Alpha's Protection

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Alpha's Protection Page 3

by Hawke Oakley

  “I want to tell you all I know, but this isn’t a conversation I want my daughter to hear,” I said quietly.

  The brown-haired alpha from earlier - Ken, I heard Jericho call him - stood up with a gentle smile. “I’ll take her upstairs to the loft, if that’s okay with you, Charlie. We have some old video games up there.”

  I saw Flint nod at me from the corner of my eye. “It’s okay. He’s a doctor, and a friend.”

  If Flint trusted him, I would too.

  “Sure - um, Ken, is it?”

  “Yes,” he said, bowing his head slightly as a submissive gesture. I was shocked; an alpha had never done that to me before.

  “Games?” Casey cried. She launched herself out of her seat, shifted to wolf form, and got a head start on Ken as she rocketed up the stairs. He scrambled up on all fours to catch up with her.

  “She’s a spitfire, that one,” Jericho said, grinning.

  “So, the alpha army,” David said, shooting us a sharp look.

  “Right,” I said, swallowing under the pressure. “Gunner wants to create an army of alphas to expand his territory. As everyone knows, the most likely chance at creating an alpha pup is through the mating of an alpha and omega. The stronger the alpha father, the more likely the pup will become powerful as well.”

  Everyone around the table was nodding, as if none of this was new information to them. I sighed and continued.

  “The first thing Gunner did when he took over as top alpha was to learn the heat schedules of every viable omega in the pack. He created a breeding clinic, and each omega must go there during his heat.”

  Now the confused expressions and murmurings spread among the gathered alphas.

  “That’s ridiculous,” a black-haired one muttered.

  “That’s bullshit, is what it is,” Jericho said, leaning on the table. “Who does he think he is that he can just take away y’alls freedom like that?”

  “I don’t know,” I said with a sigh. “It’s never been great in Scarlet Ridge, but Gunner is a whole new level of awful.”

  “That’s horrible,” Flint growled. “It’s none of his business who an omega wants to mate with.”

  “So… he chose your mate for you?” the black-haired alpha asked me. “For Casey?”

  “Tyson,” Flint growled.

  “Sorry,” Tyson said apologetically. “I’m just asking the question I knew most of us are thinking.”

  “It’s okay,” I told Flint, holding up a soothing hand. “But yeah, Tyson, he did choose Casey’s father for her.”

  “You don’t know who he is?” Jericho asked.

  “I have no idea,” I admitted.

  A sombre silence descended onto the alphas.

  “I know the situation in Scarlet Ridge is bad,” I said, looking down. “But what can any of us do about it? I’m just one omega. I have no power...”

  “You can’t be expected to deal with that kind of thing yourself,” Flint told me reassuringly as he put a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t beat yourself up over it.”

  “Flint’s right,” Jericho said. “Hell, even a single alpha couldn’t do much about that. Don’t worry too much about it.”

  A few of the other alphas were smiling at me in support as well. I sighed. “Thanks, everyone.”

  I noticed with a slight blush that Flint’s hand was still resting on my shoulder.

  “Anyway, that’s enough of the hard issues for the day,” Flint grumbled. “Jericho, go grab us a round.”

  The dirty-blond haired alpha was already getting up. “Don’t have to tell me twice.”

  The tension in the air dissolved as Jericho and a few other alphas rounded up drinks for everybody, including a non-alcoholic orange juice for Casey. Ken had rejoined us at the table, looking absolutely haggard and exhausted after the gaming session with Casey. Meanwhile, Casey wore a huge grin on her face and still seemed full of energy.

  After a few hour of drinks and Casey tiring out every alpha at the table, we decided to head back to the cabin. The late afternoon sun hung low in the winter sky. I shivered and my breath came out in cold puffs of air.

  “Cold?” Flint asked.

  “A bit,” I admitted.

  “Hmm… We should go out tomorrow and get you and Casey a new pair of clothes,” Flint said. “You can’t keep wearing my clothes forever. I mean, not that I mind, but…”

  “I understand,” I said. “But I didn’t bring any money…”

  Flint furrowed his brow. “I’m not letting you pay for anything. I’ll be the one buying them.”

