Building the Nursery

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Building the Nursery Page 25

by Amy DeMeritt

  I know Jaime and Symone love all of us, but I don’t know how they feel about each other. They used to hate each other, but they’ve become very good friends. They can have a conversation, hang out alone with each other, and I’ve found them snuggled up together on the couch more than a few times. I wonder if they’ll ever end up together. Sometimes, I wish they would, because the thought of anyone else having them kind of scares me. Both of them are so amazing that they deserve the very best partner and relationship. I don’t want to see either of them get hurt or feel like they’re settling for less than they deserve.

  “Sara, how long is the food going to take?” Sara looks over at Jade with a glare. “Are you trying to rush my masterpiece here?”

  “No, I want to go swimming.”

  “You have time. It will probably be ready in about thirty minutes.”

  Everyone hops up and we follow Jade upstairs to change into our bathing suits. My wives change into cute bikinis and they look really sexy.

  Sam has gotten so much sun this summer that her normally milky white skin has actually taken on a very light tan. She has never really been able to tan before, and when she saw her tan lines in the mirror before leaving California, she shrieked with excitement. It was adorable.

  I start to put my board shorts on over my black and royal blue bikini, but Sam takes the shorts from me.

  “You don’t need those.” I pout and she just smiles and kisses my lips. “You’re never going to let me wear my shorts again, are you?”

  “Maybe in public, but on the boat and in our own pool, you don’t need to be self-conscious.”


  Shannon and Sam help each other put sunblock on, then we grab a bunch of beach towels and start walking back downstairs. As we walk out onto the deck, the entire squad, except Sara, whistles and eyes me up with big grins, making me blush. I try to turn around and walk back in the house, making them laugh hard, but my wives turn me around and take my hands to pull me over to the pool.

  They toss our towels on some chairs, and one by one, they dive into the eleven-foot deep end, glide like goddess daggers through the water, along the bottom of the pool, and then pop up at the four-foot shallow end of the pool. I’m just standing along the edge of the pool watching them with a smile, when two sets of hands grab me and unceremoniously push me into the pool, making me do a weird twisted kind of belly flop.

  I pop up out of the water, and spin around, treading to stay afloat. Symone and Tonya are standing grinning in the spot they just stole from me. I splash them before I dive backwards, twist under the water, and swim to my wives. I pop up in front of Awenasa and she laughs and tackles me back under the water, wrapping her body around me.

  It feels so good to tumble around the cool pool water in nothing but our bikinis and our bodies pressed tightly together. By the time we resurface, laughing and wiping water out of our eyes, the rest of the squad, minus Sara and Keira, have joined us. Jade swims by and pinches my ass with a grin.

  “Nice bikini. Is this the new ‘body-confident Kayla’ after having to do those sex scenes in the movie?”

  “No, my wife wouldn’t let me wear my shorts.”

  They laugh and Sam jumps on my back laughing and playfully bites my neck. I grab her legs to wrap around my waist to hold her on my back.

  Tonya, Jade, Symone, and Jaime are all wearing bikinis, and look really nice.

  Tonya has a deep chocolate complexion, dark brown eyes, and is built pretty similar to Sara, which is basically a little broader than me and less muscle definition. Her hair is cut pretty close to the head around the sides, with the center from her forehead to the base of neck at about two to three inches that she typically wears waved back or spiked.

  Jade is Chinese with pale skin, tall, and slim feminine features with very little muscle definition. She has shoulder length black hair and brown eyes.

  Symone is built really nice, with thick muscular, but not body-builder muscular, thighs and ass, nice four-pack abs, and a lightly sculpted back and arms. She has bright green eyes, chocolate milk complexion, and her brown hair is long, just to her shoulder blades, and its texture is courser than mine, but not as course as Tonya’s.

  Jaime has long slender limbs, but with nice curves to her hips, thighs, and ass. She has a nice chest, with her breast being about a handful size, a lightly defined stomach, and beautiful long golden-wheat hair and light golden eyes.

  “We should play chicken. Tonya, let me on your shoulders.” Jade swims around to the back of Tonya, and pushes down on her shoulders, but Tonya doesn’t budge. We laugh as Jade rocks Tonya’s shoulders, and whines, “Come on!”

