Good Vibrations (Welcome to Paradise)

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Good Vibrations (Welcome to Paradise) Page 22

by S. L. Scott

  “Did we sleep like this?” His voice is low, groggy with sleep.

  Slowly sitting up, I look around as my eyes adjust to the bright sunlight shining in through the exposed large window.

  He pulls me back down on him, and says, “Let’s not get up yet.”

  I cuddle with him, but complain because I feel like crap. “I don’t want to get up, but we probably should.” Noticing the time on the clock that’s hanging on the wall, I attempt to get up again. “It’s almost eight. I need to go home and get showered before work. Do you work today?”

  “Yeah, at ten.”

  I kiss his scruffy cheek and sit up, again. He kicks the bottom part of the recliner down, tucking it securely back into place. I stand up and stretch, hurting all over from lying on a cramped recliner all night. “Why do I feel like today is gonna suck?”

  “Eh, you’re just tired, baby.” Evan gets up and walks to the window, suddenly energized. “Look outside, it’s beautiful out there.” He takes my hand and pulls me toward him. I groan, though secretly I love these kinds of moments with him—the quiet ones when he snuggles against me, embracing me from behind. “C’mon on, sleepy, paradise awaits.”

  I turn in his arms, wrapping mine around his neck, and say, “I found paradise when I found you.”

  “I thank the Hawaiian Gods every day for letting me be the first one to hit on you at the airport. Imagine if some other chump had gotten to you first?” He sighs, closing his eyes. When he reopens them they sparkle with an ocean-blue brilliance. “My cocky nature got me you.”

  “Your cocky nature didn’t get me, but your cocky little guy did,” I say, rubbing against his erection.

  “Ooohh, don’t hurt his feelings. Little? That’s kind of selling him… short, don’t ya think?”

  “You’re right, bad choice of words because there’s nothing little or short about you, hot stuff.”

  He leans down and kisses me three times in quick succession. “Let’s get out of here.”

  We walk down the porch and then stop when we see the parked cars. “Shit! I forgot I didn’t drive yesterday.”

  “Neither did Sunny. Kate drove us,” I say.

  “Fuck, we’ll have to take Kate’s car.” He moans as he turns around and trudges back inside. I follow him in, but he stops at the entrance to the short hallway. “I swear on my Maserati, if Murphy’s on top of her, I’ll hurt him.”

  “They make a cute couple, but yeah, it’s still your sister. Do you want me to knock and get her keys instead?”

  “I don’t hear anything. Maybe they’re still sleeping. I don’t want to wake them. I’ll just sneak in and get them.”

  We tiptoe down the hall and press our ears against the door. Feeling confident that neither of us heard anything coming from inside the bedroom, I whisper, “I think they’re asleep.”

  He carefully turns the doorknob, takes a deep breath then whispers, “I’m going in.”

  “Be swift like a ninja and good luck.” I joke because of all the dramatics.

  The door opens without any creaking and Evan starts tiptoeing into the room. I watch him through the cracked opening from the hallway. He sneaks over to Kate’s purse that’s on the floor and bends down. Suddenly, I hear a moan. It wasn’t Evan and it definitely wasn’t me. He squats down quickly, glancing over his shoulder at the couple in bed. My heart races as my eyes dart between him and the bed, hoping he doesn’t get caught because that would just be all kinds of awkward.

  Right when I think it’s safe for him again, I see Kate and Murphy move around on top of the mattress. Waving my hands frantically, I try to signal for Evan to stay down exactly at the same time we hear Kate say, “I love your ass.”

  “Is that all you love, pretty?” Murphy asks.

  I’m frozen in place as I lock eyes with Evan who looks like he’s about to vomit. He continues to dig around her purse, the stress of the situation making him clumsy.

  I cover my mouth to keep from giggling when Murphy uses a baby voice, and says, “I love when you play with my hair.”

  “Who knew ass hair could be such a turn on. I think you should let the hair on your back grow out again. I’m getting horny just thinking about it.”

  “What the fuck kind of kinky shit are you two into? Scratch that, I don’t want to know the answer to that.” Evan stands straight up, completely disgusted.

