Island Secrets

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Island Secrets Page 17

by R. T. Wolfe

  * * *

  Working as a team, the three Clearwater homes were put back together in no time. Following Matt's request, Zoe made sure everyone agreed to meet and discuss the 'searches.' They needed to get on the same page regarding how to handle Chief Roberts. Since it was early in the week and still mid-afternoon, they decided on Willow's bar. All five Clearwaters were there, Dane, Matt and even Chloe. Liam had moved the jukebox in front of the sheet of dangling plastic that hid his construction of Willow's dance floor. Dane loaded it with a zillion dollars' worth of songs. They listened as they made plans around three round tables clustered together.

  "Everyone needs to travel in groups," Matt ordered. "Never less than two. The more the better. It's possible he might to try and corner you. The way he tossed your homes indicates a probable goal of intimidation. That would follow the overall personality profile of an abuser. Unfortunately, he's also a police chief. He may think he's above the law. To a point, maybe he is. That is, unless you're together. Then there's a witness. Raine, I want you to stay at your parents'."

  Raine nearly spit out her beer. "You're not telling me what to do."

  Matt ran his hands over his face. "Let me rephrase, oh mighty princess."

  Zoe couldn't help it. She laughed so hard she did spit out her beer. Matt must've been at the end of his patience. He started in on his rephrasing but by that time her mother and father had joined in with the laughter. Chloe probably didn't know what was so funny, but she took one look at her grandpa laughing and joined in.

  Raine's face transformed into something between a tomato and a lobster. Since she'd never blushed a day in her life, Zoe knew it was good old-fashioned pissed off. Matt wasn't laughing, either.


  When the laughter died down enough so he could be heard, Matt rephrased for the princess. "Is there someone you could stay with so you're not alone? Willow? Your folks? An axe murderer?"

  She squinted, leaned back, and set her arm on the back of Willow's chair. "What do you think, Willow? You want a roomie for a day or two?"

  Matt leaned forward as Raine leaned back. "Or a week or two."



  "Children. Children." Her mother waved a hand between them. "I propose a toast."


  "I toast the perseverance of the Clearwaters. And the dedication of our new friend, Detective Osborne." Her mother waited a moment, then added, "Lift your glass, Raine, dear."

  Raine obeyed, of course. A round of clinking glass resonated.

  Dane took Zoe's hand. "May I have this dance?"

  "There's um, no dancing here."

  "There is now, babe," he said as he pulled her to her feet.

  The song was slow. In fact, they all were.

  He tugged one of the belt loops at the front of her jeans, pressing their hips together. The red in her cheeks wasn't from good old-fashioned pissed off.

  "You're different," he said as he guided their joined hips in a dance that was nothing short of foreplay. Was she supposed to carry on a lucid conversation when he did this?

  "H-how so?"

  Dipping his lips to her ear, he let them brush against her as he answered. "Confident. Calm. Collected. And sexy as hell, but that last part's not different."

  Damn it if she didn't shiver in the warm room.

  "You just haven't had sex in," she looked at an imaginary watch on her wrist, "almost twenty-four hours."

  "Ouch," he whispered and kissed her bare shoulder. She let her arms slide up his back and her hips follow his as they moved in their tiny circle near the jukebox.

  He crooned in her ear the way he did when they made love. "I guess we'll have to be glue for the next day or two."

  "Or week or two," she amended.

  The song ended and they broke apart, returning to the loud table. Everyone planned their logistics of who stayed with whom and how they would handle Turtle Conservation calls.

  "Are you guys gonna have a baby, now?" Chloe didn't say it loud, but the table stopped their conversations as if someone had turned off a switch.

  "Um," Zoe said, looking around at the eyes that were all trained on her. "Why would you ask something like that, sweetie?"

  Chloe shrugged. She seemed to sense she was the reason for the sudden silence. "You put your bodies together." She gestured to the spot they were dancing. "Mom says that's how you have babies."

  "Willow Clearwater," her mother barked.

  Uh oh. Zoe wanted so badly to shout out an 'Ooo,' but didn't for Chloe's sake.

