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The Lady (The Dirty Heroes Collection Book 14)

Page 6

by Golden Angel

  He buried himself inside of her with a loud groan, and she felt him pulse within her, throbbing against the walls of her body. His weight pressed down on her from behind, crushing her beneath him, his cock still buried inside of her.

  “Mmmm.” He nuzzled the back of her neck through her hair while she panted for air, still shuddering from the aftermath of her orgasm.

  Dazed, she lay under him, trying to understand the conflicting feelings converging on her. Everything that had once seemed wrong now felt right, and everything that had once been right was now wrong.

  There was a man atop her. Inside her. Yesterday morning such a thing would have been unthinkable. Unimaginable.

  Despite her deliberate decision yesterday, the question of what she had truly gotten herself into was rising, more strongly than it had before. Perhaps because she was better rested, perhaps because she now had some inkling of what this life would be like, perhaps because there was still so much she did not know, but she could not help feeling, she had made a devil’s bargain.

  She did not even know what she was. He called her a pet but had not explained what that meant. Certainly not a wife. A mistress? Did he have other women? Other pets? And why did the thought make her stomach churn with unhappiness?

  At least, she’d known what to expect at Lady Fenton’s house, even if it had been miserable.

  Another part of her mind argued, so far, nothing she had experienced with Henry demonstrated life would be worse, but she did not like the unknown. And the worry Lady Fenton would somehow find her and come for her pressed on her. She did not know how to stop that from lingering at the back of her mind.

  The comforting weight pressing her down withdrew, leaving her feeling cold and alone, and Delilah cursed her inner turmoil. There was a voice in her mind, scolding her, telling her she should have been relieved by his withdrawal, yet part of her wanted him to return.

  “Up, pet.” A little slap on her bottom, not nearly as hard as the spanking yesterday, made her jump and squeal. “It is already noon, and there is much to do before this evening.”

  “What is there to do?” Asking felt rather daring, but he did not chide her.

  “We need to get you settled before anything else,” he replied, going to the door and opening it, apparently unconcerned by his complete lack of clothing. Like her, he’d slept in the bare. Crouching down, he picked up a tray that had been left outside the door.

  As before, his answer did not actually answer her question. Biting her lower lip, she was unsure how far she was willing to push him.

  The Tramp

  Turning, holding the tray with his usual breakfast of fruit and croissants—he would eat more fully in a few hours—Henry was amused to see Delilah watching him with an anxious expression on her lovely face. She had the sheets pulled up to her breasts again, covering them, and her tousled blonde hair flowed over her shoulders and midway down her back. Apparently, her mistrust and modesty had reasserted itself overnight. He was not surprised.

  His poor little pet had been mistreated. It would take some time for her to see that she would be protected and pampered. Not that he would slack off disciplining her when it was warranted, and he knew he could be a rough lover, but he rather thought she’d enjoyed both of those things last night.

  “Put the sheet down,” he directed, bringing the tray over to the bed and setting it down. There was also a basin of water and several cloths for washing.

  “What?” She clutched the sheet tighter to her chest, amusing him even further. As if he had not seen and touched every inch of her already.

  Shaking his head, rather than repeating himself, he moved the tray to the foot of the bed before turning and swiftly yanking the sheet from her hands and off her body. She shrieked with surprise, automatically trying to cover herself with her arms, but Henry was no longer concerned with that. Easily handling her, he picked her up and plopped her down across her lap, enjoying her little wail when she recognized the position.

  “When I give you an order, pet, I mean for it to be obeyed.”


  Since she should already know better after last night, this morning’s spanking was going to be a little rougher than the previous night’s.

  Lady Delilah Darling


  Delilah shrieked, struggling. She could not be sure if it was because she was still tender from yesterday or because Henry was spanking her harder than he had the day before, but she was certain this second spanking hurt more than the first.


  Rather than concentrating the firm swats on any one part of her bottom, this time, he peppered her thoroughly, aiming his hand across both cheeks and turning them bright pink. Delilah writhed, trying to get away, but he held her fast against his lap. She could feel movement against her side and moaned when she realized he was becoming aroused again, his cock beginning to harden and press into her.


  “I’m sorry!” She truly was. Even when she’d asked the question, rather than obeying, there had been a part of her screeching to just do as he said. Tears slid down her face, her bottom cheeks on fire, the area between her legs still throbbing in counterpoint, even though the pleasure of her climax was long gone, and she felt truly contrite.

  Why had she not?

  Why did she have to test him?

  She did not know the answer, but she was already vowing never to do so again.

  It was not worth it.


  “I’m sorry!” she shrieked again. That swat had particularly hurt. It had not been on her bottom, but on the back of her thigh, just under the curve of her bottom, and it burned even more than the previous ones.


  A matching swat on the other side made her buck and shriek again, then it seemed to be over.

