10 Paranormal Stories

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10 Paranormal Stories Page 13

by Lamees Alhassar

  Claire sat up. “They are not? How can you be so sure?”

  “Because ever since you entered the candy shop, time actually began to move slower than usual,” Raquetr said.

  “Slower than usual?” Claire repeated.

  Raquetr nodded. “Yes. Much, much slower, Claire. How long do you think you have spent all this while?”

  “You mean since we stepped into your candy store? It must be at least an hour,” Claire replied.

  Raquetr shook his head. “It is far less than that, Claire. Since then, you have not yet spent up to a minute.”

  “That is a lie. It’s impossible! Less than a minute? What are you trying to do to us?” Claire demanded.

  “But it is the truth, Claire. And I am not trying to do anything to you or Dylan,” Raquetr said.

  “Then why are you holding us here?” Claire asked.

  “I needed to spend time with you two, Claire. That is all. Once that is over, then I will return you to your domain to meet with your parents again,” Raquetr said.

  Claire looked at her brother. Dylan was busy licking a candy. She turned her attention to Raquetr. “Okay. What else can I do?”

  “Maybe you can have a candy as well. That is a nice way to start,” Raquetr said.

  “A candy?” Claire repeated.

  Raquetr nodded and handed her a bag. “Yes, Claire. Have a candy for yourself.”

  Claire collected the bag reluctantly. She then opened it and picked out one of the candies. Glancing briefly at both her brother and Raquetr, she held up the candy and began to examine it.

  “Are you not eating yours?” Dylan asked with a mouthful.

  “Is it good?” Claire asked.

  Dylan nodded. “Of course it is. I wouldn’t be on my third candy by now if it wasn’t.”

  Claire glanced at Raquetr. “It’s not enchanted, is it?”

  Raquetr smiled and pointed at Dylan. “Do you think that if it was, your brother would still be eating away at it?”

  Claire shrugged. “I don’t know, Raquetr. I am still trying to make sense of all this. I mean, we only came to buy some candies, and now we are with you in a forest.”

  “It’s not just a forest, Claire. It is a magical forest,” Raquetr corrected.

  Claire nodded. “You say magical?”

  “Yes, Claire. Magical,” Raquetr said.

  Claire placed one of the candies in her mouth. “Maybe I should stop sitting on the fence and take the plunge, right?”

  Raquetr smiled as she ate the candy. “How does it taste?”

  Claire nodded. “Very nice, I must say.”

  “I thought as much. That means that others will find them appealing as well,” Raquetr said.

  Claire looked at him closely. “Others?”

  “Yes, Claire. Others. I plan on getting other kids to visit my kingdom,” Raquetr said.

  “Other kids? But how?” Dylan asked.

  “By getting them to eat of the candies, of course,” Raquetr replied.

  Dylan raised his left thumb. “What about the rings? Can’t you make more for other kids?”

  Raquetr shook his head. “No, those are special rings. And they are only two in number. I couldn’t possibly begin to make them en masse. That is why I need to make use of the candies.”

  “But why do you need kids to come to your kingdom?” Claire asked as she took another candy.

  Raquetr waved his hands around. “Because I want to populate my kingdom, Claire. Just look around you. What do you see?”

  “Trees, bushes. And then more trees and bushes,” Dylan replied.

  “Exactly. And that is just it. Nothing else but vegetation. My desire is to transport all the children of your world into my domain so that they can put some life in this forest with their presence,” Raquetr said.

  “The children of our world?” Claire repeated.

  Raquetr nodded. “Yes. But I’ll first start with the children of your city, and then I’ll expand from there.”

  Dylan shook his head. “You know you cannot convince other kids to just come to your forest.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Raquetr asked.

  “They’ll be scared, Raquetr. No scared kid would want to come to such a place as this,” Dylan replied.

  “I think my brother is right there, Raquetr. You are going to have a tough time trying to convince kids to come to this forest. I mean, look at the effort you had to go through just to get my brother and me here. And that is just two of us. How long do you think it will take to get hundreds or even thousands of kids to come here?” Claire asked.

