Moon Shy

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Moon Shy Page 4

by Victoria Blisse

  She flushed and smiled prettily, and Lowell’s heart swelled. It was good to hear she enjoyed their lunches as much as he did.

  “And I need to pay my rent, you know, and those awful bill things that keep coming through my letterbox.”

  “I know.” Lowell nodded. “Show me the money, I say.” He liked to slip in a film quote here and there when they sprang to mind. It made him feel clever.

  “That’s from that Tom Cruise film, right? It’s got the blonde girl in it, too.”

  “Jerry Maguire,” he said. “It’s a classic.”

  “I’ve never seen it, you know.”

  “Really? How can that be?”

  “I don’t know. I just seem to miss loads of the big films, somehow. There must be dozens I know famous lines from but have never actually seen, like The Italian Job and ‘blowing the bloody doors off’ or The Godfather. I only know lines from that ‘cos I’ve watched You’ve Got Mail.”

  “We need to remedy that,” Lowell said. “I’ve got all those on DVD.”

  “What? Including You’ve Got Mail?” She grinned.

  “Well, that I’m not going to say. But if you want, you can come over to my house and we could watch one.”

  “Oh, that’d be nice. I’ve got nothing on tonight.”

  Lowell tried not to think about Jenny naked, but it was too late. He had, and he was hard.

  “No, neither have I.” The image in his mind’s eye suddenly got much ruder. “Want to come home with me when you finish? We’ll pick up something to eat on the way.”

  “Sure, that’d be cool. It’ll make up for me missing lunch with you yesterday, too.”

  “All right, then. I’ll meet you outside the main doors. What time do you finish?”

  “Seven,” she replied.

  That was an hour later than Lowell, but doing some overtime wouldn’t do him any harm, he decided.

  “All right. See you then.”

  It wasn’t until Lowell was back down with the servers that he really thought about what had just happened. Somehow, he’d managed to invite a girl back to his house. On top of the shock of her actually agreeing to go was the sheer surprise he’d asked her in the first place. He did not let people into his house. He was always worried about them discovering the basement and the nastiness it held.

  But he had invited Jenny over without a second thought, and the weird thing was that he didn’t feel awfully worried about it even as he sat as his desk. Sure, he knew it was risky, but he managed to convince himself it’d be okay. He kept the door under the stairs locked. They’d be in the living room, watching films, and Jenny wouldn’t be too nosey. He was sure he could explain why it was locked if he needed to.

  He was excited, really excited. He had been really upset when she’d missed their lunch date, and now he was relieved she’d not gone off him. He’d gotten used to having her around. It should worry him, especially with just a matter of days until his next ‘monthly problem’, but it didn’t. He just pushed all the fears and worries down with excuses, the image of her smile and the caress of her ever-so-soft lips against his.

  Yeah, he was thinking with his cock. He knew it, but his mind was quite happy to take a backseat to the whole affair. He’d act now, worry later. It wasn’t much of a plan, but it worked for Lowell.

  “So I thought we’d get pizza. I was going to suggest Chinese, but then I thought how messy that might turn out to be.”

  “What are you saying?” Jenny laughed as she perused the green and red menu before her.

  “I’m saying you have a habit of throwing food all over me.”

  “Well, all right, I can’t exactly deny that one, can I? I’ll have a ham and pineapple, please.”

  “Fruit? On a Pizza?” Lowell shook his head,

  “Oh hush, you, and order my pizza. I am starving.”

  “Yes, boss.” Lowell chuckled and ordered two pizzas and a bottle of pop. It was nice to have someone with him, someone to mess about with, to verbally spar with. In the old days, he’d rarely been alone, and he had forgotten just how good it was to simply hold a conversation with a person other than himself or the odd shop worker or old dear on the bus.

  “So, what are we going to watch?” she asked as they walked up the street, a pizza box each in hand.

  “Well, I don’t know. It’s up to you. Do you want to watch Jerry Maguire?”

  “Yeah, I kinda like Tom Cruise.”

