I asked Lacy about a man today. But when we sat at the dinner table, Dad had mumbled under his breath and bang, just like that, everything had left my mind. It’s frustrating to know you know something, but then not remember what it was that you were meant to remember.

  Why am I seeing a handsome man with black wings floating around my mind?

  “We had to send the call out three times, Bevan. What was the holdup?”

  Oh my God, someone is outside. I start freaking out, we should be safe here at the cottage. I lean over and shake Lacy firmly.

  “Come on, come on. Wake up!” I use both hands and shake her shoulders hard. “Lace, wake up, please. There’s something weird going on.”

  She groans, rolls over and curls up into a ball. Oh, for all the tea in China, come on Lacy. If she doesn’t wake up, I’m going to dump a bucket of ice water on her head. I swear to God, I will.

  “Come on, sis, get your ass up. There are people talking outside, don’t you want to know what’s going on?”

  “Fine… I’m up, I’m up,” she groans, stretching. “Can’t I ever get any sleep around here?”

  I start laughing. “You can’t be serious. Are you seriously complaining about getting no sleep?”

  I shake my head, swing my feet over the side of the bed and I run my hands down my sides, straightening my shirt. Old habits die hard. I was always taught to take care of my appearance. It would seem, I even worry about it when I’m about to snoop.

  Tiptoeing over to the window, I move the curtain aside making sure not to stand in the glow from the moon. When I look out the window, I’m taken by surprise. I don’t know what I was expecting to find when I looked outside, but this was definitely not it.

  Dad is standing in a circle with a group of cloaked men. They turn their gaze as one, as a dark figure enters from the right. I spin around when I hear Lacy’s sleepy voice.

  “What’s going on out there?”

  I shake my head, reach over and cover her mouth with my hand. “Be quiet, Dad’s down there…” I drop my hand and point outside, “…with some strange looking men.”

  Lacy steps forward and looks out the window. “That’s just the Watchers. The one walking over is Bevan, remember? I must have fallen asleep. I hate it when that happens.”

  I think I need to see a doctor. One minute I couldn’t remember anything and then the next flashes invade my senses, and I can remember sitting down and talking with Bevan.

  “Sorry, my Lords. I wanted to make sure that the girls were safe.” Bevan bows low at the waist and lowers his hood at the same time.

  I don’t know why I didn’t notice it earlier. Bevan is a stunningly handsome man. His sandy blond hair is only just long enough to blow in his eyes. Lacy wraps her hand around my arm and pulls me swiftly away from the window.

  “Lu, Bevan said he can see you, we need to move back a little.”

  Can I really be that stupid? I was leaning completely out of the window. It’s no wonder he could see me, thank the heavens that the other men have their backs toward me and didn’t notice.

  “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I couldn’t stop myself. I wanted to get outside.”

  Lacy looks concerned as she reaches over and shakes my shoulders gently.

  “Lu, I need you to do something for me. Okay?”

  “Hmm… what? What did you say?” I ask confused.

  The blood pounds violently in my ears, I can’t hear anything but the thud of my pulse. My heart beats rapidly in my chest and my vision starts to fuzz out.

  “Lucy, I need you to look at me. Keep your focus on me and on nothing else,” Lacy says sternly.

  “Lacy, what are you going on about?”

  Lacy shakes me with more force. “Lucy,” she snaps.

  She moves her hands off my shoulders. Lacy lifts her hands to her mouth and blows on them, she whispers under her breath and brings them down to her side.

  “Listen to me Lu, okay? Please trust me, focus on me and on nothing else. Breathe deep, in and out. Look at me, Lu, only me.”

  Why is Lacy freaking out? I only want to get outside. It’s not like I want to howl at the moon, or murder anyone.

  “Lacy, you sound like a fruitcake right now. What are you going on about?”

  Warmth starts growing within my body, radiating throughout my limbs, my breathing becomes shallow, and there’s a red haze around everything. Looking over at Lacy, she screws her face up, and takes a step back, bumping the back of her knees into the bed. She raises her hands, in a classic surrender pose.

  “Lu, please breathe and think only of me, concentrate only on my voice.”

  The pull to be outside is too strong to ignore. I need to get out there as fast as I can. Lacy launches herself at me, wrapping her arms around my waist, she’s so fast I didn’t even see her coming. I didn’t feel the twin bond giving off any indication that she was going to act against me. I’d started to climb out the window, without even knowing it. I look down at the men on the ground and want to laugh. They look up at me with varying looks of amusement and concern. Dad’s as white as a ghost, his eyes narrow and his arms are outstretched toward me. I have no doubt that he’d run across the lawn to catch me if I fell out of the window.

  Lacy tightens her hold on my waist, she leans over my back and whispers in my ear, “Breathe, just breathe.”

