Wicked Revenge

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Wicked Revenge Page 29

by Gladden, DelSheree

  That thought gave me pause as she stepped onto the sidewalk nearest me and continued in my direction. I was supposed to be waiting for my roommate, but a conversation at my parents’ house last weekend crept back to the front of my mind. My oldest brother had just been assigned to the narcotics unit with the local police force. He probably shouldn’t have said anything about the unit’s upcoming push to curb drugs on campus. He did, though, and for some reason I found myself considering warning Dahlia.

  I couldn’t exactly pinpoint why. Back in high school, we hadn’t been friends. Dahlia didn’t do friends. I didn’t owe her anything. If she wanted to deal drugs on campus, that was her problem. Right? This wasn’t the first handoff I’d seen her involved in, though the last time was back in high school. If she wanted to screw up her life, it wasn’t my job to stop her. Except, I also remembered all those times when she’d shown up to school with her homemade lunches filled with whatever odds and ends she had found in the kitchen while he dad was away on business.

  What exactly her dad did was a mystery, one nobody particularly wanted to solve, thanks to the fact that he scared the living daylights out of pretty much every kid in school. He’d be gone for weeks at a time, even during middle school. Anyone who took the time to notice Dahlia recognized that she was practically an orphan. Not many people noticed. At least, no one tried to do anything about it. Myself included.

  Even though Dahlia and I rarely spoke back then, I did notice her at times. Like when she walked by some kid who didn’t have money for lunch and dropped half a sandwich on the table in front of him before walking away without a word. There were other times, too. For a girl everyone skirted around in the hallway because they didn’t want to be seen with her, there was something about Dahlia that demanded something akin to…respect.

  Whatever crazy shit she was messed up in, I was pretty sure her sketchy father had put her up to it. Maybe I didn’t owe Dahlia Carter anything, but I thought maybe a few other people did—ones who would never pay up out of fear or embarrassment. Something pushed at me to not let her walk away and get in trouble for something she had most likely been forced into. Without totally understanding why, I stepped up and fell in beside her as she walked by. “Hey, Dahlia. Been a while.”

  “Sanford.” She nodded but didn’t look at me.

  “Everyone calls me Sammy these days.”

  That got her to lift her gaze from the concrete. “Why?”

  Shrugging, I said, “Sanny sounds stupid and nobody seems to appreciate Sanford as a name. I don’t know. Just kinda got stuck with it freshman year.”

  Dahlia wrinkled her nose. “I hate nicknames. I’ll call you Sanford, supposing we actually run into each other again.”

  “So you’re not taking classes here?”

  She snorted. “Uh, no.”

  “What…are you doing here then?” I held my hands up in defense when her head whipped over to glare at me. “I’m only asking because my brother’s a cop and he was over at my parents for dinner last weekend and mentioned they’re looking to crack down on drugs on campus.” Her glare upgraded to laser meant to disintegrate me. “Look, I saw you with Dominic and I…you know, just wanted to warn you.”

  Stopping so fast I kept going a couple more steps before I could react and had to backtrack, she was positively livid when I looked at her. Fists clenched, she had to look up at me to meet my gaze. “You think I’m dealing drugs?”

  “I have no clue what you’re doing.” I shrugged and held up a hand to fend off a punch or something. “I mean, I know you’ve been doing these secretive handoffs since high school, but I don’t have a clue what they’re about. I just don’t want you to get into trouble, okay?”

  My answer didn’t do much to abate her anger. She span away from me, her jet black hair snapping around her shoulders. Her fists were clenched again, fingers holding onto the long sleeved t-shirt she was wearing. It was September and still close to ninety degrees, thanks to an unseasonably warm fall, but Dahlia never wore anything but long sleeves and pants. By the time I came out of my thoughts, she was a good five feet away from me, her short legs powering on to get away from me.

  I almost went after her, though I wasn’t sure why, but Harvey was suddenly beside me. “Was that Dahlia Carter?”


  “What’s she doing on campus?”

  Shaking my head, I gave up the idea of running after her to apologize…or something. “Hell if I know.”

