Claiming Her Mates Complete Series Collection

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Claiming Her Mates Complete Series Collection Page 48

by Dia Cole

  Havana deserved more than this run-down apartment complex. The entire two-room flat she shared with her roommate could easily fit inside one of the luxurious bedrooms in Nathan’s estate. She should be lying on silk sheets with him instead of on a threadbare futon sobbing her eyes out.

  A deep yearning made me place one hand on the icy glass sliding door that stood between us. I longed to rush into her room and offer her comfort, but she belonged to my brother and I belonged to the darkness.

  My ability to cloak myself in shadows made me an excellent spymaster for both my mother and brother. But, here and now, I’d trade my affinity for the dark to step into the light of Havana’s bedroom.

  My phone buzzed inside my back pocket.

  Blast. Her again. There was no need to look at the device. I’d bet my Volante convertible it was yet another tirade from Mommy Dearest. She’d been ordering me home to Winterhaven for days. I let out a heavy sigh knowing I’d return to her, as I always did.

  But first I have to make sure Havana is okay.

  I studied her through the glass. Although her hip-length dark hair hid the stunning beauty of her face, the red T-shirt she wore bared her long supple legs to my hungry gaze.

  I both cursed and congratulated myself for giving Havana that shirt after one of our dates.

  “Ty, since you won’t sleep with me, let me sleep with this.” Havana had tugged on my shirt and, unable to deny her anything, I’d torn the garment off my back.

  She’d slept in it nearly every night since. It made no sense, as she barely knew I existed.

  She didn’t remember the times we picnicked under the stars, or all the movies we’d watched together—I always let her pick those sappy romantic comedies. And she didn’t remember all the hours we spent in my brother’s study—her curvaceous body pressed against mine as I read to her. She’d once told me nothing soothed her like the sound of my voice.

  If only I could offer her solace now.

  Her slender frame shook with the force of her crying.

  I curled my hands into fists, wanting to ease her suffering. Not being able to comfort her was the worst form of agony I’d ever endured. Since my mother’s primary love language was torture that was saying a lot.

  My bond with my brother was the only reason I’d survived my childhood. Our ability to seek refuge in each other’s minds saved my sanity when Mother locked me in the darkest corner of her dungeon for weeks, sometimes months, on end. I’d often returned the favor when Mother had beaten and starved Nathan to the point of death.

  It had been the two of us against Mother for as long as I could remember. There were almost no limits to what I’d do for Nathan. I’d spy for him. I’d betray Mother for him. Except for my darkest secret, I’d shared everything with him including my sexual conquests so he could briefly remember what passion felt like before Mother shackled him in silver.

  But I’d initially refused to date Havana for him.

  I, Tyberius Digoski, did not date. Hell no. And not just because females had been throwing themselves at me since adolescence. No. I did not date because to show more than a passing interest in any female put a target on their head. Mother would gladly use anyone I cared for as leverage over me and then she’d kill them anyway just for spite. No one, except my niece and brother, were exempt from Mother’s murderous machinations.

  But Nathan insisted I date Havana. So I did and promptly fell under her spell. A more beautiful, intelligent, sensitive female never walked this earth.

  I rubbed the gold hoop earring I wore in my left earlobe. It was one of hers that she’d lost during a late night poetry reading. I’d torn apart Nathan’s study to find it, but when I tried to return it, she’d pressed it into my palm. “Keep it, so you’ll always remember me, Sugar Bear.”

  It was the greatest of ironies that she’d never remember me. Nathan had insisted I wipe her mind after every one of our dates, and then he’d made me promise to never use compulsion on her. Since I now couldn’t compel her to remember me, she never would.

  As my favorite poet, Byron once wrote, ‘In secret we met—in silence I grieve, that thy heart could forget, thy spirit deceive.’

  I was nothing to her. Nothing.

  That was abundantly clear months ago when Nathan begged me to make love to Havana for him. Finally being able to touch what my body craved more than breath had shaken my soul, but it had done nothing for her.

  Havana’s slumberous dark eyes had never left Nathan’s face.

