River Walk: Ten Kinky Collaborations

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River Walk: Ten Kinky Collaborations Page 4

by Anthology

  I could tell that Stefan worried about touching me. He kept his hands to himself, probably out of fear of causing me more pain. But he didn’t realize that his touch healed me…he didn’t possess the ability to hurt me. I took his hands in mine and wrapped his arms around my waist, waiting until his eyes met mine again.

  “Tesoro…this is my body,” he said as he held me tight against him. “That fucker touched something of mine. He broke something of mine.”

  “No. He didn’t break me. He may have bent me…but I can assure you that I’m not broken.”


  I nodded. “Together.”

  “Where did he go?”

  I shrugged and winced at the pain, but carried on before Stefan could back away. “Business is all he said. Someone called. I don’t know when he’ll be back, but he’s never been gone long. I have no idea when he left.”

  He backed me up and held out the chains. His eyes were conflicted as his breaths raged in his chest. “I don’t want to do this to you, but he has to find you the same way you were when he left. He won’t know I’m here…so he won’t expect me. I won’t let him touch you.”

  The thought of being back in those chains terrified me. “One condition.”

  “Anything.” His breaths were labored and his voice broken.

  “Once I’m back in these chains…make it better for me. Please, Sir.”

  A low groan bubbled up his throat before his lips met mine. It was harsh and needy, splitting my lip back open from where it had begun to heal. But my brain registered no pain.

  My wrists were in the cuffs and I stood in front of my Master, legs spread beneath me. His warm lips trailed down my body, lighting a fire within me and erasing the burning pain with searing lust. The second his hot tongue ran over my aching nub, my knees wobbled. “Please, Sir,” I begged, knowing it wouldn’t take long. I had been deprived for days, aside from the punishing orgasm that filled me with regret and hatred, and I needed the kind of release only my Master could give me.

  “Whenever you’re ready, come.” His hot words hit my moistened slit and sent a searing pleasure through every nerve in my body. His tongue touched me once more and that was all I needed. I came with the force of a volcano, releasing my gratitude on his tongue.

  And now we wait. Only this time, I’m fueled by so much more than simple revenge.

  I’m fueled by love. And nothing is more powerful than a woman in love.


  “I’m wound up, bitch. Hope you’re ready for me.”

  I heard him before I saw him, and the moment his voice echoed in the room, my breathing quickened and my body began to shake violently. Yet nothing compared to how I felt when he rounded the corner and I came face-to-face with the monster. His presence made my pulse pound in my ears, and I feared I’d pass out from being lightheaded. I hated this man, and the only thing that got me through was the knowledge he’d soon be dead by my hands.

  “I’m going to enjoy taking my time with this one. I’m feeling particularly wound up right now.”

  One step—that’s all he got before Stefan had his arms around Scarface’s neck, choking him out. I wanted to say something, scream with joy, yell for him not to kill him yet, but nothing came out. I remained silent, shaking from both fear and excitement.

  In seconds, he was down on the ground, on his back, passed out. Stefan rushed to me and released me from the chains. “We need to hurry before he comes to,” he whispered, the adrenaline evident in his tone.

  Stefan set me on the couch and gave me a blanket to cover up with. I quickly found my bag and threw on some clothes while Stefan moved Scarface to the chains I had just been released from. He stripped him of his clothes and restrained him, exactly the way I had been for days with his knees on the floor, spread beneath his dangling body. And when I returned to the room, finding the bastard that way, a confident, controlled calmness overcame me.

  This was it. This was my time.

  And I knew just how to start the festivities off.

  I held the tazer in my hand and delivered the first few zaps to his balls, awakening him to his very own nightmare. Each time he went into orbit, the veins in his neck and temple practically popped. I didn’t let up. Even when he looked at me with desperation in his eyes, I didn’t let up. I had no doubt in my mind that he’d planned to kill me at the end of week. There was no conflict within me over what I would do to him…only blinding rage.

  “Aww, are those tears welling up in your eyes?” My words were meant to taunt him.

