Given to You

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Given to You Page 13

by Carlie Sexton

  Something jumping out of the water caught her eye and she moved toward the railing to get a better look. Dolphins were frolicking in the ocean. Her thoughts turned to David and the wonderful times they shared kayaking. They encountered so many beautiful creatures out on the water; the dolphins were their favorite. It was their good luck symbol and Kate’s way of knowing that everything was going to be okay. She realized, that for the first time, she was able to think about David without drowning in sorrow. She was filled with gratitude for having known and loved him, but there was no gnawing guilt. She had finally moved on thanks to the man that had stormed into her life with his charm, wit and persistence. Neil had given her no choice but to love him.

  Her life had changed so drastically since August, and she had changed in so many ways. The dolphins disappeared under the water’s glistening surface and Kate returned to her chaise lounge chair. She had brought the Bible that Natalie had given her onto the terrace, but she didn’t know where to start. She was overwhelmed by its enormous content. She said a prayer, seeking God’s guidance and encouragement, and then randomly opened it, unsure what she would find or if it would have any relevance to her life. Her fingers found Psalm 91, verses 14 through 16. The words on the page spoke to her heart and she read them over and over:

  Because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.

  The promises in these verses brought tears to Kate’s eyes as she remembered praying and asking God to help Neil find her. She believed whole-heartedly that God had answered her prayers, just in the nick of time. Had it taken Neil just twenty more minutes, Roger undoubtedly would have already raped her. She couldn’t even imagine how that event would have changed her life, and she was beyond thankful to be spared from a harrowing experience like rape.

  Ultimately, Roger had no power over her life and allowing anxiety to overtake her would be counterproductive to the truth she had just read in the Psalms. She felt safe, protected and rescued and was going to live a long life with the man she loved. She had to believe that.

  Kate’s cell lit up. It was Neil.

  “Hi, baby,” she answered.

  “Kate, I’ve just had a meeting cancel, and I thought it would be good to meet for lunch,” he said. “Why don’t we go to the Harbor House where we had our first lunch date? We can walk around Seaport Village and get some more bath products.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” she said. “What time?”

  “Why don’t you meet me at the office at noon?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Kate arrived at Neil’s office about ten minutes late. She had decided to drive herself and the security guards followed her. Having been preoccupied by thoughts of Roger, she had left her cell phone at home. She knew that Neil would be concerned that she was late, so, the elevator ride up to his floor seemed like an eternity. As she approached Laura’s desk, she was met with disdain.

  “He’s been pacing the floors waiting for you,” Neil’s assistant said heatedly. “I bet he’s called you a hundred times, while sticking his head out of his office door to see if you were here.”

  Kate decided that since she didn’t have anything nice to say back to Laura, she wouldn’t respond at all. Kate touched her eyebrow with her left hand and Laura noticed her ring.

  “Are you engaged?” Laura asked in a gruff tone.

  “Yes. Neil proposed on Friday night.”

  “When are you getting married?”

  “On New Year’s Eve.”

  Kate didn’t want to answer any more of Laura’s questions so she headed toward Neil’s office. He opened the door, looking for her, just as she was about to knock.

  “There you are,” Neil said, pulling her into his arms. “I got worried when I couldn’t reach you on your cell. Did the battery die?”

  “I’m sorry you were worried. I left my phone at home. Too much on my mind."

  “I finally called Hicks and he told me you were running a few minutes late and that he was right behind you,” Neil said. “Why didn’t you have him drive you?”

  “I just felt the need to have some independence so I drove myself. It’s not always fun having a shadow or being watched.”

  As they passed by Laura’s desk, she looked up. “I hear congratulations are in order, Mr. Statton,” she said. “Kate told me about your impending nuptials when she arrived.”

  “Thank you, Laura. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.” Kate couldn’t help the small smirk upon seeing Laura’s reaction to that passing comment.

  As soon as the doors closed on the elevator, Neil hovered over her, kissing her like a dying man drinking water. He overtook her mouth with his as his hand slid up her hip, past her waist, and to her breast. He cupped her breast and continued kissing her. They were on the bottom floor before she knew it. The ride up seemed so slow and the ride down so rapid. The doors were about to open and Neil released her, putting his forehead to hers.

  “Just needed a little fix, my beauty.”

  “I can’t wait for the main attraction,” Kate countered. She loved how playful Neil was. His humor often took her by surprise.

  They made it to Neil’s car, where he nodded at Hicks who was waiting in the parking lot. Neil opened the door for Kate and then closed it once she was in the car. He walked briskly to the driver’s side and got in.

  “How was your morning?” he asked.

  “It was relaxing. I watched the ocean and read some Bible verses. And, of course, I thought about Roger.”

  “He’s going to occupy your thoughts,” Neil said. “That’s only natural.”

  “Yeah. I still can’t believe how normal he seemed and how wicked he really is. I’m just thankful that you use your good looks and charm for good and not evil,” she said, waggling her brows and squeezing Neil’s thigh.

  Neil flashed his signature smile back at her. “You’re the only one I want to use my charm on and I plan on being very charming on Friday. In fact, I found the perfect little chapel for us to be married in. I know I said that I have self-control, but the truth is I’m dying to have you. I want you so much, baby.”