  Her mother actually pushed away from the table and stood. Ouch. "You mean to tell me you haven't explained about human bodies and sex to my granddaughter?"

  Zoe thought she remembered her first 'talk' before she hit pre-school... and refresher courses several times after.

  "Mom. She's six years old."

  "She's asking, isn't she? I'll just have to do it for you."

  "No!" Zoe and her sisters yelled all at once.

  Chapter 23

  Dane was part scared shitless and part excited as hell. He wanted this to be right, and he wanted Zoe. And not just for a week or two. It had been several days since Roberts tore up the Clearwaters' homes. The time was never going to be right, so he was just going to do it.

  Taking a deep breath, he stepped through the door of the best jewelry store this side of the peninsula. And he would know these things. Larue's was known for the quality and variety of their stones and the flexibility of settings. He knew exactly what he wanted. Circle diamond. Larue quality. The best. Not too big. Maybe a karat. With a single smaller diamond on each side. The two of them becoming one. He could give a shit if it was stupid. He was stupid in love. He'd admit it to anyone.

  He'd arranged for her to assist Liam on a bigger scuba tour. She agreed, but only as the driver. Small steps.

  The inland mall was home to three jewelry stores, a handful of larger chain clothing stores and a scattering of traditional, Florida local shops with a Greyhound bus stop at the end so arriving tourists could spend money first, find a place to stay later.

  He worked the poor salesman until he had him almost in tears. Dane knew his gemstones and wasn't paying a penny more than he should. He decided on yellow gold. It wasn't what the girls were wearing for jewelry, but he was a treasure hunter and white gold just wouldn't fit. They fit. With her, he was a man. He was whole. He would ask her and, if needed, drag her off to the nearest deserted island and make her say yes.

  The diamond he picked wasn't from the bag of stones the salesman shook out into the velvet-bottomed tray in the back room. It was in the display case. Speaking to him. A few metaphorical tears later from the salesman and Dane had one solitaire engagement ring in his pocket. It felt more right than anything he'd done in his life. A local cheese and cracker shop was on the way to where he parked his Jeep. He chose an extra sharp cheddar with some fancy cracker thing the gal behind the counter recommended. A reputable liquor store carried the proper wine for such an occasion. The salmon filets and bakers already waited in the fridge.

  She would say yes, wouldn't she? He started to worry as he walked to the parking lot. Of course she would, he decided, as he glanced in the bus stop. His feet stopped before the rest of him, causing him to throw his arms out so he wouldn't fall and crush his cheese and crackers. He jutted his chin closer to the window as if that would make a difference. His eyes zeroed in on the cork bulletin board next to the ticket counter.

  Wanted: Miriam Roberts.

  He didn't watch where he was going as he kept his eyes on the 8" x 11" piece of paper like it might disappear if he blinked. Nearly running into an elderly woman on his way in, he made himself pay attention, apologize and hold the door for her before he passed through.

  Wanted: Miriam Roberts. For murder. Do not attempt to approach. Is considered armed and dangerous. Call the Ibis Island Police Department if you have information leading to the arrest of this suspect.

  * * *

p; Dane had been quiet the entire ride back to Zoe's house. Granted, the entire ride from Sun Trips was a whopping five minutes, but she expected him to riddle her with questions about her first scuba tour in over two years. Well, not tour so much as driving a boat for Liam's tour. But still.

  She'd been talking incessantly about the couple who dove together that reminded Zoe of her and Seth. They leaned toward the plant and animal life versus the shipwrecks and caverns.

  She would keep herself from acting petty and think about food. Had she eaten lunch? "Don't tell Mom and Dad, but I think I want steak tonight."

  That got his attention. He nearly ran over her mailbox, craning his head at her as he pulled into her drive.

  "Just kidding. I wasn't sure if you were paying attention."

  "Of course I was. I'm a dude, babe."

  His sarcasm warmed her heart. Along with the nickname that irritated the hell out of her not long ago. How could this feel so right? Dane Corbin?