  “Fuck you, cunt.” He spat in my face. And then he noticed Stefan behind me. “You’re going to pay for this.”

  “From where I’m standing, it looks like you’re the one paying, Zeke.”

  Zeke—the name reminded me of a rabid dog, one that needed to be put down. And that’s exactly what would happen to the mangy mutt in front of me.

  “You won’t get away with this,” he barked.

  I knelt down to him, feeling a deep desire to claw his face, attack it with my fucking teeth. Gnaw his nose off completely. Mangle him in ways he deserved. But instead, I did something I’d never thought I’d have the stomach or grit for.

  “How about that kiss now?” I asked sweetly. However, the undercurrent of ambivalence became heavy on my tongue. Stefan had moved behind him by this point and met my eyes with a highbrow look, questioning me. I simply nodded in assurance.

  “You heard the lady. My girl wants a kiss…so fucking kiss her.” He delivered a kick to Scarface’s ribs to punctuate his words. Is it a bad thing that I’m wet by his demeanor? The thought caused me to smile wickedly.

  Yeah, I was a sick, twisted fucking bitch, and I loved every minute of it.

  I leaned in very close, letting my breath coax him into a kiss. “Come on, baby…give me that tongue.” He searched my eyes, but I never showed my hand. They say the eyes are the windows to a person’s soul. At this moment…I didn’t have a soul. In fact, I’d become a soul-eater. And I had the monster in front of me to thank for that.

  He opened for me with hesitation, never closing his eyes, which was fine with me—I wanted him to watch. My tongue gently brushed his foul mouth open, nearly making me gag. As soon as his tongue met mine. I bit down with the force of a great white as Stefan kept him in place with his boot on his back. He jerked and spasmed as his meaty tongue and tainted blood poured into my mouth, filling it with the taste of copper. Carpe Diem, motherfucker, I screamed internally. His strangled wails only fueled me all the more. My chin dripped with his blood as I spat his tongue at him.

  “How you gonna talk to your whores with no tongue, Zeke?” I wiped my chin with the back of my arm, catching Stefan’s startled gaze. He quickly followed it up with the smirk that I loved so much. I tuned out Zeke’s screams when I saw Stefan remove his Glock from his waistband. Him, the gun, all this blood… I almost felt ashamed by how turned on I was.

  “You sure about this, Tesoro?” Stefan squatted beside me, adding a silencer to the barrel. I watched his fingers screw it on in fascination. “You still with me, Jordana?”

  I nodded. “Yes. I’m more than sure, Sir. He will die by my hand.”

  He handed me the gun, letting his fingers brush against mine. His powerful hands gave me the strength he knew I needed. Sometimes, I forgot how well he knew me. The time we spent with each other was intimate on a level only a Dom/sub would know. He knew how I was wired. The same way I knew what he needed.

  Stefan held down a blood-gurgling Zeke. Crimson still flowed freely from his mouth. I knelt in front of him, my pussy humming alive with pleasure, and I positioned the gun beneath his chin. “I want you to know I will forget you after I pull the trigger and never think of you again. Your torments, your words, and your actions will be wiped clean along with your blood. Your life will have meant nothing, and the things you did to me will be forgotten.”


  The force of the gun threw me off him. What was left of Zeke’s bra
in spewed across the wall and ceiling. I remember thinking, I never knew brain matter could actually cling to the wall for as long as it did before falling to the floor. Stefan gently removed the gun from my hand, and dropped it to the floor, pulling me up with him.

  He carried me to the couch, sitting with me until my body quit shaking. I clung to him in a fetal position. My lifeline. He wasn’t usually one to allow clinginess. However, this was a very different Sir in front of me. This was the man, not the Dom, who held me tightly as I sobbed into his neck.

