Forbidden Ecstasy

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Forbidden Ecstasy Page 41

by Janelle Taylor

  “Some say it was an Injun lover. Gossip claims Gordon was dealing in their scalps and jewelry, if you get my drift. For certain, he sure sent out a lot of big crates. Heard he set big bounties on chief’s and their sons. He was dying to get his hands on that Gray Eagle’s scalp.”

  “He set a bounty on Gray Eagle!” Joe exclaimed. “The damn fool! You think somebody killed him to halt his bloody business?”

  “Wouldn’t surprise me none. Never could figure out why Miss Alisha would marry a man like that…” Hiram stated absently, as Joe’s mind raced to discover Alisha’s abductor. “You think it might have been some Injun dressed up like a white man?” Hiram questioned seriously, unaware of his accurate guess.

  “Could have been, Hiram. You say Mary might know something about this business between Alisha and Gordon?”

  Hiram grinned knowingly. “Yep. She was a big help to Miss Alisha when she was staying at the Horne House. From what I saw, Mary was always casting them big, doe eyes at that brother of hers. Could be she heard something. You know her, don’t you?”

  “Yep, we’re good friends. I’ll see her right now. If you remember anything else, I’ll be over there.” He quickly rushed out and headed to the Horne House.

  He finally located Mary in an upstairs bedroom, staring around it in a strange manner. Not wanting to startle her, he called out softly, “Mary…”

  She whirled to face him with tears in her large brown eyes. “Is something wrong, Miss Mary?” he politely inquired at the look of such intense pain and loneliness in her expression.

  She sighed lightly and brushed away her tears. She sadly shook her head, for she could not explain her feelings to anyone. Joe came over to where she was standing. He gently raised her chin and gazed into her chocolate eyes.

  “You’re mighty sad for such a pretty girl. What hurts you so deeply, Mary? You can trust Joe with the truth, can’t you?”

  She lowered her lashes and shook her head. His next words instantly raised them. “I was hoping you could help me find out what happened to Paul and Alisha Williams.”

  Noting her startled reaction to those two names, Joe knew she held the secret that he wanted to learn. “Hiram tells me they’re both dead. We’re all good friends. Paul was supposed to take care of her for me. She was going to wait here for me until spring. Soon as the trapping season was over, we were going to marry. Moses just came by and told me about Paul’s death. I couldn’t believe it. Something’s wrong, Mary; somebody’s lying! She wouldn’t marry Gordon without some desperate reason. He’s never been nothing but trouble for those two. She needed me, and I wasn’t here for her. I gotta know what happened to her, Mary.” He lied to win her trust and cooperation, hating himself for feeling compelled to do so.

  “She just wouldn’t marry him. And Paul, his death couldn’t have been no bloody accident! I have to find out if she’s alive or dead. Help me, Mary,” he pleaded, adding a hint of desperation to his tone of sadness.

  Mary tugged at his sleeve for his attention. She motioned to herself, then to her forehead. “You know what happened to her?” he asked excitedly.

  She sadly shook her head. He reasoned for a time, then he tried, “You know what happened to Paul?”

  She nodded yes, tears gathering in her eyes and flowing down her cheeks. Her look told him a great deal. He began on a less painful topic. “You know why she married Gordon?” She nodded yes. “Willingly?” he managed. She nodded no, just as he feared.

  “Did he love her?” Mary’s eyes revealed coldness and terror as she shook her head no. “Revenge?” He squeezed his eyes shut after she nodded yes.

  “I should never have let her leave my cabin with Powchutu,” he stated before thinking. “God, I thought she was safe with him.”

  Mary grabbed his arm and jerked him around. She signalled to her mouth, then made circular motions in mid-air. Joe knew that to mean to repeat his last words. When he hesitated, she motioned to herself and to her forehead, saying, “I know.”

  She and Joe had always shared the secret sign language which he had personally taught her. Communication was slow, but understandable. Adopted from the Indians, it was easy to learn but needed to be practiced more than she was allowed.

  It was late by the time Joe could comprehend her incredible story. Learning that she was pregnant by Powchutu, he promptly decided to marry her. He knew what peril she faced if anyone else discovered the truth about her affair with Powchutu. It was clear to him that she loved him deeply.