  I clasp my hand over my mouth in shock and keep watching, unable to look away.

  Murphy tosses the covers off his head and throws a pillow as hard as he can, hitting Evan in the face. “Get the fuck out. Ashford!”

  “Get the fuck off my sister!”

  “Evan! I’m a grown-ass woman. I’m horny for my boyfriend, so get out!”

  Evan laughs, staring down at them. “Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your growing ass—”

  “Don’t make me bring up Sir Mix-Ford.” Kate’s laugh is more of a cackle than an innocent joke.

  With a threatening finger pointed at his sister, Evan says, “You better shut your mouth, Katherine!”

  “What are you doing in here anyway, you pervert?” Murphy yells.

  “Looking for Kate’s keys. I need a car,” Evan replies as if his presence should be obvious. “You two have some nerve calling me the perv when,” he makes a hairball-stuck-in-the-throat gagging sound then says, “you’re getting off on ass hair!”

  “The keys are in the kitchen on the bar. Now get out before I come over there and kick your ass out of here,” Kate shouts. Her expression is serious. She means business.

  Evan rolls his eyes, stomping out of the room, and mumbling. “Figures, the keys aren’t even in here. Wonder if Zach has any bleach for my brain after this sick conversation.”

  “Yeah, save some bleach for us after having to see that dried come spot on your pants. Oh, and, Mallory, don’t think I don’t hear you giggling out in the hall,” Kate says, walking across the room in a tank top and underwear.

  I’d be a fool not to take the perfection of the situation and twist it around. “I can’t help that I giggle when I get into hairy situations.”

  “Ha! Ha!” She slams the door closed, and I hurry after Evan who is already in the kitchen jangling the keys in his hand.

  “I could’ve lived my whole life not knowing about my sister’s sick turn-ons.” Evan looks down at his crotch and groans in frustration. Turning quickly, he takes my hand in his and rushes us out the door.

  I feel like I’m running to keep from lagging behind him. “Where’s the fire?”

  He looks over at me, his smirk firmly in place. “I want to get you all sexed up and showered before work.” I stop, forcing him to halt, and look at him in shock. My mouth drops open as he asks, “What?”

  “I, uh… Evan!” I’m stunned by his brusqueness.

  “What, you have a problem with showers?”

  I roll my eyes, and burst out laughing. “No problem with showers.”

  He leans down and kisses me. Then he whispers, “Well, I’m hoping it’s not the sexing part—”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely not! No problem with that part at all.”

  He straightens back to his proud 6’1” height. “Good, let’s go and make that happen.”

  He drives like a crazy person hell-bent on a mission. The tires squeal to a stop in the parking lot and he races around to my side of the car. I delay my exit to let him ‘beat’ me to opening the door. I know he’s a gentleman like that and likes to open it for me. For such a bad boy, he has a romantic side that makes me swoon.

  As soon as we get inside the apartment, Evan rushes to the bathroom and starts the shower. When he walks back out, he’s naked and my heart races at the beauty of his physique. He’s tall with broad, muscular shoulders, lean, sculpted stomach, and strong legs—he’s perfect. He waves at me, causing me to look at his hands. My fist goes to my mouth as I watch his long fingers moving in the air.

  “Up here… my eyes are up here, baby,” he says, but it doesn’t register with
my brain.

  I bite down on my knuckles and feel my body readying itself for him. Holy hands, those fingers. “Unf!”

  “Mallory? Oh, Mallory?” he calls.

  My eyes flash to his at the sound of my name. “Huh?” I do a lame attempt of trying to think.

  He leans against the doorframe amused. “Go ahead, baby, ogle away. I’m all yours anyway.” His member grows before my eyes, revealing his own naughty thoughts.

  I gulp before trying to speak, but only disjointed, gargled sounds come out. I clear my throat, and he chuckles.

  “The shower?” I finally get something comprehensible out.

  He nods and waggles his eyebrows. “Yeah, the shower.”