  No matter how many breaths I drew, I couldn’t breathe. His warm hands held on to me until I settled, never letting up on the slow strokes of his fingers on my back, calming me. Once my breathing returned to normal and my heart no longer hammered against my ribcage, I sank deeper into his embrace. His finger caught my chin, lifting it to meet my eyes. He watched me intently, and the look of pure devotion on his face washed over me, filling me with warmth. My eyes closed as I drew a slow breath and shivered, pulling in his unique scent of sandalwood and leather. Beneath the harsh, copper odor that permeated the air, his heartbeat remained steady and strong.

  “Come on, Jordana, let’s get you home.”

  I shook my head violently. “No. I can’t go home. My father can’t see me like this.” Panic filled me until his arms wrapped around me and his lips met the top of my head.

  “No. I’m taking you home—my home. The only place you need to be.”


  Stefan carried me out the door and into the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor. Not once did he let me go, set me down, or remove his arms from around me. In fact, he didn’t release me until we were in his penthouse and in his bathroom. He set me on the vanity and slowly stripped me, never taking his eyes off mine. I knew he did this because he couldn’t bear to see my body riddled with the marks of a sadist, but I didn’t care. Looking into his dark, yet warm eyes calmed me more than anything else ever could.

  He turned on the water, stripped out of his clothes, and then carried me to the shower. With gentle hands, he washed my hair and body. Blood swirled around the drain and I watched it until the water ran clear at my feet. I hadn’t realized the tears in my eyes until he tilted my head to face him. His lips softly touched my eyes, and love filled me.

  “What is going to happen to…?” I couldn’t say his name.

  “When we get out, I will call the cleanup crew.”

  My eyes grew wide. “Will you get in trouble?”

  “No,” he said, shaking his head slowly. “I’ll tell them I found him like that. No one will ever know you were there, and nobody will question me. If they do, they will have to answer to my father, and no one wants that.”

  The way he spoke with such power, such authority, caused a throbbing ache to fill me. My nipples beaded with excitement and I felt my face flush hot with need. I reached out and turned off the water, touching his face when he gazed at me with question in his eyes.

  “Make me better, Sir,” I begged.

  Stefan sucked in a breath and began to shake his head, but I pulled my hand between our bodies until my fingers were wrapped around his hardening cock. I pulled slowly and licked my bottom lip, knowing he caught the implication.

  “I need you, Stefan. I need you to give me something else to see when I close my eyes.” He grew in my hand. “I need you to give my pussy a reason to pulse.” Harder still. “And I need you fill me up with you cum until I’m so full, I’ll feel it for weeks.” And with that, his cock became rock hard.

  “I don’t think you’re ready for that.”

  I didn’t ask, even though I knew better. But I didn’t want to give him a chance to deny me. I dropped to my knees and wrapped my lips around his fully erect dick. His hands went to my hair, tugging on it in an attempt to pull me away, but once I began to hum around him, he relented and let out a strangled sigh.

  Something was off—different. He didn’t fuck my mouth like he usually did. Instead, he let me set the pace. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I needed his control. I needed his dominance. So I pulled him to the back of my throat, relaxing my muscles until I felt him pass my tonsils, and then I stilled. Waited for him to take over. My eyes easily found his while my mouth held firmly around his thick, hard cock. A glean of something passed between us in the expanse of a few seconds. My pleading sigh rang out around me, humming in my ears. The fire that I wanted sparked to life. Along with the primal desire I needed. As soon as he cracked his neck left to right, I knew this hard, unyielding, and uncompromising Dom had, in fact, compromised. He made certain concessions to comfort me. That gesture wasn’t lost on me. It made it feel like the power of balance wasn’t completely out of my favor.

  His hand came down, brushing my flush, round cheeks “I’ll always take care of you, Jordana. Trust me to do so.” He waited for my answer. However, all I could do was hum my agreement around his cock. I knew in this moment, I’d sign away my life to this man. He didn’t know it yet. But soon, he would. Our private time always had me excited, wet, and scared to death, all in equal parts. His pupils flared. Raw hunger came roaring to life. My nipples hardened. He stepped back, removing himself from my mouth with a pop and hoisted me up, hooking my ankles around his waist. His hands held firm around my ass, allowing me to grind on him.