  He pulled a paper bag she hadn't noticed from the back of his Jeep. As casually as she could, she said, "I'm going to hit the shower before starting dinner. Care to join me?" She loved the way his feet ground to a halt in the gravel. It was only a moment before he continued his trek, but it was worth it.

  "Rain check?" he asked.

  ...and her bubble burst. No pouting, Zoe. She wasn't in love with a machine.

  "I picked up some things," he amended. "I'm making dinner tonight."

  Bubble securely back in place, she kissed him on the cheek as she unlocked her door. Keys on the rack, shoes by the door. She took no more than two steps toward her bathroom before she smelled it. Cigarette smoke and a musky perfume.

  Dane must have smelled it, too, because he set his bag down slowly and stepped in front of her.

  A woman with short, jet black hair stepped out of the kitchen. "Hello, Dane. Zoe."

  Miriam Roberts had long, blonde hair. Or at least she did the last time Zoe saw her. And this was definitely Miriam Roberts.

  This time, Zoe didn't feel the same relief about finding this woman that everyone was looking for.

  "What are you doing here?" Dane asked, still standing between Miriam and her.

  "I see you've seen the posters." She took a long drag on her cigarette, gesturing to a corner of a paper sticking out of his grocery bag.

  Posters? What posters?

  "Everyone's looking for you," he said softly. "You come back to Ibis?"

  Miriam sighed overtly. "The canary hiding in the cat's bed."

  "What posters?" No one was offering an explanation.

  Making her way toward them, Miriam explained. "My husband has put out a warrant for my arrest. An APB and all that."

  "What the hell for?"

  "For the murder of your brother. The small print reads that my husband has evidence I killed Seth. I'm armed and dangerous." She looked positively spent. Maybe it was the way the black hair drained her face of any color. Or maybe it was because her face was drained of all color. "I'm sorry for bringing this to you. I didn't know where else to go. The professor I was staying with said he thought he was followed. He probably was."

  It could have been Matt's men as easily as Chief Roberts.

  "We're calling Detective Osborne," Dane said flatly. It was the first time she could remember him calling Matt by his formal title.

  Miriam collapsed into the chair nearest the kitchen. She took another drag on her cigarette and, this time, Zoe noticed the way her hand shook. "I understand. Of course. Will you... give me time to get away?"

  "No," Zoe pleaded. "He's a good cop. He wants to help you."

  Zoe never thought anyone could be more suspicious of the police than Raine, but the look on Miriam's face said she trumped Raine tenfold. "Please, Miriam. Trust me. He thinks your husband used crooked warrants to trash our homes—"

  "He searched your homes?"

  Zoe nodded, then offered, "He didn't break anything."

  Placing her face in her hands, Miriam broke. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know where else to go. What to do. I should just let him have me. It's only a matter of time. He has too many connections. You can't imagine."

  "Please, Miriam. Let us call Detective Osborne."

  Dane pulled out his cell. "There is no, 'let us.'"

  * * *

  Matt brought a plain-clothes police officer with him. Or maybe it was a detective. Zoe didn't know. She was more focused on Miriam. Her heart ached for her. She'd never seen a woman so emotionally bruised. Zoe's entire house smelled like the townie bar where no one followed the no smoking rules. She didn't have it in her to tell Miriam not to smoke.

  Miriam didn't offer her side of the story. She didn't argue about the murder accusation. She seemed to have simply shut down.

  "You're not safe here," Matt said. "Patrols regularly check each of the Clearwater homes."

  "I wasn't followed." Miriam must have seen the doubt in Matt's eyes as easily as Zoe did because she added, "I've been married to Neil for almost fifteen years. I know what I'm doing."

  Matt nodded. "You've stayed off the radar for a long time."

  "That time was coming to an end."

  "What makes you think so?"

  "The professor who hid me noticed he was being followed."

  Zoe interrupted. "Was it you?" she asked Matt.

  Matt shook his head. "We hadn't gotten that far. Which means if it is the chief, he's faster and knows more than we thought he did. The email attached to the arrest warrant bulletin reads that Roberts will stand witness to seeing you at the dive site the day Seth was murdered."

