The Crash Zone (The Zone Series Book 2)

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The Crash Zone (The Zone Series Book 2) Page 22

by Tarrah Anders

  I look over at my date, Becky. We’ve known each other for a few weeks, we’re not a couple and we hardly know another. She thinks us hanging out is more than what it is, and I just don’t know how to tell her differently. She’s attractive, she’s sweet, but she’s too plain. She has big blue eyes, sandy blonde hair and light freckles speckled across her nose. She seems to have the year round San Diego tan since she’s an avid surfer, but she just doesn’t spark anything primal in me. I usually go for the women with a jaded past, or at least that’s what my exes would say about me. She’s relaxed and the golden color of her skin has returned, which means we could probably leave soon, or at least I hope.

  Rewind to earlier this evening, we were parking in the dirt lot for the Del Mar Fair and somehow when she got out of the passenger side of the car, she slammed her index and middle finger in the car door. Needless to say, we didn’t end up going to the fair, which was fine by me as I can’t stand the crowds there and now here we are at 1am waiting for the clearance for her to go home.

  “Becky, how are you feeling? Do you have any more faintness?” The nurse asks with her tablet in her hand.

  “I think I’m good to go. How long before I can get back in the water?” She asks.

  “I would recommend that you wait until the stitches are out and your fingers are fully healed. You do not want to risk infection. The stitches will be removed in 12-14 days, I wouldn’t delay removing the sutures for that. Then you should be practically healed a few weeks later. Luckily, the bones weren’t separated and it was only flesh. You may have hyper sensitivity in your fingertips, and within time that will dissipate.” The nurse explains as she looks back and forth to Becky and then to me.

  “Thanks.” Becky mumbles.

  “I’ll be right back with the discharge papers. Keep those fingers clean, there will be instruction within the paperwork in regards to your aftercare.” The nurse moves quickly out of view and leaves Becky and I alone.

  “So, this was a fun date.” She laughs.

  I’m exhausted; my humor had left my body several hours ago.

  “It’s always a good opener for a joke.” I fake a smile.

  “Thanks for staying with me. I would have probably been bored without you here.” She smiles.

  “No problem.” I shrug indifferently. I’ve been bored, we’ve hardly talked the past few hours and I’ve been nodding off and on.

  “Looks like I can’t surf for a while, that blows. Feel like a sponge bath tonight?” She asks raising her eyebrow.

  We haven’t slept together, so the question takes me off balance. She’s hinted at wanting to get more physical, but I don’t care to string her along and create any expectations.

  “I’m sure that you can shower, just don’t get your dressing and the stitches wet.” I offer.

  “You’re no fun.” She pouts.

  Thankfully, the nurse approaches us with her paperwork.

  “Becky, it’s been a privilege to assist you this evening, if you should need to call with any questions, please do so. My name is Kailey and I’m here most evenings aside from mid-week where I’m here mid-day.” Nurse Kailey reaches out her hand to shake Becky’s.

  In the car, Becky and I are silent. I’ve put my Mercedes s550 coupe into park and get out of the car. I round the corner to Becky’s side where she’s slowly getting out of the car. Together in silence, I walk her to her apartment door.

  “Get some rest. We’ll catch up later.” I smile, and kiss her on the cheek.

  Before she can invite me inside, I’m taking off down the pathway and to my car. I slide into the driver’s seat and pull away to head home.


  My alarm went off way too early this morning, I only had a few hours of sleep, but I could definitely sleep all day. I’m one of the newer partners in The Crawford Hunter Harris Group, an Architectural Engineering company, so it would be alright if I went into work later than usual, but I didn’t want to start to slack when I’m on top of my game. I started out here as a fill in guy once the company started getting bigger projects. My father and grandfather were in the construction business and I had grown up all around work sites, but I wanted my career separate from my family, I didn’t want any handouts.