  “What are you doing?” I asked with a coy smile. I was a duplicitous bitch. I knew exactly what was about to come. I think...

  “Shhh, Tesoro. This is me, taking care of you.” He strode from the bathroom to the bedroom where gently lowered me into the Downy soft comforter. Exhilarated, I just laid quietly still, my body humming along with the beat of my heart. God, I could stare at him for hours. Days. Years. His desire for me plain to see. “Jordana, I want to go easy.” His voice came out dangerously edgy.

  I smiled. “I don’t want you to go easy, Sir.” My voice came out husky and desperate. That was a fact of our relationship. I never wanted easy.

  “I need to be inside you more than my next breath,” he whispered, climbing on top of me.

  I spread my legs as wide as possible, arching as he sunk balls deep into my wet pussy—swollen from the anticipation and need to cum. He ground himself against my clit, eliciting a quick orgasm. I arched deeper, hanging on to it for as long as I could.

  “Don’t worry, Tesoro. Making you cum is my pleasure,” he whispered as he stared into my eyes. Still seated deeply, he began to move. The sensation of him inside of me…filling me…overwhelmed and yet completed me in one thrust of his hips. His fingers gripped my hips—painfully, and I relished the pain, wanting more. However, I didn’t push my luck. He gave, and I graciously accepted his gift. “Say my name. And tell me who you belong to. Who this pussy belongs to.” He circled his hips, punctuating his words. This was what I craved—him between my legs, deep inside of me, his demanding mouth on my body. Endorphins swirled dizzily deep within me. He began to move at a blurring speed. His dirty mouth rested against my ear, spewing filth.

  “You do, Sir. My pussy belongs to you. Only you.”

  “That’s fucking right.” He pumped harder and my eyes rolled back. “Eyes on me, Tesoro,” he said gruffly. I hadn’t realized I’d closed them. Sweat began to bead above his brow, and the sounds we made together were downright primal, carnal. He then began to push into me, hard, forcefully, and steadily until my pussy began to milk his cock. “Oh, fuck. The way your pussy grips my cock… I will never get tired of feeling that.”

  He reached down, bringing my leg up and over his shoulder for a better angle. He ground himself into a screaming orgasm. Instinctively, I reached out to him, needing to grab onto him, to anchor myself to him in some way. I began to free-fall and I didn’t doubt he’d catch me. His eyes met mine and something passed between them. I didn’t know what, though. He removed my hand, quickly kissing it.

  “I’ll be right back. Need to clean you up.” He pulled out of me, still erect, leaving me empty and cold. Cum oozed from his cock as he backed away. I
felt bereft that he pulled out of me so soon, leaving me insecure and emotional. I didn’t like it at all. However, not being a whiney clingy bitch, I decided to let it go. I decided think about it later, when I had time alone.

  Yet the thought of time alone made me sad.


  After three days, I knew I had to leave Stefan’s penthouse at River Walk and go home. My father would begin to worry and send out the search team. And I couldn’t risk anyone finding me with Stefan. Our families were not ready for that yet. Stefan’s dad flew straight home after the news of Zeke’s attack and Stefan’s proclamation of Matty’s debt paid in full. I had asked him numerous times how he could do that without having the money or my brother’s blood, but he refused to answer me. He told me business was business. And it angered me. After all I had been through, I was still treated as nothing more than a woman.

  Stefan drove me back to the shore house so that I could wait for the car that would take me to my father. He leaned in for a kiss, but when I backed away, his eyes turned hard and cold.

  Rejection stung like a bitch.

  “I hate how you still see me as weak,” I proclaimed.

  Stefan pulled away, acting as if I had slapped him across the face. “That’s not true.”

  “Well, you don’t see me as an equal. You won’t even tell me what happened to my brother’s debt.”

  “I told you it was taken care of. What more do you need to know?” His anger spilled out with every word, covering me with an iciness I wasn’t sure how to deal with.

  “After what I did to save him—”

  “It was the stupidest thing you could’ve done,” he said, interrupting me.


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