The Leopard Vanguard

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The Leopard Vanguard Page 17

by T. A. Uner

  To Tullus it appeared that Anna didn’t like this course of action. But she had been outmaneuvered. Finally she acquiesced and nodded. “Fine,” she said curtly.

  “Then it is decided, we shall vote on it tomorrow afternoon.”The next day they gathered in Tullus’ tent to cast their votes. Everyone (Anna, Vulcan, Gansu and Masego) wore solemn expressions on their faces and even Celestra looked dispossessed.

  Tullus stood before them, Celestra by his side. “You know why we’re here. As your new leader I wanted to vote on our next move regarding how we should proceed after Paullus’ death. I understand there’s much division on this subject, which is the only reason I considered this vote; Paullus meant a lot to all of us. But I feel justice must be served to his killers.”

  “You owe it to Paullus not to do this,” Anna said.

  “Anna,” Vulcan said, “Tullus is right, we should find Paullus’ killers and make them regret the day they killed him.”

  “Enough,” Tullus bellowed. “We all know how Anna and I feel. What say you Vulcan?”

  “I’m with you Tullus,” Vulcan said.


  The Chinese man closed his eyes and assumed his trademark meditative stance. Finally his eyes flickered open. “In China there’s a proverb: ‘He who seeks revenge should remember to dig two graves.’”

  Tullus nodded. “That deadlocks the vote. Now Masego, it’s up to you. What say you?”

  The African unsheathed his dagger and sliced a line in his palm. He held up his clenched fist and opened his mouth: revealing a set of ivory teeth that gleamed like tiny dagger blades while a streak of blood trickled down the back of his forearm.“Long ago Paullus taught me that revenge is wrong. But, his death cannot go unpunished. I say, justice for our fallen brother Paullus.”

  Tullus nodded solemnly. Anna stormed out of the tent scowling.

  “Then it is decided. We hunt down Paullus’ killers and use their heads to decorate the stands of our new pavilion.”


  The midday sun resembled an orange as it hung lazily in the pale blue sky. Eliana waited patiently outside the Curia Julia, a large hall with a towering roof consisting of large rectangular reinforcements in each corner. The building’s façade contained three large windows with segmental arches designed to admit light inside the structure. Eliana had once been inside the building when she was a child and recalled its ceilings decorated with elaborate frescos, while its floors were constructed of solid marble. She wondered what her father would think if he knew she had come here alone, without any protective escort, he could be implacable to argument when her safety was at risk. Finally the large bronze double doors creaked open and members of the senate shuffled out. Their snow white togas matching the color of clouds while they ambled across the Forum’s square. Eliana spotted her father deep in conversation with his Senatorial colleague Marcus Silanus, while Sacrus followed them like a shadow. She approached them as passing Senators nodded respectfully at her. Upon noticing Eliana, Sacrus whispered in Senator Remus’ ear and he ceased his conversation. Silanus smiled at Eliana.

  “Eliana, every time I see you, you grow more beautiful with each passing day,” Silanus said.” He was a tall, lean man with straight brown hair combed neatly across his high forehead. Silanus extended his fingers and kissed Eliana’s hand as Remus looked on.

  “Your kind words due me great honor Senator Silanus,” Eliana said. She turned her attention to Remus. “Father, if Senator Silanus has no objections, I wish to speak with you in private.”

  “By all means Remus, I was about to take my leave,” Silanus said. “Until I have the pleasure of seeing you again dear Eliana,” he said before shuffling toward another group of Senators.

  “What is this about, child?” Remus said. “Where are your escorts? Don’t tell me you came here alone?” he said.

  “Never mind that father, I wish to speak with you about something of great importance.”

  Remus did not appear swayed by her sense of urgency. Eliana feared this possibility, but she also felt an obligation to Yeshiva, who had won her over with his despondency.

  “What about?” Remus said as they walked under a shadow of a nearby building next to the Curia Julia.

  “I was in the Forum the other day and I had a fascinating conversation with one of the merchants.”

