Forbidden Ecstasy

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Forbidden Ecstasy Page 22

by Janelle Taylor

  She tartly snapped, “That isn’t necessary, Jeffery! I can repair my toilette myself.”

  He chuckled in amusement. “I’m sure you can, Alisha love. But I preferred to do it for you. Before much longer, it just might become a welcomed privilege of your new husband,” he drawled in a husky, meaningful tone.

  As they continued walking back to town, Alisha’s frightened gaze locked with his confident one. She stammered, “You mean you are actually serious about marriage?” She feigned disbelief and shock to learn if he were earnest, pretending she had not truly believed his previous proposal.

  “Come now, Alisha,” he rebuked her. “You know I never say things I do not mean. You will marry me,” he vowed positively.

  “But, Jeffery…” she began to argue with him. He pressed a finger to her cold lips to silence any protests.

  “No buts, Alisha. This time, I will have you… on my own terms, in my own way, and on my schedule. Comprendez-vous?”

  She whitened and trembled at the full impact of his subtle threat. Tears filled her emerald eyes. Alisha pleaded, “Please, Jeffery, you must reconsider your command. Things could never work out between us. Please don’t be so wicked to me!”

  A smug smile crossed his features and settled in his cerulean eyes. Anger consumed Alisha as she lost her temper. She spat, “You’re enjoying this scheme, aren’t you? You savor your power over people. It enlivens you to make them squirm, doesn’t it? What would you know about pain? What would you know about love? I vow you have never felt any of those emotions! All you know is power, hatred, and spitefulness. I have pride and wants, too! I won’t allow you to do this vile thing to me. I won’t, Jeffery Gordon! I know you only want the law’s consent to abuse and terrify me even more!”

  “You misunderstand my pleasure, Alisha. It warms my very soul to hear a civil tongue spoken here in this godforsaken wilderness. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve conversed with a proper lady? You’re the only person I’ve met anywhere near here who has any breeding. The fact you’re also very beautiful, charming, and talented only adds to my great enjoyment of this situation. Reconsider my demand? I am afraid not, my dear.”

  “You have no soul to warm! And your heart, if you even possess one, is as black as the darkest night! If you think for one minute I will accept your words as compliments, you are sorely mistaken. You deceived me once before with your silvery tongue and chivalrous actions; never again!” she breathlessly swore.

  “I do know what pain and fear and denial are like, Little One. As far as relishing my wealth and power, you are perfectly right; I do. Wealth and power can get one anything he might desire; I possess both fortunately. Since I desire you as my wife, you shall be mine. It’s really very simple, Alisha. If you follow my commands, there will be no reason for trouble between us. Besides, I can think of far worse fates than becoming my bride. Would you care for me to refresh your memory about your life with a certain Indian?” he taunted.

  She glared at him for a long time as terrible and vivid anguish replaced all other emotions in her eyes. Without warning, she whirled and began to practically race away from him. He rapidly caught up with her. He seized her arm and halted her. He forcefully turned her around to face him. Seeing the results of reopened wounds, he instantly withheld the tirade which was poised on the tip of his tongue. He reached out his hand to brush away several teardrops which glistened like minute diamonds upon her ashen cheeks.

  She slapped his intruding hand away. “I don’t need your brutal reminders of my past. I lived it; I shall never forget it, nor your bloody part in it! Find someone else to torment; I have paid enough for my deeds. I am free now; and by God, I shall stay free! No man will ever hurt me or humiliate me again!” she wretchedly declared. She tried to pull away from him, but he would not release his iron grip upon her arm.

  “Then don’t force me to hurt you or to remind you of things best forgotten! I’ll accept my part in your return to that red bastard Gray Eagle. Face facts, Alisha: there was no way Fort Pierre could have kept you from him. Another fact, I am just as resolved to have you as he had you—maybe more so!”