  “I need to breathe to live, you fool,” I yell, making a couple of the men down on the grass break out into laughter.

  “Don’t give me attitude,” Lacy growls. “Breathe deep. Listen to me for once.”

  “Just let me get outside,” I growl.

  Doesn’t she realize that being out there will give me what I need, what I want? That if I go outside, I will have everything. I hear her screaming at me, she sounds frantic but I don’t want her. I need to get to the man down there. I need to get to Rafe… Rafe… oh my God… I remember him now. He’s mine. I need him.

  “Let… me… go… MINE!”

  Lacy let’s go o
f my wrist and stares at me in terror. Why is she staring at me? It wasn’t me? That voice wasn’t mine. That was a growl. I feel like I’m a child being called by the Pied Piper. The red haze grows stronger in front of my face, swirling in different shades of yellow, orange, and red. What’s going on? God, my body is burning. The heat rolls off me in waves, the fumes swirl and dance around in front of me.

  “Get her to the water, now!”

  Was that my father? I look around noticing for the first time that I’m no longer in Lacy’s bedroom. How the hell did I get here? I have no recollection of leaving the room. The last thing I remember is talking back and forth with Lacy. There’s so much movement around me, but I can’t focus on any of it.

  “Markus?” One of the men pushes past the others in an attempt to get to me. “Markus,” he calls out urgently.

  Wait, I know that voice.

  “Mine,” I growl, turning in a circle to face the man, who are calling out to my father.

  Fire consumes my sight. I feel the heat scorching my skin. I’m not myself. The only thing I want right now is… him.

  Everything turns red and I can’t breathe. The next thing I know I’m floating in the water being held by my father.

  I don’t know how long we’ve been here in the lake, but the cold water lapping over my body feels fantastic. The burn that once consumed my body no longer hurts. The haze that covered my eyes has lifted, and now I can stare up at the night sky admiring the sparkling stars above.

  Chapter Six

  “Markus, make the fucking call, the mating heat is too much for either one of them. I’ve never witnessed the heat come on so strong and fast before.”

  McKinley is fighting for my rights, I never thought I’d see the day when this Irish Watcher would have my back. I’m not the easiest person to get along with, I haven’t gone out of my way for any of the men. I’ve always just done my job and gone home at the end of the day.

  “If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Rafe look so messed up before,” Laron chuckles.

  Laron is one of the level two Watchers. Since he was given a position at the table, he takes it upon himself to target me with his antics. I think there’s more to him than meets the eye. Can’t say I like him at the moment, but he’s fun to be around.

  “I don’t think any of you understand the situation I find myself in, they are my daughters. I never thought they would be Lyian to anyone,” Markus says grimly.

  He looks like someone has just punched him in the nuts, that or he’s just seen a ghost. I can’t say I blame the guy. He just witnessed his daughter go into full Phoenix mode. Not to mention the fact that she went into heat at nineteen.

  Goddess Lylian, the heat.

  I’m not sure how I feel about that myself. I’ve been alone for a long time, just the thought of letting someone in… well, without sounding like a pussy, it scares the hell out of me.

  “You guys are a bunch of cocks, can’t you see I’m sitting right here on this ugly ass sofa, I might add.” I look around the room making sure to make eye contact with every Watcher, I want them to see my disgust.

  They sit here and talk as if I’m not here. These men are my brothers, my right arm when in a battle. But right now, they’re treating me like a child even though I’m a leader, and hold a head seat at the council’s table.

  I steal a glance at the beautiful girl asleep at the other end of the sofa. Could it really be? She’s so beautiful, in all my dreams I never thought I’d be blessed by the great Goddess. But to be blessed with such a beautiful Lyian is beyond all compare.

  I’m shocked, scared, and thrilled at the same time. We all secretly wish for this moment to present itself. I still find it hard to believe it’s my turn. I’m not sure what to do next?

  Owen, my younger blood brother, leans over to brush a strand of hair from Lucy’s face. I jump up and leap up over to where Lucy is lying and stand over the top of her crouching low with one leg on either side of her hips. My back tenses as my black wings fly out from behind me and surround my Lyian. I use them to cover Lucy from sight.

  No one will touch her but me.

  “Mine. Step the fuck back brother, or I’ll rip your throat out,” I scowl at Owen.

  I love my blood brother more than life itself, but if he touches my girl, I’ll rip his throat out, and take great pleasure in the act. I hate the thoughts that run through my head at this very moment. I’ve never wanted to harm my brother before. He takes a few steps backward and raises his hands in defeat. A low growl leaves the back of my throat, and I stare him down like the predator my thoughts perceive him to be. Owen smirks as he walks backward, his hands remaining in the air.

