The Lawman Lassoes A Family (Conard County: The Next Generation Book 24) (Contemporary Romance)

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The Lawman Lassoes A Family (Conard County: The Next Generation Book 24) (Contemporary Romance) Page 1

by Rachel Lee

  A Deputy Daddy?

  After her policeman husband died in the line of duty, Vicki Templeton swore off lawmen—both for herself and her four-year-old daughter. Krystal can’t afford to lose another father figure, and Vicki refuses to subject them both to such pain again. But when she moves from Texas to Conard County, Wyoming, Vicki’s heart is on the line after she meets her handsome, helpful new neighbor.

  A widower himself, sheriff’s deputy Dan Casey knows a thing or two about loss. He tries to keep his distance from beautiful Vicki and her adorable child, but Vicki’s sweet kid makes him long for the family he’s always dreamed of. Can a determined little girl teach her mother and the cop next door a thing or two about love?

  “The pony ride’s a success, huh?”

  Vicki turned to see Dan standing beside her. Everything inside her lurched when she saw he was in full uniform, gun on his hip. A tan deputy’s uniform was different from the Austin PD’s blue, but not different enough. It reminded her sharply that this man lived a life she wanted no part of ever again.

  He’d been watching her little girl on the pony and smiling, but he looked at her when she didn’t answer immediately.

  “Yes,” she said, finding her voice. “She’s loving it. I can’t thank you enough for all of this, including all the tickets. You didn’t have to do that.”

  “No, I didn’t. I wanted to. Some dreams just need to come true. Are you taking pictures? Because you’ll never again see your four-year-old taking her first pony ride.”

  She nodded, feeling like she needed to catch her breath.


  Conard County: The Next Generation!

  Dear Reader,

  Writing this book gave me a very warm feeling. I understand the traumas that life delivers, but I’ve also learned they can often be overcome through love and understanding. I have a great admiration for people who can rise from the ashes to take a risk again.

  This book is particularly dear to me because I understand the difficulties of blended families, and any man who welcomes someone else’s child into his heart as if she were his own is a hero to me. Vicki has a difficult road to travel as the widow of a cop, and her daughter, Krystal, is so young that being uprooted and moved creates additional problems. But deputy Dan Casey has had his own share of losses and has learned from them. With gentle patience he reaches out to Vicki and her daughter and brings them into a new bright world filled with love.

  I hope you enjoy reading their story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  The Lawman Lassoes a Family

  Rachel Lee

  Rachel Lee was hooked on writing by the age of twelve and practiced her craft as she moved from place to place all over the United States. This New York Times bestselling author now resides in Florida and has the joy of writing full-time.

  Books by Rachel Lee

  Harlequin Special Edition

  Conard County: The Next Generation

  A Conard County Baby

  Reuniting with the Rancher

  Thanksgiving Daddy

  The Widow of Conard County

  Montana Mavericks: 20 Years in the Saddle!

  A Very Maverick Christmas

  Harlequin Romantic Suspense

  Conard County: The Next Generation

  Guardian in Disguise

  The Widow’s Protector

  Rancher’s Deadly Risk

  What She Saw

  Rocky Mountain Lawman

  Killer’s Prey

  Deadly Hunter

  Snowstorm Confessions

  Undercover Hunter

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

  To all the stepparents who open their hearts.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  Excerpt from Redemption Bay by RaeAnne Thayne

  Chapter One

  On a warm summer afternoon, Conard County Sheriff’s Deputy Dan Casey steered his truck around a rental truck half parked in Lena Winston’s front yard, and then into his own driveway. Lena had been a friend for years, an older woman whose company he enjoyed. On Lena’s porch he saw a little blonde girl, maybe four, sitting on the swing and rocking gently. She had her thumb in her mouth, a teddy bear in her arm and a sad look on her face.

  Lena’s niece, Vicki Templeton, must be moving in with her daughter. He looked at that van, not a very big one, but still wondered where they were going to put everything.

  He was glad, though, that he’d had to leave his patrol unit at the garage for some work today. Climbing out of his car, he hurried inside to change into civvies before going to offer his help. Fewer reminders of cops might be welcome right now.

  He knew from Lena that Vicki was a cop’s widow, that she’d lost her husband a little over a year ago. Lena had stewed about it off and on for all this time, worried about her niece and grandniece, thinking it might be best for them to get away from reminders and come live with her.

  Apparently, it had happened. As he wondered why Lena hadn’t mentioned it would be so soon, he pulled on jeans and a black T-shirt blazoned with a wolf, and made his way next door. The little girl was still sitting on the swing. Female voices came from inside.

  “Hi,” he said from the yard, on the other side of the railing. “You must be Krystal. I’m Dan Casey. Are your mom and Aunt Lena inside?”

  She took her thumb from her mouth and regarded him from eyes the color of the sky overhead. “I’m not supposed to suck my thumb.”

  “I didn’t notice anything.”

  A shy smile curved her mouth, just a little. She pointed to his shirt. “That’s not a dog.”