  Forgetting the entire exchange, Harvey moved on. “So Griz asked about the party again.”

  “What party?

  Harvey rolled his eyes. “The one he mentioned Tuesday night at the fight, right after he asked if you were ever going to show up at the gym for a workout again.”

  “I don’t have time for that anymore.”

  “He’s not asking you to fight, just help train.” Harvey sighed when I shrugged off the comment. “Anyway,” he said, “about the party. We going, or what?”

  “It doesn’t have to be we, Harvey. I already told you, go if you want. We’re not a packaged deal.”

  Harvey rolled his eyes. “Well you act like a girl every time the subject of a party comes up. You might as well be my girlfriend.” He jabbed me in the shoulder, harder than necessary. “Come on. It won’t be that bad. I mean, Dominic and his crew will probably show up and push everyone around, but Lils and Cori are going. They’re always fun to hang with.”

  Honestly, that wasn’t much for encouragement. Cori was great. We were good friends and we did usually have fun together. Attached to her hip was always Lillian Devry, and Lillian was not fun. Not unless constant pawing and flirting from a girl you’d already told a dozen times you weren’t interested in constituted as fun. It probably did for some guys, but Lils drove me insane. She was pretty and all, but there was just something about her that rubbed me the wrong way.

  The only part of Harvey’s spiel that actually made me reconsider going was Dominic being there. Normally, I didn’t have much interaction with the guy. He tended to be loud and always had a crowd around him. Both were pretty big deterrents for me. Not to mention his temper. He wasn’t a psycho or anything, but he didn’t like to be crossed, and the guy just had one of those personalities where everything had to be big and in your face.

  I was curious about his rendezvous with Dahlia, though. I wondered if he’d tell me anything. Dahlia certainly wasn’t going to. It was none of my business and I suspected it could cause me trouble to get involved. Dahlia and I weren’t friends. Not then, and certainly not now. She was generally solo in pretty much any situation. She’d had a tough childhood, though, and I didn’t like the idea of turning a blind eye again like I had all through school—like everyone had.

  I knew very little about Dahlia on a personal level, except for the fact that her dad was off his rails, and as far as I knew she hadn’t had a mom in the picture for a long time. Other than that, she was quiet, kept to herself, and flew under all the adults’ radar during school. That skill was still being put to use—for reasons I worried weren’t legal, despite her adamant denial she was dealing drugs—but I still didn’t feel right about her getting tagged in some kind of campus raid. Maybe it wasn’t drugs, but anything she had to have secret exchanges about probably wasn’t above board. “Fine,” I said suddenly, “let’s go.”

  Harvey’s eyebrows perked up. “Seriously?”

  “I’m sick of listening to you cry about me ruining your college experience.”

  Grinning, Harvey smacked me on the shoulder again. “It’s about time, you pansy.”

  I rolled my eyes and got into the car. We both had homework to do before the party tonight, but still ended up stopping off at Giorgio’s for pizza on the way home. It was as good as it always was, but I kept thinking about Dahlia and what she was doing taking anything from Dominic. He could literally break her in half if he wanted to. The thought crossed my mind that maybe they were sleeping together and wanted to keep it on the DL, but that didn
’t really fit for some reason. Tossing a half-eaten breadstick back onto my plate, I sat back and failed to come up with a better explanation.


  I pulled up to the house and cringed. It was like an explosion. People spilled out of every opening, crowding around on the lawn, walking past windows inside, and trailing into the backyard. It made my skin crawl. Harvey, however, was nearly bouncing out of his seat. “Is this a frat house?” I asked. Anything else and the police would no doubt be showing up soon.

  “Yeah. Can’t remember which one, though. Cori would know.” Harvey pointed at two girls walking up the street. “Hey, there they are now.”

  Hitting the gas pedal, I quickly drove past the house in search of a parking space. We were four blocks away before I found one. Harvey whined, but I needed the time to psych myself up. Not to mention think of a few excuses to keep from having to dance with Lillian. The four block walk wasn’t nearly enough. I didn’t know if they saw us driving by earlier, or Lillian had graduated to full-on stalker, but they were both waiting for us when we strolled up.

