Mr. Dangerously Sexy

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Mr. Dangerously Sexy Page 9

by Stefanie London

  “Are you curious about what I’ll make you do when I win?” he asked as they stepped out into the balmy night air.

  “I don’t usually spend much time pondering the impossible, but I’ll indulge you this once.” She smiled. “What have you got planned? Some role play? Maybe you want me to dress up and wait on you hand and foot? Or maybe you want to tie me up and tickle me mercilessly?”

  His jaw twitched.

  “Or maybe,” she said, linking her arm through his and leaning in close to his ear, “you want to bend me over your knee and spank me until my ass is good and pink.”

  She let her lips brush the sweet spot next to his ear. As much as the teasing was meant for him, the image of her folded over his lap—his hand swatting her—made her blood fizz.

  For a moment she thought she had him—his eyes squeezed shut and he exhaled a long breath through his lips. He barely moved except for the slight bob of his Adam’s apple.

  But Logan Dane wouldn’t go down on the first blow. Anticipation skittered through her.

  “I was thinking I’d get you on your knees,” he said, his composure back in place. His eyes were intense, shadowed. “To start.”

  “Yes?” she breathed.

  “You see, my filing cabinets are quite low. So you’ll need to be kneeling so you can rearrange them properly.” He burst out laughing when she glared at him. “Oh come on, Addi. You didn’t think I’d bend that easily, did you?”

  “You might be laughing now, but you’re at risk of breaking a zipper.” They stopped at a corner, waiting for the pedestrian sign to change. She leaned in, pretending to peck him on the cheek, but instead she slipped her hand down and felt for him.

  Just as she’d suspected, hard as a rock.

  “A lucky guess,” he muttered.

  “Luck has nothing to do with it.”

  The sky was dark now, affording them a little more cover. They had a good four blocks before they reached Logan’s apartment, which should be ample time for her to work him into a frenzy. She was high on the competition. High on the idea of getting him to bow to her will for once.

  The lights changed and they crossed the road. “So, of all the things you could possibly get me to do, your mind went to filing? That’s sad.”

  He chuckled and the sound rippled through her. “I had to think of something that would calm me down. Paperwork seemed the best option.”

  “I bet I could make it interesting.”

  “You’re already going to lose one bet tonight. I’d be wary about taking on another.”

  “Okay, Mr. Smarty-Pants. If you’re going to be like that, I won’t play nice anymore.”

  She reached into the pocket on the inside of her bag where she’d cheekily stashed her panties after returning from the restroom back at the restaurant. Initially, her plan had been to surprise him closer to home on a quiet little side street and let him feel his way to that discovery.

  But he was playing hard to get.

  Her fingertips brushed the expensive silk and she toyed with the little ribbon that held the sides together. As they rounded a corner, she pulled the panties out and stealthily tucked them into his hand.

  “What the hell?” he said, looking at her and then dropping his eyes down to his hand. “Christ, Addison. Are these what I think they are?”

  “If you think they’re a pair of Agent Provocateur ouvert panties, then you’re correct.” The style was her favorite, with little cutouts and fiddly ribbons that made her feel like a million bucks. “Spoiler alert, I’m wearing the matching bra.”

  He stuffed the panties into his pocket but not before she saw him rub the silk between his fingers and his nostrils flared. His cool was slipping.

  “I figured I’d save you the trouble of getting them off. They’re delicate and I didn’t want you to rip them.” She slipped his hand over her shoulder and turned her face up to his. “Save your teeth for me.”

  He swore under his breath, his arm tightening around her. “You’re going to be the death of me, Cobalt.”

  “At least you’ll die happy, Dane.”

  “Die happy and go straight to hell. Sounds about right.” He grinned at her with a rakish devil-may-care expression.

  It wasn’t often that he looked at her that way. Since he’d barreled into her life he’d been moody and dark, any joking or teasing undercut with a current of tension. Restraint.

  “If everyone got sent to hell for having great sex, then I’d be happy to go there, too. It’d be quite the party.”

  “So it’s great sex, huh?”

  Heat crept into her cheeks, and she hid it by resting her head against his shoulder. “What would you call it?”

  “Words aren’t my thing.”

  They crossed another road and his apartment building loomed ahead. A quiet alley was a few feet off to their right, so she took his hand and pulled him toward the shadows. “Show me then.”

  The alley was little more than an exit for the underground parking of one of the apartment towers on the block. On the other side was a fence that sectioned off a children’s playground. It was dark, but anyone looking closely would be able to see them.

  She led Logan past the parking lot entrance and into the shadows. “It’s just us now.”

  Heart hammering, she pulled him close and wedged herself between the hard muscle of his chest and the brick building. Her hands went to his pecs, sliding up until they curled around his jaw. Rough stubble scratched her palms and she tugged him closer. The moment his lips hit hers, she was lost. Obliterated.

  His tongue pushed between her teeth and he pinned her against the wall. The hard jut of his cock sent her brain into meltdown. All she wanted was to feel him inside her.

  “Addi,” he moaned as he ground himself against her. He yanked her leg over his hip and slid his hand up over the band of her thigh-high stocking until he cupped her bare ass.