  “Good girl.” His hand smoothed over her roasted bottom, rubbing gently, and Delilah whimpered, a few more tears sliding down her cheeks as she slumped across his knees. The gentle, warm tone of his praise was as unexpected as the praise itself. “You took your punishment very well. I am proud of you, pet.”

  The oddest feeling washed over her, despite the fire still heating her bottom—happiness. She was happy she had pleased him. Happy to be praised and hear he was proud of her. She did not understand why, which was becoming a common theme. Why did she want to please him when he had just turned her bottom into a flaming mass of throbbing flesh? Why did she care that he was proud of her? Why did she feel proud about taking a punishment she had not wanted?

  Why, why, why?

  Did it matter?

  The thought popped into her head, and she did not know the answer to that question, either.

  “Now, then,” he said, interrupting her swirling thoughts. “Time to get you ready for the day, pet, then you will make amends for misbehaving.”

  “But... I already said I was sorry...”


  His little pet’s confusion was clear, but she would understand soon enough.

  “I appreciated the apology, pet, and you will have the opportunity to show me how sorry you are.” His cock throbbed in anticipation, but first things first.

  Henry leaned over to the tray and picked up two items he had sent Butch out to acquire last night, which had nothing to do with breaking their fast or washing up. The man had come through splendidly as he always did. The first was a little bottle of oil which the tarts often used, and the second was a more unusual item. While the whores would often use a plug or a dilator to help stretch out their asses for use, such things were not often adorned with a tail. In fact, Henry had only seen it one other time, when he was in France, and the image had stuck in his head.

  Now that he had his own little pet, he would able to act out his most deviant fantasies, the ones he had never acted out before. Not that the bawds would have denied him, but he’d known, deep down, playacting his desires would not assuage his need. Just as bedding women who were not Delilah had not satisfied him.

  But now she was his, he had not been able to get the image of her with a little tail tucked into her arse, readying it for him to fuck and a collar around her neck as she crawled beside him on a leash out of his head.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, wriggling slightly, trying to turn and crane her neck to see.

  Pulling the stopper out of the bottle of oil, Henry coated one of his fingers, then hooked his other arm around her middle to hold her in place, already anticipating rebellion at his next act.

  “Getting you ready for me,” he said simply, and pressed the tip of his finger to the puckered hole of her anus and pushed in, grinning widely at her outraged shriek.


  Lady Delilah Darling

  It felt like time had stopped.

  The finger pushing inside of her could not possibly be where it was, and yet it was.

  The pulsing heat in her bottom was the only thing keeping her from fighting to get away from the insistent digit burrowing deeper into her uncomfortably tight rear aperture. Even with everything he’d done to her last night, every way he’d touched her, she could never have imagined this. Would not have wanted to. The invasion was more than physical—she felt utterly stripped of every sense of sensibility she’d once possessed.

  Part of her was screaming out to struggle, run, make him stop, but the more logical, thinking part of her mind knew there could only be one conclusion to such an endeavor. Her bottom throbbed as if in warning. She could not handle another spanking on top of the one he’d already administered. Just thinking about it made more tears surge to the backs of her eyes. The only thing she could do was clench her muscles, which was really no better than doing nothing at all. The oil he’d put on his finger made it easy for him to move slickly back and forth in the tight space, no matter how she tried to force him out. In fact, doing so only made the sensations and discomfort more intense.

  Which meant she had to suffer this indignity.

  The worst part was when he began to pump his finger, making her feel every last bit of it moving in and out of her bottom, it began to feel... good.

  Her muscles clenched again, but not that she was trying to keep him out, but because she could feel arousal stirring in her core. Humiliation swept through her, but that did not stop the growing feeling of emptiness in her pussy or pleasure from his finger, plundering her most private space. If anything, her embarrassment was caught up with her passion, feeding it, her body responding to the emotion the same way it did to his caresses. Which was even more mortifying.

  “Stop,” she begged, unable to think of anything else to do that might help. “Please, stop.”

  The dark chuckle that met her request was not promising.

  “Oh no, pet. We need to get you ready for the day. Trust me, you’ll thank me tonight for preparing you.”

  With those ominous words, he pulled his finger almost all the way out, then the tight ring around her entrance was forced open even further as he added a second digit. She kicked and wriggled, panting as the feeling of fullness intensified. Both fingers pushed into her, adding to her discomfort and her arousal, stretching her open in an obscene manner that took her breath away. Nothing else could possibly fit inside of there, but with the way his cock was digging into her side, she was beginning to fear he was going to make the attempt, anyway.

  Ignoring her whines and small kicks, he relentlessly stretched her muscles until the ache subsided, and the second finger began to feel good, just as the first had. She did not want it to feel good. She did not want the growing itch between her legs, the aching need to be filled, and she certainly did not want him to put anything else in... there.

  When he finally pulled his fingers from her body, she sagged over his thighs with relief. Unfortunately, the needy pulse between her legs did not diminish, making her squirm.