  “Good thing it’s already Wednesday. You can handle forty-eight measly hours, can’t you?” she said, patting his leg.

  As these words escaped Kate’s mouth, her mind flashed to the first time she made love to Neil. The bikini, the Jacuzzi, his mouth finding its way to her breasts. The thoughts of being with him made her heart rate elevate and she began pulsing between her thighs. Her mind raced and soon she was thinking about him shimmying off her bikini bottoms, licking her clit, and playing with her nipples. Her blood was coursing through her veins and she felt moist all over her body.

  Neil Statton--sex god--was going to be her husband soon, and she knew he was going to spend the rest of his life trying to out-do the onslaught of pleasure that he had already bestowed upon her. Every time they made love it was better than the time before.

  Forty-eight hours seemed like an eternity. Not to distract Neil, she moaned inwardly.

  Neil drove in the direction of Seaport Village. Kate was smiling to herself. She loved the playful Neil. Their lives had been so tense since last Friday that they really hadn’t been that way with each other. Everything had been serious and fast-paced.

  Neil’s phone lit up and he asked Kate to see who it was.

  “It’s Detective Jameson.”

  “Then you better answer it.”

  “Hi, detective,” she said. “Neil’s driving, so he told me to answer. Any word from the police in Boise?”

  “Yes. They went to the home of Roger’s foster mother with a search warrant because of the information you gave me. They found two bodies buried in shallow graves under her manufactured home. We don’t know if she killed them or if Roger killed them. Forensics should be able to identify the bodies. If one of them is R
oger’s biological mother, she’s going down for murder just like her son eventually will.”

  Kate took a deep breath and said, “Wow, this just keeps getting crazier. Roger didn’t stand a chance once he went to live with her. It’s a tragedy to say the least. So many lives destroyed.”

  “You’re right, but I’m pleased to say not yours,” Jameson said.

  “Any word on the evidence found in Roger’s apartment?”

  “Not yet, but I will call you as soon as we know anything. Should be today or tomorrow.”

  “Any leads on finding Roger?”

  “I’m sorry to say no. We have no idea where he is, so keep your eyes open. I don’t believe that you’ll be safe until we catch him.”

  “Neil has doubled security and they are fully aware that Roger is a very calculating adversary.”

  “Yeah, his military training has served him well.”

  “He told me he was an investigator in the Army.”

  “Did he mention that he also did special ops during some of his time in the service?”

  “No, he didn’t.”

  “I should have told you,” Jameson said. “I finally got the file on Roger from the Army about a week ago. Most of the missions were classified. I had to push hard to get the information. He’s got more skills than a regular military man. I’m surprised that he didn’t brag about it to you.”

  “He didn’t really want to talk about the military too much,” Kate said. “Maybe he wanted to keep his skills a secret.”

  “Maybe. Well, I need to go. I’ll keep you posted.”


  With that, they ended the call. Kate sat there staring off into the distance. Neil had pulled into the parking lot at Seaport Village, but it hadn’t registered that he had parked the car. Jameson’s report overwhelmed her. She wanted to go home, get into bed, and hide under the covers. Roger had learned to kill from his foster mother and then the military had honed his skills. He was a killing machine who wanted to possess her.

  It all came flooding back to her, what was about to happen when Neil miraculously appeared and beat Roger to a pulp. The flashlight had been a huge help. She wasn’t sure if Neil could really take Roger without a weapon. After all, Roger had gotten the upper hand and almost ended Neil’s life. Thank God his obsession of her had overridden what was driving him in that moment when she dropped her robe. But what was she going to do the next time they faced Roger?

  “Kate?” Neil said, bringing her back to the moment. “We’re here, baby.”

  Kate looked over at Neil and said, “Special ops experience and graves under his mother’s house. I need a drink.”

  Neil nodded. “I want to hear all about it when we get inside.”

  After walking around to her side, he opened the door for her. She got out and looked up at him. All she wanted to do was wrap herself around her man and show him just how much he meant to her. Friday couldn’t come soon enough. Wrapping her arms around him, she whispered, “Thank you for saving me. I love you so much.”

  “I love you more, baby,” he whispered back and then kissed her on the cheek. “He can’t ever touch you again. I’m going to be the only man that will be touching you for the rest of our lives. They’re going to find him and he’s going away forever. Let’s go get that drink.”

  Kate walked hand in hand with her handsome man, but she couldn’t get Roger out of her mind. Even though he had done terrible things, she still found a little compassion for him somewhere in the deep recesses of her heart, especially in light of what Detective Jameson had just shared about Roger’s foster mother. He had been robbed of a normal childhood and never stood a chance. His foster mother had made certain of that.

  Kate knew she was going to have to push her compassion for him out of her mind. He didn’t deserve it. He, alone, was responsible for the murders he had committed.

  They entered the restaurant and Kate suddenly was taken back in time to her first lunch date with Neil.

  Neil smiled at her as if he was reading her mind. He asked for the same table, where he had made his intentions clear to win her heart. They followed the hostess and Neil pulled out Kate’s chair. “Your waiter will be right with you,” the perky hostess said.

