10 Paranormal Stories

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10 Paranormal Stories Page 11

by Lamees Alhassar

  “I have, Paul. I am just taking my time. You don’t know how terrible my day has been. Don’t worry. Maybe later I will finish my wine and then have more.”

  Paul nodded and placed the wine bottle on the glass table. “You must take things easy, Katrina. I just told you that I can reverse everything. Why not relax and have more drinks with me?”

  “Maybe I will be more relaxed when you reverse everything, Paul. Can’t you reverse it right away?”

  “My goodness. You sound like someone who is really in a hurry, Katrina. What is the rush all about?”

  Katrina touched his arm. “Paul, you don’t know how much you have always meant to me. I am really sorry that I had to walk away. In fact, right now, I can see just how selfish I was. I am really sorry.”

  Paul touched her face. “Katrina, my dear Katrina. I knew you would eventually realize how wrong your decision had been. You should never have walked away from me.”

  Katrina nodded her head hurriedly. “Yes, you are right. I was wrong. And that is why I have come back to you, Paul.”

  “So we are back together again?”

  Katrina nodded again. “Yes, yes, yes, Paul. We are back together again. Now reverse the curses. Please.”

  Paul took another sip of his wine. He then looked at the glass before drinking everything in it. He then saw Katrina putting down her own glass. But her glass was still a bit full. “Are you sure you still like red wine?”

  Katrina nodded. “Of course I do. I am just not too keen on drinking right now, Paul. I mean, you should understand how low I am feeling right now. Maybe if you reverse everything, then I might be motivated to fully join you in drinking.”

  Paul nodded. “Anything for my Katrina. Anything for you. Now, where is the mirror?”

  Katrina pointed to where he was seated. “It’s just by your side.”

  Paul picked it up. As he looked at it, the lights inside the apartment began to flicker erratically. Katrina looked around, frightened by what was happening. Paul saw the change in her countenance and patted her hand. “Calm down, Katrina. It is all right. You don’t have to be afraid.”

  “But I am, Paul. Can’t you hurry up and do what you need to do? Please?”

  Paul nodded. “Sure. I will reverse the whole thing. Let me just—”

  Katrina saw Paul suddenly stop talking and drop the mirror on the floor. He then clutched his stomach and fell down on his knees. Katrina rushed to his side and held him. He grabbed her shoulder and stared into her eyes. “What is wrong with me?”

  “I don’t know, Paul. What do you think is wrong with you?”

  Paul was now sweating. “My stomach. It’s on fire. Why?”

  Katrina shrugged. “Maybe it is something you ate?”

  Paul stared at her with wide eyes. “Ate?”

  “Or drank?”

  Paul shot a glance at the bottle of red wine. He then looked at Katrina’s glass, which was still full. And then he realized what had happened. “No wonder you were not drinking your wine. Damn you, Katrina! What do you think that you have just done?”

  “Nothing much, Paul. I just took out a little insurance for myself. You never thought that a girl like me would come here not prepared, did you?” Katrina asked. She then opened her bag and brought out a small vial.

  “What is that?” Paul asked.

  “It is the antidote to the poison which you have just taken, Paul.”

  Paul coughed. “Poison?”

  Katrina nodded. “Yes, Paul. Now reverse the spell or else you’ll be a dead man in the next five minutes.”

  Paul coughed and smiled. “You are a fool, Katrina. I should have known that you could never be trusted.”

  Katrina nodded. “You should have known better than to try to break and wreck my life the way you have. Now, reverse the spell. Or do you want to die?”

  Paul shook his head and pointed to the mirror. “All you have to do is hold it close to you.”

  Katrina picked up the mirror. “Yes? And what then?”

  Paul was now breathing slowly. “Please give me the antidote, Katrina. I am feeling weak.”

  “Damn it. Continue with what you are saying, Paul.”

  “Hold it close to you and then recite the words.”

  “I am holding it already. What are the words I should say?”

  “I reverse the spell in this mirror.”

  Katrina looked into the mirror. “I reverse the spell in this mirror.”