  A mysterious look flickered in Jeffery’s unreadable eyes. “Would it favorably affect your decision if I promised you marriage in name only? If I swear to you I won’t ever touch you unless you come to love me and want me in a physical way? I have a great deal of pride, Alisha. Seduction is one thing; brutal rape is quite another. I am not like that savage. I would never force my sexual attentions upon you. Of course I would expect you to feign the loving and attentive wife in public; but in private, you may have your very own room, alone and untouched if that is the only way I can have you. I need a proper wife to take home to Virginia. I have reached the point of having to settle down and take over the plantation. I’ve met countless females, but none of your quality and style. You are perfect for the role of Mrs. Jeffery Clayton Gordon. Role, Alisha, not reality. My father has practically demanded I marry within this year or he’ll disinherit me. I’ve searched for the unique woman who will bear my name. You are the only choice. If I must force you to accept this role, then so be it.”

  Alisha was astonished at the incredible offer. “I don’t believe you, Jeffery. Once before you nearly ravished me before an entire fort. Now, you vow you no longer desire me as a woman. You offer a mock marriage! Hardly! You are far too attractive, and young, and virile to be satisfied with…” His look warned her of her careless words. She clamped her hand over her traitorous mouth to silence her forward comments. Her face grew red with embarrassment. She could not believe what she was saying to him.

  “Your compliments are greatly appreciated, my love. I can assure you a mock marriage would place no hardship upon my male prowess and desires. I require a proper wife, not a beautiful mistress. I can promise to take care of my physical needs without any embarrassment to my wife or to my family. A decent wife is much harder to locate than an obliging harlot. Besides, I’m getting too old and fatigued to continue my reputation as irresistible, incomparable lover. A long rest from service would do me good.”

  He altered his tone to a mellow, entreating drawl, “Am I such a terrible choice for a husband? Can you find a better one? I have a lot to offer in exchange for your assistance: wealth, social position, civilization, respectability, a majestic home, elegant clothes, splendid parties, extravagant jewels, exquisite food and service, anything…” he tempted her.

  Alisha watched him closely and keenly. She asked herself if he could possibly be serious or this desperate. “I don’t trust you for an instant, Jeffery Gordon. What are you really trying to pull? I am not a fool; you are not offering treats to a simpleton. Neither am I that same trusting, gullible girl who came to this monstrous land! I have been given a harsh education this past year. Considering my upbringing and the torments of this past year, what you offer does sound tempting and marvelous. Yet, I instinctively feel it is all some malicious trick. Marriage! Why not mistress or servant? That’s all you wanted from me last time,” she accused.

  “I have plenty of servants, both here and in Virginia. I’m tired of supporting and tolerating mistresses. If I demand sex, I’ll hire some doxy for the night! I lack a respectable, flattering wife. Besides, believe it or not, I would have offered you marriage back there if you hadn’t spoiled everything by clinging to that blasted scout!”

  His tone became low and ominous as he warned, “If I cannot have you, Alisha, I swear to you that no man will. I have given you until tomorrow to make your final decision. I will grant you anything you wish if you say yes. Once we’re married, I won’t have any reason to prove my power or control over you. As a matter of fact, my image can do without the label of a wife-beater. You will be perfectly secure in my keeping, perhaps one day even happy. There really is no other choice, Alisha. It’s me or… nothing.”

  Alisha had the overwhelming feeling Jeffery was telling the truth. How could he possibly want a mock marriage—with her of all women? How could he simply dismiss
all of his pent up resentment and bitterness toward her? How could he expect her to forgive him for his past cruelty? Marriage! She was troubled by the illusion of arguing with Gray Eagle through Jeffery’s body and mouth. Their demands were nearly the same; the results could be the same; their feelings and motivations were the same. She shuddered at the similarities.

  “Well?” he softly inquired at her continued silence.

  “I need more time, Jeffery. You’re talking about a lifetime commitment. Seeing you again has been a big shock; I thought you were dead. So many things have happened lately. I just can’t rush into marriage with a man like you, no matter how much you threaten me. I honestly don’t know if I can trust you to tell the truth or to keep your promises. Who’s to say you won’t change your mind once we’re wed? I just can’t take any more torment this soon,” she painfully confessed, managing to sway him slightly.