  “So, tell me, what did Jameson have to say?”

  “In a nutshell, human remains were found on the property where Roger grew up. They aren’t sure if Roger killed them or his foster mom. Forensics is working on identifying them right now. Jameson said he’s still waiting to hear on the evidence found at Roger’s apartment.”

  “Well, I’m sure in the next day or so he’ll have the results. But there’s more, isn’t there? You mumbled something about special ops?”

  The waiter walked up and Kate ordered a glass of Moscato. She needed something to take the edge off. Neil ordered an iced tea.

  “I now know why Roger was able to get the drop on Porter,” she said. “Roger did some classified special ops in the Army. He never told me and Jameson thought we knew. So he has skills we’re not aware of.”

  “We can add more security if it will make you feel better.”

  “I’m just scared for you, Neil. Since he sees you as the reason he and I are not together, he wants you dead. I would be devastated if something happened to you. You are my world,” Kate said, her eyes filling with tears.

  Neil pulled her in for a kiss on the lips. “I’ll tell Paul to add more security. I’ll make sure he can’t get to us, baby. I hate that you are being terrorized by this man.”

  The waiter came back with their drinks and took their order. Kate wasn’t really that hungry, but she ordered a seafood salad anyway. She ate a bite of the sourdough bread. Her mood was somber and Neil just kept stroking her hand with his and looking at her intently. This should be a time of great joy since she was marrying the man of her dreams, but instead she was tangled up in a web of obsession and murder.

  “Why don’t we talk about you. I don’t want to give Roger one more minute of our time. How are your cases going right now?”

  “I’m working on one with a client who is accused of bribery. The problem is that she really did it. She needed some contracts to come through for an oil pipeline in South Africa, so she bribed a public official.”

  “That’s not good. What do you do when you know your client is guilty?”

  “I represent them. That’s what she is paying me to do.”

  Kate looked down, her mind wandering to who the lawyer might be that Roger would pay to defend him in court. But moments ago she had declared that she didn’t want to talk about Roger, so she looked back over at Neil.

  “Do you have a lot of clients that you represent who you know are guilty?”

  “There have really only been a few over the years. Most of our clients need us to write up contracts on their behalf and advise on mergers, that sort of thing. We go to court over things like embezzlement or law suits.”

  Kate nodded. “Do you think you will get your client off?”

  “I hope to. If I don’t it will be the first case I have ever lost,” he said with his naughty grin in place.

  “Baby, you seem uncomfortable. What’s going on?”

  Kate pursed her lips together slightly. “I was just thinking about Roger’s defense attorney who will do everything in his power to get him off. What if…?”

  “The police have found pretty damning evidence in his apartment plus his kidnapping of you. He’ll be defended, but he won’t get off.”

  Kate took Neil’s hand. “I know you’re right. Let’s talk about something happier. I think we should have dinner with both of our families before we get married. Not just the rehearsal dinner. I mean we invite them to our place or we go out. I want everyone to meet and get acquainted before… .” Kate smiled. “I was going to say, before we get married, but we’ll be married on Friday.” Even though she had been stressed, she couldn’t contain her pure joy at knowing she was going to be Neil’s wife in less than forty-eight hours. She rubbed his
thigh suggestively under the table, sliding it closer and closer…

  “Baby, if you don’t stop soon, I’m going to take you into the bathroom and do all sorts of things to you that I can’t say in public right now.”

  Kate slid her hand back toward the middle of his thigh. She leaned in and whispered in his ear, “I can’t wait for all of the things you’re going to do to me, Mr. Statton.” Then she bit his ear.

  Neil groaned. “You’re so lucky I have to go back to work this afternoon. Otherwise, we’d be finding a Justice of the Peace right now,” Neil said grasping her hand. “We made an agreement and I’m trying to honor it, you sexy thing. Damn.”

  Kate giggled. “I love playing with you Mr. Statton. I might need a spanking later for being a bad girl.”

  “Don’t tempt me,” he groaned out. “Now, you were asking about a dinner party…” Neil took out his phone, trying to distract his sexy beauty with technology and dates. “Today’s the fifth. We’re going out of town. How about next weekend the fifteenth or sixteenth?”

  “Awesome. Should we do a dinner or a brunch?” Kate asked.

  “Dinner. I’ll text my mom and sister. Saturday night?”

  “It’s a date.”

  After lunch, they walked along the bay for a few moments. Neil stopped and wrapped his arms around her, giving her his mischievous grin.

  Kate smiled back and said, “What are you so happy about, Mr. Statton?”

  “I’m just thinking about our honeymoon.”

  “Oh, really. And what are you thinking?”

  “I want to surprise you, baby,” he said. “But trust me. I’ll make it great.”

  “As long as you’re there, I don’t care where we go. I just want to go to bed with you every night and wake up with you every morning.”

  “That’s the plan, baby,” he said. “That’s the plan.”

  Neil needed to get back to work. Kate decided to go shopping. She needed some new things for their trip to Vegas. She felt awkward about having two bodyguards follow her through Victoria’s Secret, but it was better than being found by an insane madman.


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