Skylar Cross - [The Cage Sessions 02]

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Skylar Cross - [The Cage Sessions 02] Page 7

by Depraved [MF] (epub)

I take it out again and smack my lips.

  No bad taste. Musky. Girly. But not bad.

  Next time I press in further. She shakes.

  I hit a tunnel of muscle. Hello, sphincter. It flexes around my tongue.

  Ooooh, that's nice. I like that.

  I hold my tongue there while the big circular muscle contracts and expands. Then I take it out again.

  Then I dart it in again. Then I take it out again.

  She presses her ass backwards into my face, telling me to go deeper. My heart is beating out of my chest.

  Goddamn, this is exciting!

  Next time, I push in as far as I can go, sticking my tongue way out. I feel it go past the sphincter right into... nothingness.

  Then I take it out.

  I did it! I've had my tongue up another human being's ass!

  I feel so good I reach a hand down and rub my pussy lips.

  Then I get back in that delightful backdoor tunnel again. This time I go exploring.

  Isabella seems to enjoy this immensely because her bucking starts up. She moves her ass around in circles in the air, which makes it hard for me to stay inserted.

  I abandon my pussy, placing both arms around her legs and locking her in place. She gets the hint, burying her head in the pillow with a moan as I massage her insides again.

  My tongue finds a smooth ridge of muscle way inside. It curves away from the tunnel. Ah, this is the inner sphincter.

  I lick all around that with the tip of my tongue, pretty certain I'm tasting at least the bottom of the walls of her rectum.

  So fucking hot.

  She apparently enjoys it too because she hits what feels like pre-orgasm. Body moving uncontrollably. Her hands flailing, massaging my face, neck, and hair.

  Then I try something new.

  I press my tongue hard into the top of the middle of her sphincter, moving it in and out.

  That's the ticket.

  She groans loudly.

  "Are you seriously enjoying this that much?" I say, almost incredulous that anything anal with no pussy stimulation could be doing this to her.

  "You have no idea!" she says. "Don't stop!"

  I press my tongue in hard against her sphincter at the one o'clock position.

  "Fuck!" she shouts. "Mmmmmnnnnnnth!"

  Did she come? Sounded like it.

  To test, I go to the two o'clock position.

  "Fuuuuuuuck!" she shouts, beating the pillows.

  Oh God, I'm so fucking horny now! I'm giving my best friend an anal orgasm with my tongue!

  Soooooo much better than sitting on the couch watching Downton Abbey with my mom.

  I do the same for three o'clock, spending a few seconds at each clock position pressing in and out a hundred times or so.

  I sense Isabella going into some sort of constant state of pleasure. Like she's not even here anymore.

  Can an asshole really give this much pleasure?

  Wow, I'm becoming a believer.

  Maybe this is the "plateau" she described to me at the Sunset Lounge. Damien called it the "Sub-Zone."

  I'm not going to ask at the moment, though. I want to keep this going as long as I can.

  Because I'm rather loving it myself.

  I rock Isabella's sweet asshole all the way around the clock but there is no end to it. She's still in the plateau state, kind of like she's orgasming in a low steady stream.

  When I'm done with eleven o'clock, I lean back.

  "Don't stop!" she says.

  Not a problem. I think I could do this all night. Not sure what I'm getting out of it, but it ain't even close to boring, that's for sure.

  Next time around the clock her butthole is wider. I can see inside a little now.

  Then an idea hits me.

  I pull my tongue out of her butt.

  "Iz, where's your lube?" I say.

  She's breathing heavily, so she answers me between breaths.

  "Bedroom... top right drawer..." she says.

  I get up and go in her bedroom, where I easily find the lube.

  When I arrive back at the couch, I notice how much she has been sweating. Her body is covered with a sheen of moisture.

  As I dribble lube on my hand, I lick the small of her back right above her ass crack. It's salty and tangy.

  I get a ton of the stuff on my right hand. Then I rub another ton of it all around her asshole.

  She manages to stick her ass up even higher, which I didn't think was possible. She knows what's coming and is she ever ready for it!

  Then with a third big gob of the goo on my fingers I place them at her hole. I put a finger in. Goes right in. I put two in. Right in. Methinks she's done this once or twice before.

  Three fingers are no problem either. She's loving it, flexing and clenching on my fingers, moaning and groaning.

  I find the spot where I tongue-massaged her rectal wall before. I can get much farther in with my fingers. I rub the lube in all around. The inner sphincter muscle is much larger than I thought it would be. At least it feels that way.

  "How are you feeling?" I say.

  "Amazing," she says.

  "I got four fingers in you, you know. Are you okay with that?"

  "Go for five."

  I giggle.

  "Are you sure?" I say.

  "Uh-huh," she says.


  I pull my hand out and lube up again. I press my thumb into my palm and return to the hole.