  I’ve already soaked my undies just looking at him, but now I move toward him in a lust filled haze of want and desire, needing him… in the shower. I brush against him as I strip my clothes off, tossing them behind me on my way to the water.

  When I bend over, I shake my ass for effect, and test the water. The effect is felt because I instantly feel him pressed to my back side before I even stand back up. His strength and hardness leaves me breathless. I move to the side, slipping out of his grasp, and step into the tub. Under the warm water, I close my eyes, and push my hair back, soaking it. When I open them, Evan is watching me, his lips parted, eyes darkened, and his hand stroking himself.

  “How bad do you want me, baby?” I ask, teasing, tempting his carnal desires to the surface.

  He licks his lips and takes two steps closer, joining me, making me back up under the water so the spray can cover him. His hands go flat against the wall, trapping me between them and leans in so close I think he’s going to kiss me, but he doesn’t. With his lips barely touching mine, he says, “More than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.”

  I might have melted a little. Okay, my knees weakened and I can’t breathe. His words, his breath on me, his body’s proximity, it’s all too much. I blink, but it feels like the slowest blink in history. Too much is never enough when it comes to him, so I encourage him further. “Take me then.”

  A faint gasp slips out as he kisses across my collarbone and nibbles up my neck, pressing his chest against mine. His weight feels raw and needy as if he has no choice, but to be there. Dropping his head onto my shoulder, he says, “We can’t do this. It’s torture to leave and you have to go to work soon.”

  “We’ll be fast,” I say, sounding like I’m begging, which I kind of am.

  He looks into my eyes, and says, “I don’t want to be fast with you.”

  Hot steam billows around us, and I agree. “I don’t either. I want so much more.” I may be referencing our future as much as the sex.

  Thirty minutes later, he’s dropping me off at Big Kehones. After opening the door, I get out of the car and lift up on my toes to kiss him. My emotions are heavy today and I feel so much for him that I want to remember the feel of his lips on mine for the rest of the day. I also have a jealous side that wants him to remember mine as well. I’m worried he’s going to meet someone better at his work.

  He is, after all, headed to work to socialize with pretty girls in teeny bikinis. “I love you, Evan.”

  He already knows me too well though. “You don’t have to worry about us. It’s only you, always, okay, baby?” Sliding his hands into my hair, he kisses me with reverence. Our lips part and he whispers into my ear, “Although I love hearing those words from you, I’d rather you say them because you want to instead of feeling like you have to.”

  I tilt my head against his mouth, his lips to my forehead, keeping my eyes closed. “I love you, Evan.” A small smile crosses my face and I savor his full embrace.

  He holds me so tight that I feel his crushing love. I’ve still not heard him say those three magical words, but I definitely feel his love and that’s the most important thing to me anyway. After a sweet kiss on the top of my head, he says, “I’ll pick you up at six. You want to order a pizza and watch a movie at my place tonight?”

  “Yes, I’d like that.”

  “Good. I’ll see you tonight.”

  I start walking backwards toward the restaurant and blow him a kiss, which he catches with his hand in the air and presses against his heart.

  Chapter 27


  Noah doesn’t visit me at work today, although I half expected him to. Our friendship has an ease about it, and I look forward to catching up during these times. We don’t talk about Evan, for good reason, though he is fully aware that we are a couple. He has the surfing competition soon, and I realize he’s probably out preparing.

  Johnny comes in at two. He’s always good company, and I can see why Sunny likes him so much. We have down time to talk while the place is empty.

  “I’ve been hearing how crazy your life has become. I think Mallory Wray has thrown this sleepy island a curve ball.” He stops wiping down a table and looks at me as I restock the beer cans. “What are you going to do come August?”

  “I’m not sure. Well, that’s not completely true. I’m going back to Colorado. I have to. I can’t afford to transfer and I have scholarships there.”

  “I understand. Your life is there, but how’s Evan doing with that?”

  “We’ve struggled with it. He thinks he’s alone in wanting to be together long term. He’s not. I’ve been considering all the options, but there aren’t any for me. Change would have to be on his part and I don’t ever want to guilt someone into changing their whole life for me.”

