The Crash Zone (The Zone Series Book 2)

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The Crash Zone (The Zone Series Book 2) Page 1

by Tarrah Anders

  The CRASH Zone





  ©2016 Tarrah Anders

  Published by: Tarrah Anders

  All Rights Reserved



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  I dedicate this…

  to anyone who has lost a loved one. It’s okay to move on, it’s okay to be happy again.

  House Rules

  Always have an abundance of pineapples.

  No hammering until noon on the weekends.

  No see through tank tops

  Be honest with another.

  No dating other people

  No sex for 1 month.

  Make time for date nights.

  Chapter 1 - Max

  Today marks the one-year anniversary of my girlfriend’s death; a year since my life flashed before my eyes and the woman that I loved so desperately died in a car accident that I ended up surviving. It should have been the other way around. My thoughts are conflicting, I should have died, we both should have died, either scenarios would be ten times better than living without her. I’m desperate for her touch, just one more touch from Betsy and for that split second, I would be so happy. All I need is a second chance. If only I was paying more attention to the road and our surroundings. Granted, as the passenger that shouldn’t be my focus, but still if that was what I was doing, rather than trying to distract Betsy, we would never have gotten in that accident.

  My girlfriend Betsy was driving, needless to say she flew out the windshield and I had a busted leg. I had to have a crazy surgery right away since some of my bone was coming out of my leg. I didn’t know Betsy had died until I woke up from surgery the next day. Life hasn’t been the same since. I went through so many emotions and eventually all my emotions ceased and I became who I am today.

  I fuck for fun, basically because I don’t want to feel anything since my girlfriend died and I don’t. Again, I should have been the one who died and not her.

  Instead, I'm sitting in a bar with my head down, and a semi-empty glass in my hand.

  Wait; does that make her my ex-girlfriend? Does that essentially make me a widow? Can a man be a widow or is that strictly a word for women? Ugh! I need another drink.

  I snicker to myself and shake my head clear of such thoughts.

  The only reason I'm still alive today is because of my best friend's Dane, Sterling and Lucas. Without their persistent meddling, I would have been dead in a ditch. I should be the one dead, not Betsy.

  I've fucked half of every chick who comes across my path since, never asking for many personal details, giving them the 'bad boy' glimpse and thrill of a one night stand. Thankfully, most of them leave that same night without a word, which is every man’s dream when he has no desire to commit. I have one repeat however; a guaranteed lay and those chicks know the score. Boy, was that was a fun conversation to have. Sometimes I remember, sometimes I don’t. I don’t care either way, there’s just the thrill of getting my dick wet that’s captivating me, not the feelings that could get involved nowadays. I go out to the bar with the intent to get drunk and to fuck.

  I don’t have feelings anymore, at least I try my best not to as it doesn’t get me anywhere. I put on a semi-happy face for my friends and family, but as soon as I can take off my day mask, and game on. I spend my free time at the bars and between the sheets. I frequent a rotation of 4 different bars in my neighborhood, just in case someone wants to try to have an intervention and to bar-block me. After the accident, I stayed with Sterling and Dane and fucked like crazy on their couch, it apparently got so bad that they refused to sit on the couch, so I bought them a new one. Sterling, god bless her heart, pretended to be my girlfriend to a lot of nameless (and faceless, since I don’t remember most of them) blondes each time to run them out of the house before I even woke up. I chilled a bit on my hook ups and kept them in the spare bedroom which I was staying at. The majority of my hook ups took place at the chick’s house, so that way I could just leave. Doing all this with my leg in a cast proved to be challenging, but it made things interesting to say the least, it was always a conversation starter, hell sometimes the chick took pity on me.

  Today, I’m avoiding my friends and family to drown in my misery in peace. I know that today must suck for them too, but I just need to dwell alone. Hell, I might even go home alone tonight, most likely won't be able to get it up anyways.

  The brunette at the end of the bar keeps looking over at me and while on any normal night, I’d be up for adventure, I don’t return her flirty stare and continue staring straight ahead of me at the wall.

  The screen on my cell lights up for what seems like the thousandth time since sitting on this stool, I glance at the screen, just another person calling to check in on me and console me. I let the call go to voicemail since I’m sure that if I open my mouth to speak about the event that I would break down or be a complete dick. That’s not something I intend to do. That would be feeling, hence why I’m signaling the bartender for another drink. Let’s drown in my sorrows.

  The bar stool beside me scrapes as someone sits down on it, out of my peripheral vision I can see my little brother leaning both of his elbows on the bar top.

  “I’ve been to at least 5 different bars and I find you at the one within walking distance to the house!” He sighs.

  I smirk. I’m a smart drinker at least, no drinking and driving for me.