  “Flint!” I gasped. “You can’t do that!”

  “I can, and I will,” he growled, but he was wearing a good-natured smile.

  “Yay! Free clothes!” Casey yelled, throwing her hands happily into the air.

  I sighed. There was no winning with these two. “Fine. But let me do something for you, Flint. I don’t want to be a burden.”

  “You’re not a burden, so don’t ever think of yourself like that,” he muttered. “But I understand how you feel.” He stopped and took a moment to think. “I’ll tell you what. If I buy you and Casey new outfits tomorrow, and you start a herb and vegetable garden in the yard. How is that?”

  “A garden?” I echoed. “I’d love to, but…”

  “What is it?” Flint asked gently.

  “I’ve never gardened before,” I admitted. “It wasn’t allowed in my old pack. Omegas weren’t allowed to do - well, anything, basically. We were only good for one thing, and expected to just sit there and look pretty all the time.”

  His eyes widened in surprise, but his face eased back into a gentle, sympathetic expression. “That’s okay, I’ll teach you. I promise it’s easy, even for an alpha like me. Is that alright?”

  A burst of affection bloomed in my chest. I’d never had anyone - especially not an alpha - take precious time out of his day to teach me anything.

  “Of course that’s alright,” I said. “Thank you so much, Flint. I’d love that.”

  He grunted and looked away. “Any time.”

  The surroundings grew quiet as we got farther away from the town. The sun descended behind the trees, and on the other end of the sky the half moon hung low. A chilly breeze ruffled through my clothes and I shivered.

  Flint glanced at me before he stopped and took off his jacket, then draped it around my shoulders without a word. Before I could thank him, he looked away and walked quickly ahead. I stood there in shock. Did that really just happen?

  I caught up to Flint’s side and was about to thank him when I realized his face was staring ahead and his mouth was tight with anger. I followed his gaze to see what he was looking at, and then gasped.

  Standing there in front of Flint’s front porch, waiting for us, was an alpha from Scarlet Ridge pack.



  I heard Charlie’s gasp and then instantly felt him stiffen beside me. Immediately my attention was on looking for Casey - thankfully, she was off to the side hidden among the tree trunks.

  From the strange alpha’s scent, I knew he was from Scarlet Ridge. His eyes narrowed at Charlie but his mouth was screwed up in a cold smile.

  “Who are you?” I growled, stepping in front of Charlie.

  “Hector,” Charlie said in fear.

  “You know him?” I asked.

  “I would be surprised if he didn’t,” Hector growled in a low voice. “I’m from his pack, after all.”

  A sickening tension soaked through the air. Charlie’s fear scent reached my nose. I instantly hated Hector for making Charlie so afraid.

  “What are you doing here?” I growled, stepping forward so I stood in front of Charlie.

  Hector’s cold smile fell into a frown. “I’ll make this short. You are harboring a viable Scarlet Ridge omega in your possession without our top alpha’s permission. I’m here to take him back to his proper pack.”

  His words hit me like a smack to the face. The hairs on the back my neck bristled and a deep
fury ran through my veins.

  “Who do you think you are?” I growled deeply, getting into Hector’s space. “Charlie is not an object for you talk about possessing. He’s a living, breathing individual.”

  Hector looked almost bored. “Yes, I understand that. He’s also bound to Scarlet Ridge by pack law. So no matter how I feel about the situation, Gunner won’t be pleased if I return without the omega.”

  I was getting increasingly pissed off at the way Hector kept talking about Charlie like he wasn’t a real person. I didn’t know who this guy was or why he was so obsessed with Charlie away, but I wasn’t going to take any more of it.

  “I don’t care about Gunner, or your pack law,” I snapped. “Now get off my property before I physically make you.”

  A flicker of fear flashed across Hector’s eyes but he didn’t budge. “I’m afraid I can’t do that.” Now he turned to glare at Charlie directly. “You will come with me. You don’t have any other options. You have nowhere to stay. Who will take care of you if you don’t come back to Scarlet Ridge?” His face hardened. “Or will you stay here and be a burden to these shifters who have no responsibility to you?”