  “There will be strictly no drooling on my sofa, though, missy. And if you mention anything about him being hot, cute or dreamy, you’ll be out on your arse.”

  Jenny laughed, it was such a pretty sound. Then she shook her head.

  “There’s no need to be jealous, honey. Tom Cruise isn’t tall enough for me. I like my men big.”

  “I don’t think I want to know!” Lowell replied and directed her up the path to his house. As he fiddled with his keys and unlocked the door, she ran her free hand down his back, making him shiver with pleasure.

  “I’m sure you’ve no need to worry about that, either.”

  She whispered it, so she probably didn’t expect Lowell to hear, but hear it he did, and right then he started to feel nervous about the evening. He wasn’t sure he was ready for anything more than a kiss. He wasn’t sure he ever would be. He didn’t want to run the risk of hurting her, however small that risk might seem to be.

  “Okay, I think the house was in a decent state when I left this morning.” Lowell smiled and led Jenny into his front room. He took her coat then went off to get glasses for the drink. When he came back, she was sitting on the end of the sofa, eating her first slice of pizza.

  “I got started. I hope you don’t mind, I couldn’t resist.”

  “Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll just slide in the DVD, and I’ll join you.” He was still feeling nervous as he flicked on the film and sat down at the other end of the sofa. He opened his box and started to eat. If someone had asked him how his pizza tasted, he would not have been able to tell them. He was eating mechanically whilst thinking hard about the situation.

  Now she was here, the worries he’d put aside were coming to the fore. She was in his house, now. Would she feel free to call at any time? What if she called when he was rampaging in the cellar? Would she ask awkward questions about the door? Now he was wondering whether he’d done the right thing at all.

  “Oh! Oh, I’m sorry,” Jenny gasped.

  Lowell clicked out of his own little world to see that Jenny’s glass was on its side on the coffee table.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, leaping up. “I’ll see to it.” He rushed to the kitchen and grabbed the paper towels.

  “I’m so sorry, Lowell. I’m such a klutz.” Jenny sighed and grabbed a handful of thick tissue.

  “It’s okay, accidents happen.” Lowell picked up her glass and started to clean up the spilt, fizzy orange. His hand bumped into hers as they wiped.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered again as their gazes locked.

  “Don’t be,” he replied, leaving the damp towel and placing his somewhat sticky hand over hers. “It really doesn’t matter.”

  Nothing mattered, then, nothing but her soft, warm hand under his and her lips. Everything else was forgotten. The film played to itself, the partially cleared spillage was left to penetrate the white paper towels as Jenny and Lowell kissed.

  At work, the kisses were short and snatched, lip against lip, but the rest of their bodies had tended to stay parted. Not so, here. They were pressed hard against each other. Lowell could feel the warm smoothness of her breasts pushing into his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her to steady himself as the kiss ripped through his body.

  Her hands were on his back. He could feel their heat radiating into his flesh through the thin material of his shirt. As their mouths duelled and danced, Jenny gave under the weight. Lowell was above her on the sofa, his body pushed down onto her. Her legs had split around him as he and Jenny arranged themselves comfortably, and he was pressing into her. He
could feel his hardness against her soft stomach.

  “What are we doing?” he asked between kisses.

  “I think we’re making out,” she replied. “I want you, Lowell.”

  It was the most arousing thing she could have said. Lowell smiled and dragged his lips down her cheek and chin to press delicately against her neck. She mewled. It was the hottest sound he had ever heard, so he kissed again in the same spot and was rewarded with a gasp and a groan and a tightening of her hands on his back.

  He kissed down from her neck and over the skin of her chest. He scattered kisses all over the V opening of the front of her blouse, then, with shaking fingers, he undid first one button then another.

  His lips followed seconds later and kissed the warm, scented curve that presented itself. He could see and feel her chest undulating from his attention, and he became immersed in her scent and hypnotised by the beating of her heart.