  Miriam stood now, tossing her cigarette into a mug. "As if I could do that to anyone. Let alone Seth."

  "How can this be?" Zoe blurted. Pent up frustration ate at her. "How can he sleep in his bed every night after what he did to my brother? What he did—is doing—to his wife?"

  Dane squeezed her hand. It helped. It always helped. "She can stay at my place," he said.

  Everyone turned to him.

  "Think about it," he added. "Zoe has been neurotic about keeping our relationship under wraps. Other than the fact that Zoe works for me, no one on the island has any idea there is a connection between me and the Clearwater family."

  Matt shook his head. "Your Jeep isn't exactly covert, Dane. It's been parked every night in front of Zoe's house for over a month."

  "Look out the window," Dane suggested.


  "Look out the window. It's parked in back of the bushes. You can't see if from the street. I've checked."

  He did that for her?

  Matt looked out the window, then shook his head again anyway.

  Dane didn't quit. "I was gone the day Roberts came with his gang and tossed Zoe's house."

  Matt turned to her. "Zoe?"

  Oh sheesh, he was asking her. So much rested on this. She stood and strolled to the window on the opposite side of the room. They'd danced a few times in public. But Dane Corbin had a reputation of doing that with everyone. "I think he might be right. Here's not safe. I could pull my blinds, but that would be obvious. I never do that. It would be easy to do at Dane's place, because no one has lived there in so long. Miriam?"

  "I am thankful, truly I am. I'm also ready to accept the inevitable."

  "Which is what?" Zoe raised her voice. "After all this, you're going to give up? After all these years? After Seth was willing to give up... his family for you?"

  "I'm so sorry, Zoe. Please forgive me."

  She did. She truly did. For it all. Zoe wrapped her arms around Miriam. Her hair reeked of smoke. It was masked only slightly by the scent of her musky perfume. This poor woman.

  Pulling away, Zoe looked her brother's lover in the eyes. They were a pretty hazel. Warm. "Stay at Dane's for now, Miriam. It's perfect."

  Chapter 24

  The marine laboratory was nearly sixty miles south of Ibis Island. The sun was coming up on the left side of Dane's Jeep as he made the turn down the road that led to the staff onl
y parking lot. Zoe sat crooked next to him, turned so she could see Willow in the back seat. They spoke of sea turtle stats, some comeback that started a few years ago, and about a dude who seemed to be the originator of sea turtle conservation. Zoe's beautiful voice was contagious and reminded him of the ring that rested in his pocket.

  A nearly mature loggerhead was going to be released just after sunrise. It had been fitted with some sort of satellite thing on its back. Zoe tried to explain it to Dane as she got ready that morning.

  He'd woken to an empty bed. All he would have needed to do was give his mind a chance to wake so he could remember today was the day to watch the turtle release. But with cold sheets next to him, it was hard to focus on anything but the empty space. The idea of not having her with him each morning felt like losing his right arm. The few seconds before his brain was fully awake were unsettling enough that he nearly proposed to her as she came out of the shower.

  There weren't a lot of options of where to hide a ring when wearing boxer briefs. And he had decided a bed head and bags under his eyes wouldn't make for a decent proposal.

  Chloe sat next to Willow in his back seat. He could sense the buzz in the air as he found a place to park. He chose a spot next to Liam who rode with Henry and Harmony in Raine's SUV.

  The biologist gal was there to greet them. Before they departed for the designated docking pier, she offered to give them a quick look-around. She spoke like a Sun Trips tour guide.

  "In the first four tanks, we have two injured and two sick loggerheads."

  Tanks? They were more like individual, above ground swimming pools.

  "In the final tank is Milly. She's our only manatee at this time. They are docile animals and are often hit by boats. This one sustained especially deep cuts. See how the wounds are parallel lines? Each line is from the propeller of a boat as it traveled over her."

  The animal was covered in more scars than just the ones she described. Most of them seemed like older wounds, but he wasn't about to ask.


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