  Everything goes right in almost to my base knuckles, where I get a little resistance. I press a little harder. She opens up a little but she grunts.

  "I can't go any further," I say.

  "Yes you can," she says. "It's okay."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Oh yeah."

  I press in harder this time, but definitely getting resistance. She grunts again. This doesn't feel right. This is causing pain.

  "Iz, this is causing pain," I say. "I'm gong to stop."

  "No!" she says. "Don't stop! Don't you dare stop until that fist is in my ass!"


  "Really! It's good pain. Trust me."

  She's serious. I hear it in her voice.

  I'm happy. I so want my entire hand in there!

  I press in harder. She expands and grunts. I pull out, then in again more. Then out, then in again more.

  I do this about twenty-five more times, each time spreading her open another millimeter or so.

  I've also gone back to rubbing my pussy. Can't help myself. This is just too damned hot.

  I get into a nice rhythm. Pussy stroke. Ass plunge. Clit tap. Ass withdrawal. Pussy stroke. Ass plunge. Clit tap. Ass withdrawal.

  Repeat about twenty more times.

  Then, finally, my first base knuckle goes in.

  Oh my God!

  I strum my clit harder.

  Second base knuckle.

  Isabella screams.


  I freeze.

  "Are you okay?" I say.

  "Yesssssss!" she says. "Don't stop!"

  I move forward.

  With a wide, almost suction-like plop, her asshole sucks in my entire hand.

  Oh God!

  I press hard on my clit.

  I come.

  Mmmmmmmmm. So good.

  Was that me or Isabella who said that?

  Don't know. Don't care. We're both in ecstatic delight.

  I look down and see the strangest sight I've ever seen. My hand is gone, the little ridges of anus I licked with my tongue before now all stretched wide around the wrist of my arm.

  I come again at the incredible sight.

  "Oh God!" I say.

  "Mmmmmmmm!" says Isabella.

  Oh God, this is amazing!

  But what do I do now? It has to come out.

  I feel around in there a little first, though. Isabella squirms.

  I can't imagine what this feels like. But now I've got to try it, I know that for sure.

  Her rectum feels squishy
but firm. Strong like muscle yet soft. Can't believe my entire hand is up there.

  I wonder how far it can go.

  I press in.

  Nope. Can't go any further. I forget anatomy. Where does the rectum end and the intestine begin? Note to self: Google "rectum" when you get home.

  Home? Where is home right now actually? I may actually be home.

  Okay, can't go forward anymore. Time to go backward.

  Slowly, I pull my hand back.

  Isabella's arms go up to her sides, pressing down into the couch next to her, her elbows up in the air.

  Her breathing is quite rapid.

  I pull back some more. I see her butthole stretching wide as the base of my hand reappears.

  Isabella makes a noise I've never heard her make before. Part growl, part hiss.

  "Am I doing okay?" I say.

  "Unnnnnn-nnnnnnn," she says.

  Was that a yes?

  I pull back more. Oh, there's the back of my hand!

  God, that butthole is stretched wide! Is it ever going to go back?

  Isabella makes that noise again. Whatever it is, it's fucking hot. Kind of like a wild animal.

  I back up more.

  She shakes all over as her asshole goes super-wide to accommodate the exit of my base knuckles.

  She screams.

  Plop! Out goes my hand.

  And it's clean, thank God. (I even bend down and sniff it. Yep, all good. She did well cleaning herself out.)

  Isabella shakes all over. Her big wide gaping cavern of a butthole is in a wild frenzy of flexing. Amazingly, it returns to its normal size. Almost.

  "You okay?" I say.

  "Yes," she says, still breathing heavily. "Back in!"

  Is she serious?

  "Really?" I say.

  "Yes... back... in..." she grunts.

  I put a little more lube on, then go back to her apparently happy hole.

  Back in with the fingers.

  Much easier this time.

  Some stretching at the widest part of the base knuckles again, but nothing like the first. Isabella groans again, then shouts "Yeeeeeeeesssss!" once my fist is fully in her asshole again.

  She has another joyous convulsion as I remove it again. Then another as I insert it again.

  I watch her face during the next few insertions. God, I have to try this! She's seriously loving it. She's barely here. It's like she's in some orgasmic world a billion miles away.

  We do this for about another half-hour. Not kidding. She can't seem to get enough.

  I even stroke myself to orgasm again, because I just feel so happy and blessed that I'm giving another human being this much pleasure... while enjoying it myself so much.

  Finally, her plateau seems to diminish a little. Plus, she's got to be sore by now.

  Not to mention her asshole looks like you could throw a basketball right in.

  Once we both return somewhat to Earth, we look around.

  "Oh my God!" I say when I see the mess we've made. "Your couch! It's ruined!"

  She pulls me down next to her. She takes my right hand and sucks all the lube off it.

  Then she kisses me. Very odd taste.

