The Watchers (Twisted Sisters #1)

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The Watchers (Twisted Sisters #1) Page 20

by Lacy LeRoch

  “No, Sarah isn’t a Phoenix. That can’t be right. We would have known if a Phoenix was living in our realm. I mean, Philli told me earlier but you know—”

  “What was it that I told you?” Philli calls out from behind us. He shakes his head, continuing, “Brothers, come inside, the place is clear. Owen is doing a sweep of the area, they must have gotten wind that we were on our way.”

  I nod my head and walk over to Philli. “Lucy?” I question unable to keep the hope from my voice.

  “I’m sorry, there’s no sign of her anywhere in the house or outside,” Owen calls out.

  I can’t live without her, not when I’ve only just found her. I need to get back to Devilice Island and go see the Seers. Maybe they might be able to predict something in the Globe of Seeing. I won’t stop looking for her.

  “Come on, brothers, let’s get this done. Then we can go about finding my mate. We need to let the council know about, Sarah.”

  Without waiting for an answer, I turn and make my way back inside the house. I need to go pay my respect to my fallen brother and father-in-law.

  I walk over and kneel down next to Bevan and pray for his safe journey home. “May your wings fly straight. May your love burn bright. May Goddess Lylian take your soul and hold it tight.”

  I stretch my wings out wide, reaching my left hand around my back I pull out a single feather from my outstretched wings and slowly run it down the length of his spine. This is my way of showing my brother in arms, my honor, and respect.

  “They had it all worked out, we never stood a chance,” Jordi tells me from down the hall. He stops mid-step when he turns the corner and notices Bevan. “Holy shit, I will slaughter every last fucking prick for killing him. I will enjoy ripping their throats out.”

  I know the wolf is mad, we all are, but we have work that needs to be done and fast. A Watcher’s body will only hold so long before the Goddess Lylian, not only takes his soul but his physical body as well.

  “Jordi, Sarah attacked you, yes? And you said her Phoenix was at the surface? What have you found? Where is Lucy?” I start demanding, bombarding the wolf with my questions.

  Jordi shakes his head. “Sorry, brother. I felt the shake of power when we first got here. I thought that maybe it was you. You’re stronger now. I messed up. I should have worked it out, that it was them and not you. Um…”

  Oh fuck, this can’t be good for Jordi to stumble on his words. I try to stay calm and wait for him to answer, but my patience is wearing thin.

  “Spit it out, Jordi. No matter how bad it is, I won’t take my anger out on you. I swear on Lady Lylian.”

  The members of the council know I’m the first to snap when the shit hits the fan. I have a short temper and love control on all things. I don’t promise things like this lightly.

  Jordi looks shaken up over the whole situation, he looks behind himself into the room to the right. “Philli and Owen found Markus, and he’s passed as we thought. His throat has been slit, but you already knew this.”

  I turn around and punch the wall behind me as hard as I can and grit my teeth. “Stop telling me stuff I already know, Jordi. You know I’m wearing very thin on my temper, right?”

  Jordi shakes his head. “Yes, I completely understand your reasoning. I wish that was all. It isn’t just this room that looks this bad.” Jordi points around the room showing all the chaos. “There are signs of a struggle in Lucy’s room as well.”

  He gives me a minute to absorb all the new info. He continues in a slow even tone, one you would use when speaking to a child, “Rafe, there’s blood all over her walls and furniture. It looks as if she fought hard. I can’t pick up a scent. She has a Phoenix onboard with her. You understand what I’m saying, brother? Her Phoenix is at the surface. I don’t know if she has full control, but it’s there all the same.”

  No, I can still feel her. I know she’s still alive, but at the same time, I don’t know if that’s hopeful thinking or if it’s the bond. I don’t know anything anymore. I just don’t know if I can keep doing this.

  Ouch! What the fuck? Who would dare to hit me? I come out of my daze to see Philli standing in front of me with a deep scowl on his face.

  “Next time you try to hit me Dragon, I will hit you with a heat blast so hot it will fry you.”