  “Is that so?”Remus replied smugly, not looking the least bit interested. A small surge of anger boiled within her chest, but Eliana maintained her composure to avoid turning the conversation into an argument.

  “I learned that a certain criminal named Camus Scorpio is terrorizing the merchants and demanding payment from them. If they do not pay, he often ransacks their businesses and takes large portions of their wares as compensation.”

  Senator Remus emitted a bored yawn which made Eliana clench her fists. “This is nothing new Eliana, it is a practice that has been going on since the days of the old Roman kings. Why bring this to my attention now? If this was that important you should’ve spoken to the local magistrate–the merchants’ issues fall under the jurisdiction of his district.”

  “I wanted to bring this matter to your attention because the magistrate has been bought off by Camus Scorpio. I tried talking to him earlier, but he is an arrogant fool who would no sooner listen to the words of a woman–even the daughter of Senator Remus Clodius Habitus.”

  “My dear,” Remus began, “your concern for the merchants’ rights is admirable, but I suggest you let the issue rest. Let the local politicians sort them out instead. That is why they exist. Besides, it is not proper for us to soil ourselves with the troubles of the plebeians; you have more important matters to concern yourself with.”

  Eliana knew where this discussion was headed and silently cursed herself for allowing her father to expertly circumnavigate her argument; she should’ve known he would attempt it. “I don’t see what could be more important than the rights of Rome’s citizens, father.”

  Remus chuckled and Sacrus’ sycophantic laughter made Eliana shoot him an agitated glare which chased the smile off of the elderly slaves face. “Have you considered my previous request?” Remus asked. “I think you should invite Tribune Norbanus over for dinner so the two of you may become better acquainted.”

  “Shall I have an invitation sent to the Tribune, Senator?” Sacrus interjected.

  “Yes, by all means Sacrus.”

  “Father, you know how I feel about Norbanus.”

  “Yes, but you must give the lad an opportunity, my dear. You know how highly your

  Mother and I think of him.”

  Eliana knew her duty as a Roman woman was to obey her father’s wishes without dissent. Besides, she knew her parents secretly wanted to marry her off to Norbanus. Despite the Forticus family’s inglorious past, they still carried powerful political influence throughout the Empire.

  “I will consent to your wishes father,” Eliana said dejectedly.

  “Excellent,” Remus said. He took her arm and led Eliana to his sedan where their slaves waited to take them back to their villa.

  “But I have a request to ask of you in return.”

  Remus maintained his aura of calm, but Eliana knew her words possesed a disconcerting affect. “Very well, Eliana…what is it?”

  Have I convinced father? Eliana’s heart fluttered like a butterfly’s wings but she tempered her premature joy with confident serenity. “Talk to the Urban Cohort Prefect. Perhaps he can use his influence to curb Scorpio’s criminal activities,” she said. Remus shot her a stern look.

  “My dear girl, you’ve executed your argument with the expertise of a seasoned consul. I fear your debating skills have advanced faster than I could have imagined.” Remus sighed. “Very well, I will speak to the Prefect on your behalf,” he said curtly. Eliana maintained an air of cautious optimism. Because, despite her small victory, she still had doubts about her father’s intentions.


  The whore Norbanus selected was a yo
ung girl of nineteen that had caught his eye with her lithe body and charming personality. The lena who ran the brothel assured him that the girl was of the finest quality, and worth the exuberant fee she charged. He ran his ringed fingers through the girl’s russet hair and smiled. She wore a red transparent shift which did little to hide her large breasts. Norbanus stared at them greedily as the lena smiled at his reaction.

  “You see my dear Tribune, the girl still embodies innocence, yet she is skilled in the art of many different styles of lovemaking.”

  Norbanus did his best not to act like an overeager schoolboy, but his manhood betrayed him as it stiffened between his legs. “How much for her and another woman at the same time?” he asked nonchalantly.

  The lena looked at Norbanus and giggled. “That depends, what type of woman did you have in mind?”

  “Well, I’ve bedded almost every slut in your brothel,” Norbanus said as his loincloth felt the pressure of his expanding member, “that is except you.”

