Claiming Her Mates Complete Series Collection

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Claiming Her Mates Complete Series Collection Page 5

by Dia Cole

  Ty shook his head. “This female has you wound up so tight I’m afraid of what will happen if you don’t do something about her and soon.”

  A feeling of desperate frustration washed over me. “What am I supposed to do? I can’t fire her. Mira adores her. Just the other day she asked me if Vana could come live with us. I won’t break my little girl’s heart because I can’t keep my hormones in check.”

  Ty gave me a sympathetic expression. “You need to get away from here. From her. From this.” He waved in the direction of the two-way mirror.

  “On Monday I’m headed to Phoenix to meet with the Moon Valley faction, then I’ll fly out to meet with the Sugarland and Vail Factions.”

  Ty nodded. “Good. But that’s a couple days away. What’s your plan for tonight?”


  He gave me a shocked look. “You didn’t forget there was a full moon tonight, did you?”

  I cursed. That explains why I feel on the razor’s edge of sanity. Lykos’ emotions naturally went wild when the moon was full. We shifted. We fought. We fucked. I looked down at the silver cuffs around my wrists and snarled. Damn Tasha for stripping me of everything that made me whole. She’d forced me to deny my very nature, and I didn’t know how long I could keep my wolf imprisoned especially when the only thing it craved was Vana. With a cry of rage, I jumped to my feet and slammed my fist into the nearest bookcase.

  The cracking of wood and the crash of books hitting the floor was so loud Mira and Vana looked up from the playroom. Damnation. So much for my reputation for always keeping control. I’d endured decades of Tasha’s torture without cracking. I’d spent nearly four years as a dutiful prisoner of the silver cuffs she forced me to wear. Why am I losing it now?

  “It’s okay, brother,” Ty said softly. He put his large hand on my shoulder and walked me back to my office chair.

  I sat down heavily. “No, it’s not okay. You’re right. I can’t keep going on like this.” Trying to keep my distance from Vana was tearing me apart. If only I wasn’t bound by the fucking oath.

  “I brought you this.” Ty set a small bottle down on my desk.

  I snorted. “Wolfsbane? I’m not a female, brother.” Oil from the flower had a sedative-like effect on Lykos and was regularly used by females wanting to sleep through their heat cycles.

  “It’ll help you cope with the full moon tonight.”

  Is this what it’s come to? Having to drug myself? I ran my hands through my hair. I don’t need drugs. I need Vana. If only I could spend more time with her…touch her.

  “I wish there was something else I could do to help you, brother.”

  I looked over at the tall Alpha male, a desperate plan starting to take root. “There is.”

  Ty’s gaze narrowed. “Why are you looking at me that way?”

  “I need you to do something for me.”

  His eyes widened as he read my mind. “No,” he all but shouted. “I’d be happy to screw her six ways from Sunday, but date her…no way.” Ty had always made a point of keeping his relationships with females purely sexual.

  Despite his aggressive stance, I could sense how shaky his resolve truly was. He never could deny a request from me, even when we were boys. “Come on, brother.”

  Ty let out a sigh. “Fine. One date. But I want to go on record as telling you this is a bad idea.”

  It’s a fantastic idea. By spending time with Vana through Ty, I’m certain to get her out of my system.

  The skeptical look on Ty’s face told me he didn’t agree. Screw him. I grinned and rubbed my hands together. “I have just the place in mind. You’ll take her to Le Ciel. It’s this amazing bistro in the South Valley. The food is authentic French cuisine and the restaurant itself is amazing. Vana will love it.”

  He made a face. “Authentic French food? Don’t they eat snails and shit?”

  “Shut your uncivilized mouth, brother. You’ll take her there and then to a show.” I drummed my fingers on my desk as I considered the options. “Ah! La Bohème is playing at Symphony Hall. I’ll get tickets.”

  Ty’s swarthy complexion paled. “French food and an opera. Why don’t you go ahead and cut off my balls? You know I can’t stand crowded rooms.”

