Saving Stella [Sequel to Tying Trina] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Saving Stella [Sequel to Tying Trina] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 4

by Lou Lou Winters

  Regretfully pulling apart, Hunter said huskily, “No time for a quickie, we have a pretty little lady waiting.”

  “Looks like we’ll need to be careful with her.” Hunter needed to confirm with Ben his awful suspicions about her past.

  “Did you see her flinch? Her whole body jumped like I was going to backhand her or something.” Ben’s eyes flashed with anger. “I wonder how long she’s been separated from him.”

  “Fuck, this makes me furious. She’s so sweet.” Hunter controlled the growl in his voice. He hoped he never met her ex.

  “Okay,” Ben said in a reasonable voice, “we don’t actually know anything, but I agree. We need to take it slow.”

  Hunter clenched his fists. “True. Let’s go.”

  Stella slipped into the scented water and found the moulded seat shape to lean against in the bubbles. Relaxing, she draped her arms along the edge and rested her head back. Closing her eyes, she let her mind go blank as all the tension drifted away with the rising steam. Her muscles relaxed and a contented peacefulness seeped into her veins.

  Not realising she’d almost fallen asleep, the first she knew of the boys’ return was the water splashing about her as they both climbed in, wearing board shorts. Relieved that they’d decided to cover up, too, Stella beamed at both of them. “I’m so relaxed. This is brilliant.”

  Grinning back, Hunter positioned himself in the seat beside her, “Glad to oblige.”

  Ben took the seat on her other side and said, “Though, we don’t usually use the rose-scented soap. It’s been more of a decoration since Kate went home.”

  Laughing, Stella gently flicked water at Ben. “Thank you.” She glanced at Hunter. “Thank you both. I feel much better. I guess I just panicked for a minute.”

  Stella looked at Hunter again. Did he just growl? Frowning at her, he asked in a gravelly voice, “How long have you been separated?”

  Sitting up straighter and instantly tense again, Stella shook her head. “Um… About two weeks. But it was over way before that.”

  Ben’s face looked tight, masked like he was controlling his feelings. He whispered, “Why? Why did you break up?”

  Throwing her hands up in the air in exasperation and sending an arc of water over the edge, Stella said quietly, “I don’t really want to talk about this but I will because you already suspect. You’ve been so understanding, and I did cry in your bedroom. I owe you an explanation. You’re right, it was an abusive marriage and he did hit me amongst other things from time to time. It’s taken a while for me to get up the courage to leave but I’ve moved on now and I’m trying, desperately trying, to put all that behind me and start a new life. A happy life, where I meet my Prince Charming and we live happily ever after. Is that too much to ask?” Her voice had risen an octave by the end of her little speech and a blush rushed to warm her cheeks. Her ears burned.

  Fizzing out and breathing heavily, she knew she’d lost the plot. Prince Charming, how embarrassing. Fully expecting them to ask her to leave after her unprovoked little outburst, she was blindsided by Ben’s next question. “Would you consider two Prince Charmings?”

  Against her will, a laugh forced its way out of her mouth and she started to cry again. Gasping back big sobs, she tried to get a grip but couldn’t. “Sorry, sorry,” she babbled. “Really, I’m fine, I don’t always cry, I promise. Just don’t be nice to me anymore and I’ll stop.”

  “Honestly, it’s fine,” Hunter said soothingly. “Let it out and you’ll feel better.”

  Stella cried harder. They were so wonderful and understanding and here she was, an emotional wreck. If only they’d stop being so kind, she could pull it together. Both men looked a little alarmed and moved closer. Wrapping their arms around her they lifted and turned her so she was sitting across both their laps. With her head against Ben’s shoulder and Hunter rubbing her calves and feet below the water, she calmed considerably.

  Shudders still wracked her body as her breathing eventually slowed and she started to drift off to sleep again. She relaxed under their care. Ben’s arms cradled her gently as Hunter worked wonders with his hands on her feet. She felt safe in the arms of these men, they wouldn’t hurt her. Obviously, she wasn’t coping as well as she’d hoped, but she’d been unprepared for how it felt to be looked after and treated nicely. The whole experience was a little overwhelming and foreign.

