Time Leap: A Teen Superheroes Saga

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Time Leap: A Teen Superheroes Saga Page 2

by Preston Flint

  “Sort of …”

  My father laughed about it. “Don’t you ever do a thing like that.”

  “Dad, you know I wouldn’t,” I said.

  “I know … just saying.”


  After supper, I sat in my room, at my computer desk. Laid back in my chair, hands behind my head, I came to black out everything around me – practically losing myself in my thoughts. Fragments of memories from the night before. Walking past the same hallways and rows of lockers, I had to dim my eyes every once in awhile for not having my glasses, as I usually left them on my nightstand before going to bed. I began wearing glasses at the age of fourteen.

  I believed I was transported with everything I wore, or had attached to me. Without knowing whether it would occur again that night, or in the next five years, I decided to proceed with my sudden idea.

  I grabbed my backpack from the foot of my desk, and shook out my school books. I decided to place my sneakers at the bottom of my bag. Then I went to my drawers and took out my dark-blue jeans, socks, a white T-shirt and my dark-gray hoodie. I didn’t want any bright colors, for keeping a low profile.

  “You going on a trip, or something?” Thomas said suddenly, standing at my door, wearing his blue superhero pajamas.

  “No,” I told him.

  Then his eyes widened. “Are you running away?”

  I frowned. “No, of course not! I would never do that.”

  “Why are you packing your bag for?”

  I shrugged to find a quick answer. “I’m just testing my bag’s capacity, all right?” I replied stiffly.

  Thomas rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever,” he muttered, strolling away to his room.

  I zipped my bag, and left it at the foot of my bed, for now. The evening air had turned cold as I slipped on black joggers and gray T-shirt. I didn’t want to go to bed wearing casual clothes without knowing if I’d be transported during the night or not.

  Why does it only happen during the night? While I’m asleep … Who or what is doing that?

  This time, I was determined to concentrate on finding clues. I really wanted answers and I was the only one who had to find out.

  At last, still in my room, I glanced at the alarm clock from my nightstand, showing close to ten o’clock. I was never the type to party and go to bed extremely late … or early the next morning. I slipped off my glasses and stored them in their case, which I then zipped in my backpack’s front pocket. I was feeling both excited and worried with anxiety, feeling my stomach twisted into various knots, practically eating every bit of me. But I told myself that what comes has to come. I had no control over it. Period, end of discussion.

  I turned off the light and lay in bed, with the straps of my backpack twisted around my arm. My eyes to the ceiling, I suddenly didn’t know what to think anymore. Unable to fall asleep, I remained with my eyes closed, then opening them occasionally, glancing at the time from my nightstand.

  I’m still in my room, I told myself.

  It went on for hours. Hour after hour … until I finally told myself that it, probably, won’t happen for another five years. That was the moment I began to relax and loosen up. Somehow, I believed myself that nothing would happen.

  What was I thinking?

  Soon after, I must have let myself fall into a deep slumber.


  I woke up due to some discomfort from my back. I still felt the straps of my backpack wrapped around my left arm. Rubbing my eyes with my other hand, I gently lifted my head, glancing down at my bag. I slowly sat up, gazing around, without much of a surprise for being back in the hallway.

  Once again, dropped into that cold-steel place … Come on Derek, time to get to work and get some answers.

  I undid the straps from my arm, thinking that I did go a little too overboard with it – instead of just sliding my wrist into the upper handle. Anyways, it was my way of making sure that my backpack traveled long with me.

  Looking around, I was in another long hallway, stretching far in both directions, but also close to an entry at my right. I stood up with my backpack to my shoulder, and ventured into the other hallway. This time there wasn’t any red door anywhere. It was only a short pathway leading into another parallel hallway from the one I appeared in. Reaching the end, I took a turn to the left, noticing LEVEL 1 spelled out in bright yellow, next to a large blue door, with Shopping Center, written on it.

  Better in a mall than this frigid place, I thought, glancing everywhere for, perhaps any signs of life.

  I drew several meters away from the door, and decided to make it quick: turn into a corner and change myself in lightening speed. Finally, slipping on my warm socks, jeans, sneakers, dark-gray hoodie and my glasses.

  There was still nothing in sight … except for a sudden faint sound – an indistinguishable machine noise, not knowing if it were drifting away or close by. But the sound soon became more vibrant, stating that something was getting closer. Then I held my back against the wall, close to the entry where the shopping center door was, then seeing a hovering vehicle sweep out and turning left – my opposite direction. A hovering service cart, driven by a man in gray uniform, heading deep in another hallway.

  That was close.