  “Stop your bitching. I expect you to suck it up and do everything I tell you to do.” I tapped the side of my temple. At a very young age we’d created the rarest kind of bond Lykos could form. As a result, we’d been able to share each other’s minds. Not just the telepathic communication common to our species, but actually experiencing what the other experienced. It had been the only reason I’d survived so many years of Tasha’s torture. While she butchered my body, I was able to dissociate and seek refuge in Ty’s mind. Now our link would enable me to enjoy a romantic night with Vana without rousing the attention of Tasha’s many spies. It would also allow me to touch her, taste her…

  Reading my mind, Ty grinned. “I’d be more than happy to seduce her for you.” He turned to stare at Vana through the two-way mirror.

  A red haze clouded my vision. “At no time will you lay even a finger on her. Do you understand?”

  Ty raised his hands. “Easy, brother. I won’t touch her if you don’t want me to.”

  “I don’t,” I said, looking down at the hair tie on the ground. The idea of the other male touching her even if our minds were linked was abhorrent. She’s mine. A burst of primitive possession flashed through me. “And after your date, you’ll wipe her memory of you.”

  Ty’s mouth fell open. “What?”

  “She’ll remember nothing about you being on the date. Only the amazing time she had.”

  The taller man glowered at me. “This isn’t fair in the slightest.”

  I raised my wrists showing him the silver cuffs. “Tell me about fair, brother.”


  “So are you going to help me out or not?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest looking anything but happy. “There’s no guarantee she’ll even want to go out with me.”

  I snorted. Ty never had trouble attracting females. He was over six and a half feet of pure Alpha male muscle and his face was the striking masculine counterpart to his mother’s stunning beauty. Vana will definitely like the look of him. I scowled, feeling an unfamiliar emotion—jealousy. “Well, if she finds you repugnant, you can always use compulsion.”

  He grunted. “Fine, I’ll take her out for you. But I’m not eating any goddamn snails.”

  I smiled. “Brother, this female is worth eating snails for. Trust me.”



  “You have to try the escargot, Tyberius. It’s delicious.” I sighed happily as I took another savory bite of the butter and garlic delicacy.

  “I’ll have to pass.” Tyberius, still wearing his dark glasses despite the soft candlelit interior of the restaurant, scowled down at the food on the table. Despite his obvious lack of excitement over our venue, he looked as scrumptious as the beef bourguignonne with his black tie and double-breasted gray suit.

  “Oh,” I said, disappointed. I glanced down at his untouched plate. He must not be a fan of French food. I, on the other hand, had just discovered my all-time new favorite restaurant. I’d never tasted such amazing food and the champagne… I brought the glass of bubbling liquid to my mouth and took a sip. Divine. Even the restaurant itself was incredible.

  Unable to stop myself from gawking, I peered up at the domed ceiling. A thousand bright lights twinkled at us from the faux night sky. It was so realistic, if not for the soft classical music playing, I could almost imagine we were eating outside under the stars.

  For years I’d dreamed of dining at this place, but the two-hundred-dollar entrées had been too rich for my blood. Not for Tyberius apparently. The man hadn’t even flinched when he’d seen the menu prices. That told me he, like Nathan, was rolling in it. How nice it must be to eat in places like this whenever you wanted.

  Even though the waiters, and a number of the cus
tomers, were wearing canine flu masks, it didn’t detract from the romantic atmosphere. In fact, the only thing that did take away from the experience was my date looking like he was experiencing a root canal.

  As I broke off a chunk of the fragrant fresh-baked bread, Tyberius tugged at the collar of his white dress shirt as if it were strangling him. My many attempts at conversation had been met with either a one word response or stony silence. He seemed more interested in glaring at the people seated at the tables next to us than talking.

  “Thank you for bringing me here. This place is magical,” I said, trying to bring his attention back to me. “Did you check out the ceiling?”

  He grunted and did another scan of the restaurant.

  Right. So much for my worry that I’d use the wrong utensils and embarrass myself. My date wouldn’t have noticed if I stuck my entire face in the soup bowl. If he’s not interested in me, why did he ask me to dinner?