  He huffs, kneels down and says a prayer for Bevan. Then turns back to me. “You forget, brother. I can read your mind. So snap the hell out of it. Would you like your balls back, or can I keep them and wear them as a chain around my neck.”

  This gets me to chuckle, Philli always knows how to bring anyone out of their funk. I could have been lost in mine for days if I stay in mine.

  “Okay, report to me.” I don’t wait for anyone to reply. I call out, “Owen.” He comes running down the hall, carrying a piece of paper and waving it frantically in the air.

  “What the hell is that?” Jordi calls out.

  Owen comes to a standstill in front of Bevan. I know he needs a moment to grieve before I start making demands of him. He’s hurting as much as the rest of us, if not more. I rise to my feet, and move out of the way, allowing him to take the left side of Bevan’s body. Where a real mate should be. His feet shuffle automatically toward him, as he walks over and takes the place just vacated. He kneels down and lowers his head.

  “Can you help me…” He indicates toward the body.

  It takes me a few minutes before I understand what he wants. “Oh shit, I mean… of course, Owen. Help me roll him over, guys.”

  Philli and Jordi help me roll Bevan over, laying him on his back, arms at his side. That’s when I see a faint mating mark. How could any of us have missed it? It’s right there, on his left peck. I’ve always wanted to know what they looked like up close. They truly are a beautiful mark. The male bears a set of wings with a fiery feather in the middle of it. I’ve never seen a female’s marking, but in this case, I start to think what Owen’s might look like.

  “I have the same one, brother. You’re broadcasting your thoughts loud and clear. It’s okay, I’m okay.” Owen leans down and presses his lips softly to Bevan’s. He whispers a prayer and looks up at me. “I can grieve later, I lost him when the mating came on with Lacy. So in a way, I’ve been ready for this. Not exactly this…” he points to his lifeless body, “…but, I’ve been ready to lose him for a long time. I had no choice in the matter.”

  I understand his reasoning, but it breaks my heart all the same. All these new emotions that I’m feeling thanks to Lucy, and I’m not even fully mated yet. I couldn’t begin to explain how much Owen is hurting right now. He’s a fully mated male, who has just felt the loss of his mate. Not to mention the fact, we don’t know how hard it would have been for him to feel the connection between the new pair, every time Bevan had sex. It’s both a curse and a blessing to have those feelings, to have that bond. The Great Goddess thought it would be a brilliant idea to make it so each half of the bond could feel the others sensations in all things.

  “Read this, Rafe. I found it in what I’m guessing is Lucy’s room.” Ah, yes, the piece of paper he came running out with. “Read it aloud for the others to hear as well. I’m going to shadow back to Devilice and retrieve some of the burial cloaks.

  “Go, brother. We will wait here. Make sure you get a red robe for Bevan. Honor him as your mate. Be proud.” I reach for the piece of paper in his hand. And pull my brother into a tight embrace, whispering for only him to hear, “I love you, brother. My blood is your blood. I’m proud of you, no matter what you are, or who you love. Do you understand me?”

  Owen pulls me in tighter, holding on for grim death. “I’m sorry, I never told you. I was just so scared. It had never happened before. We couldn’t help it. I will miss him with everything in me.” I stand there holding him for what feels like a lifetime, neither one of us wanting to let the other go.

  “I hate to break this up guys, but we need to get this moving,” Philli informs us.

  We say our goodbyes to Owen
and watch as he turns to shade, and heads back to Devilice Island. I open the piece of paper in my hand.

  Goddess, I was not expecting this at all.


  Please trust me when I say this, I am risking my life writing you this letter. I could lose my head if I get busted. I needed you to know that I will make sure your mate, and her sister, makes it back to you safe and sound. I’ve had to play the role of the bad guy and I hope the council will be able to forgive me. There will be things I will have to do, that you all frown upon, and for this I am truly sorry. I will send my word when it is safe to come get the twins.


  “Holy shit, I thought Kelan left the council a few years back. I heard he went rouge,” Jordi comments, leaning over my shoulder reading the letter.