  All attired and ready, I ran toward the blue door and hit the green-lit button next to it. The door slid open, leading to a corridor. There was a sign indicating washrooms. Then a little further, an opening to the mall’s main floor finally came to view. The whole place was incredibly large, also reaching many levels high. The mall was brightly lit with various holographic animations – advertisements for many stores. I simply ventured myself forward, exploring around, glancing at all corners. Somehow, my clothing style seemed to blend well among the large crowd of people. So many stores, which would take more than a few days to visit. At the center was a large fountain surrounded by a marble floor. The shoppers strolled to all directions, to all floors and elevators. A security robot stood by a marble column, scanning at various corners for any possible suspicion.

  Strolling further, I soon came across the mall’s food court. I felt my stomach growl for inhaling so many appetizing aromas. Some foods seemed very exotic, hard to tell what it was, but still mouth-watering. Several restaurants had robots hung from the ceiling, unfolding their arms and chopping raw meat and vegetables. A woman stood by a counter with a tray, ready to pay for her food. She had a large sandwich with a thick purple tentacle, sticking out both sides.

  Hope her food doesn’t run away.

  “Fifty credits, please,” an Asian woman said, standing behind the counter.

  Then the woman customer pressed her thumb against a tiny plate, followed by a chirping sound. Perhaps there wasn’t a need for paper receipts. Possibly, all information was transmitted electronically.

  “Thank you, have a nice day,” the Asian woman added.

  I slid my backpack off my shoulder and fished out my cell phone. Somehow, I still needed to convince myself with some evidence. I opened it, trying to be as subtle as possible. Taking pictures would prove that I’m not crazy, even keeping them for my personal archives. I even wondered if the security robot would detect my device, then come running after me to confiscate my phone. But being at a far distance, I took the liberty of snapping a shot, anyway. The robot remained by the wall, doing its job.

  Then I decided to move on.


  There was a holographic panel, revealing a map of the shopping center, next to the glass cylindrical-shaped elevator doors. I glanced at the left column, displaying the list of levels of the whole building. The first nine levels were a list of stores to each floor within the mall. Then the tenth level caught my eye – where the Transit Terminal was located.

  The starting point!

  I thought of going back to the beginning to search for some clues. I drew closer to the glass doors and pressed the up button. Soon after, the doors slid open with a crowd of people bursting out of the elevator. I ente
red along with a few people.

  “Level seven,” a woman spoke to the elevator as the doors closed.

  I proceeded the same. “Level ten,” I said.

  The elevator began to slide up a glass cylinder, providing a breathtaking view of the whole shopping center. We rode close to several holographic ads – especially one with a young redhead woman, rubbing lotion on her silky-looking legs.

  We made a stop as the doors opened. “Level seven,” a female-like robotic voice indicated.

  We then proceeded upwards as the whole wonderful scene disappeared under a black floor.

  The doors slid open once again. “Level ten,” the voice said.

  Stepping out, I directed my steps down a corridor where a sign indicated my destination. The left side of the pathway was all glass, revealing the amazing view of the city, during daytime, under a clear blue sky. I kept gazing as long as I could, as many people followed behind. Then I turned to my left, now entering the terminal’s waiting hall.

  Most people headed toward the front of the hall, while I took a seat at the last row, close from where I came in. I slid my backpack off my shoulder, dropping it between my feet. I took a moment to relax, allowing myself to take a little time to think.

  What am I looking for? Is this where I should be right now?

  I just didn’t know what to think or do.

  Come on Derek, think of something … open your eyes, it may be right in front of you.

  I suddenly caught the glimpse of a man staring at me. Then he immediately turned away and kept throwing glances toward my direction several times after. The man stood by the hall’s large window with his arms crossed, wearing dark glasses. He seemed to have been dressed with a black suit and silver tie, under his long charcoal-colored coat. I thought he might have been an officer, and I probably looked suspicious to him.

  I decided to get up, grab my backpack, and take a stroll toward the lockers. I walked without too much hurry. Turning into the rows of lockers, I took a glance at the red door far ahead. I turned my head left to right, looking into every row. I didn’t know what else to do. What to look for. Still searching around for the slightest clue.

  All I was thinking, now, was to be back home. I kept walking toward the large door, with my gaze to the ground, thinking about my bed. But then came a sudden, blinding, blue flash of light, feeling myself stumbling forward, practically losing my step. I found myself falling across my bed.

  Switching on my little lamp, I stood up and looked around.

  Why is this happening?

  Then I caught a glimpse of something from my window. Through my blinds, I saw a figure from the park on the other side of my street. Someone sitting on a park bench just before the sidewalk, next to a streetlamp.

  The man stood up from the bench: the very same man who stood by the large window in the waiting hall.

  What the hell?