  I heard a tiny gasp escape Charlie’s lips. His fear scent became stronger and I could feel his shoulders start to tremble.

  I’d had enough of this. My wolf quaked just beneath the surface as I snarled at Hector. “Get off my property right now!”

  Hector’s face twisted into a snarl to match my own. I could tell his wolf was bristling as well. If it was a fight he wanted, it was a fight he’d get - and even though I could tell from his scent that he was an alpha, he was scrawny and thin, and I knew he had no chance in a real fight against me.

  But Charlie reached over and put a gentle hand on my arm. “No, Flint, please don’t fight him. I don’t want you to get hurt,” he murmured.

  “I won’t,” I growled.

  A raging fire burned inside my chest. My wolf wanted to fight - badly. It was a sensation I’d only felt rarely before, and never this powerful. Every cell in my body wanted to shift into my wolf and lunge at Hector and tear him limb from limb. A low, deep growl rose from my throat, a sign that my wolf was close to the surface.

  Suddenly Hector backed off. I guessed he saw how serious I was about attacking him if I had to and decided it wasn’t worth the risk. He began edging away in a wide arc, giving me space to indicate he wasn’t going to fight. But his face was still furious and the glare he shot at Charlie was cold and piercing.

  “Don’t get comfortable,” he said venomously to Charlie. “Gunner knows your heat is coming up, and don’t think for a second he’s going to let a breeding omega go that easily.”

  “Get out of here,” I snapped. “Go snivelling back to your own pack.”

  Hector slinked away, glancing over his shoulder with contempt. None of us moved as Hector disappeared into the trees.

  Anger still surged within me. I pulled out my phone and called Jericho.

  “What’s up?” he asked.

  “There’s a Scarlet Ridge alpha skulking around my cabin,” I told him. “He came to take Charlie away.”

  “What?” Jericho sounded furious.

  “I dealt with him. He’s gone now, but keep your eyes and nose sharp. He seemed like a snake.”

  “I’ll tell the rest of the guys,” he said. “Are Charlie and the pup okay?”

  I glanced over at Charlie, who had gone to pick up Casey in his arms. His face was a mix of relief and anxiety, but at least he wasn’t trembling anymore.

  “A bit shaken, but they’ll be okay,” I said.

  “Alright,” Jericho said with a sigh. “I’ll call you or just howl if anything comes up. See ya.”


  I hung up and pocketed my phone. “I told Jericho to keep watch for that Hector guy,” I told Charlie. “He’s letting the rest of the hunting guild know about him, too.”

  Charlie sighed in relief, but a cloud of stress still hung over him. I put a hand firmly on his shoulder.

  “Don’t worry,” I growled. “We’re not gonna let that creep anywhere near you again.”

  “Thank you,” he murmured. Suddenly he gazed down.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Charlie’s voice was sombre when he spoke. “I’ve never seen Hector so angry. I was afraid he would shift and fight you, right there in front of Casey and I.”

  “I could beat that coward in a fight and it wouldn’t even be a contest,” I told him firmly.

  “Thank you,” Charlie said. There was a slight smile on his face that fell before he spoke again. “But it’s not that I don’t believe you could win.”

  He glanced down at the ground, looking depressed. I hated seeing him like that. I put a finger to his chin and lifted it, making him look at me.

  “What’s bothering you? Tell me,” I growled softly.

  His cheeks flushed but he didn’t look away this time. “Um… Well, it’s just that Hector has an entire pack behind him. He’s a scouting alpha, one of Gunner’s underlings. I’m just scared that they’re going to come back…”

  My eyes flickered with fire. My wolf burned up like a storm within my chest. In that moment, I felt all powerful, like nothing could stop me.

  “If Gunner himself comes for you, I’ll make him wish he was never born,” I promised Charlie. My voice was a deep growl, laced with my wolf’s spirit. I knew he sensed it, too, because his own eyes shone with recognition. The omega wolf within him was reacting to me.