  Tonya rolls her eyes dramatically, but then smiles and bends her knees till her chin is touching the water, allowing Jade to climb up on her shoulders. Sam pushes on my shoulders, so I sink below the water, letting her climb up. Symone pulls Jaime off of the side of the pool, so Jaime climbs up onto Symone’s shoulders. Awenasa smiles and hops up to sit on the side of pool.

  “I’m going to sit this one out.”

  Shannon lifts Madison up on her shoulders and we now have enough pairs for two matches. My wives and I face off with the squad, and stagger ourselves so if someone falls, we won’t land on each other. Sam and I are faced off with Symone and Jaime, and Shannon and Madison are facing Tonya and Jade.

  Awenasa whistles, and we take that as our cue to start. Symone and I walk in closer together, and while we hold our rider’s legs, Jaime and Sam clasp hands and start trying to out-strength the other to send the other falling into the water. There are several close calls, for both sides, but the matches last a long a time. It’s really fun and we’re all laughing, but after a while, I just want to see something happen. So, I release one of Sam’s legs, and tickle Jaime’s foot. She laughs hard and bucks forward, snatching her foot back behind Symone.

  Symone laughs and shakes her head, calling me a cheater. She reaches forward and tickles my sides. I’m very ticklish, so it causes me to laugh really hard, and bend forward, nearly sending Sam over my head into Symone and Jaime. Symone stops tickling me and I straighten up again. Sam jerks hard, trying to get Jaime to fall, but Symone compensates and keeps her rider from falling.

  We hear a splash, and I look up to see Jade fall into the water. I laugh and cheer, “Woohoo! Maddi, come help us get Jaime down!”

  “Whoa! I don’t think so. That’s cheating.” We laugh at Symone and Shannon starts walking over to us with Madison on her shoulders. “You are a brat.”

  Symone reaches forward and grabs my sides again, making me laugh so hard that I can’t stand up straight, and Sam and I go down, making Symone cheer and laugh. As soon as Sam disentangles from me, I lunge for Symone and tackle her and Jaime into the water. I wrestle with both of them under water, and each time one of us pops up above the water, we tackle each other back under the water again. Symone tries to shoot out of the water and swim away, but I wrap my arms and legs around her. She stands up with me wrapped around her and laughs. She brushes my hair off of my face and then wraps her arms around my lower back.

  “You know you lost, right?” I laugh and shake my head. “No, you cheated.” Symone laughs hard and pinches my sides, making me laugh and squirm in her arms. “You cheated first. Jaime and I were going to win that match.”

  “Please, you were nowhere near winning. Sam was holding her own up there.”

  “So was Jaime.”

  “Fine. We’ll have a rematch. No cheating this time.” Symone laughs and kisses my lips. “Fine.”

  Symone pushes me off of her, and drifts over to Jaime. Sam and Jaime climb back up on our shoulders, and Awenasa whistles for us to start. Sam and Jaime use even more force than before, and Symone and I have to dip and step to hold them steady. Symone is staring in my eyes with a beautiful happy smile and it makes me feel giddy and makes it hard to concentrate.

  “Stop looking at me like that. I can’t focus.” Symone laughs and licks her lips. “I’m only smiling.”

  “You’re cheating.” Symone laughs again. “I’m not touching you, so I’m not cheating.”

  “Yes, huh, you have those distracting naughty eyes going on right now.” Everyone laughs and Sam’s and Jaime’s arms weaken some as they laugh and look down at us. “Jaime, tell your horse to behave.”

  “Did you seriously just call me a horse? I’m going to spank your ass.”


  Symone gasps and everyone laughs hard, including Sam. She releases one of Jaime’s hands and gently smacks my cheek, making me grin really big.

  “We’re both horse’s right now.”

  “And you’re both doing too much neighing right now. You’re disrupting the rodeo.” I scoff and reach up to tickle Sam. She laughs and smacks my hand away. “Come on, baby, topple Jaime off of that naughty talkative horse.”