  “You’re right, it’s a wolf. A wolf from Yellowstone Park. Maybe you can see them one day.”

  Just then a young woman poked her head out the door. Blue eyes and black hair struck Dan immediately, as did a pretty face that looked tired almost beyond words.

  “Krystal? Are you talking to someone?”

  Krystal pointed and Dan moved closer to the steps. “Just me. Dan Casey. I live next door. Lena said you were moving in and I came to see if I can help. You must be Vicki.”

  The woman hesitated, then stepped out fully, brushing her hands on her jeans. “It’s amazing how much dust seems to have moved with me.” She wore a blue checked shirt with rolled-up sleeves, and tails knotted around her tiny waste. Her black hair had started to come loose from a ponytail set high on her head.

  Dan stepped forward, reached up across the three steps to offer his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Lena’s been looking forward to this.” Then he smiled. “Two fairly strong arms here, ready to pitch in. You can’t turn me down.”

  She should have laughed, but all he saw was the flutter of a smile. “I think...”

  Whatever she thought was lost as Lena came through the door behind her. Lena was in her midfifties, a little rounded by her years, with dark brown hair that was showing a lot of gray. Her eyes were a kindly brown. She, too, wore jeans and a man’s tan work shirt.

  “Dan! You arrived just in time. We got all the small stuff out, but now we’ve got Krystal’s bed and some o
ther big pieces. The three of us ought to be able to do it.”

  “I can call for more help if we need it,” Dan assured her. “But where are you putting everything?”

  Lena put her hands on her hips, a wry expression on her face. “That is a problem we’ll deal with later.”

  Vicki looked at her aunt. “I could get rid of some of these things.”

  Lena shook her head firmly. “Nothing that’s a comfort to Krystal or you is going anywhere. If we need room, I can easily get rid of some of my junk. God knows, most of it is far older than I am. Besides, you’ll both sleep better in your own beds, and I like that sofa you brought. Never had a recliner before.”

  Dan paused. “You two moved a sofa?”

  Lena laughed, a deep, throaty sound. “Not yet. I was waiting for you to get home.”

  He joined her laughter, but noticed that while Vicki smiled, she didn’t laugh with them. Still grieving, he supposed, and now a huge move on top of everything. He felt genuine sympathy for her, and for the little girl, who looked utterly lost at the moment.

  He wished he could gather them both in a hug, but knew the urge was ridiculous. He was a stranger to them, and he sure couldn’t do anything to ease the pain of losing a husband and father.

  He decided the best thing to do was focus on the moving.

  “Let me see what’s left in the truck,” he said. “Then I’ll know if I need to call for some help. And, Lena? Maybe you could show me where you want the big pieces?”


  Dan called some friends, and soon there was a swirl of men moving from the truck into the house and back again. Vicki sort of got pushed to one side as Lena supervised the unloading. Occasionally her aunt questioned her about where she wanted something, but mostly Vicki just sat with Krystal curled against her side, and watched the activity.

  Had she really brought so much with her? Apparently so. She felt a twinge of guilt for dumping so much on her aunt, but she’d spent a great deal of time beforehand selling things and giving them away.

  Yet she had to bring things that were important to Krystal, or that would become important to her later. Her father’s awards. All the photographs. Her toys. Krystal had been allowed to help with the decisions, and made it clear what was to come with them.

  Nor was Vicki entirely blameless. There were some items she just couldn’t let go of, either. Memories of Hal had attached themselves everywhere, and parting with some of them had been downright painful.

  Maybe she should have put stuff in a storage room, but she had discovered she wasn’t ready to make that big a break yet herself. Struggling to move forward with her life had meant moving to a new place, away from the constant attentions of Hal’s colleagues and their spouses, who had gone out of their way to make sure she always had someone available, that she was left out of nothing they did. Even Krystal had been included in their caring, as various people from the department took her on outings, or just made themselves available.

  At some point it had hit her: she could continue to live as Hal’s widow, surrounded by his well-meaning friends, which made it impossible for her to move on. Or she could take her aunt’s repeated offers and just do it.

  Vicki hoped she hadn’t made the biggest mistake of her life.

  She worried about Krystal, who seemed to be adjusting to her father’s absence, but didn’t appear to understand he would never come home. Vicki worried that this move might stress the girl even more. Now she had lost every single thing that was familiar except for what they had brought with them.

  Maybe Vicki’s decision had been selfish.


  “Yes, honey?”

  “I sucked my thumb. The man saw me.”

  Vicki felt her eyes prickle with tears she couldn’t allow herself to shed. Gathering her daughter onto her lap, she hugged her tight. “That’s okay, honey. When you’re ready to stop doing it, you will.”

  Krystal had stopped sucking her thumb by eighteen months of age. The habit had returned within days of her father’s death. Vicki wasn’t going to give her a hard time about comforting herself.

  “But I’m a big girl,” Krys said. “Big girls don’t suck their thumbs.”

  “Who told you that?”


  Jenny had been a friend at preschool. “Well, that’s not always true, Krys. Some grown-ups still do it.”