  Joe knew she would make him an excellent wife, something he had given a great deal of thought to since having Alisha around for those many weeks. Mary cried on his strong shoulder for a long time, then promised to make him a very good wife.

  “I’ve no doubts you will, Mary girl. This could be the best thing for both of us. Best we start out with honesty. I lied about Alisha waiting here to marry me. I was afraid you might not tell me what you knew if I said we was only good friends. She’s a lovely creature, Mary, but she didn’t love me. She’s had-a hard time since she came here. I’m sure you know Powchutu was in love with her. But, I think you could’ve won his heart with a little more time. Alisha would never marry him; she’s always loved someone else. From now on, it’s you and me. We’ll have a good life together. You know anything else about Alisha or Powchutu?”

  She shook her head no. Upon further questioning, he came to learn of some facts of that fateful night of the fire which no one else knew. Discovering that Jeffery had murdered Paul and might harm Alisha, Mary had gone to Jeffery’s home to kill him herself. Seeing a man dismounting a huge, spotted horse and secretly making his way through the bushes toward Jeffery’s house, she had prayed that man was going there to kill him. If not, she would do it another time. She had hurried away, not wanting to be seen at the location of a possible crime. Later, she had heard about the fire.

  “Large, spotted horse?” he repeated, “…mostly white with gray splotches?”

  Her eyes grew wide with the look which said, how did you know? “Was the man about this tall? Black hair? Bronze skin? Dark eyes? Good looking? Proud features and arrogant walk? Fearless? Strong, muscular looking?” Each time she shook her head yes, he would add another fact to make certain of his growing suspicions.

  “My God, Mary, he’s come after her again! How the hell did he find her here? He never passed my cabin!” He paced nervously, trying to decide how to handle these new discoveries.

  If it was indeed Gray Eagle, as he strongly suspected, Alisha might be dead already. Knowing that Joe had some clue to Alisha’s fate, Mary tugged insistently at his shirt sleeve. She wanted to know if he suspected her survival and location. “Wait a minute, Mary. I’m thinking something through,” he murmured in deep concentration and worry.

  The thought hit him hard; she had not been killed at the house. Evidently Gray Eagle had carried her with him. Another idea came to mind: suppose he had come to kill Gordon, but accidently located Alisha as his wife? Suppose he had been shocked to find her there, or to even locate her at all? He had taken her with him; but how far and for what reason?

  “I’ve got to go after her, Mary! You wait here for me. I’ll tell your uncle you’re gonna marry me when I get back next month. When Moses gets here, tell him I said to take good care of you for me until I return. If he’s got her, there’s no telling what he’ll do to her this time.”

  Mary finally succeeded in gaining his attention. Joe clarified his thoughts to her. “I think the man who killed Gordon took her with him. From what you know, it could only be one man. Only one man would dare to ride into St. Louis and kill his enemy, a man without fear or weakness. The warrior who captured her several times before has taken her with him.

  “I don’t mean Gray Eagle came here to get Alisha; I think he came here to kill his old enemy Yellow-hair. I think he found Alisha there by mistake. Trouble is, what will he do with her? I have to go after her, Mary, or he might kill her.”

  Mary shook her head violently, silently
pleading for him to forget his dangerous idea. “I’ll be safe, Mary. He wouldn’t harm me. Never tell a soul this secret, but we’re long-time friends. If anyone can help her, I can. Gray Eagle might listen to me. If not, he certainly won’t kill me for trying to save a friend’s life! I promise you he won’t harm me.”

  She hugged him fiercely, recalling all of the years she had known him while growing up. He was a good man, an honest and hard-working one. He would make a wonderful husband and father. In turn, she would make him a good wife. Besides, Joe was still a very attractive and virile man. In time, perhaps they could share a real marriage, real love. She would pray for his safe return and for their promising future together.