  “You look tired,” Hunter said, climbing out of the bath. Ben stood, cradling her like a child. He passed her over to Hunter who lowered her to the ground and wrapped a big towel around her shoulders. “There. How do you feel?”

  Smiling up at him, Stella’s chest ached and her body thrummed with an unfamiliar need. She really, really liked these two guys. If she could just keep it together, everything might work out. Though she doubted that after tonight she’d ever hear from them again. “Yes, tired. Exhausted actually.” she said truthfully with a small smile.

  Ben stepped up next to her and turned her to face him. “Stay, Stella. We promise we won’t molest you. Just lie with us and let us keep you safe for the night.”

  “Really?” Stella couldn’t think of anything she’d like more. Her tummy came to life with excited butterflies. To sleep between these two big, strong, warm, safe men, with no expectations, seemed like a dream come true. She couldn’t ask it of them, it wasn’t fair. “No, you’ve already done so much and been so kind. Don’t worry about it. I’ll just grab a cab and be out of your hair in a jiffy.”

  Hunter stepped up behind her and lifted the towel from her shoulders. Stella’s breath caught in her throat. What were they doing now? Ben reached forward and lifted the wet singlet top, pausing for her to lift her arms, which she did automatically and then he lifted it over her head. Before a protest could escape her lips, Hunter wrapped the towel around her shoulders again.

  A mixture of disappointment and relief flooded her system and she briefly analysed the disappointment. She didn’t want anything to happen, but her attraction to these two men was undeniable and she wanted them to want her, too. So far, they’d been nothing but gentlemanly and restrained. Warm ripples of gratitude and love replaced her disappointment as she marvelled yet again at their consideration. “It’s okay, thanks guys. I can get dressed myself but if you want to call a cab, that would be great.”

  Spinning around, Stella stared at Hunter. Did he growl again? “Did you just growl?”

  Having the decency to look a little abashed, Hunter nodded and said, “We want you to stay.” He paused, considering his next words. Carefully he reached out and took her hand, sending shocks of electricity up her arm. “You can go, but we would like you to stay.”

  Giving an uncertain smile, Stella nodded slowly. “Okay, thanks.” she said quietly. She didn’t have the energy to argue and really did want to stay. She’d never been so conflicted in all her life. To want these two so badly and at the same time be so unprepared, apprehensive and nervous was ridiculous.

  Hunter bent a little and grabbed her shorts. With a swift pull he had them around her ankles and she stepped out obligingly. Without any modesty, both men dropped their boardies to the floor and turned her towards the door.

  Ben tied a towel around his waist and walked over to the bedroom door, “Back in a sec. I’ll just check downstairs is locked up.”

  Doing the same thing with a towel, Hunter said, “Climb in, I’ll just pull out the plug.”

  He headed back into the bathroom and Stella dried herself off properly before sliding between the wonderfully soft, cream cotton sheets. With her eyes closed, she heard Hunter pull the plug and pad back across the carpet to the bed. Worry stirred in her belly as she realised what she’d agreed to. On her side, with her back to him, she felt the bed dip.

  She needn’t have worried. He shuffled across and spooned her from behind. Kissing her shoulder he snuggled as close as possible and wrapped an arm around her waist. Stella tensed as his arm moved around her, her heart starting to pound, but he didn’t go up or down, just la
y it across her belly at navel level.

  Again, Stella struggled with disappointment and relief. She desperately wanted to be touched and loved by these guys but tonight, she wasn’t emotionally ready. The bed dipped again as Ben climbed in and Stella wondered what would happen. How would he fit in? Ben backed up and pressed his back to her front so they were in a three way spoon. She automatically wrapped her arm around his waist the same way as Hunter did to her. A sense of rightness, like a jigsaw clicking into place, flowed through her. The three of them fit together just fine.

  Both men sighed and she listened to their breathing slow as they drifted off to sleep. Her nose itched a little but she daren’t move. She didn’t want to disturb them. Her mind drifted and she marvelled at how amazing it felt to be cocooned between these two men. How lucky was she that she’d found two of the most honourable and kind men she’d ever met, on the night that she really needed to, no less.