  “Hey, boys,” Cori said. She gave each of us a one-armed hug.

  Lillian burst forward as soon as Cori stepped back and wrapped both arms around my middle. She didn’t seem to notice my sigh. “Hey, Lils.”

  “I’m so glad you guys came!” Lillian said. She did back off from her hug, but then proceeded to link her arm with mine like she belonged there.

  I glanced over at Cori and Harvey for help. Both only shrugged. Harvey was going to pay for this. Lillian began pulling me toward the frat house, and even though I dragged against her, she just kept at it. Cori and Harvey were talking about something behind us, ignoring Lillian altogether. My only remaining hope was that the crowd and noise would either pull her away from me, or at least drown her out. I hadn’t come to be dominated by Lillian. Dahlia was still lingering in my mind and I hoped I could track down Dominic before he got too sauced. He had a game tomorrow, so I hoped he was taking it easy.

  The hot, stagnant air in the house felt like something I needed to brush off my skin. My general dislike of crowds made me feel claustrophobic, and Lillian hanging on me only made it worse. “Want something to drink?” I asked her.

  When she nodded, I extracted myself from her grip and slipped away before she could object. I had no idea where the drinks were and didn’t really care. Lillian could get her own damn drink if she wanted one. I wasn’t her date. Maybe she’d figure that out at some point. Instead of looking for the source of the usual red plastic cups scattered around the property, I searched the crowd for Dominic Vancaster’s massive frame. He wasn’t hard to spot once I ended up in the same room as him. Lounging against a wall in the den with a girl draped along his side, he was retelling some play or something from the previous weekend’s game.

  We had a class together this semester and ran into each other now and again, but we weren’t exactly buddy-buddy. Interrupting to ask him about Dahlia would just be awkward. Content to wait for an opening as long as Lillian wasn’t trying to make out with me, I walked up to another classmate of mine and struck up a conversation while I waited for a chance to catch Dominic.

  Imagine my surprise when Dahlia suddenly appeared beside him and tipped her head to the side. That was all. She was sucked back into the crowd then—which wasn’t very hard given her size. Dominic continued to talk for a few more minutes before shrugging off the woman and downing the rest of his beer. The girl I was talking to from my environmental economics class was in the middle of a story so I couldn’t exactly just run off after Dominic like some lunatic, but it was killing me not to bolt and find out what was going on between them.

  Three painful minutes later, Riley wrapped up her story and I pretended to see Harvey waving me over, then bolted. All I had to go off was that they’d both disappeared out of the door to my right, so I followed and was immediately swallowed up by what felt like a hundred bodies all grinding against each other—only some of them in time to the music blaring through the room.

  A quick look around the room showed only two possible exits. Stairs led up to what I could only assume were bedrooms, and a much shorter flight of steps led down from an open door to what looked like a basement. Not too keen on catching co-eds in the middle of a drunken one night stand, I opted for the basement first. A quick jog down the stairs put me in the middle of several Costco-style white plastic card tables set up with some pretty serious poker games going on.

  It didn’t seem like Dahlia’s or Dominic’s scene, and a quick look around the dead end proved I’d chosen the wrong path. “Hey, Sammy, come to try your luck?” Oliver, a friend from my dorm building, asked.

  “Nah, just looking for someone.”

  “Oh yeah? Who?”

  I shook my head. “Just someone I went to high school with.” His interested piqued, but I wasn’t about to elaborate. “Anyway, guess she’s not here.”

  I turned to go, but Oliver grabbed my arm. “Sure you don’t want to play? Got a couple spots opening up the next hand.”

  “No, I don’t even know how.” It was a lie, but it got him to let me go and return his attention to the games. I darted back up the stairs and into the dance room-slash-make out station. I had to practically rub up against at least three couples parked on the stairs to make it to the landing.