  The cool night air caressed her naked skin. She’d never done anything so wicked as this, so brazen. But it felt good to step out of her shell, to take charge of her life. To throw caution to the wind.

  Logan’s hand skirted her hip, his fingertips tracing a red-hot trail to her sex. Her whole body was alight. “God, you feel good.”

  A car came out of the parking lot then, its headlights brushing over the alley and narrowly missing them. For a moment everything was light and then they were dropped into shadows again. For some reason, the realization that they could be caught made Addison even more excited.

  “Do you know exactly what I want to do to you right now?” Logan’s breath was hot against her cheek as his fingers brushed her.


  “I want to feel you come against my hand.” He circled her clit, gently at first. Lightly teasing. “I want those beautiful thighs to tremble.”

  Her head lolled back against the brick. “Yes.”

  She had him right where she wanted him. Victory would taste so sweet, but she wouldn’t dare interrupt him. Orgasms first, gloating second.

  “I want your whole body to shake with pleasure.” His teeth scraped down her neck, his fingers increasing the pressure between her legs.

  “Logan,” she sighed.

  Her tummy fluttered, pleasure flooding through her as her sex clenched. Voices floated down the alley as a couple walked past the parking lot. She clamped a hand over her mouth but Logan didn’t slow down. The couple kept walking, none the wiser to what was going on a few feet away.

  “You want to play games, Addi?” His voice was as rough as the bricks behind her. Hard. Edgy. “You know I love to win.”

  A smile curved on her lips. “Do you?”

  He stroked her in soft circles, picking up the pace as her breath hitched. She was so close her heart hammered in her chest, but he held her on edge. Balancing her pl
easure so that she hovered at the entrance to nirvana—release just out of reach.

  “I do and I am. Which is why this is going to feel even better.” He slid a finger inside her, all the while grinding the heel of his palm against her sensitive clit.

  White light exploded behind her eyelids and she bit into her hand to keep from crying out. The world seemed to slide from beneath her feet and she was floating. Falling. Flying.

  Her knees shook but he held her up, allowing her to loop her arms around his neck while she found her strength.

  “I guess I can order you to carry me home now?” she said, her eyes fluttering open.

  “Wrong.” He pressed his lips to her forehead. “We’re walking to my place now and then I’ll be ready to claim my prize.”

  “You’ve already lost.” She straightened and tugged her skirt down, fiddling with the bands of her stockings.

  “No, I haven’t. The bet was whether or not we’d make it home without me tearing your clothes off.” He grinned. “And luckily for me you removed the one piece of clothing that I needed off.”

  Her mouth fell open, but her brain was too lust-addled to form a comeback.

  “I would say the pleasure’s all mine, but I don’t think that’s the case.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the wall. “Come on, time’s a-wasting. I’m ready to start bossing you around.”

  * * *

  IF SHE WANTED to start taking more risks, then it was better that she take them with him rather than with someone who might not have her best interests at heart. At least that’s what Logan was telling himself. Because really, did bringing her to orgasm in a city alleyway count as looking out for her best interests?

  “If I had known you were such a cheater I wouldn’t have made the bet with you,” she said, huffing as they walked onto the street.

  The sound of her heels clicking against the pavement made his blood thrum. “Don’t be mad at me. You were the one who didn’t think the bet through.”

  ‘“Tearing someone’s clothes off’ is a figurative term.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “I simply meant that you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off me.”

  “Then you should have said that. I’m a literal guy.”

  “You’re something, all right,” she muttered.

  Bringing her pleasure made him feel as powerful as a god. At the same time, he swallowed down the burgeoning guilt as it climbed up his throat, threatening to strangle him if he wasn’t careful. He wouldn’t hurt Addison as he’d done before by running away the morning after.

  He would need to process their situation, roll it over in his mind so that he could rationalize his behavior.

  But he wouldn’t inflict that kind of pain on her again.

  And you believe tomorrow you’ll both go on your merry ways as if nothing happened? You’ve been thinking about her constantly since the weekend. That won’t change.

  Maybe not. But nothing—with the exception of her putting on the brakes—would stop him from having her now. Not guilt, not the ghosts of his past. Not his own fucked-up issues.

  He wanted her. And for the first time, he was going to let himself revel in having her.

  They arrived at his building and he pulled his key card out of his wallet. “You know my prize kicks in the second I walk through those doors.” He reached for her hand. “And I’ve been walking for four blocks with a very stiff cock because of you.”

  The annoyance slipped from her features, replaced by vulnerability and naked excitement that lit up her dark eyes. “Are you going to punish me?”

  “You’re going to enjoy it. So I’m not certain it can be classed as punishment.”

  “Well,” she said, plucking the key card out of his hand, “we’d better get inside, then.”

  “Does this mean you’re going to be a gracious loser?” he asked as they walked through the quiet foyer.


  The man behind the security desk gave them a brisk nod, but Logan didn’t miss the way the other man’s eyes lingered on Addison. Instinctively, he slipped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. He wasn’t sure what the caveman-style display said about him—not likely anything positive.