  “What if he wants to?” Johnny asks, sitting on the barstool in front of me. “Have you thought that maybe he might want to go? He only has that part time job and doesn’t seem to have any other obligations.”

  “He has his friends—”

  “You’re his girlfriend now.”

  “He has free rent at his family’s house—”

  “He can shack up with you.”

  “I don’t think so,” I say, nodding. “We are definitely not ready for that.”

  “Take the plunge, Mallory. What do have to lose? If he wants to pack up and follow you to school, let him.”

  “You sure are full of advice for everyone else. What about you? What’s going on in your love life these days?” I ask, wanting to change the subject and simply because I’m curious about the secrecy regarding his love life.

  He stands up and acts busy all of the sudden, so I walk around the bar and help him adjust chairs that don’t need adjusting. When we’re done, I put my hands on my hips. “What gives, Secret Secreton?”

  “Nothing, Nosey Noserton.”

  “Mmmhmmmm, sure, nothing at all,” I say, taunting him. I hop on top of the table he’s currently rearranging. “C’mon, spill it. I won’t tell anyone.”

  He shakes the table and I take the hint and hop off. Sitting on a chair instead, I place my elbows on the table and rest my chin in the palm of my hand, feeling impatient waiting for him to confide in me.

  “You promise not to tell anyone?”

  “Promise. My lips are sealed,” I say, turning an imaginary key to my lips and tossing it over my shoulder.

  “Especially, not Sunny. Promise me you won’t tell Sunny.”

  “I won’t tell Sunny. Will you get it out all right already? I think I’ve aged a year just sitting here waiting for you to tell me.”

  “Fine,” Johnny says, grabbing a chair and turning it backwards. He sits down leaning his arms on the top of the chair. His expression goes from light to sad. “I’m in love with,” he says with a sigh, “Sunny.”

  Sitting straight up at his confession, my mouth drops open from shock.

  Words fly from his mouth to justify what he just said. “I know I shouldn’t, but I do. We just grew so close over the last couple of months. I knew she liked Zach, but it seemed likely it was one sided. Now, all of the sudden, they’re inseparable and it seems I’ve lost my chance.”

  I rub his forearm gently. My voice is calm, but sad for him. “Oh, Johnny, I’m sorry. You’re really in love
with Sunny?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t want to be. How do I stop?”

  I smile at his hopeful thinking. “I don’t think our hearts work like that.”

  Resting his chin on his hand, he looks down. “Do you think I should wait for her?”

  When I look into his eyes, the words quickly follow. “No, I don’t. She’s in love and Zach is madly in love with her. I may be a poor judge of what works in my own relationships, but anyone can see that they work. I’m sorry. I know that must hurt, but you shouldn’t waste any more time pining over something that will never be. I know she cares about you as one of her closest friends and if you want to maintain that, then you need to let her be with Zach.” He sits up, pondering my words as I keep talking. “This island has a lot of beautiful women. Any of them would be lucky to have you in their life.”

  He stands up, and I do too. I sit on a barstool, letting him man the bar instead. I can tell he needs the distraction. Johnny leans across the counter, and says, “You should go home. It’s dead here today.”

  A twinge of excitement shoots through my body at the prospect of seeing more of Evan. Then I remember he’s working today. Maybe I should stop by. Would he like that or hate that? I decide I’m doing it. He stops into my work all the time. I know he’ll be happy to see me. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?”

  “It’s cool. Go enjoy your day.”

  “Thanks. You’re going to meet the girl you’re supposed to be with,” I say, hoping he can find comfort in my words.

  “I like your faith.”

  I wish I could help, but we both know he’s going to have to work through this on his own. He also knows what he’s up against now if he decides to pursue her. “I’m going to text Sunny and see if she can pick me up.” My eyes flash to his when I mention Sunny. I hope she’s not a sore subject for him. He sends me a reassuring smile, so I text her then ask, “Hey, are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. It feels good to finally get it out. Maybe I can start to move on.”

  I walk around the bar and hug him. “If you ever need to talk, I’m here for you.”


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