  I’d bumped into him on my way out of Nathan’s house yesterday. Embarrassingly enough, I’d found myself staring slack-jawed at him for a full second. In the full light of day his six-foot-seven height, beautiful caramel-colored skin, and fascinating amber eyes made my heart pound and my knees weaken.

  Thankfully, after ignoring my mannequin impersonation, he’d suggested we have dinner together. I’d hesitated for only a moment before deciding that Tyberius was exactly what I needed to overcome my growing obsession with Nathan.

  Until this point, my days were spent eagerly awaiting our lunches together and my nights were filled with steamy fantasies of the sexy single dad. For some strange reason, they all involved Nathan tying me up and spanking me. Apparently, my subconscious had decided that all my years of BDSM role-play on the stage should be good for something.

  Although I’d never considered being a sub for any man before, I’d definitely make an exception for Nathan. Hell, I’d dress up like a manatee and slap flippers with him if it would excite him. Sadly, despite the wonderful conversations we had over our lunches, Nathan kept his distance making it crystal clear our relationship, while turning into a friendship, was platonic and would stay that way.

  I’d really hoped that Tyberius would take my mind off Nathan. Unfortunately, being with him only made me miss the silver-haired man more.

  I sighed as Tyberius scanned the restaurant again looking increasingly uncomfortable. “You know, we don’t have to stay here if you don’t like the food.”

  “It’s fine.”

  Obviously it wasn’t fine. The man’s expression brought to mind a cat that had been thrown headfirst into a pool. I set my napkin down. “Why don’t we go somewhere else?”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, seeming relieved.

  I nodded, trying to shake off my disappointment as he called for the check and had our food boxed up.

  We walked in silence to his black sports car, the only sound was our breathing and my stilettos clicking on the pavement.

  Part of me wondered how different dinner with Nathan would’ve been. He, unlike Tyberius, would’ve made great conversation. From our daily lunches, I knew Nathan had been to France several times. If he’d been here tonight, I would’ve begged him to tell me all about Paris and the French countryside. While he told me his stories, he probably would’ve insisted on ordering the entire menu for me to sample. I muffled a laugh thinking of last week when Nathan discovered I’d never had Indian food. He’d immediately arranged a luncheon with dozens of dishes from several of the finest Indian restaurants in town. Tandoori chicken and naan were now among my favorite foods. Introducing me to new things seemed to give Nathan pleasure.

  How I’d like to return the favor. I chewed on my lower lip as I imagined all the ways I’d seduce that man. Not that I’d ever get my chance. Oh, why the hell did I have to be so attracted to the one guy I couldn't have?

  Tyberius opened the passenger door for me and walked around to the driver’s side.

  As I slid inside his car, the chilly embrace of the leather seat had me tugging my skirt as low as it would go, which wasn’t very low to tell the truth. After weeks of wearing long pants and conservative blouses per Nathan’s request, I’d been eager to dress up. I glanced down at my sparkly silver toes through the tips of my peekaboo heels. Looks like the pedicure had been a waste of time just like that Brazilian wax. Not that I’d planned on sleeping with Tyberius, but a girl always needed to be prepared as Syd liked to say.

  If she were here, she’d no doubt be drooling over Tyberius’s car. I didn’t recognize the make, probably some ultra-rare, über-expensive European model that only millionaires and billionaires drove. It still had the new car smell that was quickly being smothered by the aroma of butter and garlic from the boxes of food.

  My stomach rumbled, reminding me that I hadn’t finished my meal.

  Tyberius looked over at me. He’d taken off his sunglasses and his golden eyes, so like Nathan’s, almost seem to glow in the dark interior of the car. “I apologize for my rudeness back there. I’m not a fan of crowds.”

  “I completely understand,” I lied, not wanting him to feel bad. “We all have our hang-ups.” Mine just happens to be a tall man with silver-streaked hair. “So where are we going?” It looked like we were headed away from town.

  “You’ll see,” he said with an enigmatic smile. My head slammed against the headrest as he hit the gas. The car engine roared as we sped down the highway at double the speed limit.