  After Max Hunter, another one of the partners and one of my now close friends got into a crazy car accident three years ago, I had stepped in for a lot of the stuff he was working on as well as keeping up with the projects handed to me and apparently I impressed them enough for them to offer me a partner spot. Knowing that I’m still fresh in the business and the company, I would rather not rock the boat too much, even if no one is keeping tabs. Plus, if I’m late into work, I miss my morning check-in’s with Melissa.

  I park my car in my parking spot in front of our building and enter the front doors. Talia, our receptionist waves at me as I pass by her on my way into the office kitchen, which is always my first stop.

  I stop in the doorway and admire the view. Our accounting department director is bent at the waist searching the back of the fridge in a black knee length skirt. Her shapely ass is staring at me, just wanting to get spanked. Unfortunately, that would be an HR nightmare and I keep my sinful thoughts to myself. I can feel a tightening in my pants and I cautiously adjust myself as I walk into the kitchen and clear my throat.

  “Oh, hey Lukas.” She smiles after straightening with creamer in her hand.

  Her freckled skin blushes from my entrance. Her beautiful bright green eyes practically twinkle like a cartoon character at me as she smiles.

  “Hey Mel, how’s it today?” I smile, reaching into the cabinet beside her for a coffee mug.

  “It’s good so far, but it’s still early so there’s potential for something to go wrong.” She smiles and hands me the creamer as I prepared my cup of coffee.

  “Just think though, it’s Friday.” I smile taking a tentative sip of my coffee.

  I take my time relishing the sip of coffee, as I assess Melissa. Her fiery red hair today is worn up in some fancy up-do, her black skirt – now that we’re closer is pinstriped, and I can see through her white shirt. Her painted toes are peeking through her red shoes and her nail-polish on her fingers and toes match her lipstick, a muted red.

  “You have any exciting plans?” She asks me hesitantly as she stirs her coffee.

  “Not really, I was hoping for some R&R this weekend, maybe hit up the beach, do a whole lot of nothing. What about you?”

  “It’s a friend’s birthday tonight and our plans are to get more fucked up than a left-handed football bat! Then nurse the hangover all weekend.” She smiles.

  Her Texan accent is cute, sometimes she’ll say the most weird and random things and with her slight accent, it makes you want to kiss her. I keep these thoughts to myself, even though we flirt at times, I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t be interested in me.

  “Left-handed football bat?” I ask. I don’t always understand her Texan or southern sayings.

  “I’ll be drunk.” She simplifies.

  “Did you know that there are places that sell left handed things, you know for people who are left handed?” I don’t know why I’m saying this.

  She laughs and refreshes her coffee. “I should get my day started.”

  “I’ll see you later.” I smile at her as she retreats the kitchen. Watching her hips sway with each step in that skirt.


  My heart was pounding as I walked into my office. I’ve had a crush on Lukas Harris since the day he started working here about four years ago, and the majority of my brain is fine with those dirty thoughts, yet another part of me knows that he’s one of the bosses and crushing on him is just inappropriate. I usually am able to hide my infatuation with him by leaving the room or by saying something so ridiculous that he forgets what he’s saying and that generally works.

  I sat at my desk and started my computer when my cell phone signaled a text message. I ignored it for now, wanting to focus on work and getting my day started.
When I started working here, I was the front desk receptionist, at the time we were in a different location, however as work got busier, the partners wanted to expand and since I was majoring in Accounting – it only made sense to them to move up from within. I’ve worked here since my first year of college, and now seven years later, I’m the accounting director. I have a small team of 3 accountants that work under me and I report directly to Dane Crawford, one of the partners. He’s the one who started my process of getting where I am today in the company.

  I come from Wimberley, Texas which is an hour away from Austin. My parents couldn’t afford to live in Austin, so we lived there and they commuted daily until they retired. The town was small; fewer than 3,000 people and we had only one stoplight when I lived there. It’s an artistic community surrounded by nature and compared to San Diego, I miss it. San Diego has its own artsy community, so when I feel homesick, I wander around Ray Street in North Park and pretend I’m home.