  From her experiences with men, they didn’t take kindly to being let down at the last minute. Butterflies danced in her stomach as she identified different areas of their bodies touching her. She could feel Hunter’s soft cock nestled against her butt cheeks and her hand rested on Ben’s abs, so hard she could probably use them as a chopping board if she wanted.

  Finally, as sleep overtook her, she wondered what the morning would hold. They were bound to wake up with erections. All men did, didn’t they?

  Chapter Six

  Stella woke up feeling weird, happy for a change. Excitement bubbled just below the surface and it took her a moment to remember why. As she quickly became aware of her surroundings, with her eyes still closed she smiled quietly to herself. Contentedly, she assessed her situation. Ben’s massive morning erection sat snuggly in her palm and she could feel Hunter’s cock resting securely at the junction of her thighs and pussy.

  None of them had moved all night except for her hand and Hunter’s shaft. She’d slept like a log for the first time in years. Ben’s cock twitched in her hand and she experimentally slid her fingers a little way up to feel the head. Ben groaned and she tried again, gently stroking the tip with her fingers loosely moving up and down.

  She knew the minute he woke up. His shaft pulsed violently and she gripped it tightly. “Oh, Stella.” Ben groaned sleepily. Wriggling a little as her excitement built, she pressed back against Hunter. He groaned too, and his arm tightened around her waist as he pushed his shaft against her pussy lips and thighs.

  Stella couldn’t believe how horny she was. A good night’s sleep and she was ready to start her new life again. Gone were the worries of the night before and so were any concerns she may have harboured about her abilities to please two men. She could not remember the last time her pussy had eagerly throbbed the way it was now. With a desperate desire that took her by surprise, heat flooded her pelvis.

  Stella couldn’t believe how much she wanted to feel these men loving her and she pushed back against Hunter. His dick pulsed and moved against her and she couldn’t supress a whimper as her aching clit received some of the contact it needed.

  Hunter’s hand began to trace higher and higher circles on her belly, sending tingles down to her toes as he neared the underside of her breasts. Ben turned over to face her and propped his hand on his head. “Morning, gorgeous.” He kissed her forehead and ran a hand down her side. Stella moaned as he set her alight and her fingers found his cock again.

  Hunter rested his head on his hand too and they rearranged Stella so that she was on her back between them, looking up into their handsome faces. She thought it had to be a dream come true. “Are you sure, Stell?” Hunter asked as Ben started to circle her nipple with his finger tip.

  Her nipple tightened and puckered and he moved to the other one as she grinned and nodded eagerly. Immediately Hunter ducked his head and latched onto her nipple, drawing it into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue. Stella whimpered again and arched her back. Electric shocks burned through her, connecting her nipples with her clit.

  Ben started to kiss down her belly and Stella thought she might tip over the edge. The intensity of the warmth pooling in her womb tightened and notched higher. The incredible feeling of Hunter nipping her little buds and the fact that she hadn’t been touched tenderly in years had her buzzing all over.

  When Ben spread her thighs and climbed between, Stella thought he would line himself up and enter her. She certainly was wet and ready. Her juices coated her lips. She could feel the moisture. But instead, to her complete surprise he dipped his head and kissed her folds.

  Stella held her breath. No one had done this before. She’d read about it, of course. When he parted her lips and latched onto her clit, gently sucking and swirling his tongue around, Stella toppled over the edge without warning. With her mind paralysed by pleasure, she screamed. Her back arched as Hunter held her down. Ben gripped her hips and sucked harder as her world exploded. Her body bucked as wave after wave of burning pleasure seared its way through her. Stars appeared before her eyes as she stiffened and cried out again. Tingles sparked to life in her hands and feet, shooting up her limbs. Her channel clenched rhythmically in time with her rapid heartbeat. Panting, twitching and shuddering as the final waves of her first orgasm in years and years ebbed away, Stella knew she’d found what she needed.

  Ben looked up, grinning. “I am that amazing.”