  Krystal stirred and looked up. “So I’m still a big girl?”

  “You’re a wonderful big girl.”

  “Aunt Lena’s house smells funny.”

  “She uses sachets. We’ll get used to it.”

  Krystal sighed, closed her eyes and melted into Vicki. A precious moment.

  Vicki’s gaze strayed to the men who were unloading her life, and saw they were about finished. She knew Dan Casey was a deputy, because Lena had mentioned him occasionally over the years. A good neighbor, Lena had judged him.

  He was certainly being a good neighbor now. Vicki watched him and three other men carry the recliner sofa across the ramp and into the house. A good-looking man, maybe getting near forty, although she couldn’t be sure. He definitely looked older than Hal, and Hal had been thirty-three, just a year older than Vicki.

  Cops, she thought. Hal’s friends had helped her load, and now Dan and his friends were helping unload. No escape, but at least these cops hadn’t been her husband’s friends.

  Suddenly she realized he was looking at her. Dark hair, gray eyes, very fit. He stepped over.

  “Well,” he said, “Lena’s house is packed. We’ll be back to move some stuff to her basement or garage once she makes up her mind what she wants to do with it. But listen, I’m going out to get dinner for everyone. Is there anything Krystal doesn’t like to eat?”

  “She’s not picky.” Not anymore. She’d outgrown that stage a while back.

  “Then what about you? What would you like her to eat?”

  Krystal stirred. “I want a hamburger.” As clear as a bell.

  Dan looked at Vicki, who nodded. Then he squatted and smiled at Krystal. “A hamburger just for you. What do you want on it?”

  “Ketchup. I hate pickles.”

  “You got it. Vicki?”

  “Whatever you all want is fine by me. Thank you.”

  He nodded and straightened. The ramp was being shoved back into the truck, the rear doors closed and locked. Then they parked the truck on the street behind her little car, still sitting on the towing trailer.

  It was done, Vicki thought. She’d broken with her past. She just hoped she hadn’t broken her daughter in the process.


  Before Dan returned with food, the other men headed home, explaining they had families, but promising to come back when needed. Vicki could feel the blue wall enclosing her in its comforting grip already. What had she thought she was escaping? But she knew: familiar faces that inevitably reminded her of her loss. At least these were all new faces, with no connection to Hal.

  She was still sitting on the porch with Krystal in her lap when Dan returned carrying big brown bags.

  “Dinner bell,” he said cheerfully. “And one big hamburger for Miss Krystal here.”

  The words galvanized Krystal for the first time in hours. She squirmed off Vicki’s lamp, left her teddy bear behind and excitedly followed Dan into the house.

  Vicki followed more reluctantly. Tired as she was from the long drive and unloading, not to mention getting ready for this big move, she hadn’t felt hungry for a while. She ate only because she had to, not because she wanted to. It was like the period right after the shock of Hal’s death.

  Maybe this move had been a bad idea for a whole lot of reasons.

  Lena had a big house, as local houses went, but right now it was full of boxes and excess furniture. The dining room was still clear, though, and they ate there at a table that showed the effects of the years, with scratches, faded stains and a few deep dings.

  Lena brought out plates and flatware, but Krystal wanted
to eat from the foam box. Her burger was huge, so Vicki cut it in half for her, and tried not to look at the mound of french fries. Of course, Krys went first for the fries, a rare treat.

  Two of the containers held huge salads, so Vicki put some in a bowl next to Krys. “Eat your salad, too, honey.”

  “I will.”

  Lena spoke. “Sit down and eat, Vicki. You’re exhausted. I can look after Krys’s needs, can’t I, hon?”

  Krys nodded. Whatever else might be going on inside her, her appetite hadn’t diminished.

  Vicki took a seat at last, with Krystal between her and Lena, and Dan across the way.

  “You must be tired,” he said to her. He still hadn’t opened the box in front of him. “I can just take my meal and run.”

  Considering how he had helped, and that he’d run out to get this meal for them, letting him leave would be churlish, no matter how fatigued she was feeling.

  “No, please,” she said. “You’ve been so kind to us today. I’m tired, but not that tired.” She tried for a smile and apparently managed it, because he returned it with one of his own.

  “Mommy worked hard,” Krystal announced, at last reaching for her burger. “I had to stay with friends lotsa times.”

  “Yes you did, honey. But you helped me choose, didn’t you?”

  Krys nodded, then disappeared behind the huge burger. She wouldn’t be able to get her mouth around it, a mess would ensue and Vicki didn’t care. She was just glad to see Krys enjoying herself.

  Vicki looked at Lena. “We took over your house. I’m sorry.”

  “And I’m not,” her aunt said. “This is a big house for one woman.” She looked at Dan. “I don’t know if I ever told you, but this is the family house, from the earliest days of Conard City. It’s been passed down for nearly a hundred years, and here I am, rambling around in a house that was meant for a big family. There’s plenty of room for two more. We just need to do some sorting and arranging. I might not have it all settled by tomorrow, though.”


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