  He pondered her indecision and anxiety for a time. He concluded it would be to his eventual advantage to generously allow her two more weeks. Also, several other arrangements were still unresolved. In reality, she could not escape him. Without a doubt, his kindness would compel her to comply with his wishes. Mary could keep him informed of any possible treachery from Powchutu.

  “Just to prove to you I’m not as bad as you seem to think, Alisha, I’ll grant you two more weeks to make up your mind. Evidently you’re under a great deal of pressure from the past. But, I’ll warn you now: there will not be another delay for any reason. That should allow you the time to gently prepare our good friend Paul to accept the news of our coming marriage. We shall break the news a little at a time by seeing each other on frequent occasions. Might avoid problems if he is led to believe I am gradually sweeping you off your feet. Naturally he’s going to fight like the devil to hold on to you, but slowly losing you will be the best solution for all concerned. I wouldn’t want him to get hurt by interfering in my affairs again,” he ominously stated.

  Feeling she might better comprehend this disturbing scheme and Jeffery, she reluctantly agreed with his suggestions. As he reached up and replaced another straying lock of hair, he drawled, “Well, Miss Alisha Williams, looks as if I’ll start courting you tomorrow night about seven.”

  While his hand was still touching her forehead and she was gazing up into his enchanting features, Powchutu stormed up and nearly attacked Jeffery right in the middle of the street. “Get your filthy hands off of her, or I’ll kill you where you stand! How dare you touch her in any manner!”

  Jeffery’s easy stance shifted to one of defensive readiness. His blazing sky-blue eyes shouted his hatred for Powchutu. “You lousy half-breed! I could kill you without blinking an eye. Surely you don’t think I was about to ravish Alisha here in the middle of the street! I can assure you she is perfectly safe with me, here or anywhere!”.

  “As safe as she was that day at Fort Pierre when I had to tear you away from her! You were going to take her under that tree, and you. didn’t care if the whole damn fort was watching!” Powchutu sarcastically sneered. “I’ll tear you limb from limb if you ever come near her again. Savvy, lieutenant?”

  Realizing that Jeffery’s words about spies might be accurate, she knew how humiliating and dangerous an open confrontation between these two men would be. Thinking fast, she seized Powchutu’s taut arm. She sternly ordered, “Stop it, both of you! People might be listening and watching.”

  To Powchutu she stated placidly, “You misunderstood what was going on, Paul. Jeffery was not annoying me. The wind blew a mote into my eyes, and I couldn’t see clearly. He was kindly removing it with my permission.” She lowered her voice and continued, “If you two will recall, we are supposed to be old friends. A brawl in the middle of town on a Sunday morning just might cause suspicion and gossip. None of us wants to be the topic of wagging tongues or curious minds. Do we?” she cunningly challenged them both.

  At her common sense, each man quickly brought his unbridled temper under rigid control. Yet, both men remained on tense alert. Jeffery spoke first. “You see, Paul,” he commented with great emphasis upon the false name, “I was being the perfect gentleman. Contrary to your beliefs, Alisha is very special to me. I have no intention of hurting her in any way, and I have told her just that. Frankly, I was hoping we could resolve our past problems and become friends. I know I was a cad back at Fort Pierre. I have already apologized for my disgraceful conduct.”

  Alisha was grateful for Jeffery’s attempts to smooth over the past and to lay the foundation for their future relationship. No matter how much she hated the situation he was placing her in, he was earnestly trying to make it easier for her to deal with. His diplomacy eased many of her previous worries and lessened some of her anger.

  “It’s getting colder, and the wind is picking up. I suggest we all return to our rooms,” she entreated with a guileful smile at both men.

  “I fully agree, Alisha. Good day to you, Paul.” He lifted Alisha’s cold hand and placed a warm kiss upon her open palm. “Adieu, ma petite,” he whispered huskily. He leisurely swaggered away with his arrogant, self-assured air.

  “What did he say to you?” Powchutu anxiously inquired when he was out of hearing range.

