The Leopard Vanguard

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The Leopard Vanguard Page 19

by T. A. Uner


  Tullus headed toward Yeshiva’s house as people stared at him and Celestra. Even in a city filled with many ostentatious attractions, the sight of a man walking alongside a Leopardess still drew attention. Now that Eliana knew he was the Leopard King it would only be a matter of time before others found out as well, and travelling with Celestra did little to help his case.

  He recalled what Yeshiva had told him the other night. Paullus told me he served in

  North Africa as a soldier…could he be the deserter Camus Scorpio was after?

  As Tullus struggled to make sense of it all, he entered Yeshiva’s neighborhood. A few children were running and playing in the street, while four boys were immersed in a game of marbles in front of an apartment building. A few children stopped and stared at Tullus and Celestra much like the Forum crowd; others followed them from a distance and Celestra would occasionally stop to check who was behind her. But other than that their trek passed without incident.

  Aravah greeted them at the door and smiled. Tullus was invited in while Celestra curled up under the steps and closed her eyes. Even though the Leopardess posed no threat to Yeshiva’s household Tullus insisted she remain outside. Her senses would make her a valuable sentry; and as long as she had enough food and water, she would be content.

  Inside, the house was cool and Tullus made himself comfortable in the atrium while Aravah brought Tullus a red-colored drink from the kitchen. It cooled his chest and tasted refreshing.

  “What is this?”

  “A traditional Jewish drink made from cranberry. It’s prepared out of pureed fruits and sweetened with honey.” Aravah poured Tullus another cup and he drank it heartily. Feeling refreshed he thanked Aravah. Moments later the front door opened and Yeshiva shuffled in—a nasty brown bruise covered his left eye, and his right cheek was cut. Aravah rushed over to him.

  “What happened to you?” Aravah asked.

  “Two of Camus Scorpio’s men wanted to seize a portion of my wares. When I resisted they did this to me,” Yeshiva said pointing to his face. “Where are the children, Aravah?”

  “Upstairs in their rooms, wait here, I’ll get bandages and ointment for your face.”

  “It is unfortunate to see you like this,” Tullus said as he led Yeshiva over to the couch.

  “I’ve felt worse,” the merchant replied, “tell me, are you still intent on finding Kletus Spearthrower?”

  Tullus smiled. “After seeing you like this…more than ever.”

  “Good, and after that make sure you return the favor to Blackcat Barros–he’s the ruffian who did this to me.”

  Aravah hurried into the atrium carrying a small vial of ointment and a roll of bandages.

  “Who is this Blackcat Barros?”

  “Camus Scorpio’s bodyguard. He’s a tall muscular Dacian with a crooked nose who walks around with a large black panther. How I’d love to see you and Celestra best them in a fight.”

  “If I ever get the chance Yeshiva, I will make him pay for what he did to you.”

  The merchant grinned. “Good. Now, if only my wife would stop applying this putrid ointment on my face I may yet recover from my injuries,” Yeshiva said irascibly.

  “He always does this when I fuss over him,” Aravah said to Tullus while she dabbed ointment on her husband’s cheek, “he can be stubborn sometimes.”

  “That’s because your bedside manner is quite overbearing…be careful with my face… Aravah!”

  Tullus laughed as Aravah applied a bandage over Yeshiva’s cut. “There, try not try not to get killed now,” Aravah said curtly, “I’m not ready to become a widow.”

  Yeshiva waved her away before she brought him a cup of the drink she had offered Tullus earlier. “So when are you going to question Kletus Spearthrower?” Yeshiva asked.

  “Tonight. I walked by the Moaning Maiden earlier today. It’s a place frequented by Rome’s scum, so I must be watchful. I’ll be sure to tell you what I learn after I question Kletus.”

  Yeshiva smiled. “I don’t know what we’d do without your help Tullus. I believe God sent you and Eliana to us.”

  Tullus knew the Jews believed in a singular God but when Yeshiva mentioned Eliana’s name he shot the merchant a puzzled look.

  “Is there a problem?”

  “Is this Eliana related to Senator Remus Clodius?”

  Yeshiva’s eyes sparkled with delight. “Yes, she is an amazing young woman. Do you know her?”

  “Apparently not as well as I thought. Might I inquire as to what she is doing to help you and the other merchants?”