  I talk to my parents regularly, probably a few times a month. I have an older sister who lives in Austin, that keeps me abridged to any on-goings as well. She’s married, with three kids. I also have a younger brother who doesn’t take the term younger to heart with me. He goes to Texas A&M University, two and a half hours away from our hometown. He and I are close, since our age is only two years apart and we talk weekly. He will be arriving in San Diego this afternoon for the next week and I couldn’t be more excited.

  I’ve been reviewing the financial projections for a project that Lukas acquired last week for the past few days, making notes in the margins so I will be ready for our meeting during our working-lunch today. I have another meeting with one of the junior accountants in a few minutes, so I take a moment to relish in the silence of my Friday morning, the calm before the storm.

  I reach for my cell phone as someone knocks on my window outside my door. And now, officially my morning starts.


  My eyes have gone crossed and everyone sounds like the adults in Charlie Brown. It isn’t until it’s quiet and I feel everyone’s gazes on me that I come back to reality.

  “Already planning your weekend?” Max, one of the partners grins.

  “Sorry, I’ve had a busy morning, still processing the payroll meeting before this. What did you say?” I ask the table avoiding Lukas’s eyes

  “Luk told us that he forwarded you the new project projections and I was hoping that you could give us a run-down of your thoughts and how this will look for us?” Max asks.

  “Yeah, sure no problem. If you could please turn to page 25, section one, part b.” I held for everyone to get to the spot where I started with my notes.

  The next thirty minutes went by quickly as I discussed how the project would be beneficial to our outcomes. We had finished up as Talia rushed into the conference room out of breath.

  “Oh good, you’re finished. Melissa, you have a… guest.” She waggles her eyebrows.

  I look at my watch and stand while gathering my paperwork and notebook and follow the group out.

  Lukas is in front of me and I don’t make it a secret that I am oogling his butt. His worn jeans fit his ass perfectly I notice as I lick my lips. My gaze has me distracted as I slam into Lukas’s solid back since he abruptly stops. I peek over his shoulder and I see my brother, waiting against the high reception desk. He’s got everyone in the offices attention, even if he doesn’t know it.

  I round Lukas and run into my brother arms. He’s got a good two feet of height on me and he’s solid muscle. By the reaction of a few of my staff and Talia, I would say that my brother is attractive. He squeezes me to the point where I have to tap out and then he pulls back and keeps me at arm’s length.

  My brother had strawberry blonde hair, deep brown eyes and a golden complexion from hours of practice for the Texas A&M baseball team

  “I didn’t know you would be here so early?” I gush.

  “Didn’t you get my text this morning? I had texted as soon as I crossed the California border.” He smiles, his accent is thicker than mine.

  Lukas is still standing beside us, as he clears his throat, waiting for an introduction. I look around and Lukas is the only male around. Dane and Max had met my brother a few years ago, they didn’t need the introduction.

  “Oh sorry! Lukas I would like you to meet Jamie, Jamie please meet Lukas.” I motion between the two.

  Lukas eagerly took hold of Jamie’s extended hand, it looked like a pretty tight grasp.

  “Nice to meet you buddy. Mel has mentioned you a time or two, I reckon. Right sis?” Jamie hip checks me and winks.

  “This is your brother?” Lukas asks me.

  “Yup, my not so little brother.” I confirm. I can see Lukas looking relieved, which I found odd.

  “You didn’t mention your brother coming into town this weekend.”

  “I forget who I’ve told and who I haven’t.” I shrug. “He’ll be here all week.”

  “If you want to go out for drinks or whatever while you’re in town, let me know. Melissa has my info.” He offers as he walks to the elevators.

  My brother looks at me and laughs.

  “He wants to get the dirt on ya.” He says.

  I hit him and then pull him toward my office. He sits down at the chair in front of my desk and puts his feet up.

  “I’m sorry, I have been a busy beaver this morning. Meeting after meeting and I thought that you’d be coming in later. Every time I went to check my phone, something else happened.” I explain.

  “Do you have more stuff for today, or can you take off?” He asks.

  “Let me just reply to an email and then we can scoot.” I offer.