  “That was French. He said, ‘good day, my little one.’ I must caution you to curb your temper and outbursts around him,” she gently rebuked him. “Do you have any idea of the trouble he could cause us? I suggest we tread lightly around him while we’re here. What harm could a little pretense of courtesy and friendship do? Please, Paul, our safety is in his control. Don’t antagonize him to prove something to himself, to you, or to me. If there’s one thing I’ve learned well, pride is very costly. Another thing, revenge exacts more from the avenger than from the avenged. We cannot afford any trouble here. Please try to be polite and tolerant around him. Agreed?”

  He angrily acquiesced to her pleas. “I know you’re right, Alisha, but it irritates me! He infuriates me beyond control. He’s no good. He’s a dangerous power seeker. Jeffery Gordon cares for no one except Jeffery. All that matters is what he wants.”

  “That’s exactly my point!” Alisha repeated. “He can be dangerous if crossed. Strange as it sounds, he seemed honest and sincere when he apologized and offered me friendship. Who knows, maybe what happened after the massacre changed him, at least a little.”

  “Alisha! Men like Jeffery never change. He wants something from us, or rather from you. You can bet on that! Stay away from him, love,” he anxiously cautioned her, concerned by her unexpected softening of heart. Their oblique gazes met.

  “Everybody changes, Paul. Look at us. How can anyone live here and not be affected by this land? If I stay clear of him, then how can we discover his plans? It will be impossible to ignore him or to constantly avoid him for months on end. We’re all here for the duration of winter. It might profit all of us if we remain calm and cordial.”

  “He really got to you with his sugary lies, didn’t he? Have you forgotten what it was like back there because of him? If I hadn’t intervened that day, he would have forced you to become his mistress. Not a soul in that fort, including gutless General Galt, would have dared to stop him and help you. That doesn’t include the way he practically threw you back into Gray Eagle’s clutches! How can you forgive him for such cruelties?” he stormed.

  She artfully parried the accuracy in his words. “Tell me something in all honesty, Paul. Who would suffer the most from my hatred of Jeffery? What good would dreams of revenge do for me? How could I possibly hurt him or punish him? I would be a fool to attempt such an impossible chore! I cannot fill my thoughts with plans of revenge or with memories from my past. Such emotions and actions are dangerous and destructive. I have far better ways to spend my energies and hours. Yet, on the other hand, if he is telling the truth, what harm could it do to forgive him? If he is lying, how can that affect us until we allow it? Do you follow my reasoning at all?”

  For a time, he pondered her words. Eventually he laughed and joked, “You’re too s
mart and cunning for a beautiful female. You might be right. Still, I just don’t trust him in the least.”

  She laughed merrily and tenderly caressed his tanned cheek. “Brother dear, you don’t trust any man around your little sister. Time will tell us who is right and who is wrong. Let’s relax and wait,” she implored him.

  He smiled and lovingly cuffed her chin. He took her cold hand and led her back toward the Horne House not far away. He was chatting as they covered the short distance to the door. Neither Alisha nor Powchutu was cognizant of the bewildered, doleful eyes which had been observing the curious scene in the empty street below Powchutu’s window. The close proximity of the group had offered excellent sight, but eavesdropping had been impossible from her hidden position. Tears had filled the mute girl’s troubled eyes, for she could easily read volatile emotions in both men.

  Mary was utterly confused by the hostilities between Paul and Jeffery. Such vivid hatred and fury! For a brief moment, she had feared a bloody clash between them. It was clear that Alisha had said something to halt their argument and to bring about a reluctant truce. They all claimed to be old friends, but something was terribly wrong.

  She wished she had not sighted Alisha and Jeffery earlier. She wished she had not pointed them out to Paul. She had been standing at his window looking out at the gloomy weather, wishing she could just stay with Paul. Upon sighting Alisha returning from the service with Jeffery, she had smiled and innocently motioned Paul over to look at them. She had hoped that romantic scene would inspire him to be romantic with her.

  She would never forget the fury in Paul’s eyes. Surely there was some logical reason for such strong and deep hatred. He had cursed violently, then rushed out to rescue his sister from Jeffery’s company. She could not deduce why Paul saw Jeffery as some perilous threat to Alisha. She concluded there must be some past trouble between them. For certain, those two men were ardent enemies.


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