  Slowly nodding, Stella felt her cheeks warm. How embarrassing, she’d come so quickly.

  Glancing at Hunter, he smiled cheekily at her and raised his eyebrows. “Been a while?” he asked, his voice deep and gravely.

  Stella chuckled sadly. “You have no idea.”

  Ben crawled up her body, his warm weight covering her as his hard rod pressed against her entrance and ignited her fire again. Hunter captured her lips as Ben supported his own weight and slid into her slippery, sensitive pussy. Slowly he held position as Stella moaned and rocked her hips to meet him.

  Her twitching pussy squeezed around his wide girth, wanting more as she lifted her knees to take him deeper. Hunter swept his tongue through her mouth, exploring and tasting her as she moaned, desperate and eager for their contact. Lifting her hand, she cupped the back of his head, holding him to her and returning his passion.

  Ben pulled out and slid back in, finding a rhythm of smooth, slow strokes. Her sensitive channel clung to him as every thrust drove her insane with building pleasure. She didn’t know how long she could endure the indescribably blissful sensations rippling through her. Hunter palmed one of her breasts and squeezed. Her nipples tingled and as he pinched the tip, the tightening pleasure in her womb escalated.

  With each stroke of Ben’s cock, she cried out. He pounded in and out, hitting her end and sending pulses of pleasure through her. Her pussy seemed to be on white hot fire as every thrust drove her crazy. She gasped as he straightened, slipping his hands under her, and grabbing her butt, he rammed himself inside her. Each stroke pounded harder and deeper, triggering her second orgasm of the morning.

  She bucked frantically trying to take more of him as her body shook. She moaned when Hunter pinched both her nipples, hard. The sharp combination of pleasure and pain hit her like a lightning bolt and she threw her head back and screamed with complete abandon as unbearable pleasure surged through her body and stole her breath away.

  Ben groaned just before a final, hard thrust and while Stella’s clenching pussy held him tight, he shot his load. “Ah fuck, Stella,” he said as he collapsed next to her on the bed and they both shuddered with the aftershocks of their orgasms.

  Hunter shifted slightly and Stella became acutely aware of his straining cock pressing into her thigh. Giving her a wink, he said in a very gravelly voice, “Hope you’re up for more. Shower, now.” He climbed out of bed and held his hand out to her. Ben rolled off the other side of the bed and headed towards the bathroom, too.

  “Can we get in the tub again?” Stella asked, not sure her legs would hold her in the shower, she was very shaky.

boys nodded and Ben said, “Hunt, you run it and I’ll grab us coffee. Stella?”

  “Oh, yes please.” Stella needed coffee big time. She loved her morning coffee. “No sugar, just milk thanks.”

  Ben walked out and Hunter ran the water before turning to her. “How are you, really?”

  Looking him in the eye, she deadpanned, “Horny.”

  Hunter laughed. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, very horny.” Stella gaped at her own audacity and put her hands up to cover her embarrassed giggle. She’d never been the forward type.

  Hunter eyed her sternly and took a step closer. For a moment he gazed at her and ran his fingers through her tangled curls. Stella could hardly breathe. What would he do next? Excited little butterflies partied in her stomach as he cupped the back of her head and drew her in.

  His lips were firm and soft, his dark morning stubble added an edge to his kiss, and Stella thought she might swoon. He deepened the kiss, sweeping through her mouth while his fingers threaded through her hair and held her in place. His straining member pressed into her belly and the burning heat that radiated from it made tingles of awareness ignite all over her body.

  When he broke the kiss, Stella stumbled back a bit and he caught her as her head swam. Wow, that’d been great. Looking up into his eyes, she said, “Being serious for a sec. Sorry about last night.”

  “No worries but…Well, let us know how you feel okay? We understand but don’t want to push you into anything you’re not ready for.”

  Hunter’s words were said with such heartfelt concern that Stella hugged him tightly. “Thank you,” she whispered against his chest. She could hear his heartbeat and his still-rock-hard cock poked into her belly again. His strong arms suddenly lifted her and carried her into the bathroom.


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