  “She’s been researching Roman law to use against Scorpio; and spoken with her father, Senator Remus, to bring our troubles to his attention; she also organizes meetings with us twice a week to discuss the progress she makes.”

  Tullus didn’t like the sound of this. Eliana was in over her head and her righteousness could only get her and the merchants maimed or killed, and adding Senator Remus into the equation only complicated matters.

  “I would like to attend one of these meetings.”

  Yeshiva nodded. “Yes, of course, of course. The next one is scheduled to take place at my warehouse in three days.”

  Tullus stood up, “Excellent. Now I must prepare for my meeting with Kletus Spearthrower. I’ll be in my room, changing into my costume.”

  Yeshiva grinned and rubbed his palms together. “Kletus Spearthrower is in for an unexpected surprise.”

  “Let us hope that I can learn something we can use against Scorpio.”

  Nightfall arrived. Tullus exited the house and locked the door behind him. Yeshiva had given him a key so that he could come and go as he pleased. As Tullus descended the wooden steps, Celestra poked her head out from under the steps and looked at Tullus—the stars in her eyes pulsating.

  “Let’s go girl, we have a mission to complete.” Celestra growled her response before they made their way out of the neighborhood, using shadows to conceal their movements. After navigating through Rome’s side streets they found themselves in the Aventine district. The streets were deserted except for a few rough-looking characters but as soon as they approached Tullus and Celestra they backed off. No doubt looking for an easy target to rob, Tullus thought bemusedly.

  The Moaning Maiden was across the street from where they stood. Two oil lanterns flanked the entrance to the brothel. The door opened and two grubby men wearing drab tunics emerged, laughing. They did not notice Tullus and Celestra and disappeared down a well-lit street. Tullus approached the door. Locked. In the middle of the door was a large bronze ornament fashioned in the form of a woman’s vulva. Grasping the knocker attached to a hinge below the ornament he knocked three times, and waited. A few moments later a wooden peephole slid open and two suspicious eyes appeared from behind a row of brass bars. The eyes narrowed, scanning Tullus and Celestra.

  “We don’t serve barbarians, so piss off,” said a gruff voice.

  Tullus held up a gold aureus coin: instantaneously, the eyes widened and stared at it greedily. “If my gold is not good here I can take my business elsewhere,” Tullus said. The eyes disappeared and the peephole slammed shut before the door creaked open. A stout man in a brown toga stepped up to Tullus and smiled, revealing a set of yellow teeth and breath that smelled of wine.

  “Gold is always welcome here, dear sir. Come in. Come in,” the corpulent man said as Tullus and Celestra crossed the threshold of the doorway and into the brothel. Tullus eyed the granite floors covered in dark stains.

  “I am Pimpus Robarius.” The man bowed respectfully. “Welcome to the Moaning Maiden. What type of woman may I interest you in this evening?”

  “I’m looking for a certain individual,” Tullus said, “and, I am willing to pay handsomely.” He untied a small money pouch from his belt and handed it to Pimpus Robarius who eagerly undid the drawstring. After he counted its contents he gasped: 20 aurei stared back at him. Robarius’ eyes widened as he eyed the coins before Tullus snatched the pouch back from t
he brothel-keeper’s stubby ringed fingers.

  “Of course sir, we have women from all over the world. Do you seek an exotic beauty from the mysterious Egyptian shores? Or perhaps a fine gentleman dressed in lavish creature skins such as yourself would prefer the company of a feral Gaulish woman.”

  “I’m actually looking for a man.”

  Robarius looked taken aback by Tullus’ request but quickly recovered his composure and smiled mischievously. “Hmmm…I don’t deal in men but I think I have a boy around here someplace, he’s actually a slave that cleans my brothel, quite young, but I’m sure you’ll be quite pleased with–”

  Tullus grabbed Robarius by the front of his tunic and slammed him up against the wall. “I’m not a Gods-cursed pedophile looking for boys, fat arse. But I am looking to talk to one of your customers…a man by the name of Kletus Spearthrower.”

  Robarius struggled to free himself from Tullus’ grip but his attempts proved futile as he flailed about like an overturned beetle before submitting. “Let me see: Spearthrower, Spearthrower. No. I’m sorry. I do not recall a man by that name. What did you say your name was sir? I didn’t quite catch it.”