  I dug my fingers into the side of my seat, no doubt leaving marks in the leather. “Um, I’d like to survive the ride,” I said when I could catch my breath.

  He chuckled and increased the speed.

  We drove for another fifteen minutes before he pulled the car over onto the side of the road.

  There was nothing around us but empty desert.

  I looked over at him in confusion. “Where are we?”

  He pressed a button and opened the roof of the vehicle.

  The brisk night air made me shiver.

  “Here, take this.” Tyberius shrugged off his jacket and draped it around my shoulders.

  For the first time, I was engulfed in his scent—bay rum mixed with a deep woodsy smell. It was dark, moody, and mysterious like him. I liked it. A lot.

  “Now this is a night sky,” he said, pointing upward.

  I looked up and gasped. A thousand stars shone down at us from a black as velvet sky. The town lights glittered at us in the distance like some abandoned treasure. “It’s breathtaking.”

  He nodded, all the tension he’d been carrying in his broad shoulders seeming to seep away. “I’m glad you think so.” He reached behind us and grabbed the food. “Bon appétit.”

  For the next half an hour we ate as we stargazed and through some gentle probing, I got him to share the reason for his crowd phobia.

  It turned out that his mother had repeatedly locked him inside a windowless cellar when he’d been a child.

  “Sometimes I’d spent weeks there,” he said, a flash of pain in his eyes. “One time, I was locked inside for two months.”

  I gasped. “Oh my God. That’s horrible. Your mother should’ve been jailed for child abuse.”

  “You don’t know the half of it,” he said, a dark expression crossing his face. “Anyway, the first few times it happened I was terrified, but after a while the darkness stopped bothering me. In fact, it allowed me to turn inside myself and, when I did that, find peace.”

  “Really?” I said, impressed he’d managed to turn a traumatic experience into something positive.

  “Yes. Even now, when things get too out of control, I’ll find a dark space to center myself or I’ll come out here and watch Mother Nature’s light show.” He gestured up at the heavens and then let out a shuddering breath. “For I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”

  “That’s beautiful,” I said, admiring his profile.

  “It’s a quote from Sarah Williams.”

  “Oh, is she a singer?”

sp; He shook his head. “A famous poet from the 1800s.”

  Wow. Gorgeous. Rich. And well-read. He was nothing like Paul, the last guy I’d dated who liked watching football and playing beer pong. I was so out of my league here.

  “I wish I could do this every night,” he confessed with a boyish grin.

  “Why don’t you?” I carefully set my empty box of food on the floorboard. If Tyberius was as rich as he seemed, he could probably do anything he wanted.

  His smile faded. “Unfortunately, my job keeps me pretty busy.”

  “And what is it that you do?” I was dying of curiosity to know what both he and Nathan did. Nathan’s job seemed to involve a lot of travel, but I didn’t know much beyond that.

  “I discover people’s secrets,” Tyberius said, never breaking eye contact.

  “Interesting.” What the hell does that mean? Is he some kind of secret agent? My mind ever so helpfully cued up the secret agent man song. Does he work for the CIA or FBI? I immediately rejected the idea. A government job wouldn’t come close to paying for a car like this.

  Before I could ask more questions, Tyberius reached across the center console and grabbed my hand. “What secrets do you have, Havana?”

  “As if I’d tell you,” I said with a flirtatious wink. I was definitely starting to warm up to this friendlier side of Tyberius.

  “You know, I have various methods of discerning information,” he said with a wide smile.

  The sight of his dimples made my heart race. He had to be one of the best-looking guys I’d ever seen in the flesh. Maybe tonight wasn’t a total fail after all.

  Tyberius lifted my hand and brushed his lips against my knuckles. The feeling of his warm breath on my skin made my breathing hitch.

  “What do you want to know?” I asked, looking at him through my lashes.

  “Everything,” he said, kissing the inside of my wrist.

  I laughed as a tingly rush swept from my hand through my body. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the blaze of a star streaking across the sky. “Look at that.”

  Tyberius glanced up. “It’s a dying star.”


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