  But I like it.

  "Don't worry about the couch," she says. "I have a couch guy."

  "A guy who cleans your couch?" I say.


  "How often has he cleaned your couch?"

  "Once or twice. Shut up and hold me, you gorgeous girl you."

  I kiss her on the lips and hold her, burying my face in her neck.

  We fall asleep like that.

  Best night of my life yet.

  Little did I know at the time that it only gets better from here...

  * * *

  Here is an excerpt from Sinful: The Cage Sessions Book 3 now available from Skylar Cross:

  He pulls my wrists together, yanking me away from the wall and pushing me up the stairs.

  I find myself on an outdoor patio built into the house. A round table with an umbrella and four cushioned chairs sit in the sunshine. It looks down over the pool area with the naked nymphs.

  "Strip," he says.

  "What?!" I say.

  "Do as I say."

  I've never been more conflicted in my life. I hate being talked to this way, commanded and treated like a piece of meat.

  On the other hand, I love being talked to this way, commanded and treated like a piece of meat.

  "Strip!" he says, his tone much more menacing.

  Before I know it, I'm naked. And oddly happy about it. Heart pounding. Pussy dribbling.

  I guess I do want to be commanded by Damien Cage. Maybe submission is freedom.

  I look down at the nymphs. All three of them have arranged themselves so they can watch.

  What the fuck?

  "Girls," says Damien, "Annika here doesn't think she's a slut."

  All three girls laugh.

  "We're all sluts," says number one.

  "Tiffany and Karina?" says Damien.

  "Oh, I'm a slut," says number two, Tiffany I assume.

  "Me too," says Karina.

  "I think Annika here needs to be taught a lesson. Come up and help!"

  Now I'm getting scared. The naked blonde nymphs? Really?

  I should run. I want to run. But something keeps me here. Something in me wants this.

  Damien walks over to a tool chest. He opens it up.

  Oh God! He has rope.

  I'm beyond excited now.

  Excited? Really, Annika? Why does this excite you?

  Damien spins me around, takes my hands behind my back, and begins binding me with the rope. I feel myself drifting on a sexual cloud.

  Kind of like in the oak-paneled room the night of the party. Waves of sensuality. A sense of letting go, of pure freedom. All my desires floating and spinning around me.

  Satan, says my mother's voice. It's Satan on Earth.


  I hear the girly giggles of the naked nymphs as they arrive on the outdoor deck. Amazingly, this excites me.

  Why amazingly? I've already fucked one girl this week. Why am I surprised that three naked girls are turning me on right now?

  But I don't want three more girls! I want Damien!

  Then, something hits me. I have Damien. This is all Damien doing something to me. In a way, I am having him right now. His focus and concentration is on me, teaching me this lesson. Once I realize this, I let go.

  "First we need a safe word," says Damien. "You know what a safe word is?"

  "I've read Fifty Shades," I say.

  "So you do. Pick one."

  "Tattered Angel."

  He smiles.

  "Now pick a safe sound. This is in case you're gagged."

  Oooooh, gagged.

  Tingle tingle fucking tingle.

  I make a noise like a warning buzzer.

  "Fine, whatever," he says.

  He finishes binding my wrists. I pull on them to test it. Yep, I'm really bound. I am so wet now it isn't even funny.

  But I still don't get the whole "submission is freedom" thing. How is binding somebody up freedom?

  Damien pulls one of the chairs over, lifting my legs up onto the seat cushion. I'm now kneeling on the chair, my hands bound behind me. He grabs my hair, forming a pony tail. He pulls on it, holding my head in place.

  "Slut Tara," says Damien. "Inspect Annika's face."

  A blonde puffy muff with a pierced clit and a tiny rose tattoo appears in front of me. It's soon replaced by a beautiful face, tanned with light little freckles, lots of streaming blonde hair. The eyes look directly into mine.

  Tara removes my glasses and puts them on the table. She stares even more deeply into me. Then she kisses me. Our tongues swim together.

  "Whore Tiffany," says Damien. "Inspect Annika's pussy."

  Oh, God!

  I'm not sure what's going on behind me but I feel a tongue on my clit.

  Warm moist licks send me sailing up into the sky. S
o good.

  Oh yeah!

  Now I'm really letting go. I suck on Tara's tongue and move my hips a little to help out Tiffany.

  "Tramp Karina," says Damien. "Inspect Annika's asshole."

  Continue reading...

  * * *

  Thank you for reading. Please take a moment to write a review at the site from which you downloaded this book. I appreciate and encourage feedback!

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  Also by Skylar Cross:

  Indecent (The Cage Sessions Book 1)

  Controlled by His Voice

  Mastered by His Touch

  Also by Skylar Cross, writing as Taylor Shade:



  Also by Skylar Cross, writing as Adriana Cruz:

  Wanda Awakened





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