  After she said this, the lights began to flicker and fluctuate for a while. And then everything stopped. She looked at Paul. He was sitting on the floor with his hands wrapped around his stomach, coughing severely.

  “Is that all?” Katrina asked, placing the mirror down on the settee.

  Paul nodded. “Yes, Katrina. Now give me the antidote, for goodness’ sake.”

  “How can I be sure that you have reversed everything?”

  “Do you want to check for yourself? Then why not call your office. But first give me the antidote, Katrina.”

  Katrina shook her head. “Not until I confirm first.”

  “Katrina, please—” Paul began to say, but could not continue. The pain in his stomach seemed to have increased. He fell on the floor and began to roll, jerking and coughing sporadically.

  Katrina did not seem to care. She watched him writhing uncontrollably on the floor. “You should never have tried to play such a prank on me, Paul. Now it is my turn to pay you back.”

  Suddenly, Paul sat up and reached for the mirror on the settee. “Katrina. You are going to pay for this.”

  Katrina chuckled. “Pay? How? Go on, tell me how you intend to do that, Paul.”

  Paul raised the mirror and threw it forcefully against the wall. As it collided with the wall, the glass shattered into several pieces.

  Katrina saw Paul fall on the floor and remain still.

  She stood up and walked towards where the mirror had been broken. She then looked at the pieces of glass on the floor. “Such a loser,” she said as she walked back to the settee.

  As she picked up her bag, she observed that the lights had begun to flicker again. Alarmed, she looked in the direction that Paul lay. He was still lying there. But by his side was the same mirror he had smashed against the wall not long ago. She looked in the direction of the wall and did not see any mirror nor glass particles on the floor.

  And then the lights stopped flickering.

  Surprised, she walked back to where his still body lay and bent down to pick up the mirror. It was lying face down, with the mirror turned against her facing the floor. As she turned it, she saw that the mirror was still broken in several places. But apart from that, there was no reflection inside the mirror.

  “Now this is strange. No reflection?” Katrina asked aloud.

  Maybe it was because the spell had been reversed, she thought.

  Suddenly, a face appeared in the mirror. She looked closely and screamed when she saw that it was Paul.

  Paul was staring at her from within the mirror.

  Katrina screamed and tried to throw away the mirror. But before she could do that, she realized that she could not accomplish her feat. She looked and saw that a hand was holding onto her wrist. The hand had come out of the mirror. It was Paul’s.

  “You don’t think I am going to let you go this time, do you, Katrina?” Paul asked.

  Katrina tried to pull off his hand. But her efforts were fruitless. Not believing what was happening, Katrina ran to the table and grabbed the bottle of wine. She raised it with the intention of smashing it on Paul’s hand. But what she saw made her scream the more.

  Paul’s hand was no longer visible. Rather, her arm was now inside the mirror. Her entire arm up to her elbow was missing, buried inside the mirror. She dropped the wine bottle and began to wrestle with the mirror.

  But the more she wrestled with the mirror, the more it seemed to continue to swallow her. All this while, the lights in the apartment continued to flicker erratically, fluctua
ting as if there was a surge in the current. Gradually, Katrina watched in pure horror as her elbow, shoulder, and her entire body got consumed by the mirror.

  At the last moment, it was her left hand that was out, trying to feel around for anything. The mirror was inching up to her wrist as the hand felt around. And then Katrina’s hand was also consumed.

  And then the mirror lay still on the floor.


  The Candy Store

  CHAPTER 1 They were in slow-moving traffic when he noticed the sign board.

  “What are you looking at?” his sister asked him.

  “That,” he said, pointing.

  She followed the direction of his finger. It was a small store with a wide glass window and colourful designs. On it was a bold orange sign saying: “The Best Candy Store.”

  “Candies?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Sure. Candies. What wouldn’t I do to have some today?”

  The man driving the SUV turned to look at them. “What are you two talking about?”

  His sister pointed. “It is candies, Dad. Dylan said he wants some.”