  Raquetr nodded. “I agree with you both. But I am not really bothered about that because I already have the two of you to help me out.”

  “Help you out? How?” Claire asked.

  Raquetr pointed at the bags in their hands. “By the use of candies, of course. Tell me, what child is not attracted to candies?”

  Claire frowned. “Wait. You want us to make use of candies to lure kids to your forest?”

  “Yes, Claire. That is exactly what I plan to do,” Raquetr replied.

  “And what makes you think that my brother and I would do such a thing for you?” Claire asked.

  “Nothing, Claire. Nothing makes me think that you would do such a thing because I know that you will willingly volunteer to assist me,” Raquetr said.

  “You are really confident, aren’t you? Is it because you have already succeeded in getting us here?” Claire asked.

  Raquetr shook his head. “No, Claire. It is because I can see that you both have a good heart. And people with good hearts always strive to do good in all situations.”

  “And what is the good in convincing other kids to come to such a place?” Claire asked.

  “I know that all you can see is nothing but a forest. But a long time ago it was not like this. This forest was a kingdom of magnificence and splendour, filled with all types of wonders and treasures. Many people came from far and wide just to visit and admire our kingdom for all that it was. Unfortunately, an evil sorcerer was overcome by greed and insisted on taking over this kingdom and its wealth. Of course, we refused. We fought hard to protect all that was rightfully ours. But we did not succeed. And so, for daring to challenge him, the evil sorcerer placed a spell on our kingdom, cursing all that we had to turn into a thick forest with nothing to attract anyone to it,” Raquetr said.

  “You mean all that is around us was caused by an evil sorcerer?” Dylan asked.

  Raquetr nodded. “Yes, Dylan. This forest that you see today was once a magnificent kingdom.”

  “Wait. So what does this have to do with kids from our own world?” Claire asked.

  “The only way that the spell can be broken is by being able to convince children from your world to come here and use their creative and imaginative skills to unlock the power of the evil spell, Claire,” Raquetr replied.

  Claire glanced at Dylan. “Creative and imaginative skills? And how is that supposed to work?”

  “It is very easy, Claire. Just look around you, and think of anything pleasant that you would like to see,” Raquetr said.

  Claire chuckled. “This is dumb. Seriously? I mean, I should think of anything I want?”

  “No, Claire. Not just anything that you want. It has to be something pleasant, something nice and delightful that you would rather see than a forest of trees and bushes,” Raquetr replied.

  “Really? Okay. What if I thought of a fashion store that was filled with nice clothes and design accessories?” Claire asked.

  “You don’t have to say it out loud, Claire. Just think of it,” Raquetr said.

  “Think? But of course I have thought of it even before I mentioned it to you,” Claire said.

  Raquetr smiled at her and nodded. “Then so shall it be.”

  “So shall it be?” Claire repeated.

  Raquetr nodded and smiled. But he did not say a word. Rather, it was Dylan who gasped and pointed. Claire turned to see what had caught her young
er brother’s attention. As she did, she suddenly stumbled backwards and almost fell down out of shock and surprise.

  There, right behind her, was a fashion store, and it was stocked with so many clothes and accessories.

  Claire whistled out loudly. “This is awesome! You mean that I created that?”

  Raquetr nodded. “Yes, Claire. You did. And all from your thoughts.”

  Dylan raised his hand. “Wait, wait, wait. Let me have a go. Can I try? Please, can I try it out?”

  “Sure, Dylan. You are free to try. Remember, something pleasant, nice, and delightful,” Raquetr replied.

  “Okay. There. I have done so,” Dylan said.

  Claire looked closely at her brother. “And what did you think about?”

  Dylan pointed again. Claire turned to look at what it was. There, by the side of the fashion shop, was another building. It was brightly coloured and had a lot of flashing lights.

  “A candy shop? Isn’t that sweet,” Claire said.