  “What I’m concerned at brother, is the fact that he said he had to play the bad guy. Would he hurt your Lyian?” Philli adds from the other side of the room.

  I shake my head, unsure what to think about this whole thing. Do I take Kelan on his word, or do I forget it all and get her back myself?

  When Kelan was on the council, he was the Lord and Master, the lawmaker. He had McKinley’s job. No one spoke of him after he left one late night, we all just thought he had left us to turn Buzzock. The council won’t chase anyone once you walk out, not for any reason.

  “Can we trust him? We have no idea what he’s capable of,” Philli pushes for an answer, moving closer to stand at my side.

  “Philli, Jordi, I think we need to head back to Devilice and talk about this with the council. I have no idea what is going on with Kelan, and I want answers before I can act. Jay is going to want to know what happened to his brother. God, I just want my Lyian in my arms.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  It’s been a few hours since we left the cottage and everyone’s one edge. Once we got back to Devilice, I came straight to the great hall and took my seat at the meeting table. Fuck, I don’t even know if I’m ready for this discussion. I know that it needs to happen, but what do you tell a room full of your closest friends and family who are waiting to hear the truth?

  I just want to have my Lyian back, and I want to get her right this minute. I know these things take time. But fuck me, why can’t they just happen now? I’m sick of waiting for everyone to turn up. I was told that half of the council was out. Don’t they know they can’t do this shit? I have never known so many council members to be gone from Devilice Island at once. McKinley has lost his Goddamn mind, sending so many guards and Watchers from the Island all in the one order.

  I’m frustrated as I place my elbows on the table and lower my face into my hands. I close my eyes to think about the last time I’d seen my beautiful girl and wonder if she will ever forgive me for leaving her alone and unprotected.

  I stood in the doorway of her bedroom and watched as she brushed her hair. She was sitting on the bed, and we were talking about Devilice and the council.

  “Here allow me,” I said striding over to the bed.

  I reached over to grab the brush from her hand. I’d slipped in behind her, bracing my back against the headboard, and spreading my legs out on either side of her body. I pulled her back against my chest taking hold of her long brown hair in my left hand and starting to brush it gently with my right. Making sure that I run each strand through my fingers with each rise and fall of the brush. I loved the feel of her hair in my hands. Lucy groaned, leaning her head back enjoying the feeling of the brush on her hair.

  “This is nice.” She groaned, slightly tilting her head to the side giving me a beautiful view of her long neck.

  Goddess, I wanted to get my lips on that neck.

  Using my left hand, I brushed the hair from her shoulder giving me complete access to her soft skin. I lowered my head, and ran my lips over the pulse on her neck, causing her to groan aloud.

  I brought my right hand around the front of her body and dropped the brush on the bed. Then brought my hand to her the front of her throat, and gave a little squeeze. While running my thumb up and down her jawline in a soothing motion.

  “Do you trust me, Lucy?” I whispered in her ear, causing her to shiver.

  Oh, this would be fun. She was so responsive.

  “Y-yes but…” I nipped at Lucy’s ear, and asked, “But what? Speak, little one. Use your words.”

  Lucy sighed and tried to pull out of my grasp. I had let go of her throat, and let her move out of my hold not really wanting to, but knowing at the same time she needed her space.

  “Okay, here’s the thing…” Lucy wrung her hands together in front of her, “…I’ve never, um…” She looked down at the dark blue duvet that covers her bed. She sighed and shrugged her shoulders unable to complete the sentence.

  “Is this all you’re worried about, my love? You don’t need to fear me, not like that. If we need to wait, we wait. As much as it will kill me to do so, I will do this for you.”

  Lucy didn’t waste time and launched herself onto my lap, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck.

  “Love, as much as I love this, I need to ask you to loosen your hold. I can’t breathe.”

  Lucy laughed, tightening her grip around me. My little girl wanted to play, I’d play. Before I got a chance to play the game along with her, she brought her hands around the front of my throat and squeezed, never breaking eye contact with me. Who would have thought this would feel good? I moaned at the feeling of her hands tight around my throat.

  “I’m sorry, Rafe, I was just, um… playing. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” she moaned out startled.