  So what else is new?

  She stayed close to him as they rode the elevator up, her fingers interlaced with his and her thumb stroking the ridges of his knuckles. The sensation made his chest clench. They’d been here before.

  When her father had died, they’d sat together outside the hospital room. Holding hands. Silent. She didn’t cry—rather, she’d sat like a statue, shock freezing her body. He’d touched her in this same way, a gentle brush of his thumb over her knuckles. A small movement, private. Meant to comfort.

  Then he’d blown it all to hell by treating her like shit.

  “Addi?” He leaned his head against hers his mind scrambling for the right words to say.


  The feeling was there, the desire to tell her that he was sorry. But the words clogged his throat. God, he sucked at the personal stuff.

  He swallowed. “I hope you’re prepared for an ass-swatting.”

  “I’m all yours for the next few days, so do with me what you will.” A tremor ran through her. “Just don’t hurt me too bad, okay?”

  “Addi, my aim is to make you feel good.”

  I never mean to hurt you.

  The elevator dinged and they walked down the corridor toward his apartment. “I want to make you feel good, too,” she said quietly.

  “You do, baby. No doubt about that.”

  He dug his key out, fumbling with it as he tried to open the door. What the hell was wrong with him? He was nervous all of a sudden. Anxious at the thought of what would happen once he got her inside his apartment. Desperate to get his hands on her again.

  Finally, he got the door open. If Addison noticed his nerves she didn’t say anything. But Logan could practically taste the excitement fizzing on his tongue. He held the door for her and she walked past, her hands trailing across his thighs. Skirting the bulge in his pants.

  “You’re such a tease,” he said.

  She lifted a delicate shoulder as she discarded her bag. “Where do you want me?”

  “So it’s like that, is it? Straight down to business.”

  “I figured you wouldn’t want to waste time.”

  She stood in front of him, a few blond hairs escaping her neat updo. They were the only sign of their “detour” on the way home. The rest of her was polished and poised, as always. He stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled out the panties. When she’d given them to him before, he’d only felt the silk and ribbons.

  But now, in the privacy of his apartment, he could take his time to appreciate them. The panties were black—a mixture of high-quality silk, bound with ribbons and a slight frill that would have curved around her ass. Strategic cutouts were designed to show as much as they concealed. Teasing without giving away the goods entirely.

  “I can’t wait to see what the rest of this set looks like.” He closed the distance between them and her breath stuttered in the quiet.

  “Can I show you?” Her hands went to the zipper that ran down the side of her body, but he stopped her.

  “No. That’s my job.”

  He drew the zipper down slowly, letting the dress gape open to reveal a hint of black silk at her bust. The stark contrast with her fair skin made his blood pulse hotter. She shrugged out of the dress and it pooled at her feet. Holding her hand, he helped her step out of the fabric.

  Logan let out a long, low whistle of appreciation. “Christ, Addison.”

  Her lips twitched. “You like?”

  His gaze swept over her, drinking in the bare skin and black finery. Sheer black stockings stopped midthigh, capped with thick bands of lace
. The pencil-thin heels made her look even taller and leaner. And the bra—if you could even call it that—forced her breasts up and out, the creamy mounds all but spilling over the tiny, semisheer cups.

  ‘“Like’ doesn’t even begin to describe it.” He smoothed his palms up and down her waist, his hands flaring out over her naked hips. “Turn around.”

  She obeyed. Her ass was round and ripe as a peach, perfectly pale and unmarked.

  Not for long.

  “Put your hands on the couch.” His voice didn’t sound as though it belonged to him anymore; he was in a dream state. “Spread your legs.”

  She moved into position, bracing herself on the back of the couch. God, she looked so beautiful laid out like that. Blood rushed in his ears, his body primed and very ready for her.

  “You’ve got me so wound up,” he said. “I want to be inside you so bad I can barely see straight.”

  “Then do it.” She gazed back at him over her shoulder. “I’m all yours.”

  He drew a fingertip down the length of her spine and she bit her bottom lip. Her strangled moan sent a surge of lust through him.

  “Say it again,” he growled.

  Goose bumps rippled across her, peppering her perfect white skin. Her lips parted. “I’m all yours,” she whispered.

  If only that was true. For now, he would have to forget the past, forget his promises. Forget everything but how much he wanted her. And how good he was going to make her feel.


  ADDISON SHIFTED IN her heels, the silence unnerving her. Why was Logan hesitating? Was he going to pull away and leave her hanging? Her stream of questions was cut short when a soft hand landed on her hip.

  “I’ve got you for three days. Three whole fucking days, and I want to take full advantage.” His lips pressed against her spine and he slowly kissed his way down it until he stopped above her backside. “What do you say if you want me to stop?”

  “I won’t,” she breathed. “I won’t want you to stop.”

  “What do you say, Addi? Pick a word.” He stilled. “I’m not giving you anything until I hear it.”

  She wanted to squeeze her thighs together, anything to stop the throbbing. Anything to get some friction. “Paperwork,” she said, grinning into the fabric of his couch. “That’s my word.”


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