  “Now can you see what I have been trying to tell you all this while? It is the only way that my kingdom can be restored; children from your world who have been brought over to this forest. And there is no way I can convince them to come over unless you both do that for me,” Raquetr said.

  Claire raised the bag of candies in her hand. “And these candies will be able to lure the kids to this forest? How will that happen?”

  “It’s easy, Claire. Those are not ordinary candies. Once any child eats them, they will be automatically transported to this realm,” Raquetr said.

  Claire stopped chewing on the candy in her mouth. “But we have been eating them for quite some time now. Does it have any effect on us?”

  Raquetr shook his head and pointed at their hands. “The rings on your left thumbs. Remember, they were what transported you to my domain, right?”

  Claire nodded. “After we recited that enchantment.”

  “Exactly, Claire. Now, because you have the rings on, no matter how much of the candies you eat, you cannot be transported back to this place. This means that you will be able to distribute the candies to as many children as possible,” Raquetr said.

  “That means I can even convince my friends that the candies are all right by eating it in front of them,” Dylan stated, popping a candy into his mouth.

  “Dylan. Your friends?” Claire asked.

  Dylan shrugged. “Why not my friends, Claire? Wouldn’t you want your friends to visit this magical forest?”

  “Come on, Claire. Who else would you try to bring over if not your friends?” Raquetr asked.

  “Okay. Maybe. I guess you both are right. Yes, I would like to get my friends here as well. So, we just give them the candies and that is it?” Claire asked.

  Raquetr nodded. “Yes, Claire. Once any child eats the candy they will be transported here. Once they arrive I will take it from there, guiding them on what needs to be done, and that is it.”

  “And once your kingdom is restored, then what next?” Claire asked.

  “The kids would be returned back to your world, Claire,” Raquetr said.

  “Are you sure?” Claire asked.

  “You still doubt me, Claire? After all that I have said and shown you to convince you of my sincerity? I said I was not going to harm you, didn’t I? Do you think I would dare harm those who would eventually restore my kingdom?” Raquetr asked.

  “Forgive me, Raquetr. I guess I am just trying to get used to this whole idea. Everything is just still weird, with the magic and stuff. It will take some time to get used to all this,” Claire replied.

  “You can take your time. But remember that as time goes by, so also my kingdom remains desolate and in ruins. I would appreciate it if you could speed up getting used to all this,” Raquetr said.

  “Now someone is sounding like they are in a rush. What if we did not stop by your candy shop? Would you still be in such a hurry?” Claire asked.

  “I am not in a hurry, Claire. I just feel for my people and our lost kingdom, that is all. And for your information, everything is predestined already. Your parents driving by my candy shop was predestined to happen today,” Raquetr said.

  “Predestined?” Dylan asked.

  “Yes, Dylan. It is not by accident that you both are here today. And it will not be by accident that through you, my kingdom will be finally restored,” Raquetr said.

  Claire raised the bag and shook it. “What happens when we run out of candies?”

  “You cannot run out of candies, Claire. Just as those are not ordinary candies, so also those are not ordinary candy bags,” Raquetr replied.

  Dylan chuckled. “Wow, this is so awesome! A magical bag of candies that never runs dry. I am having the time of my life!”

  “You’d better remember what the task is, Dylan. Don’t go about eating all the candies and not giving to your friends,” Claire said.

  “Of course I am going to give to all of my friends. I am not selfish, if that is what you are thinking,” Dylan retorted.

  “It is all right, Claire. I am sure he will do well and give to as many kids as possible. And so will you. Now, I believe you might be ready to leave,” Raquetr commented.

  They both nodded. “Mom and Dad will surely be worried sick about us by now.”

  “That is what you think. But like I said previously, time slows down in my kingdom. That is why I am sure that once the kids get here and do what they have to do, they will get sent back to your world and no one will even discover that they were gone in the first place,” Raquetr said.

  “Okay. I think that will do. How do we get back now?” Claire asked.

  Raquetr pointed at their hands. “You rub the rings again.”