  After moving back into my house, my little brother, Davis came to live with me. He had just finished college and was in the middle of finding his dream job and avoid sleeping in his childhood bedroom at our parents. He was just as tall as I am, but much more muscular whereas I’m lean and toned. He’s clean shaven, whereas I have scruff and while I keep my brown hair short, he keeps his shaggy. You wouldn’t think that we were related now, but growing up we were very similar in looks even though we are 5 years apart.

  When the bartender brings me my scotch, Davis asks for a beer.

  “So how was your day?” Davis asks taking a sip of his beer after it was placed in front of him.

  I raise my eyebrow and cock my head. Really?

  “The strong silent type tonight, eh? “ He eggs. “I get it, am I cramping your game tonight bro?”

  I shake my head and continue sipping on my drink.

  “Cool, we’ll just sit here for a bit then.” Davis says.

  “Today’s not really the night to fuck with me Dav.” I manage to speak in a raspy voice since I’ve hardly uttered a word in the past several hours.

  “Oh, I know exactly what today is, but I’m not letting you sit and think about today alone, even though you are ignoring everyone’s calls to you.”

  “I don’t need anyone’s pity.” I don’t know if he even heard me.

  “It’s not pity buddy, it’s friendship, it’s family, it’s love.” Davis tries to point out.

  “If you say so.”

  We sat the
re, with Davis rattling on about whatever jobs he’s been applying to. Even though he is an education major, I’ve offered to hire him at The Crawford Hunter and Harris Group, but he’s denied it for the time being, something about rather working in his field that he worked hard for. So, he submits resumes, goes on job interviews and hangs out at the gym. He has a girlfriend; she’s in her final year of college at State so she’s not around too much, but she’s very nice and uncomplicated which is ideal for my house right now.

  “Are you taking any tokens home tonight?” Davis asks looking around. He refers to my hook-ups as tokens. It doesn’t bother me that he knows of my dalliances but today it does.

  “Tonight, I plan to stumble home – hence why I chose this bar. Then face plant into my bed or the couch- whichever one I land in first and pass out. There will be no extracurricular activity happening in the nether regions of my body tonight. Sorry to disappoint.”

  “Sounds like a plan!” He smiles.

  “No matter how much I generally enjoy your company little brother, I didn’t make this plan with you in mind. No offence.” I say looking at the line-up of the hard alcohol along the bar wall in front of me.

  “Oh, I know that. But that doesn’t mean I’m leaving.” He signals for another beer, as if he’s staying for an extended period of time, I notice he still hasn’t drank half of his current beer. “I’ll get shitty with you.”

  I sigh and just let it be. There’s no reason to get angry at him, plus the intention is to not remember today even happened, tomorrow it will be as if he never joined me.


  “15 bottles of beer on the wall….” I think that’s where I’m at in the song. My brother’s arm is pretty much holding me up and he’s laughing at me as he unlocks the front door while laughing at me.

  “I hope you can undress yourself, because I’m not doing it for you.” He states as we pour ourselves into the front room.

  “No need sir, I shall sleep in whatever I wear at this present time.” I mock with a horrible English accent.

  He rolls his eyes at me and turns on the kitchen light. A moment later he presses a glass of water in my hands and stares at me until I drink it. He’s just like our mother!

  “I really shoulda brought home that brunette from the bar. She looked nice.” I say.

  Thank goodness I’m a happy drunk right now. That too fluctuates, I’m sure if Davis never showed up, my mood would have been dark. But since he forced himself onto my party of one evening, I’m not the angry drunk I was planning to be tonight or most nights. And by most nights, I mean pretty much every night. I’m like a superhero in that sense as by day I am a professional bad ass engineer. Then by night, I turn into the wild and crazy raging but functional alcoholic and womanizer.

  Thankfully, with today being Saturday, I can sleep off a hangover in peace at home rather than work. I won’t feel guilty for biting off staffs heads for walking into my office, or I won’t have to face my best buddy Dane. Although, I’m sure either he or Sterling, his wife would be stopping by at some point tomorrow since I have ignored all their attempts to contact me today or yesterday since today is technically tomorrow.

  I turn to walk into my bedroom and fall face first as I said I would.

  Chapter 2 – Davis

  My brother is a “Grade A” dick. While I completely understand that he’s grieving the anniversary of a shitty day and would rather have sat in his own misery alone last night, he still made everyone of his friends worry about him. This of course made me worry, so I went on a witch hunt for him. I tied a good one on last night too, just to refrain from yanking him off his barstool and down the street to the house. Luckily, the mood he was in last night was a happier one than some nights that I’ve witnessed. He first seemed like he wanted to punch me when I first sat down, but as the night went on, he became less hostile and more a happy drunk.

  My head is killing me as I pop some aspirin and chug a glass of water. I had plans to go for a run this morning, but now I just will settle to make some eggs and toast. My body is exhausted from the amount of alcohol I put in it last night, protein would be best.

  I’ve lived in Max’s house for about 3 months. And almost every day of those 3 months, I haven’t seen the person who my brother is, but a shell of him. He works hard, I’m impressed by that. But as soon as his work day is over, he’s all booze and boobs.