  “Is it that it?” she asked hopefully, still wary of the cock digging into her side.


  Something cool and slick, harder than his finger but narrower, nudged at the entrance he’d just stretched.

  It only took a moment for her to realize, while it might be narrower at the tip, it expanded quickly. She yelped at the sharp pain from being stretched so unceremoniously and what felt like a popping sensation as something was shoved into the tight recesses of her bottom. Thankfully, the thing narrowed as it sank into her, so the pain did not linger, and the air whooshed from her lungs as it nestled inside of her. Something soft brushed the backs of her thighs, tickling them, but that did not concern her nearly as much as the way the intruder stayed firmly put, even as her muscles worked to push it out.

  “Perfect.” Henry patted her bottom, not very hard, but she was still sore from her spanking, so even those soft taps stung a little. “Now, my little pet has a little tail.”

  His meaning became clear when he slid her off his lap onto her knees, and she was finally able to look over her shoulder, craning her neck. Her bottom cheeks weren’t the only ones burning when she realized... Whatever he’d put in her bottom had a tail attached to it—a thick, soft, golden tail that almost matched hair and trailed out from between her cheeks as if she truly was some kind of exotic animal.

  “Oh, no!” She started to reach, but he was too quick.

  Grabbing her wrists, he pulled her toward him, her back bending back, arms spread wide, their faces mere inches apart. “You will leave your tail alone, pet. Your body is mine to do with as I please, remember?”

  “What if I do not want a tail?” She whispered the question, quailing but determined.

  Henry’s dark gaze studied her for a moment before he answered, tilting his head as he did so.

  “There is the door, pet. You are welcome to see how far you can get.”

  How far she could get without a protector in the most dangerous part of London, she’d ever been in? Delilah did not even know if she would be able to find her way out. And even if she could, where could she go? This was why she’d accepted his protection in the first place. Even if she spun a story, after a night out away from her guardian and chaperone, she would be considered damaged goods to the ton.

  So, if he wanted to put a tail in her bottom, there was really nothing to do but accept it.

  She slumped again, and Henry’s hands gentled on her wrists, his hold sliding up her arm, one hand going to the back of her neck, the other to wrap around his cock.

  “It will not be so bad, little pet, you will see. Now, open up, you’re going to make amends for your earlier disobedience.”

  Open up. Her lips. Where his cock pressed, seeking entry.

  Delilah had never heard of such a thing, but she knew what her answer had to be. Parting her lips, she let his manhood slide between them.

  “Do not even think of biting me, pet.” Delilah looked up to see him watching her, his eyes alight with desire. “You will regret it.”

  Her bottom clenched around the tail at the casually spoken threat, her skin tingling as if his mere words had reawoken the aftermath of sensations from her spanking. Delilah opened her jaw wider, and he groaned, his hand on the back of her neck, drawing her forward as he went deeper. The thick weight of his shaft pressed against her tongue, the salty taste of him strange but not unpleasant. He used her neck to guide her, pushing her head up and down, pulling her forward a little more each time, so he went deeper into her mouth, making her gag and try to jerk away when he hit the back of her throat.

  She could feel his eyes staring down, watching her, and could not bring herself to meet his gaze. Whimpering, the sound was muffled as he moved her mouth up and down his thick length. She squirmed when his free hand dropped to fondle her breast. The arousal in her core roared back to life, despite being on her knees with his cock in her mouth and a tail in her bottom... or maybe, just maybe, partly because of it.

  The Tramp

  The soft flicking of his pet’s uncertain tongue along the underside of his cock, the way she struggled to accommodate the way he pulled her mouth furth
er down his shaft, and the low whining in the back of her throat while he fucked, added to Henry’s enjoyment of using her mouth for his pleasure. That she was unpracticed did not matter, that was not the point. She would learn. He would happily teach her.

  For now, despite already having fucked her, he was all riled up after spanking and plugging her, more so than he would have thought possible. Although he might have been tempted to linger if not for neglecting his duties the night before. There were things he needed to do today.

  So, he used her mouth, forcing her lips to glide over his cock, shoving deeper and deeper while her small hands pressed against his thighs. He could feel her struggle not to push him away, arousing him even more. Such a good little pet. So obedient, despite her reluctance, despite being so out of her depth.

  For the second time that day, his need boiled over hard and fast, and he groaned. Removing his hand from her breast to cup the back of her head, he securely pressed her down on his cock. The hot suction of her mouth drew his cum from his balls, and he groaned with completion, emptying himself down her throat.

  Sighing with repletion, he leaned back, releasing her as he did. Panting, she leaned her head against the inside of his thigh, looking dazed, her lips darker than usual and swollen from use. Her cheeks were flushed as well, matching the pink he’d put across her arse. With her leaning to the side, he could still see the furred tailed draped across the backs of her calves, golden and fluffy, just like her. Well satisfied, he pushed to his feet, leaving her kneeling and watching him, waiting to see what would come next.


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