  She remembered him, not me. She wanted him, not me.

  It’d cost me everything to push my brother at her and walk away, but that’s what I’d done. I’d hoped their happiness would make up for my pain and it had.

  Until three months ago when Mother had shown up with her Enforcers, and her knives, and her bloodlust. Nathan had been forced to end things with Havana to save her from certain death. To say it devastated Havana was an understatement.

  She’d initially refused to leave her room or eat. Just when I thought she’d need hospitalization, her roommate had finally bullied her into rejoining the outside world.

  Over time, Havana’s crying spells had grown less frequent and I’d hoped she’d recovered.

  As if someone can recover from losing their true love. I glanced around the side of the apartment, hoping to see the roommate’s light. Perhaps Sydney can intervene? Then I remembered she worked late tonight. Havana was alone.

  The sound of my beloved’s sadness carried through the glass.

  I tensed holding back the primal need to go to my mate. No. She’s Nathan’s mate.

  Havana sniffed loudly and reached for a bottle of pills on her nightstand.

  Pills? A coldness settled over me as Havana spilled the medication into her palm.

  Fuck no. Before I could even consider the ramifications, I yanked open the balcony door and strode into her room. “Stop.”

  Havana jumped to her feet with a pain-filled gasp. The pill bottle fell from her hand and small white pills scattered in all directions. “What the hell?” She blinked as if trying to place me. “Tyberius? What are you doing here?”

  “I won’t allow you to kill yourself,” I said, motioning at the pill bottle still rocking back and forth on the scratched laminate floor.

  “I’m taking the pills for a back injury. I fell on some stairs at work.” She rubbed the small of her back.

  “Oh.” I felt like a fool.

  Her eyes narrowed and filled with suspicion. “Are you watching me?”

  “I’ll go now.” I turned toward the balcony.

  “Oh, no you don’t.” She darted in front of me, blocking my escape. It was impossible not to notice the outline of her pointed nipples against the soft thin fabric of my shirt. That damn shirt left so much of her golden skin on display—her toned thighs, the curves of her calves, her gorgeous bare feet.

  Even from across the room, her intoxicating floral scent filled my nostrils. It was muskier than before and filled with pheromones that made me burn for her.

  Realization jolted me. She’s close to her first transition. Every Lykos male in a ten-mile radius would come for her. Nathan needs to know. We could no longer keep her origins a secret. “I must leave.”

  Havana boldly held my gaze. “Not until you explain yourself.”

  Blast. Nathan would have my ass for this. Havana wasn’t supposed to know I was keeping tabs on her. Since compelling her to forget me was out of the question, I was well and truly fucked. How am I getting out of this one?

  “I’ve had my fill of stalkers.” She grabbed her phone from her nightstand and held it in her hand. “You have two seconds to tell me why you’re here before I call the cops.”

  Damn it to hell. Involving the human police would make this even messier than it was. Seeing no choice, I caught her gaze and said, “Remember me.”

  Havana let out a cry, dropped her phone, and clutched her head in her hands.

  I hated that the compulsion caused her pain, but it
was temporary.

  A moment later, Havana blinked and looked up at me. “Ty!” Then she launched herself at me. “I’ve missed you, Sugar Bear.”

  I caught her as I always did and, even though it was forbidden and wrong, I embraced her.

  This is the last time I’ll ever hold her like this.

  Her scent—night blooming jasmine—surrounded me and filled my mind with the images of the last time we’d held each other. She’d taken me in her mouth… Fuck that had been incredible.

  My cock kicked eagerly against my fly.

  Havana pulled away, her deep brown eyes dancing with mirth. “Do you have something in your pocket or are you happy to see me?”

  Gaining some semblance of self-control, I stepped away. “I’m always happy to see you.”

  “Then why haven’t you come see me? It’s been so long.” Tears shimmered in her eyes.

  She’s crying? For me? “Things have been busy.” That wasn’t a lie. The most recent attempt on Mother’s life had destroyed her twisted dream and taken the tiny bit of sanity she’d possessed. Mother had been torturing, killing, and declaring wars on other factions right and left.