  He was aroused to a level he’d never felt before, and he didn’t know if it had anything to do with his new, wolfish senses or not. He had not even kissed a girl before Jenny since he had changed, but he knew he’d never reacted this strongly to any woman ever before.

  He finished off the buttons of her blouse with fumbling fingers as he moved kisses up and down her neck and cleavage. When his hands were freed, they moved down to her waist and skimmed over her hips, feeling her sensible, knee-length work skirt rumpled up high.

  Her skin was so soft and warm, he just wanted to seek out more of it, and his touch ran across her thighs, squeezing and stroking and enjoying the heat of her body against his.

  She had gotten her hands between them, and as he teased her with his hot, shaking fingers, she was undoing the buttons on his shirt. Their naked chests pressed together, and their lips met once again as Lowell traced a path from outer to inner thigh with his fingertips.

  His heart beat harder, and he felt as if it might just burst from his chest as he traced the skin of her inner thigh and skimmed across to the thin, damp material of her knickers. He caught his breath, eyes locked with Jenny’s, as he lifted the corner of the material with a fingertip. He watched her face as he eased across the soft down of her hair, and he thrilled in her gasp as he discovered her pussy lip and carried on, the knicker material stretching around his wrist until he could feel the damp slit he was searching for.

  He ran his finger up and down, his lips against hers, his eyes closing under the pressure of erotic pleasure. He found the bump of her clit and stroked it, feeling her writhe against him and pushing her pelvis up to feel more of his touch. He flicked lower, seeking the hot, moist centre of her sex and dipping inside with one and then a second finger. As their tongues danced, he fucked her. In and out he pushed and pulled his hand, making her squirm and making him all the more eager to fill her with his cock and not just his fingers.

  She writhed and moaned as he found her clit with his thumb, his fingers still buried inside her. She began to rock in time with his rhythm, and she chanted, “Yes, Yes, Yes,” over and over, her voice getting higher and more insistent until she shook and screamed out her orgasm.

  “Wow,” she gasped as he pulled his fingers from inside her, leaving her empty and aching, “that was amazing.”

  She smiled at him, and he kissed her savagely.

  Chapter Four

  “Damn,” Lowell cursed as he tore his lips from hers.

  Jenny’s brow crinkled. She had been floating on the emotions and experiences of a dream come true. She was pressing her body into the hardness of her life’s longest crush, and he had stimulated her to orgasm with his fingers.

  “What’s up?”

  “I am really, really, really enjoying this, but I’ve got no…you know, protection.”

  “Oh, that’s not a problem.” Jenny smiled and pushed Lowell up and away from her. She felt cold, and every inch of her still tingled with arousal. She rolled off the sofa and crawled—her legs didn’t seem to be solid enough to hold her—over to the hall where she reached for her handbag.

  “I’ve got one.” She grabbed a condom from it and crawled back around.

  Lowell had shifted on the sofa. He was sitting down again, his shirt ripped open at the front, and his chest beneath undulating wildly. She winked as she sat back on her heels in front of him and pushed his knees apart.

  His blue eyes sparkled as a long, lazy smile stretched across his face. She reached forward and popped open the button on his trousers and very gently rolled down the zip. She could feel him, a thin layer of material could not hold back the heat of his erection. She wanted to feel it naked in her hands, so she grabbed the top of his trousers and undies and pulled down. He lifted his bum off the sofa as she tugged, and she groaned as his cock was revealed. It was more than she’d ever imagined. Thick and engorged, its hot, red skin begged to be stroked.

  Jenny pulled his trousers down to his ankles, but she lacked the patience to take off his shoes and remove his socks. So she just clambered over the slack material to rest her shaking hands on his cock. He groaned as she traced a fingertip up and down his length, then he gasped as she gripped him.

  She couldn’t believe she was here. She was aroused beyond belief and happier than she’d ever been before. She was having sex with Lowell. Jenny wanked him for a moment and watched the way his cock moved in and out of her fingers. She drank in the motion and the visual as she imagined that cock inside her.