  Which two years ago, I would have happily been joining in, but I’m looking for a job, somewhere in the teaching field or education administration – so I try to keep my head above water. I’ve also got an amazing girlfriend who is in her final year of school at State who is so busy most of the time, I’m glad she hasn’t witnessed some of Max’s bad days. She’s a journalism major, who is editor of the school newspaper as well as holds a monthly column for the Tribune. Since I’ve got my plans on my radar, I can’t say womanizing and binge drinking are high on my list, at least not for the past 3 years. While we may be close, our priorities in life couldn’t be more different.

  I hear a shuffle from the hallway and Max walks out moments later. He’s scratching himself and he looks worse than I feel.

  “Morning.” I say, pretending to not be hung-over.

  “Is it?” He asks.

  “Is it what?”

  “Is it morning or afternoon?”

  I look at the clock on the microwave. “It’s still morning.” Just barely.

  Max makes a disgruntled noise and backs out of the kitchen and plops down on the couch.

  I continue fixing eggs and toast and plate the food into two portions. I can share with my big brother.

  I shove his legs aside and place a plate in front of him on the coffee table. I grab the remote and turn on the morning news. Max grunts before reaching for the plate and devouring the food. He thanks me as he gets up and puts his dish in the dishwasher, then promptly returns to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. At least he came out of his room today.


  I knew they would show up today, and I’m sure Max knows it as well. I answered the door to Lukas, Sterling and Dane. Sterling was her normal cheery self, as the guys were… well they were guys. We fist bumped as they walked through the door and Sterling managed to give me a hug even though she had some huge Tupperware in her hand.

  “How was he last night?” Dane asked cocking his head towards Max’s room.

  “As one would expect. But I stuck around until last call and we came home and he passed out. He woke up a few hours ago, ate breakfast then returned to his bedroom. I haven’t heard a peep from him since.” I say as I sit on the arm of the couch.

  “Did he mention Betsy at all?” Sterling asks.

  “No. We barely spoke and he hardly even checked out any of the chicks in there. I don’t think he wanted any sort of company last night. He was a dick to me when I first showed up, but I forced myself upon him.”

  Lukas and Dane walked down the hallway as Sterling sat on the couch flipping through channels. Dane lightly knocked on the door and when there was no answer he reached for the doorknob. It wasn’t locked, so they both walked right in and disappeared leaving Sterling and myself.

  “So how’s Katrina?” Sterling asks.

  I like Sterling, she’s got a background in therapy and social work, so she has become someone that I can speak to about some of the bullshit that I have to deal with around the house since I moved in.

  “She’s good. She’s been busy with writing some huge paper the past week, so we haven’t seen much of another. Actually, today she might have off. After babysitting last night, I could definitely use some R&R.” I pull out my phone and type a quick text to her.

  “We should have you and her over for dinner sometime.” Sterling offers.

  “Yeah. That would be nice.” I say. My brother’s friends are great and all, but they aren’t my friends. We’ve hung out, but Max was always there too.

  My phone vibrates in my hand. I smile. “Looks like Kat wants to do the beach. Can�
�t say no to that! I’ll see ya later. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen, and you know how to work the TV.” I say getting up and walking towards my room to get my board shorts on.

  “If Max asks, which I doubt he will, I may not be home tonight.”

  “Good to see you Davis, and thanks for last night. I’m thankful Max didn’t kill you for crashing his party and for you being there for him.” She smiles.

  I nod as I enter my bedroom, Max’s door is open and the guys are sitting on the chairs facing his bed as he’s perched at the top of the bed, still in his clothes from last night. They’re having a quiet conversation, but it’s doesn’t look to be too bad. With that I close my door and get ready for my day date with my girl!

  Chapter 3 – Max

  My brother left the house in a hurry while everyone was still here. I heard Sterling tinkering in the kitchen as Dane and Lukas were seated in my bedroom so I moved the party to a more common area. As I entered the kitchen to grab some water, Sterling wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and snuggled her cheek against my back. I momentarily stiffened by the sudden contact, but relaxed an instant later. I patted her hands as she withdrew.

  “Hey there.” She smiles as I turn to her.

  “Hey yourself. How’s it?” I ask as I lift the bottled water to my mouth.

  She shrugs and hops up on the counter.

  “I wish you would have called me yesterday. It would have been nice to hear from you.” She says looking down to pick some invisible crumb off the counter.

  I was selfish yesterday, more than usual. I knew I was being like that from the moment I woke up and decided that I wanted nothing to do with people all day, even as my brother forced himself in on my drinking binge last night. But as I’m looking at Sterling right now, all I feel is remorse and shame. Sterling was Besty’s best friend, of course I’m a jerk. When Betsy died in that car accident, a part of her died too. I should know this, as I feel the same exact way.


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