  “With our right index fingers?” Dylan asked.

  Raquetr nodded. “Yes. With your right index fingers. But this time, don’t recite anything. Rather, work with your minds. Think of your world. Think of your parents, and where they were in the traffic jam. And you’ll soon be there.”

  “Just like that?” Claire asked.

  “Yes, Claire. Just like that,” Raquetr replied.

  Both Claire and Dylan closed their eyes and began to rub their rings. As they rubbed their rings, some lights began to appear all around them. They looked like bulbs of different colours, each sparkling and glowing brightly before bursting into several other pieces and disappearing.

  They could not see what was happening around them because their eyes were closed. Only Raquetr was watching the whole image and change in the scenery. And then they suddenly disappeared.

  CHAPTER 3 Claire felt someone shaking her shoulder vigorously. Immediately, she opened her eyes to see her younger brother by her side. “Dylan, where are we?” she asked.

  Dylan pointed. “We are back at the candy shop.” Claire looked around and saw that it was true. They were back in the candy shop. In their hands were the bags of candies that had been given to them by

  Raquetr. Claire took hold of her brother’s hand and headed for the exit. “We’d better hurry back to Mom and Dad. I am sure they will be worried sick about us.”

  “But Raquetr said that time would have slowed down, didn’t he?” Dylan asked.

  “Did he? Well, there is only one way to find out,” Claire said as they stepped outside the shop.

  Outside, they saw other pedestrians walking by. They looked and saw that the traffic was still moving slowly.

  “Come on. Over there. In the traffic. It’s our car!” Dylan said, pulling his sister’s arm.

  Dylan was right. Not too far away was their SUV. They both hurried to it and climbed in.

  Their father turned to look at them as they sat down. “That was pretty fast. Did you both run?”

  Claire and Dylan glanced at each other. “Did you say we were fast?” Claire asked.

  Their father nodded and pointed at the road in front of them. “Of course you were. We have barely moved three feet since you were gone. Besides, you did not spend as much time as I would have thought.�

  “How much time do you think we spent, Dad?” Claire asked.

  Their mother looked at them. “Are you children kidding? You weren’t gone for even up to ten minutes. Why are you asking, anyway? Did you think you were gone for too long?”

  Dylan nodded. “Yes, Mum. We thought we had been gone for quite some time.”

  “Please let’s forget all about that now. You are back, and that is all that matters. I think they are trying to clear up the gridlock ahead. In the meantime, let’s have some of those candies in your bags,” their father said.

  Claire shook her head. “No, Dad. I think you would not like it.”

  Their mother frowned. “Who said that your dad would not like some candies? Come on. Claire? Dylan? Hand over some candies to us.”

  Dylan and Claire glanced at each other. “Mom, Dad, maybe you should be patient. We might be able to get better candies somewhere else. These are not that suitable for you.”

  “Not suitable? Then why did you buy it?” their mother asked.

  “We didn’t buy it, Mum. He just gave it to us,” Dylan blurted out. Claire glared at him and he felt regret at what he had just said.

  Their mother glanced at both of them. “He? Who is ‘he’?”

  Claire smiled and waved her hand. “Don’t mind Dylan, Mum. It was the owner of the store.”

  “The owner of the store? And why did he give you the candies for free?” their mother asked.

  “He was running some sort of free promotion to promote his shop and the candies that he sells. That was why we did not pay anything,” Claire lied.

  Their mother nodded. “That must be some promotion he is offering, considering the size of your candy bags. You both know that you cannot finish that quantity of candy. All right, hand over some of them to your dad and me.”

  Claire shook her head. “No, Mum. The shop owner specifically instructed us to give it to only kids and not adults.”

  Their mother chuckled. “Kids-only candies? Who has ever heard of such a thing?”

  “I am serious, Mum. That is the condition for him giving us the candy,” Claire insisted.

  “And I bet that he is watching you right this moment to ensure that you comply with his instructions, right?” their father asked.


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