  With a renewed determination, and everyone cheering for one pair or the other, Jaime and Sam battle. After several minutes, Sam changes tactics and pulls forward, instead of trying to push and pull to the side and behind Symone. Jaime and Symone slip, but Symone adjusts before they fall forward. Sam uses their moment of imbalance to pull hard to the side and sends Jaime off of Symone’s shoulders into the water.

  We cheer and carry on for several moments, but Jaime and Symone look at each other with naughty grins, and then tackle us. When we surface, Symone is in my arms with her legs wrapped around my waist, and Sam is in Jaime’s arms, with her legs wrapped around her waist.

  “My tiny baby kicked your ass.”

  Symone laughs and we look over at Sam, who is smiling really big. Jaime looks really happy with Sam wrapped around her like that. As Sam turns to look back at Jaime, and their eyes lock, Sam’s smile widens.


  “Thank you.”

  Sam leans in and gives Jaime a kiss on the lips, holding it for a few moments, before pulling back.

  “Hey, weirdos, lunch is ready.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Spending the day playing in the pool, eating delicious fajitas, and sitting around talking and laughing with the squad was really nice. It’s been awhile since we’ve been able to just have some fun and relax like that. After cleaning up, each of them gave us hugs and kisses on the cheeks or lips, before leaving. Jaime and Symone lingered a little longer in their hugs with Awenasa, and gave her words of encouragement and asked if she wanted them to bring her anything when they came back. It was really sweet.

  After they left, we took a family shower to wash the chlorinated pool water off, and now we’re going to give Awenasa a full body massage. We pull her into the bedroom and have her lay down on her stomach on the bed. Sam and Madison each take a leg and foot, and Shannon and I take her arms and back.

  With some soothing Native American instrumental music on low, candles lit, and our hands lubed with an all-natural (and edible) massage oil, we start working our hands over her body. Awenasa releases cute small moans as we seek out any sites of tension, and try to turn her body into soft butter. We spend a full hour treating her body tenderly, before she lifts her head with a drunken smile.

  “I’m going to fall asleep if you go any longer. Come lay with me now.” We smile and reposition so we’re all snuggled close together. “This is perfect. I love all of you so much.”

  Each of us tell her we love her and she gives each of us a soft kiss on the lips.

  “I’m ready.” Awenasa sits up and we quickly follow. She has such a calm serene look about her. She’s gorgeous. “Let’s get the seeds ready and then make love as a family.”

  Since the squad isn’t home, we don’t bother to get dressed, before going downstairs with the thawing instructions in hand. The box came with instructions for a few thawing methods, but we choose the method that uses our natural body heat to thaw the semen, in hopes that it will be the least damaging to the sperm. While Shannon boils water to sterilize the extraction tools and the flexible cup we’re going to use to deposit the seeds into Awenasa, I hold the frozen straw of semen against my body.

  With everything laid on a tray, we go back upstairs to our bedroom. Awenasa faces all of us with a beautiful smile and gently caresses our cheeks and runs her fingers through our hair. One by one, she gives each of us a kiss, pouring her energy into each of us while she ignites a fire inside of us with her soft warm kiss.

  I lift Awenasa and lay her on the bed, with our wives following. With soft hands and mouths, we explore her entire body, painting her skin with our love. While Shannon kisses her, Sam and Madison tenderly love on her breasts, stomach, and thighs, and I bend down to worship at her alter that is about to become the incubator for our first child. Within this warm holy cavern, a new beautiful life is about to start growing.

  Like a devout and pious servant of my goddess, I play songs of worship upon her ultimate instrument of life. As if I’m one of the great painters of old, painting the ceiling of a cathedral, I draw my tongue and lips across and deep inside her. Like a celestial being singing praise of my labors, Awenasa fills the air with long loud moans and gasps.

  As she climaxes, her body trembles and shakes like a tambourine, with her screams and panting breaths sending up the sounds of her body’s victorious vibrations. In a jumbled combination of English and Cherokee, Awenasa tries to express how good it was. All of us smile really big, and while we allow her to recover, we lay down to snuggle with her.