  Havana chewed her plump lower lip. “I thought it was because of what happened with Nathan.” She frowned as if struggling to recall something. “You and I were finally getting together and then he was there. Why was he there?”

  I went motionless. We didn’t know exactly how the mind compulsion affected her long-term memories. Apparently, it made her recall the threesome with Nathan in a different light.

  “Why would I have sex with Nathan? You’re the one I love, Ty.”

  “You love me?” My heart rejoiced even as I knew it couldn’t last. She would forget me when I left.

  She looked at me through her thick lashes. “I do.”

  “And I love you, Starfire,” I confessed.

  Her glorious smile lit up the room. “So you’re not mad at me.”

  “On the contrary.” I was the lowest bastard for reaching out and hauling her back into my arms.

  She let out a small whimper that had me setting her down and inspecting her perfect body. “Show me where it hurts?”

  “It’s nothing,” she said with a dismissive wave. Then a mischievous light sparked in those dark chocolate eyes of hers. “Actually, I’m in a lot of pain.” She kicked the balcony door shut and drew the curtains. “So much pain.” Giving me a seductive smile that melted my bones, she drew the shirt over her head and tossed it on the floor. She was naked.

  My brain blanked at the sight of her silky smooth skin, large firm breasts topped by dusky rose-colored nipples, and the small strip of hair covering her sex.

  “Your body is exquisite in every way,” I murmured.

  She took my hand and placed it on the small of her back. “It hurts here.”

  The contrast between the much darker hue of my skin and hers captivated me.

  “And it hurts here.” She moved my hand between her legs.

  I couldn’t help slipping a finger inside her. She was hot, wet, and tight.

  “Oh, yes,” Havana cried. She undulated against my hand all the while tearing at my clothes.

  I only realized she’d opened my pants, when her soft, warm hand wrapped around my cock.

  Fuuuck. I nearly fell over. “You can’t.”

  “We can.” She worked her palm up and down over me in a rhythm that nearly blinded me with lust.

  “I need you, Ty,” she moaned. “Please don’t push me away this time.”

  As if I could. All these months without her had left me starving for her touch. I needed her. And she needed me.

  Just this once.

  As if driven by madness, I picked her up and carried her to her shabby dresser.

  One swipe of my hand sent her hairbrush and styling products careening to the floor. Then I set her down and kissed her deeply.

  Her tongue and lips danced with mine, while our hands roamed each other’s bodies.

  Needing to taste her, I dipped my mouth to her nipples and took one and then the other into my mouth.

  Her pleasured moans fueled the fire in my blood.

  More. Give her more pleasure.

  I leaned her back against the dresser mirror, pushed her legs onto my shoulders, and brought my lips to her center.

  She let out a wild cry. “Yes. Oh, yes.” She tasted of the richest ambrosia—musty and sweet.

  I couldn’t get enough of her honey, but all too soon she was thrashing against my tongue begging me for release.

  I sucked hard on her pearl and she came apart, trembling and crying my name.

  It was fucking incredible.

  “More,” she begged, grabbing hold of my collar and dragging me to my feet. She shoved down my pants and wrapped her legs around my waist.

  The brush of her wet heat against my cock made my hands shake.

  Need this. Need her.

  Some part of my mind screamed at me to stop. She’s Nathan’s.

  “No.” I tried to step away, but she locked her ankles together.

  “Don’t push me away. Please.” She rubbed me against her.

  I inhaled deeply, trying to suck in enough oxygen to fire up my willpower.

  Her seductive scent infiltrated my nostrils, stripping me of all self-restraint. With one thrust of my hips, I buried myself in my brother’s mate.

  “Ty,” she cried, arching off the dresser.

  Her searing wet heat milked me as our bodies came together in a hard, desperate mating that rocked the dresser back and forth.

  The mirror crashed to the floor, splintering into a million pieces.

  Fuck the mirror.

  She came again and again. Her body clamping down on me.

  I followed her over the abyss crying her name.