  Tullus slammed Robarius’ face against the wall before a thin line of blood trickled down Robarius’ nostrils. “Please sir, I cannot disclose a customer’s name. Besides, this man you seek works for Camus Scorpio. If he found out I sold out his man I’d be dead before tomorrow morning.”

  Celestra growled at Robarius while the fat man eyed her timorously. “You’ll be dead now if you don’t tell me where Spearthrower is,” Tullus said. “It appears your choices are limited, but choose quickly, fat man, my patience runs short.”

  “Alright. Alright. I’ll take you to him. But please…don’t…hurt…me.”

  Tullus released Robarius from his grip before the fat man exhaled deeply. Splotches of blood stained the front of his tunic. “You ruined my new tunic,” Robarius complained as he looked at himself in a gold-framed mirror, “It is made from Chinese silk.”

  “I’ll ruin more than that if you don’t do as I command,” Tullus said. “Take me to Spearthrower…now!”

  Pimpus Robarius wiped his nose on a small handkerchief before motioning for Tullus to follow him. “I’ll take you to him. He’s in one of my special rooms.” Robarius led Tullus and Celestra down a dimly lit corridor where torch-lit sconces lined the walls. As they passed a series of doors, Tullus heard sounds of pleasure and screams emanating from within, before they finally came to the end of the hallway which branched off into a T-junction. A young whore dressed in a transparent green shift sat in an ornate chair with one leg crossed over another. She smiled at Tullus and wiggled her breasts. “Ten denarii gets you between my legs, stranger.”

  “Be quiet Kiria.” Robarius led Tullus down another corridor where they passed more doors. They stopped in front of a wooden staircase that led up to a trap door built into the ceiling. “He’s upstairs through that trapdoor,” Robarius said. Tullus dropped two gold aurei coins into Robarius’ chubby palm before drawing LeopardClaw.

  “Lead the way fat man.”

  Robarius looked at Tullus and sighed. After pocketing the coins he climbed the steps and pushed open the trap door. He struggled to fit his corpulent frame through the opening. Tullus poked Robarius’ arse with Leopard Claw’s pommel and with some effort managed to push the fat man through the trapdoor.

  “Keep an eye on him until I get up there girl,” Tullus told Celestra, “and if he pulls any tricks, gouge his fat throat.” Celestra nodded and bounded up the steps. After her tail disappeared through the trapdoor Tullus followed, LeopardClaw in hand, until he emerged through the opening. He found himself in a small room where an oil lantern sat on a small table next to an ornate wooden door inlaid with carvings of frolicking nymphs. Robarius sat hunched in a corner, cowering from Celestra, who kept a watchful eye on him. The sight made Tullus chuckle.

  “Now, knock on the door,” Tullus ordered Robarius, “and remember, no tricks, or my Leopardess will dine on your fat carcass tonight.” Robarius’ eyes widened in fear, no doubt the idea of becoming Celestra’s next meal held little appeal.

  Robarius cleared his throat and knocked on the door. “Spearthrower, sir. This is Pimpus Robarius, your humble host…I…wish to have a word with you.”

  No response came from the other side of the door; Robarius wiped his damp forehead with his handkerchief. “You see he’s busy in there, sir, hee, hee.”

  “Try again fat man.”

  Robarius knocked on the door, again. This time more forcefully. “Dear Spearthrower…it’s me again…your humble host Pimpus Robarius. Would you come to the door….pleeeeaseeee?”

  Tullus’ patience ran out. “Is the door locked?”

  Robarius nodded.

  “Open it.”

  Robarius fumbled with the keys dangling from his belt and inserted one into the keyhole. With the door unlocked, Tullus pushed Robarius out of his way and entered the room. It smelled of perfume and wine and was lavishly decorated with exotic rugs and tapestries. At the far end sat a large bed where he eyed a pair of woman’s legs spread wide. On top of her a man pumped her vigorously, his bare white buttocks wiggling while the woman shrieked loudly. After a few moments she jerked her head sideways and opened her eyes; when she saw two men and a Leopardess in the doorway she shrieked even louder.

  The man on top of her let out a series of grunts and guffawed. “You like my cock don’t you wench?” he said smugly.

  “Spearthrower, this man wants to ask you questions,” Robarius said in a neurotic tone.