  I brought both of Lucy’s small hands into mine, and lifted them up to my mouth, kissing them softly. “My love, play with me all you like. I moan because it feels good. My body belongs to you. Do as you will with me. Tell me, my sweet girl. Tell me what you want?”

  Lucy stared into my eyes briefly. Her eyes had darkened with need and desire, instantly making me hard.

  “I want you to…”

  I lifted my left hand up and grabbed the side of Lucy’s face keeping her still. “Always tell me, my love. Never hold back, not with me. Don’t be shy, not when we’re alone.”

  Lucy turned her head and placed a kiss on my palm. She was starting to get bolder and I liked it.

  “Okay Rafe, but don’t laugh, all right? Will you teach me about how to touch you? I want to please you with everything in me. I want you to touch me. I will tell you if I don’t like something. I just want to touch you.”

  Holy fucking shit! I wasn’t expecting that. I didn’t know what I was expecting her to say, but it wasn’t that.

  “Tell me one thing first, my love. Do you trust me to do this my way?”

  Lucy answered me without pause or thought. “With everything in me. I trust you, Rafe. Claim me, have me, I am yours.”

  My cock twitched with every word that came out of her beautiful sweet mouth.

  “Good, let’s play. Stand up Lucy, remove your dress and underclothes.”

  Lucy smiled shyly and started to back off the bed. She stood at the end of the bed hesitating. Her fingers paused on the buttons of her dress.

  “Lucy, my way, remember? Remove your clothing now, or I will punish you.” Lucy audibly swallowed.

  I needed her to know right from the start, that I was her master. That I demanded control in all things. She didn’t make a move to remove her clothing, so I figured it was now or never to show her the control that I demanded. I slid off the side of the bed, and stalked around and stood in front of her.

  “Do you need help?”

  Lucy nodded her head. “Y-yes p-please.”

  I slapped her ass hard, making her yelp. “Yes please, what?” I demanded.

  Lucy lowered her head, answering “Yes, please, Sir.”

  I loved the way it rolled off her tongue as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

  “Good girl, now do as you’re told and strip. Listen to me, the first time every time, my love. Do you understand?”
  Lucy nodded her head. “Yes”

  I brought my hand back and slapped her ass harder. “What was that, my love?”

  Lucy’s body shivered from head to toe. My eyes dropped down to her hardened nipples showing through the thin fabric of her dress.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I really loved that word ‘Sir’ as it rolled out of her mouth. It did things to me that I’ve had before.

  “Good, now undress,” I growled, my voice thick with lust and desire.

  Lucy unbuttoned the first three buttons on her pale yellow sun dress, lowering it painfully slowly off her shoulders, allowing the fabric to pool at her feet. She reached around and unclasped her bra, dropping it to the ground and went immediately to cover her breasts, but I wasn’t going to have that.

  I slapped her ass hard and growled, “Mine. You WILL let me see. Now lay down on the bed. I want to remove those panties.”

  Lucy stepped past me and walked over to the bed, crawling up the mattress, then she laid down. I turned around and walked over to the bedroom door, pulled it closed and made sure that I locked it. I didn’t want her mother or father walking in on us. I had walked back toward her pulling my cloak and shirt off in one movement up and over my head, throwing them on the ground. Lucy pulled the duvet over herself hiding her body from my sight.

  “My love, what are you doing?”

  Lucy looked down at the duvet guilty, then back up to me. “Rafe…” she whispered.

  I felt deflated and nodded my head, letting her know that I understood. “But only this once,” I told her, firmly.

  Lucy’s eyes traveled up the length of my body soaking me in. Her eyes fixated on the front of my jeans. I knew she could see the erection I was sporting. She licked her lips, glaring, she liked what she saw. It was the same reaction other girls had given me before.

  My athletic body is all sinew and muscle, wide in all the right places. I’d had human women tell me I was hot, but I didn’t care about them I wanted Lucy to want me. I slowly pulled the belt out of the loops, and held it firmly in my left hand. Her eyes went straight to the belt, wide with worry.


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