  “Candies? In the middle of traffic?” their father asked.

  “No, Dad. Not in the middle of traffic. I can see a shop just by the side,” the boy replied.

  “Well not today, Dylan. You should be old enough to know that candies are not good for your teeth,” their father replied.

  Dylan sighed and looked away. “Yes, I know, Dad. But the traffic has been moving so slowly all this while. And we are all looking so gloomy. Perhaps a few candies might brighten our day.”

  The woman opposite to their father looked up from the magazine that she had been reading. “Did somebody just mention candies?”

  Dylan waved his hand. “Yes, Mum. I did.”

  His mother looked at his father. “Honey, maybe we should get some. I really could do with some candies right now.”

  “Darling, but we are in the middle of traffic!” their father protested.

  Their mother nodded. “I know. But it is very slowmoving traffic. One of us could easily dash to any of those shops, buy a truckload, and return, and I bet you that we would not have even moved an inch.”

  “Why is everyone suddenly interested in candies today?” their father asked.

  Dylan waved his hand. “For now it is just me and Mum that are interested, Dad. Both you and Claire are not on our team.”

  Claire punched Dylan’s arm. “Shut up. What makes you think I don’t want any candy?”

  “But you did not show any interest,” Dylan replied.

  “Okay, that is enough, Claire. So everyone wants some candies, right?” their father asked.

  Both Dylan and Claire nodded in unison. Their mother waved her hand. “Honey, aren’t you going to join in the winning team?”

  Their father glanced at their mum. “Winning team? What winning team? Candy lovers?”

  Their mother nodded. “No, not just candy lovers. Candy lovers who are stuck in traffic.”

  Their father shook his head as he surveyed the vehicles in front of him. “Nah. I think I’ll be just fine. All right, Claire. You can take Dylan and check out that candy store behind us. And don’t be too long.”

  As Claire opened her door and began to get out, their mother held Dylan’s arm. “In case the traffic begins to move, we’ll park by the roadside and wait for you, all right?”

  Dylan nodded. “Yes, Mum. We won’t be long. I promise.”

  “You promise? I hope you will not get confused and want to buy up everything, Dylan,” Claire said as they began to walk towards the shop.

  “Why would you say that, Claire?” Dylan asked.

  “Why wouldn’t I say that? Are you not the one who was able to spot the candy store while we were stuck in traffic?”

  “Well, it wasn’t hard to do. But apart from that, are you not supposed to be grateful that I spoke out?”

  “Grateful for what? It is just candies, Dylan. Don’t make it sound as if you were able to voice out some deeper desires of mine. I am your older sister and I can talk for myself.”

  Dylan nodded. “Yes, you are right. But still, you should thank me for talking for you in the car.”

  They both opened the door to the candy store and rushed into it. Inside, Dylan was excited by what he saw. There were several shelves and showcases with different kinds of candies and sweets.

  “My goodness, I have never seen this many candies in one place!” Dylan gushed.

  Claire nodded. “I am amazed, Dylan. Honestly, you do have some good eyes to have spotted this shop so easily.”

  “I was observant, Claire. Now you know that you owe me for finding this store for you.”

  “Please, enough of what I owe you or not. Let’s select what we want and get back to Mum and Dad.”

  Dylan nodded and looked around the store. “Yes, Claire. But there are so many candies and sweets. Which do we choose?”

  “Of course we are going to just select a few. You don’t expect that we are going to buy everything here. Or do you?”

  “Claire, just look at all these flavours. Don’t you wish we could?”

  “And if we did, we would then end up falling ill. No thanks, Dylan. Let’s just select a few and be out right away. Besides, I don’t have enough money to waste on candies and sweets,” Claire said.

  “But you don’t have to waste all your money on the candies and sweets in this shop,” Claire heard someone say.

  Claire looked at Dylan. “What was that you said?”

  Dylan looked back at her. “What was what I said?”

  “You said I didn’t have to waste all my money on the candies in here,” Claire replied.

  Dylan shook his head. “No, I didn’t say that.”