  For a moment I stopped and considered what I was doing. Harvey was probably looking for me. Lillian definitely would be. I hated coming to these things and it wasn’t like me at all to just disappear on them. What was I going to say when they found me? Actually, I’d like to see the look on Lils’ face when I told her I was trying to track down another woman. With Harvey, though, it would only inspire a bunch of questions I didn’t want to answer. Mainly because I had no answers.

  Might as well just find Dahlia, ask her what’s going on and possibly apologize for earlier, and then show back up at Harvey’s side with a plausible excuse. Taking a quick survey of the visible parts of the upstairs, I noticed two hallways going in separate directions. One had all the doors closed and several couples pressed up against walls looking like they were close to forgoing the bed altogether. The other hallway….

  I had no idea what to think when I spotted two huge guys standing guard in front of a bedroom door at the end of the hallway. Clearly, no one was getting through them, but I couldn’t imagine what they were trying to protect. Nobody’s reputation was that big of a deal here. Certainly not Dominic’s, if that’s where he’d disappeared to. The guy was with a different girl every few weeks. Who cared who he slept with?

  Not really able to explain why, I suspected both Dahlia and Dominic were on the other side of that door. I also couldn’t give a good reason for why I turned down that hall instead of back down the stairs, but I did. Both men squared up as I approached. One, the bigger one—well bigger by maybe half an inch—eyed me with a look that said I was clearly in the wrong place. I don’t know why. I mean, I’m pushing six foot, play lacrosse, and can hold my own in a fight. Not against these two, but you know, against a normal sized human being I would come out on top.

  “You got an appointment?” the other guy asked.

  “Appointment?” Man, what was Dahlia getting involved with? “No, I just wanted to talk to Dahlia. She’s an old friend.”

  The slightly shorter guy glared at me. “That’s what they all say.”

  They? Who were they and why would guys be trying to get in to see her all secretive like this? At least he confirmed my hunch was right about Dahlia being locked behind the closed door. “We went to high school together.”

  The two boulders blocking the door looked at each other. Big turned back to me with a dead expression. “She’s with someone. Wait if you want, but you aren’t getting in this room without an appointment.”

  What were they doing in there? Maybe I didn’t want to know. Dominic and Dahlia were two consenting adults and if they wanted to have some kind of weird, secretive fling…none of my business at all. I couldn�
�t really pinpoint why that thought grossed me out. Maybe it was because Dominic could literally squash her during sex, but something about the two of them together like that turned my stomach.

  That didn’t mean I’d given up. Shrugging, I leaned against the wall. “Sure, I’ll wait.”

  It kept me away from Lillian, either way.

  I started to nod off after a while. Whatever was going on behind those doors certainly wasn’t quick. The start of a new semester always sapped my energy, so I was dragging. I couldn’t remember what time I’d come up here, but I was pretty sure it had been at least an hour. Longer since I lost sight of Dominic in the first place. Try as I might, I couldn’t figure out what, other than sex, they might be doing behind a locked door at a frat house party. By that point, I’d put too much time into finding out to walk away.

  Not particularly talented at sleeping while standing up, I gave in and parked myself on the floor, leaning my head back against the wall. The thought crossed my mind that the carpet of a frat house was probably a really disgusting place to sit, but once I was down there I didn’t care enough to get up. At least another half hour passed before I was pretty sure I fell asleep. The pop of a door opening snapped me back awake and I found myself blinking to try to clear my vision.

  “Thanks, baby,” Dominic said as he adjusted his shirt.

  Dahlia’s expression didn’t change from its disinterested blandness. “Just keep it covered this time, all right? No taking it off early.”

  “I’ll do my best,” he said with one of those grins that usually made girls’ panties spontaneously disappear. Dahlia rolled her eyes.

  The two guys were standing to the side of the door now, opening a space for Dominic to leave. He wasn’t quite ready to drop back into the party. Dahlia didn’t react in the least when he grabbed her chin and yanked her mouth to his. It was actually quite the feat to manage so quickly because of their height difference. Her posture communicated nothing but impatience. Not a single ounce of interest or lust—which only made me more interested than ever to talk to her.


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