  Joe leaned back and gazed down into her smiling, serene face, sensing her commitment to him. He smiled and stated, “I think I’ll have a talk with your uncle tonight before I turn in. I want to make sure he knows you are my future wife. I’ll tell him we’ve been seeing each other secretly during the winter. And I’ll tell him I’ll kill him if he lays one finger upon you. That goes for anyone else,” he added possessively. “You take care until I get back. I’ll turn in early and head out in the morning.”

  She smiled and nodded. She hurried to prepare his room, wishing they were already married, knowing he could ease some of her loneliness and pain. She quickly dismissed her guilt about concealing the truth of Jeffery’s evil treatment against her; she could not bear to tell him of such wicked things. Surely that was too much for any man to hear about his wife. It should remain her secret forever. With a boating accident which had recently claimed the lives of Tommy and Slim, that secret was safe.

  Joe did as promised; he spoke to Mary’s uncle about their plans for marriage. Jamie didn’t seem too pleased about the idea of losing his free help, but was forced to comply with Joe’s adamant demands.

  Afterwards, Joe had returned to Hiram’s to order his supplies for his trip. He did not tell Hiram of his fears and plans. He did, however, tell him about his future marriage to Mary. He secured a promise from Hiram to take care of her if he failed to return from this business trip. He also trusted Hiram with the news of Mary’s pregnancy, but generously claimed the baby as his own. When Moses arrived, he was to be placed in charge of Mary’s health and protection. Hiram was to see to it that Mary had whatever she needed from his savings. But if he failed to return, the money and property were hers.

  Everything set into motion, Joe returned to the Horne House for a good night’s rest. He had explained everything to Mary in full detail, setting her mind at ease, telling her that he was serious. The sunrise would see him on his way to help Alisha for one last time. He could only pray for Gray Eagle’s understanding and mercy. If that ploy failed…

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  For many days Alisha, Gray Eagle, and White Arrow travelled their arduous journey in varying moods, from open resentment to reserved silence. When they finally neared the joint lands of the mighty Sioux and his red brothers, both warriors became increasingly anxious to arrive home. They quickened their demanding pace by shortening their stops for rest and sleep.

  Gray Eagle’s mood became lighter and calmer as he neared his home. It was impossible not to notice the energy and excitement that began to flicker in his black eyes. More noticeable was the change for the better in his mysterious, masterful aura.

  His open aggression and extreme coldness toward Alisha showed a marked difference. But Alisha was wary of this clemency.

  Just to prove his powerful control, many nights Gray Eagle forced Alisha to sleep upon his mat. Some nights he took her; others, he did not. He made it appear as some game in which the rules and the prizes were secrets to her. She endured this degrading show of hostility, for she refused to grant him the pleasure of her pleas or tears. She steadily remained obedient to his every whim or command. She wisely offered him no further reason to punish her for some new offense. Yet, she remained tight lipped since that night she had nearly lost her mind.

  She asked him nothing; she told him nothing. Following that day, she gradually retreated into a remote and protective shell. Outwardly, Gray Eagle seemed pleased with her passivity and obedience. Yet, he was angered by the many secrets which she continued to withhold from him. Not wanting to appear interested in her or lenient with her, he refused to converse with her. He used this damming up of his great curiosity as the building blocks for his new patience and temper control.

  After travelling for nearly a month, they neared his camp. Gray Eagle sent White Arrow on ahead to prepare things for their return. Left alone with her husband, Alisha began to fidget nervously. If he was going to slay her, it would either be that night or in the morning. If not… if not, how would he logically explain her survival and return?

  He laughed heartily as he took advantage of this last night of privacy. Several times he made love to her. Knowing she might not be alive to see the morning sun, Alisha wanted him one last time. Yet, each time she was overcome with passion or with desperate need for him, Gray Eagle would hastily withdraw until her shame and anguish had chilled her fiery blood and torrid body.

  When she could no longer hide her tears of pain and her tremblings of frustration, he had stormed at her, “Do not practice your deceit upon me, Alisha. I take you; you do not take me! Do not use your body as a weapon to trick me as you did before. I will not fall for such a trick again. Be warned, woman; I want no whore beneath me!”