  He stared up at my window for a brief moment and suddenly turned away, walking into the park, disappearing into the nighttime’s obscurity.


  The next morning, Sunday, I woke up at ten in the morning. The powerful rays of sunlight beamed their way through my blinds. I slowly heaved out of bed and drew close to my window, then rising the blinds all the way up, feeling the warmth of the bright sunlight. I threw my gaze at the park, across our street: a large land of grass surrounded by a quiet neighborhood, wooden benches, paved pathways along with several streetlamps and trees. There were also colorful swings, a slide and a roundabout – cheerful memories from my early childhood, and also a few years later as I went along with my little brother.

  I stretched up my arms, then folding them behind my head, with a sudden thought coming to my attention. I swiftly turned away from the window and sprung forward, grabbing my backpack beside my nightstand. I unzipped my bag and slipped out my cell phone.

  Come on … please be there.

  Looking into my phone’s image application, I vigorously scanned through the most recent pictures. Then I let out a long restful sigh, releasing a certain amount stress.

  I almost couldn’t believe it, seeing that I still had the pictures from the shopping center. Even the security robot picture turned out clear. I knew I wasn’t crazy and what I saw was real. It was a priority to remain serious about the evidence, admitting that I had to be extremely careful for holding such material. Probably why that mysterious man managed to follow me home. Just how much did he know about me?

  Who is he? Where does he really come from?

  There came a strong belief that he was, unmistakably, responsible for my time traveling events. I just couldn’t see otherwise.

  I took another glance out my window, to the spot where he stood, the night before. Then I quickly dressed myself up and exited my room. Passing in front of my brother’s room, I caught a glimpse of him, sitting at his desk, playing computer games. My mom spoke on the phone from the kitchen, while my dad tweaked on a project in the garage.

  Stepping out the front door, I glanced at the empty bench where the man sat. Crossing the street, I held a careful eye close around: the asphalt, sidewalk, grass, streetlamp and finally the bench, hoping to find anything – perhaps a business card might have fallen out of his pocket?

  Yeah, right.

  He couldn’t have left any trace … or did he?

  I suddenly heard a weird electronic chirping sound from close by. Then I sneaked behind the bench, bending close to the grass. Kneeling to the ground, I took a peek beneath the bench.


  Then I pulled my gaze upwards. That was when I saw a large yellow envelope fixed under the wooden seat planks with green tape. I cautiously brought a hand forward and pulled it out, without hesitating.

  My name was printed in small bold-lettering right at the center. It was perfectly sealed with no other inscription whatsoever – no stamp or address.

  “Hey! What are you doing?” my brother asked, arriving with a ball tucked under his arm.

  I slowly stood up from the park’s lawn.

  “What’s that?” he added, pointing the envelope.

  “School papers I just got in the mail,” I told him.

  He rolled his eyes skeptically. “Yeah, right … Anyway, want to play ball with me?”

  “Maybe later. I have some homework to finish.”


  Back in my room, I shut my door and sat down at my desk. Once again, I heard the device-like chirping sound. Whatever was in there, I had to find out. Then I opened the envelope and shook everything out onto my desk. A printed note and a sophisticated-looking watch.

  I began reading the note printed on a rigid type of paper:

  To Mr. Derek Trevor.

  The device from the envelope has been deliberately sent to you for your protection. It is a highly-sophisticated piece of equipment, which we trust that will be, unquestionably, useful to you in the events to come. It is strongly advised for the equipment to be used properly, such as keeping an extreme low profile of the device. It is already programmed with your profile. You may activate it, by simply placing your thumb onto the tactile screen marked with a green X.

  Please note that further instructions will follow in the upcoming hours. In the meantime, feel free to explore your new equipment.

  The X-Agency project.

  Right … this is starting to freak me out.

  I took the watch, turning it around and carefully scanning every detail – all black with many tiny buttons from the sides. It appeared to be very solid, studying its robust design.

  Strapping it to my wrist, I glanced at the square-shaped screen, with slight rounded corners, indeed displaying a green X.

  As mentioned in the note, this thing already held my profile. I was feeling somewhat scared and, in the same time, curious.

  Obviously, I was having the idea that it could be nothing more than a total scam.

  Not knowing what would happen next, I figured that this device could, possibly, be a useful tool
for finding answers.

  I placed my thumb against the screen.

  The green X suddenly dissolved into blackness, then displaying Welcome Derek Trevor, followed by Device activated successfully. For the following minute, it appeared to have been configuring itself, then finally displaying the actual time and date. After that, nothing else happened. I figured that it was now ready to be used.

  The envelope was obviously empty: no other piece of information about the device. However, they might have forgotten to add in the manual. I took another glance at the note.


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