  My gaze darts around the room and everyone who occupies it. I need to make sure every Watcher in here knows, without a doubt, that this girl is mine. I keep my black wings stretched out over Lucy’s body. No one will see her, I will make sure of that. She belongs to me, only me.

  Markus and McKinley start talking in hushed tones over by the fireplace, the silhouette of the flames flicker and dance along the walls, neither one taking their eyes off me. Owen has moved to stand close to Laron. I wish I could pick better friends for my brother. I don’t like the way they’re always joking around. Like now, neither of them are being serious. They lean against the wall, grinning like fools.

  Where are the other two?

  I can’t believe I could be so stupid. You never lose track of unmated Watchers when a Lyian is present. Bevan and Lacy are standing close to each other in the doorway and he has his wings stretched out around Lacy. He sees this situation as a threat, and so he should. A Watcher only uses his wings to protect their most precious.

  Oh fuck, that’s new.

  Have I been so busy and out of touch with life that I missed that hookup? Where is that last fucker? I will kill him if he comes near my girl. He cannot be trusted.

  Where are you, Jay? I move my stance and look around there room. Ahh… there he is crouched low in the corner of the room, using his shoulder length hair to hide his face. No one likes that fucker. He’s trouble, but he’s also a level one Watcher, so that meant we had to bring him to this meeting.

  I lower my feet to the ground and crouch in front of Lucy, with my back facing her. I keep my wings stretched out surrounding her. No one will see her beauty but me, I think yet again. I’m starting to freak myself out with how protective I’ve become so quickly.

  “Brother, you don’t need to hide her, you have made your claim. We have all been witness to it.”

  Markus walks over toward me with his hands raised high in the air. I know he’s trying to show me he isn’t a threat. But the protective side of me doesn’t want him anywhere near her.

  “May I please check my daughter’s eyes?”

  I glance between Markus and the other Watchers. I need to make sure this isn’t a trap. It has been known that other Watchers have tried to lay claim on an unmated Lyian. Until we complete the mating she can be stolen from me, even though it wouldn’t be a proper mating, it can still take place. Watchers get desperate when they spend so many years alone, and seeing other Watchers find their Lyian’s makes them do the unthinkable.

  “I swear on all that we hold near and dear Rafe, that I won’t take her from you. I am her father. I just want to check her eyes to make sure that the Phoenix inside her is being kept at bay. You know as well as I do when the mating comes on strong the Phoenix within rises fast.”

  I feel a light brush on my wings and spin around ready to take down anyone who would think to do her any harm.

  If my brothers think they can take her… I can’t even finish the thought in my own head. I growl a long primal growl, ready to start a war. I’m shocked when I spin around and notice that it’s only Lucy waking up. Her small fingers had brushed over my wings when she stretched. Lucy sits up quickly and tries to scurry away in defense.

  “No, mine.”

  Shit, I’m such a cock. I need to step it down a notch
. I straighten up and raise my hands out in front of me. What the hell am I doing making my demands of this sweet innocent girl?

  “Shit,” I growl, slapping my forehead in frustration.

  McKinley starts laughing under his breath. “Rafe, you cursed in front of her,” he tells me telepathically.

  I can’t believe I keep fucking this up, and to make matters worse I’ve cursed in front of her. I haven’t even claimed her yet, and already I’m running around in circles messing everything up. I need to control my anger, and not show her this side of myself. A Lyian should only see the gentle ways of life.

  “I’m sorry, Lucy. It would seem I have no control around you,” I tell her, keeping my voice low and respectful.

  Lucy looks up at me from under her eyelashes. She tentatively reaches her hand out and touches my wings. I hold myself as still as I can, not wanting her to fear me by drawing in a deep breath and call on my control. When our Lyian touches our wings, it is like an aphrodisiac. I bite the inside of my mouth hard. After the day I’ve had, the last thing I want right now is to embarrass myself by moaning aloud in front of my brothers.

  God, this feels so good. I never thought just a simple touch could send me so insane with need. My cock starts to harden in my jeans and I need to shift my hips and sit at an angle to hide the sudden growth. I would be a callous and cruel man if I let my brothers see just how good it felt.

  Lucy’s touch becomes bolder, she uses her forefinger and thumb to rub and pull on my wings. The simple touch is driving me insane. The front of my briefs becomes wet, it would seem my cock thinks it’s a pre-teen all over again.

  Pulling my gaze from her hand to look at her face, behind those blue eyes, flashes a quick glimpse of red. I’ve never seen a Phoenix so strong in an unmated Lyian. She could very well become the leader for all Phoenix Lyian’s. The thought is startling.

  “Holy shit. Am I hearing things, did the great big bad Rafe say sorry?” Laron laughs, leaning over and grabbing his midsection.


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