  “Sure, where’s the bathroom?” He asks.

  I direct him to the first floor bathroom and finish what was on my desktop, fire off a few emails and set my away message since I have Monday off. When Jamie reappears, I am pulling my arm through the strap of my purse.

  “Ready?” I ask him.

  “As ready as can be.”


  It’s rare that I go to a nightclub, and it’s even rarer when I drink. Since Jamie is in town, I made sure to pack the first night with plans and then space out the rest. I figured, being the attractive baseball player that he is, he could find himself a cleat chaser to keep him company. However, he’s being attentive to me right now, which isn’t working in my favor as any of the guys in this club probably think we’re together.

  “So, that Lukas guy, why didn’t you tell me that he liked you?” Jamie takes a sip of his beer.

  “Excuse me? Lukas doesn’t like me, we’re friends.” I retort.

  “Not from where I was standing earlier today. He was practically vibrating when I first saw you. Until he figured out that we were sister and brother, he was jealous as hell!” He laughs.

  “Was not!” I highly doubt that was the case and my brother is just making fun of my crush. My brother knows almost everything about me, we have no secrets and I like having the closeness with him.

  “No joke Mel. He wanted to punch me something fierce. I saw the Tarzan feral look, he wants you.”

  “Whatever.” I take a gulp of my blue drink. “What is this anyways.” I ask pointing to my glass.

  “It’s an AMF, adios mother fucker. Strong as fuck, delicious as hell.” He explains.

  My girlfriends have finally arrived and soon we’re all out on the dance floor. The AMF has kicked in and I’m having a great drunken time. Jamie has stayed close by, with a watchful eye on me which I’m grateful for. Suddenly, I feel arms wrap around my middle and my body goes still.

  “It’s just me.” A rough whisper brushes across my cheek.

  I turn my head and Lukas is slowly moving behind me, with a smirk. He’s completely in my space and his front is pressed against my back.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask.

  “Your brother invited me. I had no plans, so why not. C’mon dance.” He urges, the grip he has on my waist tightening pulling me
into him.

  I turn my head and look to Jamie, who has one of my girlfriends practically dry-humping his thigh. We lock eyes and he sees Lukas behind me and smiles. I give him the stink eye and he rolls his. A moment later, he raises his beer bottle in the direction of Lukas as a salute.

  Lukas and I dance seductively on the dance floor for the remainder of the song. My body is completely aware of the hardness behind me. The song mixed in with another perfectly and I slow to leave the dance floor. Lukas doesn’t let me go though, instead I’m now flush with our fronts touching. I look up as he’s looking down. He licks his lips and he leans down to my ear.

  “You alright?” He asks.

  “I just need a break. Thirsty.” I explain my grasp on his forearms. We’re still moving, and his thigh has moved between my legs. His center is nestled against my hip and while I don’t want to leave this space, I really am thirsty.

  He releases me and grabs my hand and leads me out of the crowd. Still holding my hand, he finds the table we were sitting at as Jamie places a new beer on top. I look at the table and don’t see my drink.

  “J – where’s my drink?” I yell over the pulsing music.

  “I think you finished it before we started dancing. Want me to get you another?” He offers.

  “I’ll get her one. What are you having?” Lukas asks.

  “An AMF, and water too would be awesome. Thank you.” I smile.

  Lukas leaves and heads to the bar, as I face my brother, propping my hands on my waist.

  “What?” He asks innocently.

  “You know what. He’s my boss Jamie!” I whine.

  “Yes and no. He’s your boss, but you’re all high up there too at work. I’m sure it’s not a conflict of interest.” Jamie shrugs.

  “That’s beside the point. I don’t want to look improper at work.”

  “You won’t. If he doesn’t see anything wrong with it, why should you? Listen, I’m just wanting you to have some fun. Screw work politics, you said yourself there was nothing in the employee handbook which mentioned fraternization, so go for it. You haven’t dated anyone since that douchewad back home. I want to see you have a good time.” He says in my ear as Lukas returns to the table.


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