  “But I heard you audibly, Dylan. Or do you want to deny it?”

  Dylan shook his head again. “I am serious, Claire. I never said anything.”

  “Leave your younger brother alone, Claire. I was the one who made the statement,” they both heard. Dylan and Claire turned around because the voice had come from behind them.

  But there was no one there. Rather, all that they saw was an empty counter and more showcases filled with sweets and candies.

  Claire frowned and looked around. “This is strange. You did hear that, didn’t you, Dylan?”

  Dylan was nodding his head and holding onto his sister’s hand. “Yes. Yes I did hear that. But who was it? Where did it come from?”

  “I wish I knew. And there does not seem to be anyone around. Isn’t that also odd?”

  “There is nothing odd about it, Claire. Someone is in this shop,” the same voice said.

  They both looked towards the counter again. It was still empty.

  Claire gripped Dylan’s hand and began to walk towards the exit. “Who is it? Where are you hiding?”

  “I am not hiding, Claire. And please don’t leave. I can see that you are already frightened,” the voice replied.

  Claire nodded, looking around frantically. “Wouldn’t you be frightened if you only heard voices and did not see anybody there?”

  “Maybe I would. But there is always a reason for everything,” the voice continued.

  Claire was still walking slowly towards the exit. Dylan was still holding firmly to his sister’s hand. His eyes were wide open and he was silent. “A reason? What kind of reason would you have for trying to frighten us?”

  “Frighten you? No, no, no. I am not trying to frighten you, Claire. Come on, did you not come here to buy candies?” the voice asked.

  Claire glanced at her younger brother. Dylan nodded his head vigorously at her. “Yes, we did come here for candies. But maybe we have lost interest in them. So, maybe next time. Bye,” Claire said, and turned to open the door.

  But the door would not open. Rather, it was firmly locked. Dylan grabbed the handle and began to tug at it and turn it. But it refused to open.

  Claire spun around, angry and scared at the same time. “What kind of pr
ank is this? Open the door right now!”

  “And what if I told you that I wouldn’t? What would you do, Claire?” the voice asked.

  “Our parents are going to come for us. Open the door right now,” Claire demanded.

  “Relax, Claire. I don’t want to hurt you or Dylan,” the voice replied.

  Dylan began to cry. “I am scared. Please let’s go. I don’t want your candies!”

  “But you wanted to buy some earlier on, didn’t you, Dylan?” the voice asked.

  Dylan sniffed and nodded. “Yes. But I don’t want them anymore. I want to get back to my parents.”

  “But you haven’t tasted my candies yet, Dylan,” the voice said.

  “Can’t you see that you are freaking him out already? What kind of game is this? Just let us go,” Claire said, holding Dylan close to her.

  “I will, Claire. But you both have to trust me. I don’t want to hurt either of you. Honestly,” the voice said.

  Dylan stopped crying. He sniffed and looked around. “Are you sure? You are not going to hurt us?”

  “No, Dylan. I wouldn’t hurt you or Claire. Never,” the voice said.

  “Then what do you want with us? Why do you keep us locked in?” Claire asked.

  “I want to show you something wonderful and magical,” the voice said.

  Dylan suddenly let go of his sister’s hand and stepped forward. Claire reached for her brother. “Dylan, come back. Where are you going?”

  But Dylan ignored her. Rather, he continued to look around. “Magical? Did you say magical?” he asked, taking more steps forward.

  “Yes, Dylan. Something really magical and beyond your wildest dreams. Would you like that?” the voice asked.

  Claire waved her hands. “No. No, we would not like any of your magic, please. Just let us go free. Please.”

  “Why not let the young lad speak for himself, Claire? Stop talking for him,” the voice said.

  “He’s too young to understand what is happening,” Claire said.

  “No, Claire. I am old enough already. Wasn’t I the one who spotted the candy shop in the first place?” Dylan shot back at Claire.

  Claire was exasperated. “Dylan. Do you realize that we are stuck in here and that Mum and Dad will be worried about us right about now?”


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