  Spearthrower ceased his plowing and turned his head sideways. “Robarius? What is the meaning of this? I shall cut out your tongue and shove it up your fat arse for this outrage.” He rolled off the whore and stood naked before Tullus and Robarius while Celestra growled. Tullus noticed Kletus Spearthrower’s right arm reaching for a short spear lying on the floor, next to the bed. He eyed Tullus and Celestra with disgust and snarled.

  “And who the fuck are you two supposed to be?”

  “You will tell me what I wish to know about Camus Scorpio,” Tullus said.

  Kletus Spearthrower laughed. “How bout I cut you up and turn you both into rugs, ehh?” he said before launching his spear at Tullus. Tullus sidestepped the spear as it whistled past his ear and through the open door behind him. Celestra launched herself at the naked man while the whore screamed and ran from the room, breasts bouncing up and down. Spearthrower’s reflexes were swift and he dropped to the floor while Celestra flew over him and landed on the creaking bed.

  Tullus drew LeopardClaw and approached Spearthrower. “Taste my sword.” He slashed at Spearthrower who parried his cut with another spear before head-butting Tullus, who momentarily lost his balance. Kletus Spearthrower seized the opportunity by landing a punch across Tullus’ jaw before steering his spear in an upward arc. Tullus avoided the spearhead, yet it caught the sleeve of his chainmail and pricked his protected arm. Luckily he was not wounded.

  Spearthrower flashed him a grin, displaying two chipped front teeth before Celestra pounced on his spear arm and bit into it. Spearthrower howled in pain and landed a fist on Celestra’s temple, but the Leopardess refused to surrender her grip. Re-sheathing LeopardClaw Tullus tackled Spearthrower and the three of them crashed to the floor. The spear came loose from Spearthrower’s grip and made a rattling sound as it rolled into a corner of the room. In the background, Robarius cowered against the wall like a mouse while his eyes remained transfixed on the combatants. Spearthrower’s throwing arm was dripping with blood. Celestra, having accomplished her goal, withdrew her teeth and licked at her blood-stained muzzle. Tullus drew LeopardTooth and pushed it up against Spearthrower’s throat. A small line of blood streaked from the blade and dripped to the floor; Spearthrower eyed LeopardTooth defiantly.

  “Now that I have your attention, you will tell me about Camus Scorpio.”

  “Both you and your furry pet can piss off,” Spearthrowe
r said before spitting a glob of phlegm into Tullus’ face.

  Tullus laughed. “Celestra, did you hear that?” Tullus said as he withdrew LeopardTooth from Spearthrower’s throat and stood up. The Leopardess growled loudly and sunk her teeth into Spearthrower’s ankle before Kletus screamed again. Celestra slowly peeled back a layer of skin, revealing pink, stringy tendons that glistened under the lantern’s light, while the smell of blood filled the air. Kletus Spearthrower sank to the ground while a small puddle of blood formed around his ankle.

  “I’ll ask you again,” Tullus said, “tell me about Camus Scorpio.” He forced the parchment with the Scorpion sigil into Kletus Spearthrower’s hands before the spearman inspected it.

  “What do you wish to know?” Spearthrower said. He no longer spoke with authority and his leaden tone resembled a small boy whose favorite toy had been broken.

  “Bring towels,” Tullus ordered Robarius. “I don’t want him to bleed to death while I question him.”

  Pimpus Robarius nodded obediently and rushed out the door. Tullus heard his footsteps as they descended the staircase below the trapdoor before they faded from earshot.

  “First question: what does that parchment mean?”

  Kletus Spearthrower looked at the piece of paper. “It’s a Death Letter. This is Camus Scorpio’s seal,” Spearthrower said before pointing at the scorpion and two crossed spears. “He sends these notes to his enemies: to let them know that he is hunting them. Some sort of twisted Skull Assassin code used during the old Serpent Wars… that’s all I know, I swear it.”

  Tullus nodded. “I see…second question: how many men does Scorpio have working for him?”

  Spearthrower’s eyes filled with moisture and Tullus thought the man might erupt into tears. Instead he sighed. “About fifty to sixty footmen to watch over his many lucrative businesses’.”

  Robarius returned to the room panting, the front of his tunic and underarms drenched with sweat, Kiria accompanied him. “Bandage his wound,” Tullus ordered Kiria, who stared at Kletus Spearthrower’s bloody ankle with disgust.


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