  She licked her lips and realised she needed to taste him. She felt his hand cradling the back of her head as she leant forward and wrapped her lips around the tip of his dick. He tasted so good, sweet and salty, and the feel of him in her mouth was electric. She undulated and ran a hand down her body, under the waistband of her skirt and into her knickers. Her clit was painfully aroused, and as she sucked, she had to rub herself to relieve that discomfort. She knew they both could’ve come like that in a matter of moments, but, as hard as it was, she pulled herself away from his cock.

  He whimpered like a disappointed animal as he popped from between her lips, but she grabbed the condom packet and placed it in his hands.

  “You sort that out, and I’ll get out of my knickers,” she said. “I need to fuck you.”

  She heard the rattle of foil as she pushed down on his knees to stand up. She stepped back and bumped into the coffee table, sending both drinks over with a tinkle. Jenny didn’t care. She was too busy pulling down her knickers. She left her skirt on—she was more than a little sensitive about her stomach, and the longer it could stay hidden the better, in her mind.

  Lowell soon had the condom fitted on his cock. Jenny pushed at the side of his leg, and he took the hint. He lifted up and shifted around until he was lying full length on the sofa, his trousers still crumpled around his ankles. Jenny wasted no time in moving over and straddling him.

  “I’ve wanted this for so long,” she groaned, and she gripped him and pressed his cock against her entrance. As she pushed down, they both moaned, the sounds melding together as one.

  “Fuck,” Lowell groaned, “that feels so good.”

  She could see his enjoyment painted on his face. His eyes were closed and his mouth open and his cheeks flushed with lust. She took a moment to get into a rhythm. She found herself so overwhelmed that at first it was hard to concentrate. She was fucking Lowell Kenyon, and it was a hundred times better than she’d ever imagined.

  He gripped her hips as she moved, his fingers digging into her flesh possessively. She rested her hands on his chest and moved with more force. She was moaning and gasping with every movement, and her cunt spasmed around him. She loved how well he filled her, how good he felt inside her.

  “Fuck, Jenny, I’m going to come,” he growled.

  “Yes,” she cried. “Come for me, Lowell.”

  A few seconds later, he did, with a roar that petered out into a wolf-like howl. His nails dug into her flesh, and he held her immobilised, speared on his cock like sexual prey as she screamed out her own release.

  He let h
er go, and she slipped down onto the sofa. He moved over and onto his side, and they lay face to face, their arms draped over each other’s bodies.

  “You’re better than I ever imagined,” she whispered.

  “You’ve imagined us fucking before?” he asked, genuinely surprised.

  “Sure, lots in the past few weeks. But I fancied you something rotten when we were at school, too. I had a massive crush on you.”

  “Really? I wish I’d have known, back then.”

  “You didn’t even realise I existed.”

  “No, I was a bit of a prat in my school days,” he admitted.

  “What happened to all your friends?” Jenny asked. “You never went anywhere without them, back then.”

  “Oh, I just changed a lot, and we lost contact. I’ve found out I’m rather fond of my own company.”

  They lay together on the sofa for quite some time, just talking, before they dressed, cleared up the mess, and Lowell rang a taxi to take Jenny home. They kissed goodnight on the doorstep.

  “See you on Monday,” Lowell called as she ran down the path to the taxi that waited for her in the freezing rain.

  “See you,” she called and smiled over to him as she got in.

  She couldn’t stop smiling for the whole weekend, and she wished for Monday morning to arrive quickly.

  * * * *

  She could smell that damn woman everywhere, and Dessie was not happy. It was only a couple of days until the full moon, and she was antsy. She couldn’t wait for it to rise, to change her and enable her to rip the annoying red head from the rest of the simpering girl’s body.

  She walked into Lowell’s office unannounced.

  “Your performance review is scheduled for Thursday at 5:00. Don’t be late,” she said, turned on her heel and left. She heard his faint protest behind her but paid no attention. It was going dark now by around 6:00, and she knew he had requested to go home early that night. She wanted him there at work so they could change together and feed together and fuck like animals like they should.


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