  The lena giggled again before the young girl brought water for Norbanus. He sipped it thirstily as he pictured the lena and his young whore naked together. “I had no idea you had a taste for two women at the same time?” she purred seductively, stirring Norbanus’ lustfulness. “So, let’s say for a fair price of 5,000 denarii, you may ravish both of us at the same time.”Norbanus thought it over but wasn’t about to let this woman dictate terms to him, no matter how aroused he was. “3, 000,” he said to the lena.

  “3,500 denarii, my dear Tribune.”

  Norbanus scoffed at her request but wanted to complete the transaction quickly, “3,250 and that is my final offer.” He wasn’t about to let this whore outmaneuver him.

  “Done.” The lena summoned two of her slaves and instructed them to prepare a room before ordering the young girl to play the harp for Norbanus’ pleasure while they waited. Much to the girl’s credit she was as talented with the harp as she was beautiful, and while Norbanus ingested more water to parch his dry throat his groin felt like it was about to burst. The lena offered him wine but he declined. Norbanus disliked the unpredictability alcohol brought with it, besides, it ushered in painful childhood memories of his father’s drunken escapades. And how could he forget the image of his mother’s angst-ridden face as he watched his father beat her. Once, he had tried to intervene, but had received a felonious beating, which had left him bedridden for two days. He still remembered his mother crying at his bedside as she and the house slaves tended to his injuries.

  The house slaves returned to announce the room was ready for use. The lena interlocked her arm with Norbanus’ while the young girl followed suit with his other arm and led him down a hallway lined with flickering torches. As they passed other doors Norbanus heard sounds of pleasure emanating within them. Putting his painful childhood memory aside, he smiled, imagining the carnal delights his small fortune had bought.

  The women stopped in front of an ornate door inlaid with carved decorations of nude dancing women. A bare-chested female slave stood watch and bowed respectfully before opening the door for them. Inside the room smelled of perfume while lavish tapestries brought from faraway lands decorated the walls. A miniature bathhouse containing a marble tub was situated in the corner; adjacent to it was a large bed covered with silk pillows situated on a small dais where another bare-chested female slave waited. Before Norbanus knew what was happening, both the lena and the young girl had removed their clothing until they stood naked before him. They were soon inside the tub, their tongues entwined like serpents. Norbanus removed his clothing and stretched out on a couch. His manhood stood erect above the thick layer of curly hair between his legs as he watched the two women take turns sucking one another’s breasts while his hand moved toward his cock. Soon, he was pleasuring himself.

  Later, the two women emerged from the tub. Water droplets streaked down their bronze bodies before the bath slave hurried over to dry them both with towels before they resumed kissing. After the women dried off they laid out on the bed, giggling, before entwining their bodies in a passionate embrace. They took turns licking one another’s shaven privates while moans of delight followed. After the young girl’s tongue expertly caused the lena to scream in ecstasy Norbanus could wait no longer. He stood up and made his way over to the bed where the lena was using both her tongue and fingers to pleasure the young girl’s moist sex. The young girl’s body shuddered and she cried out before her face beamed with pleasure. Norbanus stood over them, his finely chiseled body ready to bring both women more screams of ecstasy.

  “I think we have made the dear Tribune wait long enough,” the lena said with a coy smile that made her even more desirable to Norbanus. Her brown eyes sparkled as she and the young girl leaned over to where he stood and pulled him onto the bed. Norbanus stretched out on the bed while both women took turns swallowing his manhood. He felt their delicate tongues tickling the shaft of his cock before he spilled his seed down both their throats. Afterwards, Norbanus would take turns entering both women from behind as they eagerly awaited his thrusts. First, he entered the lena from behind as she worked her tongue across the pink, spread lips between the young girl’s legs. When Norbanus finished with the lena it was the young girl’s turn. He was lost in a sea of pleasure as the time passed by quickly before he finally collapsed on top of both women with a satisfied smile.