  Although totally baffled by his words, her pride did not permit her to question him and her anguish would not allow her to argue on their last night together. Surely it was only common sense to think a woman was a whore when she willingly gave herself to a sworn enemy. Why shouldn’t he believe she was trading her responsive body for his mercy? Yet, he should know that she loved him!

  Her mind fiercely struggled with her ravaged heart, demanding she bid a last farewell to any remaining love and desire for him. If this was to be his tormenting plan for their future, then Alisha decided she must learn to steel herself against her traitorous body’s weakness and Gray Eagle’s intoxicating assault upon her senses. Surely with time and with practice, he would come to have no effect upon her. She would learn to develop a heart as cold arid as empty as his. She would have fought him to the death that night if the hypnotic thought of bearing his child to fill her barren heart and life had not been more tempting than permanent escape.

  That following morning, they completed the last leg of their journey. Once again she entered the Dakota Territory during a beautiful April morning, one year later…

  Only a year? her disbelieving mind countered. Was it possible for her world to be destroyed in one short year? Was it possible to live and to die in that trying span? Was it possible to learn of such violent hate and endless love, to win her dream and then to lose it, to go from Gray Eagle’s tormenting demesne and to suddenly be returned to it? Was it justice for that vicious circle to begin anew? Was it right for her to be included within his sacred-life cycle? He was Indian; she was white!

  Just before they reached his camp, he reined in his steed. “Listen to my words and obey them, Wife. Only White Arrow know of your escape with the half-breed Powchutu. All others believe you were taken captive by some white enemy. When we enter my camp, you will return as Shalee, as my wife returned to me by the Great Spirit. You will show me respect and obedience. You will tell no one the truth. Do you understand? I will not be dishonored by your deceit.”

  Astounded, she could not trust her own ears or comprehension. “You want me to become Shalee again? I do not understand! You know I am not Black Cloud’s daughter. It was only a trick, Matu’s trick! Why take me back at all? Why not kill me? No one would have known that you had found me again. After all that happened, why force me to be your wife?”

  “You are mine. If I kill you, I cannot punish you. You will do as I command. You are Shalee; you are the wife of Wanmdi Hota! Savvy?” he snarled the white man’s slang term.

  She nodded yes, but did not comprehend his meani
ng or motives at all.

  When they rode into his camp, she was astonished by the joyous reception which she received. His people actually seemed happy and relieved to see her again! They sang and danced around his horse. He informed them of her great fatigue from her long journey and of her need for rest. He led her to his tepee and motioned her inside.

  Alisha hesitantly ducked and entered the portal to her past. Her eyes burned with unshed tears as she gazed around her home of long ago. Nothing seemed changed during her absence; even her possessions were still there and in place. She slowly turned and faced him.

  He removed his eagle wanapin and placed it around her neck. “Your joining necklace seems to be missing, Wife. This eagle will say who and what you are,” he taunted.

  Those first days after their arrival proved to be vastly different from Alisha’s initial encounter with the Oglala tribe. No longer was she the lowly, white slave; she was the daughter of Chief Black Cloud and the wife of Wanmdi Hota.

  Evidently he was completely serious about her pretense as Shalee. In public, he feigned the overjoyed husband whose loving wife had been miraculously returned to his side. He was gentle, attentive, and even affectionate. He exuded a relaxed, proud aura. He smiled and laughed as he spoke to her. He frequently touched her cheek or hair and stroked her hand or arm as they stood together. This loving torment took its toll upon her nerves and her stiff resistance.

  Yet, in private, he remained sullen and cold. Traces of bitterness and resentment lined his handsome features. His continued hostility could be explained; he hated her for surviving his treachery. Yet, she could not fathom his inexplicable accusations; nor his hints of her deceit and wantonness. It sounded to her as if he deemed her in the wrong, as if she had been cruel and vengeful to him, instead of the other way around.

  Alisha was puzzled. When Gray Eagle would permit her to speak—which was rare, except in public—she questioned him about his motives for this charade. She pleaded for a truce of acceptance and friendship between them. She relented; she cowered; she reasoned; she pleaded. Feeling a newer and deeper betrayal at hand if he relented, Gray Eagle adamantly refused to give her another chance to hurt or dishonor him.


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