  “I don’t know what to say except thank you,” he said, blinking gratefully.

  “Don’t worry about it.” I nodded. “Now let’s get inside before we all freeze.”

  The cabin was quiet as I made dinner, a slow pork roast inside the oven with sweet potatoes on the side. Casey was the most quiet I’d ever seen her; the incident with Hector must have scared her. I could tell Charlie was trying to keep positive for her sake, but he was shaken up, too. They both needed some TLC.

  “Casey,” I asked, leaning on the table so we were eye-to-eye. “How do you feel about chocolate milk?”

  Her face lit up like a firework. “I love chocolate milk!”

  I grinned. “Well, it’s your lucky day. I have a brand new carton.”

  “Daddy, there’s chocolate milk!” she cried, tugging on Charlie’s sleeve.

  He laughed softly. “I heard.” His eyes met mine with a silent thank you. I nodded in acknowledgment.

  I handed Casey the glass, which she eagerly drank down. I poured one out for myself and Charlie too.

  “I’m not usually a big chocolate milk drinker, but this really hit the spot right about now,” he admitted with a smile.

  I took a big swig from my glass. “Yeah? I totally am. Always got a carton of chocolate milk in the fridge.”

  “Really?” He chuckled a bit. “That’s funny.”

  “How so?”

  Charlie shrugged. “I don’t know. You’re just a big, strong, masculine alpha.” Suddenly he reached over and brushed the top of my lip with his thumb. An electric sensation shot up my spine and my chest fluttered. “And yet you’ve got a milk moustache,” he finished with a smile as he wiped his hands on a napkin.

  I grunted and sat back in my chair, pretending to grumble. “Chocolate milk is good for your bones to make you big and strong. Isn’t that right, Casey?”

  She nodded vigorously. She was currently sporting her own milk moustache that Charlie sighed and went to wipe as well. As he did that, my hand travelled to my mouth and lightly landed on the spot where Charlie had touched me a moment ago. I quickly put my hand back when Charlie turned back to face me.

  “Let me help you set up dinner,” he said.

  “It’s really okay, Charlie,” I told him. “You’ve had a long day.”

  “So have you,” he countered.

  We spent a second staring at each other, neither of us refusing to budge.

  “Let me help. Please,” Charlie said firmly.

  I was go
ing to refuse, but something in the way his eyes glinted made me change my mind. “Fine.”

  We got up and began arranging the table. I pulled the roast out of the oven and Charlie helped me cut it, handing me the specific knives I needed from the drawer. He began raiding the cabinets for plates and cutlery. I appreciated his help, but I didn’t like the jerky, anxious way his body moved.

  I pulled him aside and murmured, “What’s wrong? You’re acting strange.”

  “Nothing’s wrong,” he said. “I just want - I need to help.”

  Then it hit me. I understood why he was acting this way.

  “It’s because of what Hector said, isn’t it?” I asked.

  Charlie was silent, but the way his gaze escaped mine told me everything I needed to know.

  “Charlie,” I growled. “Don’t listen to what that snake said. He was just trying to rile you up.”

  “But he’s right,” Charlie said defeatedly. “I am just being a burden on your pack. On you.”

  I couldn’t stop myself from grabbing him gently but firmly on the shoulders. “Don’t you ever say that again,” I growled. “You and your daughter are not a burden to me, do you understand? Don’t let yourself believe that coward’s words. He’s only trying to weaken you and make you feel like you don’t belong here just so he can take you back to Scarlet Ridge.”

  Charlie fell silent. “I know,” he admitted. “But I still can’t shake this feeling that I don’t contribute anything to you.”

  “Well, shake it,” I said. I lifted his face so he looked at me and I smiled at him. “I love having you and Casey here with me. You two are the best company I’ve had.”

  A soft smile spread across Charlie’s face. “You’re not just saying that?”

  “Of course not. Hell, you’ve seen the guest room. The only other person that hangs out here is Jericho, and you two are much better house guests than he is.”


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