  When he awoke he was alone in the bed. The room slave was still there as she fanned him while another slave brought him a flagon of water. After taking a long drink he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and smacked his lips. Plates of fruit were brought before him and he hungrily devoured two sweet apples and a bowl of tangy grapes before he ordered one of the slave girls to bring him his clothes. After he dressed he left the brothel and walked through an alleyway before he heard footsteps behind him. He drew his short sword before turning around to see Camus Scorpio standing behind him.

  “It is not safe traveling this street alone this time of night, Norbanus,” Scorpio said priggishly.

  “What do you want Scorpio?” Norbanus sheathed his sword while Scorpio’s bodyguard, Blackcat Barros, emerged from the shadows, his black panther at his side.

  The creature’s eyes sparkled and Norbanus wondered why it had small stars in its eyes.

  Probably the result of the moonlight reflecting off of them?

  Norbanus looked up at the night sky; the moon was hidden behind a thick patch of clouds. Strange.

  “I waited for you near the brothel. Judging by the amount of time you spent in there I assume you had quite a good, long fuck. So, tell me, how was it?” Scorpio asked. Blackcat Barros sniggered.

  “Did you come here to spy on me? Or do you have something important to say?”

  Scorpio picked his front teeth with his forefinger and grinned. “A little bit of both I suppose. I thought you would be interested to know we found Paullus Gabinius.”

  Norbanus’ heart rose inside his chest. “Did he tell you the location of the gold?”

  Scorpio finished picking his teeth and sighed. “One of my men wounded him during a fight, he managed to evade us, but I have my men conducting an extensive search of the city and surrounding areas.”

  “Paullus was harmed?”

  Scorpio sighed. “My men aren’t highborn noblemen like you.” He scratched his facial scar. “I ordered them not to hurt him. But, according to what my man told me, the old fool put up a mammoth struggle.”

  Norbanus clenched one of his fists and punched his palm while the panther growled at him. “When did this happen?”

  “Two days ago.”

  “And you decided to inform me only now? You fool! I told you to notify me immediately when you found Gabinius…you know how important this is to me.”

  Scorpio scoffed at Norbanus. “You seem to forget that I have other matters that also require my undying attention. I am not a trained circus monkey that performs tricks for you whenever you snap your fingers. Now, if you were to increase my fee, I might be
willing to commit more resources to finding Paullus.”

  The panther growled again, which made Norbanus clench both his fists before he watched the panther lick its whiskers and eye a large rat in the alley. Blackcat Barros snapped his fingers and the creature looked up at him obediently, its eyes still sparkling. It turned its attention away from the rat and licked its fur.

  “What’s the matter with your panther Blackcat?” Norbanus asked. “Its eyes appear alight.”

  Blackcat looked at his panther confusedly, before shrugging his shoulders.

  “Is there a problem?” Scorpio asked.

  “No,” Norbanus lied. Looking Scorpio in the eye he raised a foreboding finger which made Blackcat eye him suspiciously. The Panther stopped licking its fur and growled. “If you are unable to honor your agreement with me Scorpio I will find someone who can.”

  Scorpio’s eyes narrowed into thin slits which made his face appear more fearsome. “What is that supposed to mean Norbanus?”

  “It means the Collegium has other members which may be of greater use to me. I’m sure I can find one amongst them who’d be willing to broker a deal–since you have no desire to honor the agreement we made in good faith.”

  “Are you threatening me, Norbanus?”

  “My correct title is Tribune,” Norbanus said, “and it’s no threat. We had an agreement: you were to locate and capture Paullus Gabinius. Now you tell me he’s escaped and wounded, possibly dead.”

  “Let us not be hasty, Tribune,” Scorpio said. “Very well, I will increase my efforts to locate the gold.”

  Norbanus nodded. “I hope so Scorpio.” He turned to leave and disappeared into the darkness, leaving Scorpio standing there, scowling.


  The next morning Norbanus awoke in his bed feeling refreshed. Despite the setback of Paullus Gabinius’s disappearance he was confident Scorpio understood the precariousness of the situation if he failed again. After dressing himself one of his slaves brought him his breakfast. The smell of freshly baked bread drifted across his nostrils and made his mouth water.


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