  “Puppy, help me love on our wives and then I’ll take care of you.” Sam sits up smiling really big and shakes her head. “All of us together.”

  Sam rearranges us, so Awenasa and I are on our backs about a foot apart, Sam is in the middle on her knees facing us, Madison is straddling Awenasa’s face, and Shannon is straddling mine. This is one of Sam’s favorite positions. As Awenasa and I glide our hands up the inside of her thighs, Sam’s smile widens and Madison and Shannon bend down, entering Awenasa and I with their wonderful mouths.

  I run my hand up Shannon’s thigh, grip her beautiful thick ass, and pull her center down on my mouth. Her abundant honey coats me as if I’ve just placed my mouth in a pool of tepid water.

  Sam climaxes first, with each of us following a minute or so later, like dominos, one after the other. I’m last to reach the peak of ecstasy as I try to hold out till Shannon has cum and is reaching back to push me out of her.

  Shannon and Madison unsaddle from our heads and lay on our chests, with Sam sitting between us smiling. She traces her fingers over our arms, chests, and faces, while she smiles down on us.

  “I love our family.”

  We smile and open our arms to her. Sam lays on my chest and pulls Awenasa and Madison over to snuggle up against her. We lay in each other’s arms for a few minutes, then get up to work together to plant the seeds of life in our wife, with a hope that one will fertilize her egg, and give us a child.

  Madison grabs a towel that we lay over two pillows stacked together. Awenasa lays her ass over the pillows, so her pelvis is raised and tilted back. Shannon carefully follows the instructions for extracting the thawed semen from the straw, and transfers it to the little silicone cup. She then adds a few drops of purified lukewarm water to help it slide into Awenasa easier.

  “Are you ready?”

  “I’m ready, my loves. Let’s try to make a baby.”

  Sam and Madison gently pull her thighs open, and glide their hands over her center, making Awenasa inhale deeply and close her eyes. Sam and Madison smile, and continue to gently play, rubbing circles around her clit and entrance. As they bring her to climax, Shannon hands me the cup, and with her hand cradling mine, both of us pinch and press the cup into Awenasa’s entrance. Sam and Madison help to make sure its entire rim is inside her, and I push the cup fully inside of Awenasa. It’s like a little boat, and now that it’s inside of her, we just have to wait for the seeds to fall overboard and swim up the channel into our wife’s basin of life.

  The little cup is now pressed against her cervix and can safely remain inside her
for up to twelve hours, increasing the chances that the sperm will swim where they should. I slowly close her legs, watching her face for any sign of discomfort, but none appears.

  “How are you doing?” Awenasa smiles and puckers her lips. Each of us bend down and give her a kiss, and she releases a content sigh. “I’m really good. Thank you for the pampering and amazing love making. Come lay with me.”

  We lay down around Awenasa, snuggling in close, and she releases another happy sigh. Madison clears her throat, sits up on an elbow, and starts singing softly. Awenasa smiles and her eyes close in pleasure at the sound of Madison’s sweet angelic voice.

  There are no words that seem adequate to describe how happy I am right now. Everything about this moment is pure bliss. Each of my wives look as happy as they’ve ever been, and the energy between us is intoxicating. I can see it on Awenasa’s face – the power of all of our love and energy surging together. I can see she has allowed her clairvoyant guards down and she’s completely immersed in us. She looks like she’s in heaven. Its exquisite.

  We lay like this for hours, talking, listening to Madison sing, and gently playing and kissing each other. Our stomachs start to growl, so we decide we should get up and make dinner. We watch Awenasa carefully as she stands up, to make sure she doesn’t feel uncomfortable with the cup inside of her, and she releases a small laugh.

  “I’m ok, my loves.”

  We get dressed and Shannon gathers the tray of tools used to inseminate our wife. While Shannon discards the used tools in the trash, I wash the tray and pot used to sterilize the cup.

  Awenasa wants elk stew for dinner, so we work together to cut elk roast and vegetables into bite size cubes. Shannon browns the meat, sets it aside, and then sautés the mirepoix of onions, carrots, and celery. We add the meat, potatoes, finely diced dried plums, rich beef stock, tomato paste, herbs, and salt.


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