  She clung to me, kissing my chest, my neck, and my face.

  I branded each one of those intimate touches to memory. Never would I forget this. I slowly withdrew from her body and carried her to the futon.

  She gave me a sleepy smile as I drew her covers over her. “Stay with me tonight.”

  If only I could. I kissed her lips one last time and then held her gaze. “Go to sleep, Starfire. And forget me.”

  Her eyes fluttered closed and her breathing deepened.

  As I fastened my pants, I waited for the blistering guilt to hit. But it never did. She’s my mate too, a voice whispered in my mind. But I can’t have her. Never again.

  As Byron said, ‘If I should meet thee after long years, how should I greet thee? With silence and tears.’ With my head hung low, I retreated to the shadows and let the darkness consume me.



  Christmas Day…

  The decorations on the ski resort Christmas tree shook as three children gleefully tore through colorfully wrapped gifts beneath its boughs. Their laughter filled me with joy.

  Sinking into the warm embrace of my armchair, I inhaled the wintery aroma of the garland strung around picture windows overlooking silvery banks of snow. The fragrance mixed wonderfully with the smoky scent of the fire crackling in the rustic fireplace.

  It all was so damn near perfect I could almost ignore the bloodstains on the carpet, the lingering odor of rot in the air, and the gnawing feeling that something terrible was going to happen.

  Taking a deep breath, I tried to stomp out the irrational anxiety. We’d all survived our hellish encounters with the dead yesterday and I wasn’t going to let anything ruin the celebration. I’d been dreaming about having a real Christmas with decorations, presents, and a family my entire life. The closest I’d ever come to it as a lonely child had been the television specials I’d watched from my mom’s dirty trailer floor. This was so much better than a scripted show.

  Over by the Christmas tree, the Ackerman boys and Mira, the daughter of my newest mate, let out ecstatic cries as they tore through the wrapped gifts like pint-sized tornados.

  I couldn’t help but laugh at their excitement.
  I wasn’t alone. Several of the human survivors milling around the snack table cracked a smile too. Seeing the terror and shock slowly leave their eyes warmed my heart. Those poor people had been through so much watching their friends and family members die. They don’t need to be frightened any longer. I sat up straighter in my chair. With my new abilities, I could protect them from the dead.

  But can I protect them from what’s coming? Doubt heightened my feeling of unease.

  Trying to shake off the premonition, I focused instead on the gorgeous, muscular males surrounding my armchair. All four of my mates were anxious over my dizzy spell a few moments ago, but they didn’t need to worry. There was a good reason for my vertigo. I gently laid my palm over my abdomen trying to sense the spark of new life growing inside me.

  We’re going to have a baby! My chest tightened with happiness and excitement. All my life I’d wanted to have a big family. I just never figured on my children having so many daddies. I bit my lower lip to muffle my giggle. Soon, I’d have to spill my secret to my mates, but not now. Now I just wanted to enjoy our first holiday together.

  A soft sound drew my attention to Liam, my seven-foot-tall auburn haired teddy bear of a mate who sat in the armchair across from mine. The nine-month-old infant he cradled against his bare chest sucked on his right knuckle as he hummed her a lullaby.

  “You’re great with Sierra,” I said with a smile. He’ll be an awesome father.

  Liam stroked his hand through the baby’s silky tuff of dark hair. “She’s a pretty babe, isn’t she?”

  I nodded. “She’s precious. I’m so glad she’s okay.”

  “Me too.” Liam met my gaze and we shared the horrible memory of the helicopter crash yesterday. It was a miracle everyone survived.

  A loud shriek drew my attention back to the tree. Sierra’s oldest brother, Kaden, was holding a stuffed bear over the head of three-year-old Jackson.

  Mira tried to grab the bear from Kaden. “Give it back to him.”

  Kaden shook his head. “He’s trying to eat the hat.”

  Despite the older boy being considerably taller than her, Mira put her hands on her hips and stared into his eyes. “Give Jackson his bear!” Even from over here, I heard the otherworldly ring in her tone.


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